
  • 7. Literatuur van en over asielzoekers, vluchtelingen, migranten & over de multiculturele samenleving 2018



    1. PROZA







    2. POEZIE

    Nederlandse poezie

    Poezie in vertaling & meertalige bundels

    Anderstalige poezië






















    A.Taal, communicatie & meertaligheid





    A. Nederland




    A. Nederland

    B. Belgie

    C. Internationaal
















    1. PROZA   




    Abdolah, Kader, Het pad van de gele slippers

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus. Oktober 2018. 352 blz.



    Anuar, Het zal je broertje maar zijn 

    Alkmaar: Pepper Books. November 2018. 240 blz.


    Birney, Alfred, Radio Monte Carlo 

    Amsterdam: De Geus. April 2018. 75 blz.

    [Uitgave ter gelegenheid van 2e Nederlandse Independent Bookstore Day]


    Blom, Marinus, De staarteter

    Den Haag: De Heyblom. Maart 2018. 190 blz.


    Bouzamour, Mano, Bestsellerboy

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus. 2018. 204 blz.


    Bouzamour, Sol, Narcissus

    Amsterdam: Hollands Diep. September 2018. 272 blz.


    Brugmans, Guy, De keuze

    Hasselt: Uitgeverij Lezensweg. 2018. 414 blz.



    Bulnes, Miquel, Reconquista

    Amsterdam: Prometheus. 2018. 704 blz.



    Cairo, U.J.H., Anechka

    Het pad van de Armeense diaspora.

    Soest: Boekscout. 2018. 93 blz.


    Chojnacka, Anna, De poolster

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff. 2018. 302 blz.


    Claes, Jo, Het Kaïnsteken

    Antwerpen: Houtekiet. 2018. 285 blz.


    Desmet, Philippe, Geen Mekka aan de Stroom

    Soest: Boekscout. September 2018. 318 blz.



    Frank, R.S., Roos

    Het leven van een jonge bekeerlinge.

    Soest: Boekscout. Oktober 2018. 294 blz.

    [Nederland / Marokko]


    Fretz, Johan, Onder de paramariboom

    Amsterdam: Lebowski. Januari 2018. 272 blz.

    [Nederland / Suriname]  


    Göçmen, Kerim, Kroniek van mijn schoolvakanties

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Oorschot. 2018. 109 blz.



    Grunberg, Arnon, Goede mannen

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar. September 2018. 512 blz.


    Jongeneel, Christan, Magda is overal

    Rotterdam: Uitgeverij Douane. November 2018. 300 blz.



    Kat, Otto de, Freetown

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Oorschot. Februari 2018. 165 blz.

    [Vluchteling uit Sierra Leone]


    Klaessens, Nick, Alles rustig?

    Een voetbalroman.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers. 2018. 240 blz.


    Lambaret, Rachida, Vertel het iemand

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Polis. 254 blz.


    Leeuwen, Joke van, Hier

    Amsterdam: Querido. 2018. 231 blz.


    Leroy, Violet, Mijn Italiaanse moeder

    Amsterdam: De Kring. November 2018. 288 blz.  


    Melief, Monique, In het oog van de storm

    Marie Curie ontdekt.

    Zelhem: Het Boekenschap. 2018. 223 blz.


    Munckhof, Hay van den, Alya

    Utrecht: Mozaiek. (VBK Media) April 2018. 240 blz.

    [Historische roman]


    Mellink, Bastiaan, De grens voorbij

    Groningen: Palmslag. 2018. 148 blz.


    Middendorp, Peter, Jij bent van mij

    Amsterdam: Prometheus. April 2018. 304 blz.


    Mulder, Jan, Liefde en aardbevingen

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2018. 221 blz.


    Nielsen, Harman, Mal

    Haarlem: In de Knipscheer. Maart 2018. 151 blz.


    Peeters, Elvis, Brood

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Podium. Januari 2018. 160 blz.


    Pfeijffer, Ilja Leonard, Grand Hotel Europa

    Amsterdam / Antwerpen: De Arbeiderspers. December 2018. 547 blz.


    Polak, Nina, Gebrek is een groot woord

    Amsterdam: Prometheus. Januari 2018. 240 blz.


    Rombouts, Stijn, Het beloofde land

    Soest: Boekscout. 2018. 170 blz.



    Reubsaet, Dáyon, Het kind van de Republiek

    Verborgen familierelaas van krachtige vrouwen gevangen in onuitgesproken waarheden.

    Soest: Boekscout. December 2018. 278 blz.

    [Engeland / Turkije]


    Romeijn, Aafke, Concept M

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. 2018. 254 blz.

    [Politieke siencefiction over kleurloosheid]


    Schippers, K., Straks komt het

    Amsterdam: Querido. Augustus 2018. 252 blz.

    [Over Kurt Schwitters]


    Servaas, Carine, De vluchteling uit Mechelen


    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt. 2018. 182 blz.


    Tedja, Michael, Briljante man

    Utrecht: Uitgeverij IJzer. Juni 2018. 317 blz.


    Ter Maten, Joan, Pascal Pastei

    Amsterdam: De wilde Tomaat. Februari 2018. 144 blz.

    [Roman in verzen]

    [Iran / Nederland]


    Theunissen, Jeroen, Jouw huid

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2018. 240 blz.

    [Illegaal / Ghana / België]


    Tjin, Diana, Een Bijlmerliedje

    Haarlem: In de Knipscheer. 2018.184 blz.

    [Suriname / Nederland]


    Tomasowa, Jan, Het lied van Ezra Makakea Poeta

    Sporen van verraad en bedrog.

    Soesterberg: Aspekt. Mei 2018. 368 blz.

    [Molukken / Nederland]


    Vanderstraeten, Margot, Het zusje van de buurvrouw


    Antwerpen: Angèle. 2018. 146 blz.

    [Marokko / België]


    Van de Velde, Robbe, Communicerende vaten

    Dendermonde: Uitgeverij Het Punt, 2018. 254 blz.



    Winter, Leon de, De dood van Europa

    Amsterdam: Hollands Diep. 2018. 352 blz.

    [Russische in Rotterdam]


    Yarian, Peyman, Jacob op de Dam Roonak Publication. 2018. 46 blz.




    Alderman, Naomi, Ongehoorzaam                                                                                           

    Oorspr. titel: Disobedience. (2006)

    Vert. Auke Leistra.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Oktober 2018. 320 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten / Engeland]


    Al Samawi, Mohammed, De vossenjacht

    Oorspr. titel: The fox hunt. New York: HarperCollins Publishers LLC. 2018.

    Vert. Rob van Moppes; bewerking Véronique Cornelissen / Peter Verwey.

    Amsterdam: HarperCollins. Augustus 2018. 367 blz.



    Anyuru, Johannes, Ze zullen verdrinken in hun moeders tranen

    Vert. Maydo van Marwijk.

    Amsterdam: De Geus. Maart 2018. 287 blz.



    Aramburu, Fernando, Vaderland

    Oorspr. titel: Patria.

    Vert. Hendrik Hutter.

    Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek. Maart 2018. 576 blz.



    Baum, Vicki, Grand Hotel

    Vert. uit Duits: Josephine Rijnaarts.

    Amsterdam: Querido. 2018. 312 blz.

    [Oorspr. uitgave 1943]



    Boschwitz, Ulrich Alexander, De reiziger

    Met een nawoord van Peter Graf.

    Oorspr. titel: Der Reisende. (1938/2018)

    Vert. uit Duits: Izaak Hilhorst & Irene Dirkes.

    Amsterdam: Lebowski Publishers. 2018. 224 blz.



    Claudel, Philippe, Archipel van de hond

    Vert. uit Frans: Manik Sarkar.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. September 2018. 288 blz.

    [Middellandse Zee]


    Correa, Armando Lucas, Het Duitse meisje

    Vert. Danielle Stensen &  Maya Denneman.

    Amsterdam: Boekerij. 2018. 368 blz.

    [Joodse vrouw in Duitsland / Cuba / Verenigde Staten]


    Daoud, Kamel, Zabor

    Oorspr. titel: Zabor ou Les psaumes.

    Vert. ManikSarkar.

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos. 2018. 287 blz.



    Eggers, Dave, De monnik van Mokka

    Vert. uit Engels: Koos Mebius.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Lebowski. Januari 2018. 336 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten / Jemen]                  


    Elon, Emuna, Sonja's zoon

    Vert. Hilde Pach.                                           
    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 2018. 342 blz.

    [Joodse zoon & moeder in Nederland / Palestina]


    Forgách, András, De akte van mijn moeder

    Vert. Hermán Mostert.

    Amsterdam: Cossee. 2018. 320 blz.

    [Joods Hongarije]


    Forna, Aminatta, De paradox van geluk

    Oorspr. titel: Happiness. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 2018. 312 p.

    Vert. Mariella Duindam & Aleid van Eekelen-Benders.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. 2018. 416 blz.



    Frenkel, Françoise, Niets om het hoofd op neer te leggen

    De vlucht van een joodse boekverkoopster.

    Met een voorwoord van Patrick Modiano.

    Oorspr. titel: Rien où poser sa tête.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. April 2018. 240 blz.

    [Polen / Duitsland / Frankrijk]


    Grjasnowa, Olga, God is niet verlegen

    Oorspr.titel: Gott ist nicht schüchtern. (2017)

    Vert. Joëlle Feijen.                                                              

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. Mei 2018. 320 blz.

    [Frankrijk / Syrië]


    Gundar-Goshen, Ayelet, Leeuwen wekken

    Oorspr. titel: Lehaïr Arajot. Kinneret, 2014.

    Vert. uit het Hebreeuws: Sylvie Hoyinck.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Juni 2018. 424 blz.

    [Eritrea / Israel]   


    Halliday, Lisa, Asymmetrie

    Oorspr. titel: Asymmetry. Simon & Schuster. 2018. 288 p.

    Vert. uit Engels: Lisette Graswinckel.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. September 2018. 332 blz.                                                                                               


    Henderson, Bruce, De Ritchieboys

    Vert. Irving Pardoen.

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum, Polak & Van Gennep. Januari 2018. 424 blz.

    [Joods Duitsland / Verenigde Staten]


    Hoffman, Alice, De verbintenis van tegenpolen

    Vert. Saskia Peterzon-Kotte.

    Amsterdam: Orlando. 2018. 352 blz.

    [Saint Thomas / Frankrijk]


    Hostovský, Egon, Vreemdeling zoekt kamer

    Oorspr. titel: Cizinec hledá byt. Praag: Melantrich.1947.

    Vert. uit het Tsjechisch: Edgar de Bruin.

    Amsterdam: Zirimiri Press. 2018. 237 blz.

    [Tsjechische immigrant in de Verenigde Staten]


    Kelley, William M., Uit de maat

    Vert. Arthur Wevers.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 2018. 270 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten]


    Kim, Anna, De grote thuiskomst

    Vert. Goverdien Hauth-Grubben.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. Mei 2018. 528 blz.

    [Korea / Japan]                                                                                                                                                   


    Krasikov, Sana, De terugkeer van Florence

    Oorspr. titel: The Patriots.

    Vert. Marianne Gossije.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Geus. Januari 2018. 576 blz.


    Lee, Min Jin, Pachinko

    Vert. Ineke Lenting & Paul van der Lecq.

    Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Maart 2018. 512 blz.

    [Korea / Japan]


    Lispector, Clarice, De passie volgens G.H.

    Vert. uit Portugees: Harrie Lemmens.

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. 2018. 256 blz.


    Lux, Lana, Kukolka

    Vert. Marcel Misset.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. Mei 2018. 301 blz.

    [Oekraïne / Duitsland]


    Mandela, Dumani, Op de vlucht voor apartheid

    Oorspr. titel: Nkwenkwe: on the run for apartheid.

    Schoorl: Uitgeverij Conserve. 2018. 174 blz.


    Mann, Klaus, De vulkaan

    Roman onder emigranten.

    Oorspr. titel: Der Vulkan. (1939)

    Vert. Ria van Hengel.

    Amsterdam/ Antwerpen: Querido. September 2018. 544 blz.


    Massini, Stefano, Er is iets met de Lehmans

    Oorspr. titel: Qualcosa sui Lehman. Milano: Mondadori, 2016.

    Vert. uit Italiaans: Els van der Pluijm,

    Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek. 2018. 799 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten / Duitse immigranten]


    Melandri, Francesca, De lange weg naar Rome

    Oorspr. titel: Sangue giusto.

    Vert. Etta Maris.

    Amsterdam: Cossee. 2018. 527 blz.

    [Ethiopië / Italië]


    Ng, Celeste, Kleine brandjes overal

    Oorspr. titel: Little Fires Everywhere.

    Vert. Saskia Peterson-Kotte & Anna Livestro.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. 2018. 342 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten]


    Nguyen, Viet Thanh, De vluchtelingen

    Oorspr. titel: The Refugees.

    Vert. Paul Bruijn

    Baarn: Uitgeverij Marmer. Maart 2018. 240 blz.


    Pick, Alison, Vreemdelingen met dezelfde droom

    Oorspr. titel: Strangers with the same dream. Alfred A. Knopf. 2017.

    Vert. Miebeth van Horn.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Orlando. Maart 2018. 381 blz.

    [Rusland / Israel]


    Rayyan, Wajih, Leila

    Leuven: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij. 2018.125 blz.

    [Afrika / Saoedi-Arabië]


    Remarque, Erich Maria, Arc de Triomphe

    Oorspr. titel: Arc de Triomphe. (1945)

    Vert. uit Duits: C.J.Kelk.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Cossee. 2018. 455 blz.

    [Herziene vertaling]



    Rosales, Guillermo, Het huis van de drenkelingen

    Vert. uit Spaans: Arie van der Wal.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 2018. 160 blz.

    [Cuba / Verenigde Staten]


    Schrobsdorff, Angelika, Jij bent niet zoals andere moeders 

    Oorspr. titel: Du bist nicht so wie andre Mütter.

    Vert. uit Duits: Irene Dirkes.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. 2018. 464 blz.

    [Duitsland / Bulgarije]


    Sebastian, Mihail, Sinds tweeduizend jaar

    Vert. Jan Willem Bos.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2018. 256 blz.

    [Joods Roemenië]


    Shamsie, Kamila, Huis in brand

    Oorspr. titel: Home Fire. (2017)

    Vert. Anne Jongeling.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. Mei 2018. 288 blz.

    [Pakistan / Engeland / Verenigde Staten]


    Sindelka, Marek, Materiaalmoeheid

    Vert. uit Tsjechisch: Edgar de Bruin.

    Amsterdam: Das Mag. 2018. 278 blz.  


    Slimani, Leïla, In de tuin van het beest

    Vert. uit Frans: Gertrud Maes.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. 2018. 174 blz.


    Sönmez, Burhan, Istanbul Istanbul

    Oorspr. titel: Istanbul Istanbul.

    Vert. door René van Veen.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Orlando. Oktober 2018. 272 blz.



    Thelen, Albert Vigoleis, De zwarte heer Bazetub

    Vert. uit Duits: Wil Boesten.

    Amsterdam: Cossee. Oktober 2018. 672 blz.


    Towel, Chris, Yurish de Vluchteling

    Den Haag: U2pi BV. Januari 2018. 259 blz.


    Wannous, Dima, De opgejaagden

    Oorspr. titel: al-Khaʾifoen. 2017.

    Vert. uit Arabisch: Djûke Poppinga.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. April 2018. 224 blz.



    Winiewicz, Lida, De verloren zoon

    Vert. Elly Schippers.

    Amsterdam: Querido. 2018. 192 blz.

    [Joods / Oostenrijk / Frankrijk]


    Zamir, Ali, Aal onder water

    Oorspr. titel: Anguille sous roche.

    Vert. Floor Borsboom.

    Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek. 2018. 269 blz.


    Zeh, Juli, Lege harten

    Oorspr. titel: Leere Herzen. (2017)

    Vert. Annemarie Vlaming.

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos. September 2018. 293 blz.

    [Duitsland, 2025]


    Zeniter, Alice, De kunst van het verliezen

    Oorspr. titel: L’art de perdre. (2017)

    Vert. Marijke Arijs, Floor Borsboom, Martine Woudt.

    Amsterdam / Antwerpen: De Arbeiderspers. Oktober 2018. 479 blz.

    [Algerije / Frankrijk]






    Andradi, Esther, Drei Verräterinnen

    Übersetzt von Christiane Quandt.

    Berlin: KLAK Verlag. Dezember 2018. 220 p.



    Baum, Vicki, Hotel Berlin

    Aus dem Amerikanischen von Grete Dupont.

    Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach Verlag. 2018. 288 p.                                                                                              


    Fohl, Dagmar, Alma

    Messkirch: Gmeiner Verlag. April 2018. 219 p.



    Groß-Striffler, Kathrin, Gott zürnt

    Salzburg: Muery Salzmann. 2018. 208 p.

    [Duitsland / Syrië]


    Gstrein, Norbert, Die kommenden Jahre

    München: Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG. Februar 2018. 288 p.


    Henafe Alali, Nather, Raum ohne Fenster

    Übersetzt von Sánchez Nitzl, Rafael.

    Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer. Oktober 2018. 224 p.



    Husic, Sead, Gegen die Träume

    Kassel: Divan. September 2018. 400 p.

    [Voormalig Joego-Slavie / Duitsland]


    Keshavarz, Nahid, Flüchtlingscafé

    Aus dem Farsi von Monika Matzke.

    Bremen: Sujet Verlag. 2018. 200 p.


    Kurkow, Andrej, Kartografie der Freiheit


    Oorspr. titel: Шенгенская история.

    aus dem Russischen von Claudia Dathe.

    Innsbruck:Haymon Verlag. September 2018. 624 p.

    [Baltische staten / Londen / Parijs]


    Ramadani, Arta, Die Reise zum ersten Kuss

    Eine Kosovarin in Kreuzberg.

    Klagenfurt: Drava Verlag. Februar 2018. 160 p.


    Rietzschel, Lukas, Mit der Faust in die Luft schlagen

    Berlin: Ullstein. 2018. 319 p.



    Salzmann, Sasha Marianna, Außer sich

    Berlin: Suhrkamp. Dezember 2018. 366 p.


    Shahmani, Usama al, In der Fremde sprechen die Bäume arabisch

    Zürich: Limmat Verlag. 2018. 192 p.


    Vermes, Timur, Die Hungrigen und die Satten

    Köln: Eichborn. 2018. 509 p.


    Vertlib, Vladimir, Viktor hilft

    Wien: Deuticke Verlag. Augustus 2018. 288 p.

    [Sovjet-Unie / Oostenrijk]




    Abawi, Atia, A Land of Permanent Goodbyes

    New York: Philomel Books.  January 2018. 288 p.



     Addonia, Sulaiman, Silence is My Mother Tongue

    London: The Indigo Press. October 2018. 288 p.



    Alharthi, Jokha, Celestial Bodies

    Translated by Marilyn Booth.

    Inverness: Sandstone Press. June 2018. 256 p.

    Winner of the Man Booker International Prize 2019.

    Winner of the 2010 Best Omani Novel Award.


    Anwar, Arif, The Storm

    New York: Atria Books. May 2018. 320 p.


    Bala, Sharon, The boat people

    Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. 2018. 401 p.


    Bouziane, Anissa M., Dune Song

    Dingwall: Sandstone Press Ltd.  September 2018. 320 p.

    [Marokko / Verenigde Staten]


    Brown, Roselien, The Lake on Fire

    Louisville, Kentucky: Sarabande Books. October 2018. 320 p.

    [Joodse immigranten in de Verenigde Staten]


    Celt, Adrienne, Invitation to a bonfire

    London: Raven Books. 2018. 246 p.

    (Russische immigrante in de Verenigde Staten)


    Donkor, Michael, Hold

    London: 4th Estate. 2018. XII, 308 p.

    [Ghana / Londen]


    Donkor, Michael, Housegirl

    London: Picador. August 2018. 320 p.

    [Ghana / Londen]


    Fante, John, Wait until spring, Bandini

    Edinburg: Canongate. 2018. XII, 210 p.

    Introduced by Dan Fante.

    Oorspronkelijke uitgave: New York: Stackpole,1938.

    (Italiaanse immigranten in de Verenigde Staten)


    Farah, Nuruddin, North of Dawn

    New York: Riverhead. Penguin Publishing Group. December 2018. 384 p.

    [Somalië / Noorwegen]


    Faulks, Sebastian, Paris echo

    London: Hutchinson. 2018. 298 p.



    Goldsworthy, Vesna, Monsieur Ka

    London: Chatto & Windus. 2018. 274 p.

    [Rusland / Verenigd Koninkrijk]


    Gunaratne, Guy, In our mad and furious city

    London: Tinder Press. 2018. 292 p.



    Hanif, Mohammed, Red Birds

    New York: Bloomsbury Publishing. October 2018. 304 p.


    Hensher, Philip, The friendly ones

    London: 4th Estate. 2018. 579 p.

    [Bangladesh / Verenigd Koninkrijk]


    Iweala, Uzodinma, Speak no evil

    London: John Murray. 2018. 214 p.

    [Nigeria / Verenigde Staten]


    Kei, Iwaki, Farewell, My Orange

    Translation: Meredith McKinney.

    New York: Europa Editions. November 2018. 128 p.

    [Nigeria / Japan / Australië]


    Kumar, Amitava, Immigrant, Montana

    Oorspr. titel: The lovers.

    London: Faber & Faber. July 2018. 304 p.

    [India / Verenigde Staten]


    Liardet, Fraces, We must be brave 

    London: 4th estate. 2018. 419 p.


    Mirza, Fatima Farheen, A Place for Us

    A Novel.

    New York: SJP for Hogarth. June 12, 2018. 385 p.  


    Ryan, Donal, From a low and quiet sea 

    London: Doubleday. 2018. 182 p.



    Wamariya, Clemantine & Elizabeth Weil, The Girl Who Smiled Beads

    A Story of War and What Comes After.

    New York: Crown. April 2018. 288 p.

    [Rwanda / Afrika / Verenigde Staten]




    Albertini , Antoine, Les invisibles

    Une enquête en Corse.

    Paris: JC Lattès, 2018. 198 p.



    Azoulai , Nathalie, Les spectateurs

    Paris: P.O.L. 2018. 305 p.


    Rouart, Jean-Marie, La vérité sur la comtesse Berdaiev

    Paris: Gallimard. 2018. 206 p.

    [Rusland / Frankrijk]


    Shalmani, Abnousse, Les exilés meurent aussi d'amour

    Paris: Bernard Grasset. 2018. 398 p.

    [Iran / Frankrijk]


    Tadjer, Akli, La vérité attendra l'aurore

    Paris: JC Lattès. 2018. 247 p.

    [Algerije / Frankrijk]




    Batta, Kalib, Esra Seval Dede, e.a., NYX

    Berichten uit de nacht.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Chaos. 2018. 101 blz.


    Birney, Alfred, De fenomenale meerval en andere verhalen

    Amsterdam: De Geus. Februari 2018. 288 blz.  


    De Mul, Sarah (Red.), Literatuur in de multiculturele samenleving


    Heerlen: Open Universiteit, Faculteit Cultuur- en rechtswetenschappen, Cultuurwetenschappen. 2018. 2 delen.


    Dickie, Tenzin (Red.), Oude demonen, nieuwe goden

    Tibetaanse verhalen.

    Vert. Anneke Bok. Amsterdam: De Geus. 2018. 304 blz.

    [Verhalen van o.a.Takbum Gyal, Kyabchen Dedrol,Tsering Lama]   


    El Azzouzi, Fikry (Red.), Mogen de wijze jongens winnen, gij weet

    Verhalen van jongeren uit het beroepsonderwijs.

    Met bijdragen van Mohamed El Amri, Randy Balanday, Givano Jerner, Youssef Ahbaddou, Yago De Jaegher, Clinton Tabi, Abdeljalal El Ghazi, Yves van Gasse, Guy Zekre Dacoury, Nana Aljanabi, Mengs Zekariyas, Mohsen Sadeqi, Fabiola Ngoh.

    Berchem: EPO. 2018. 88 blz.

    [Nederlands / Engels]


    Fouad, Gamal, De voorhuidenverzamelaar

    Amsterdam: Qeurido. Februari 2018. 168 blz.


    Gootjes- Van Gurp, Jos, Een rugzak vol tranen en hoop

    Verhalen van vluchtelingen op een school in Nederland.

    Zwolle: Scholten Uitgeverij. 2018. 100 blz.


    Jansen, Norman, De stilte van het water

    Amsterdam: Futuro Uitgevers. 2018. 200 blz.

    [Over mensensmokkel]


    Meer, Jan van der, Levende verhalen

    De persoonlijke geschiedenis van tien Nederlandse immigranten.

    Nieuwerker a/d IJssel: de Bibliotheek De Groene Venen. 2018. 62 blz.

    Aantal teksten ook in Arabisch en één in Nederlands én Spaans

    Verhalen o.a. opgetekend door: Brigitte Leferink, Esther Bremer, Lia Thorborg.


    Mock, Minny, Rijkdom

    Joodse naoorlogse verhalen.

    Amsterdam: Amphora Books. 2018. 143 blz.  


    Otten, Christine, Als ik naar jou kijk, zie ik mezelf

    Vertellingen vanuit zwart Amerika.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. Januari 2018. 184 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten]


    Sherif, Vamba & Ebissé Rouw, Zwart

    Afro-Europese literatuur uit de Lage Landen.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. Januari 2018. 224 blz.

    [Fictie en non-fictie van Simone Atangana, Olave Nduwanje, Neske Beks, Heleen Debeuckelaere, Nozizwe Dube, Clarice Gargard, Dalilla Hermans, Sabrine Ingabire, Kiza Magendane, Ahmad Al Malik, Alphonse Muambi, Hélène Christelle Munganyende, Melat G. Nigussie, Seada Nourhussen, Anousha Nzume, Olivia Rutazibwa, Vamba Sherif, Babah Tarawally en Chika Unigwe]


    Vásquez, Juan Gabriel, De geliefden van Allerheiligen

    Vert. Brigittte Coopmans.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. 2018. 187 blz.

    [België / Frankrijk]


    Verschure, Yasmin, Volk van mijn VOLK

    Gezicht achter de Vluchteling.

    Bodegraven: Paris Books. 2018. 2e herziene druk. 203 blz.

    [Athene, Kos en Lesbos]




    Terras #15.

    November 2018. 192 blz.

    [Naast bijdragen van Vamba Sherif gedichten van Sony Labou Tansi (vertaald en ingeleid door David Van Reybrouck), Tade Ipadeola, Mbella Sonne Dipoko, Nassor Hilal Kharusi, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Jack Gilbert, Julia Trompeter, Charl-Pierre Naudé en René Bohnen. Korte verhalen en ander proza van Ángela Nzambi, Saleh Addonia, Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi, Masande Ntshanga, Nuruddin Farah, Saah Millimono, Sandro William Junqueira, Jonathan Safran Foer en In Koli Jean Bofane. Essays van Joeba Bootsma en Fatou Diome.]



    Amsterdam: Stichting voor de Collectieve Propaganda van het Nederlandse Boek. 2018. 68 blz.

    Drie korte verhalen ter gelegenheid van de Boekenweek voor Jongeren 2018.

    Uitgave in samenwerking met Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij en Uitgeverij Meulenhoff.

    [Jaguarman / Raoul de Jong. De auditie (na een vet traumatische gebeurtenis) / Nhung Dam. Een diepgrijze idylle aan de Arendstraat / Tim Hofman]




    Huber, Katrin, Silke Kleemann, Fridolin Schley, Wir sind hier

    Geschichten über das Ankommen.

    Munchen: Buch&Media. Oktober 2018. 224 p.


    Kaminer, Wladimir, Ausgerechnet Deutschland

    Geschichten unserer neuen Nachbarn.

    München: Goldmann. (Random House). März 2018. 236 p.


    Saß, Anne-Christin & Verena Dohrn, u.a. (Hg.), Die Nacht hat uns verschluckt’ Poesie und Prosa jüdischer Migrant*innen im Berlin der 20er und 30er Jahre.

    Eine Anthologie.

    Charlottengrad und Scheunenviertel; Bd. 6.

    Göttingen: Wallstein Vlg. Juni 2018. 396 p.


    Schami, Rafik & Klaus, Farin, Klaus (Hrsg.), Flucht aus Syrien - neue Heimat Deutschland?

    Mit Beiträgen von Klaus Farin, Ingrid Gogolin, Kristin Helberg, Olaf Jantz, Gesa Köbberling, Helge Kraus, Rafik Schami, Barbara Schramkowski.

    Steinhagen: Hirnkost. Juli 2018. 304 p.




    Aboulela, Leila, Elsewhere, home

    London: Telegram. 2018. 216 p.


    Adjei-Brenyah, Nana Kwame, Friday Black

    London: Quercus Publishing. October 2018. 191 p.

    [Verenigde Staten]


    Ahmad, Omar Khaled, a.o., Stories from Shatila

    Translation: Nashwa Gwanlock.

    London: Peirene Press. 2018. 150 p.


    Brown, Don, The Unwanted

    Stories of the Syrian Refugees.

    Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. October 2018. 103 p.


    Chitembo, Amina,The Perfect Migrant

    How to Achieve a Successful Life in Diaspora.

    Peterborough, UK: Diverse Cultures Publishing. May 2018. 229 p. 


    Ferrera, America & E. Cayce Dumont, American like me

    Reflections on life between cultures.

    London: Simon & Schuster UK Ltd.. 2018. XXII, 309 p.


    Forman, Frieda Johles, The Exile Book of Yiddish Women Writers

    An Anthology of Stories That Looks to the Past So We Might See the Future.

    Toronto: Exile Editions. 2018. 314 p.


    Msipa, Audry & Grace Maworera, Tales of Living in Diaspora 2018

    Gloucestershire: Diaspora Quest Publishing. December 2018. 150 p.                                                                              


    Nguyen, Viet Thanh, The Displaced

    Refugee Writers on Refugee Lives.

    New York: Harry N. Abrams. April 2018. 192 p.  


    Pollak, Sorcha, New to the Parish

    Stories of Love, War and Adventure from Ireland’s Immigrants.

    Dublin: New Island Books. April 2018. 220 p.


    Popescu, Lucy, A Country to Call Home

    An anthology on the experiences of young refugees and asylum seekers.

    London: Cornerstone. May 2018. 256 p.







    Ahmad, Aeham, Sandra Hetzl & Ariel Hauptmeier, De pianist van Yarmouk

    Integrale weergave van het boek: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. Amsterdam. 2017.

    311 blz.

    Vert. van de oorspr. boekuitgave Und die Vögel werden singen.

    Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag GmbH. 2017.

    Vert. uit het Duits: Ralph Aarnout &  Jantsje Post.

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.


    Anyuru, Johannes, Ze zullen verdrinken in hun moeders tranen

    Vert. uit Zweeds: Maydo Van Marwijk Kooy.

    Verteller: Fran Lomme.

    Brussel: Luisterpunt. 2018. 1 cd.

    Speelduur: 8:06.

    Oorspr. uitgever: De Geus.


    Bartolo, Pietro & Lidia Tilotta, Tranen en troost

    Mijn dagelijkse belevenissen als vluchtelingenarts op Lampedusa.

    Integrale weergave van het boek: The House of Books. Amsterdam. 2017. 174 blz.

    Met medewerking van Giacomo Bartolo.

    Vertaling uit het Italiaans: Gerdien Smit.

    Vert. van de oorspr. boekuitgave Lacrime di sale. Milano: Mondadori Libri S.p.. 2016.

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.


    Correa, Armando Lucas, Het Duitse meisje

    Oorspr. titel: The German girl.

    Vert. Daniëlle Stensen & Maya Denneman.

    Verteller: Vera Asnong.

    Brussel: Luisterpunt. 2018.1 cd.

    Speelduur: 12:25.

    Oorspr. uitgever: Boekerij.


    Harinck, Hennie, Wilde tulpen


    Integrale weergave van het boek: Uitgeverij Boekscout. Soest. 2016. 163 blz.

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.                                                                                                                                          


    Rayyan, Wajih, Leila

    Verteller: Lieve Reggers.

    Brussel: Luisterpunt. 2018. 1 cd.

    Speelduur: 3:36.

    Oorspr. uitgever: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij.


    Geliefd en gevaarlijk

    Het aangrijpende verhaal van Loubna Abidar.

    Oorspr. titel: La dangereuse. Éditions Stock. 2016.

    Vert. uit het Frans: Liesbeth Timmers.

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.

    Daisy streaming audio (04 uur, 37 minuten).

    Integrale weergave van het boek: Amsterdam: AUP. 2017. 123 blz.




    Löverstam, Sara, De verdwenen dochter

    Oorspr. titel: Sanning met modifikation. (2015).

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.

    Daisy streaming audio (06 uur, 35 minuten).

    Integrale weergave van het boek: Waddinxveen: Uitgeverij Stortebeeker. 2017.

    265 blz.

    Vert. uit het Zweeds: Edith Sybesma.


    Kinderboeken & jeugdliteratuur


    Andel, Margaretha van, Jij en ik

    Verhalen over vriendschap en vluchtelingen.

    Integrale weergave van het boek: Lemniscaat. Rotterdam.2018. 248 blz.

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018.



    Letterie, Martine, Kinderen met een ster

    Voorgelezen door Dieuwertje Blok.

    Amsterdam: Leopold. 2018. 2 cd's (circa 135 minuten).

    [Circa dertig korte verhalen over zes jonge Joodse kinderen die in de Tweede Wereldoorlog in kamp Westerbork terechtkwamen]

    [5-8 jaar]


    Yoon, Nicola, De zon is ook een ster

    Grave: Dedicon. 2018. (7 uur, 27 minuten)

    [Verenigde Staten / Jamaica]





    Aanwinsten Daisy boeken 2017

    Alle gesproken boeken uitgekomen van januari t/m juni.

    Den Haag: Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen. Den Haag. 2018. 188 blz.


    Aanwinsten Daisy boeken 2017

    Alle gesproken boeken uitgekomen van juli t/m december.

    Den Haag: Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen. Den Haag. 2018. 192 blz.


    Aanwinsten Daisy boeken 2018

    Alle gesproken boeken uitgekomen van januari t/m juni.

    Den Haag: Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen. Den Haag. 2018. 207 blz.




    Demirtas, Selahattin, Morgenlicht


    Vert. Hanneke van der Heijden.

    Amsterdam: Signatuur. September 2018. 128 blz.

    [Koerdistan / Turkije]                                                                                                                       


    Don, Aminado, Aforismen

    Vert. & nawoord: Jan-Paul Hinrichs.

    Amsterdam: De Wilde Tomaat. April 2018. 50  blz.

    [Pseudoniem van de Joods-Russische schrijver Aminodav Petrovitsj Spoljnaski, 1888-1957]


    Roth, Joseph, De buste van de keizer en andere verhalen

    Vert. uit Duits: Elly Schippers, Janneke van der Meulen, Wilfred Oranje.

    Amsterdam: L.J. Veen. 2018. 176 blz.


    2. POEZIE  

    Nederlandse poezie 


    Al Galidi, Rodaan, Neem de titel serieus


    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas. September 2018. 72 blz.


    Akwasi, Laten we het er maar niet over hebben

    Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos. Oktober 2018. 136 blz.


    Bowem, Dean, Bokman

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas. 2018. 75 blz.


    Braeckman, Inge, Onder de olijfbomen van Lesbos

    Gent: SMAK. 2018. 60 blz.

    [Nederlands / Arabisch]


    Campert, Remco, Open ogen

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. Januari 2018. 80 blz.


    Fabias, Radna, Habitus

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. Februari 2018. 114 blz.

    C. Buddingh'-Prijs 2018.


    Oosterhuis, Huub & Ton Schulten, Licht in de morgen

    Utrecht: Ten Have. Februari 2018. 96 blz.


    Serik, Ali, De stem die baart

    Utrecht: Lipari BV. December 2018. 96 blz.


    Shafiq, Qader, Ziensdurf

    Voorwoord Arnon Grunberg.

    Oosterbeek: Uitgeverij Kontrast. Juli 2018. 64 blz.    


    Weemoedt, Lévi, Pessimisme kun je leren!

    De mooiste versjes uitgekozen door Özcan Akyol.

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar. Oktober 2018. 88 blz.


    Wijnberg, Nachoem M., Om mee te geven aan een engel

    Amsterdam / Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Pluim. 2018. 94 blz.


    Poezie in vertaling & meertalige bundels


    Bronkhorst, Daan, Het boek van wondere dingen

    Poëzie die inspireert, troost, ontroert.

    50 jaar Amnesty International.

    Amsterdam: De Geus. Februari 2018. 320 blz.


    Farrokhzad, Athena, Een witte suite

    Vert. Lisette Keustermans.

    Amsterdam: Perdu. Maart 2018. 72 blz.


    Gür, Halil, Derwisj ben ik, dansende Derwisj

    Ill. Gijs Kast.

    Vert. uit het Turks: Akkie Joosse.

    Leiden: Uitgeverij De Muze. 2018. 51 blz.


    Narain, Jit, Waar ben je daar = Báṯe huwáṉ tu kaháṉ 

    Voorwoord Michiel van Kempen.

    Haarlem: In de Knipscheer. 2018. Tweede, herziene druk. 59 blz.

    [Bevat de Nederlandse tekst met de vertaling in het Sarnámi]


    Anderstalige poezië



    Atfah, Lina, Das Buch der fehlenden Ankunft

    Gedichte Arabisch – Deutsch.

    Bielefeld: Pendragon. Dezember 2018. 148 p.


    Comănescu, Denisa, Rückkehr aus dem Exil

    Întoarcerea din exil.

    Übersetzt von Jan Cornelius.

    Nachwort von Peter Gehrisch.                                                                                                                                    

    Ludwigsburg: Traian Pop. Februar 2018. 200 p.

    [Deutsch / Rumänisch]


    Düzyol, Tamer & Taudy Pathmanathan (Hg.), Haymatlos

    Münster: Edition assemblage. Oktober 2018. 224 p.

    Hamza, Aref, Du bist nicht allein


    Übersetzt von Sandra Hetzl.

    Zürich: Secession Verlag für Literatur. September 2018. 206 p.

    [Syrie / Duitsland]


    Hassanein, Mahmoud & Hans Till (Hrsg), Deine Angst - Dein Paradies

    Poesie der Nachbarn.

    Heidelberg: Das Wunderhorn. März 2018. 180 p.


    Madani, Mohammed, Ein Fenster, von der Sonne nicht betört


    Übersetzt von Ishraga Mustafa Hamid.

    Wien: Löcker Verlag. November 2018. 68 p.




    Al Hamdani, Salah, Baghdad, Adieu

    Selected Poems of Memory and Exile.

    Translated by Sonia Alland.

    Greenford: Seagull Books London Ltd. August 2018. 264 p.


    Kulyk Keefer, Janice & Claire Wilks, We left the camp singing

    The Etty Hillesum poems and drawings.

    Preface by Diana Kuprel.

    Holstein, Ontario: Exile Editions. 2018. 144 p.


    Palacios, Manuela, Migrant Shores

    Irish, Moroccan & Galician Poetry.

    Co Clare, Ireland: Salmon Poetry. January 2018. 138 p.


    Vos, Marion de, Migration ends at home


    Leusden: Demer Press. 2018. 58 p.


    Zaidan, Ahmed, Aurora from Mosul

    Berlin: Hochroth. January 2018. 34 p.

    [Irak / Finland]


    Let Me Tell You My Story

    Refugee Stories of Hope, Courage, and Humanity

    Their Story is Our Story.

    Sanger CA: Familius. January 2018. 232 p.


    3. (AUTO-)BIOGRAFIEËN, DAGBOEKEN, INTERVIEWS & PORTRETTEN                                                                                                                                                           



    Mpishi, Martha, Opstaan uit de goot van wanhoop

    Soest: Boekscout. 2018. 174 blz.



    Thamm, Marianne, De ondraaglijke blankheid van het bestaan

    Een bewogen leven in het land van Mandela.

    Oorspr. titel: Hitler, Verwoerd, Mandela and me. A Memoir of Sorts.

    Vert. Ronnie Boley.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. April 2018. 352 blz.


    Veld, Sophie & Robert Vinkenborg, De jacht op mijn verkrachter, omdat de politie faalde

    Meppel: Just Publishers. 2018. 255 blz.

    [Over Somalische asielzoeker]


    Wamariya, Clemantine & Elizabeth Weil, Het meisje dat kralen kon lachen

    Een verhaal over oorlog en wat erna komt.

    Houten: Spectrum. Juni 2018. 253 blz.

    [Rwanda / Afrika / Verenigde Staten]




    Fsehaye, Merhawi & Ulla Grün, Mein Weg in die Freiheit

    Mit 15 Jahren allein auf der Flucht.

    Hamburg: smm Leichte Sprache Verlag. August 2018. 176 p.



    Kuva, Quai d'Orsay Kuva, Der Brief des Einwanderers
    Aus dem Kongo nach Vorarlberg.
    Aus dem Französischen übersetzt von Aaron Johannes Brüstle.

    Wien: Löcker Verlag. 2018. 120 p. 




    Baruti, Blondy & Joe Layden, The Incredible True Story of Blondy Baruti

    My Unlikely Journey from the Congo to Hollywood.

    New York: Simon & Schuster. May 2018. 320 p.


    Camara, Mr. Saikou, Testimony of an African Immigrant

    A Promise to My Father.

    Jollof Publishing. January 2018. 166 p.

    [Gambia / Verenigde Staten]


    Neab, Yikealo & Kenneth James Howe,  I Will Not Grow Downward

    Memoir of an Eritrean Refugee: My Long and Perilous Flight from Africa's Hermit Kingdom.

    Independently published. Dreams of Freedom. October 2018. 317 p.


    Ngatia, Rev. Dr. Jemimah, Lifted by Hope

    How I Overcame Barriers by Becoming the First Immigrant Woman from Africa Ordained by the Presbyterian Church USA. May 2018. 298 p.


    Nyok, Nathaniel, Days of a Refugee

    One of the World's Known Lost Boys of Sudan.

    Grapevine, Texas: Waldorf Publishing. November 2018. 200 p.


    Rubagumya, Casmir M., A Son of Two Countries

    The Education of a Refugee from Nyarubuye.

    Dar es Salaam: Mkuki Na Nyota Publishers. September 2018. 144 p.  

    [Rwanda / Tanzania]


    Simbi, Esther, Beyond Calamity

    A South Sudanese Refugee’s Story.

    My Journey from Disability and Disaster to Possibility and Empowerment.

    Fremantle (Western Australia): Vivid Publishing. Fontaine Press. December 2018. 78 p.


    Sisonke, Msimang, Always Another Country

    A memoir of exile and home.

    New York / London / Amsterdam: World Editions. 2018. 365 p.




    Bakas-Sital, Soemintra, De prijs van kerrie

    Een Surinaams-Hindostaanse familiekroniek.

    Ingeleid door Adjiedj Bakas.

    Schiedam / Amsterdam: Scriptum / Dexter. Juli 2018. 196 blz.


    Bennekom, Trix van, Abraham

    Kroniek van een politieke dynastie.

    Leersum: Uitgeverij Village. 2018. 400 blz.


    Dallot-Befio, Getrude, Zwarte erfenis

    Slavernij van toen en nu.

    Soest: Boekscout. Mei 2018. 142 blz.


    Elstak, Iwan, Astrid Elstak, Lie Pauw Sam, Frank Naarendorp, Femke Schipper, Delano Veira, Hugo Kooks (1928-2011)

    Een progressieve leider in dienst van de Surinaamse gemeenschap in Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam: Vereniging Ons Suriname & The Black Archives. 2018. 159 blz


    Leuwsha, Tessa, Fansi's stilte

    Een Surinaamse grootmoeder en de slavernij.

    Amsterdam: Olympus. 2018. 223 blz.


    Venghaus, Helen, Alles voor een tijd

    Den Haag: U2pi. 2018. 222 blz.

    [Anderhalve eeuw geschiedenis in Suriname en Nederland van een Surinaamse familie, die behoort tot de Evangelische Broedergemeente]


    Verveer, Roué, Waarom? Daarom!

    Opvoeden op z’n Surinaams.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. April 2018. 184 blz.



    (Zie ook: Indiërs, Indonesiërs, Molukkers)


    Beels, Jinnih & Peter Renard, Met beide voeten op de grond

    Noorderwijk: Willems Uitgevers. 2018. 136 blz.

    [India / België]


    Nguyen, Binh Tay & Cees Smit, Nieuw leven

    Biografische roman.

    Amsterdam: Scholten Uitgeverij. 2018. 572 blz.


    Phuc Phan Thi, Kim, Het napalmmeisje

    Haar leven van vuur naar vrede.

    Utrecht. Boekencentrum. Mei 2018. 280 blz.

    [Vietnam / Cuba / Canada]


    Stoop, Chris de, Wanneer het water breekt

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2018. 288 blz.





    Ali Djan, Hassan & Veronica Frenzel, Afghanistan. Deutschland. Ich

    Meine Flucht in ein neues Leben.

    Freiburg: Herder Verlag. August 2018. 224 p.




    Ho, Van & Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch, Too young to escape

    A Vietnamese girl waits to be reunited with her family.

    Toronto: Pajama Press. 2018. 142 p.


    Verma, P.S., Diary of an Immigrant Engineer

    A Social, Spiritual, and Professional Journey.

    Livermore, CA: Wingspan Press. September 2018. 230 p.

    [India / Verenigde Staten]     




    De Turckheim, Emilie, Le prince à la petite tasse


    Paris: Calmann-Lévy. 2018. 197 p.

    [Afghanistan / Frankrijk]


    INDIËRS, INDONESIËRS & MOLUKKERS                                                                                                         


    (Zie ook: 16. Over migranten & vluchtelingen in lokale context)


    Baay, Reggie, Het kind met de Japanse ogen

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. November 2018. 375 blz.


    Bel, Jacqueline e.a., Indische beroemdheden

    Indische Letteren. 33. (2018)4. 96 blz.


    Bloem, Marion, Een teken van leven

    Over rouw en alles wat de dood beheerst.

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. 2018. 268 blz.


    Bruyn, Marianne A, Onderwijzersechtpaar in Indie

    Canies en Truus Bruijn-Langenhuijsen.

    Zutphen: Marianne de Bruyn. De Nijmeegse familie De Bruijn. Juli 2018. 93 blz.


    Deibert, Han, Permafrost in de tropen

    Een verzwegen Indische familiegeschiedenis.

    Leeuwarden: Elikser Uitgeverij. 2018. 243 blz.


    Kopijn, Yvette, Antara Nusa

    Levensverhalen van ouderen uit Indië/Indonesië.

    Volendam: LM Publishers. 2018. 128 blz. 


    Mee, Tony van der, Simon Tahamata: de kleine dribbelaar


    Deventer: Edicola Publishing. 2018. 279 blz.


    Rigault, Shirley, Ochtendpost

    Van angst in Nederlands-Indië naar liefde in Holland. 

    Soest: Boekscout. Maart 2018. 120 blz.    


    Visser, Hans G., Kind van twee culturen 

    Wieteke van Dort.

    Schetsen uit een Nederlands-Indische familie.

    Schoorl: Uitgeverij Conserve. 2018. 371 blz.



    (Zie ook: Oost-Europeanen]   


    Bermann, Paula, Deze ontspoorde wereld

    Oorlogsdagboek. Amsterdam 1940 - Jutphaas 1944.

    Samenstelling: Elma Drayer. Voorwoord Arnon Grunberg.

    Vert. Johan Winkelman.

    Amsterdam: Balans. November 2018. 320 blz.                                                                 


    Boer, Ilay den, Het beloofde feest

    Over de scheuren in een Joodse familie.

    Amsterdam: Meulenhoff. Juni 2018. 192 blz.

    [Nederland / Israel]


    Boorsma, Koos, Wie ben ik?

    De zoektocht van Louis Godschalk.

    Als Joods kind ondergedoken in Friesland.

    Soesterberg: Aspekt. 2018. 216 blz.


    Bregstein, Philo, De gestolen tijd

    Op zoek naar mijn Joodse familie.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers. 2018. 360 blz.


    Broekema, Pauline, Het uiterste der zee

    Een familiegeschiedenis.

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. 2018. 319 blz.

    [Joden in Noord-Groningen]


    Brouwer, Erik, Diva

    Het onthullende verhaal over hoe Amsterdamse Jetje heel Hollywood op stelten zette en een wereldberoemde filmster werd.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Bern. 2018. 352 blz.


    Colthof, Jaap, Van moordenaar tot rabbi

    Markante verhalen uit Joods Amsterdam rond 1800.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Van Praag. in samenwerking met International Center for Western Values. 2018. 239 blz.


    Cornelissen, Igor, Tussen Lenin en Lucebert

    Mathilde Visser, kunstcritica (1900-1985).

    Amsterdam: Arbeiderspers. 2018. 312 blz.


    Duivenbode, Dore van, Mijn Poolse huis

    Vakanties naar Auschwitz.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Geus. Augustus 2018. 224 blz.

    [Winnaar Bob den Uylprijs 2019]


    Es, Bart van, Ver-geet-mij-niet

    Over het verborgen leven van een joods meisje.

    Oorspr. titel: The Cut Out Girl. A Story of War and Family, Lost and Found.

    Vert uit Engels: René van Veen.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. 2018. 302 blz.


    Feldman, Deborah, Onorthodox

    De schokkende breuk met mijn roots.

    Oorspr. titel: Unorthodox. The Scandalous Rejection of my Hasidic Roots.

    Vert. uit Engels: Patricia Piolon.

    Amsterdam: De Geus. Augustus 2018. 336 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten]


    Frenkel, Françoise, Niets om het hoofd op neer te leggen

    Voorwoord: Patrick Modiano.

    Oorspr. titel: Rien où poser sa tête.

    Vert. Marianne Kaas.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. 2018. 237 blz.



    Geuverink, Wendy, Hoe lang mag ik blijven?

    Hoe een Joods meisje 13 onderduikadressen overleefde.

    Utrecht: Omniboek. Maart 2018. 320 blz.


    Gies, Frits, Bist du ein Jude?

    Hoe een joodse tiener de nazi’s overwon.

    Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 2018. 255 blz.


    Haenen, Marcel, De bokser

    Het verhaal van Max Moszkowicz, overlever en grondlegger van een bekende advocatenfirma.

    Amsterdam: Querido. Oktober 2018. 464 blz.


    Hasselt, Ron van, Verdacht van woonplaats te zijn veranderd, en andere bijna vergeten verhalen
    Soesterberg: Aspekt. 2018. 232 blz.


    Mazower, Mark, Wat je niet vertelde

    Een Russische familiegeschiedenis.

    Oorspr. titel: What You Did Not Tell. A Russian Past and the Journey Home. (2017)

    Vert. Toon Dohmen.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Februari 2018. 352 blz.


    Mildt, Dick de, Straatgenoten

    Een drieluik over de maat der dingen.

    Hilversum: Verloren. Februari 2018. 167 blz.



    Pennewaard, Aline, Van kleermaker tot kapo

    De oorlog van een Duits-Joodse vluchteling.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. September 2018. 272 blz.


    Poel, David de, Einzelgänger

    Een biografie van Franz Pointl.

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar. 2018. 320 blz.


    Rosenthal, Uri, Waarnemer, adviseur, beslisser

    Amsterdam: Prometheus. November 2018. 544 blz.


    Langeveld, Herman &  Bram Bouwens, Whisky, wapens en weelde

    Daniël Wolf, ondernemer in crisis‑ en oorlogstijd.

    Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers. 2018. 300 blz. 


    Michaelis, Hanny, Oorlogsdagboek
    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij van Oorschot. 2018. 400 blz.
    [Een keuze door Lieneke Frerichs & Nop Maas uit ‘Lenteloos voorjaar' en 'De wereld waar ik buiten sta']


    Polak, Chaja, De man die geen hekel had aan joden

    Een botsing met het verleden.
    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Oktober 2018. 152 blz.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    


    Post, Sjoerd, Jood tegen wil en dank

    Van vluchten uit nazi-Duitsland naar werken bij politie Amsterdam.

    Soest: Boekscout. Juli 2018. 190 blz.


    Shaya, Esther, Harry & Sieny

    Overleven in verzet en liefde.

    Amsterdam: Gibbon. 2018. 315 blz.


    Siertsema, Bettine, Eerste Nederlandse getuigenissen van de Holocaust, 1945-1946
    Hilversum: Verbum. 2018. 544 blz.


    Verwaijen, Tom, Hans van Lier, Thecla Coese, De Van Liers uit Leer

    Een familiegeschiedenis vanaf het midden van de 17de eeuw.

    Uitgave in eigen beheer. 2018. 360 blz. []


    Wallage, Jacques, Het land achter de heuvels

    Politiek als ambacht, 1968-2018.

    Amsterdam: Cossee. Februari 2018. 398 blz.


    Weyel, Ivo, Oorlogszoon

    De onderduikjaren van mijn vader en het leven daarna.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Maart 2018. 204 blz.


    Weyel, Ivo, Het verleden ruist voorbij
    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 2018. 192 blz.


    Wilde, Inge de, Een sterke wilskracht

    Vijf ambitieuze broers en zusters van Aletta Jacobs.

    Groningen: Passage. 2018. 144 blz.


    Zeldenrust, Auke, De Joodse bruiloft

    Een koffer vol oorlogsgeheimen.

    Amsterdam: Boom. 2018. 224 blz.




    Abeles, Deborah Sharon (DESSA), The Art of Remembrance: Alice Salomon / Die Kunst des Gedenkens: Alice Salomon

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich, Der Verlag für jüdische Kultur und Zeitgeschichte. 2018. 112 p.


    Adunka, Evelyn, Max Eisler

    Wiener Kunsthistoriker und Publizist zwischen orthodoxer Lebenspraxis, sozialem Engagement und wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz.

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich, Der Verlag für jüdische Kultur und Zeitgeschichte. 2018. 168 p.


    Gertzen, Thomas L., Morris Jastrow jr.

    Assur & Aggada.

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich, Der Verlag für jüdische Kultur und Zeitgeschichte. 2018. 72 p.


    Immensack, Rainer, Jacob „Manoli“ Mandelbaum

    Zigarettenfabrikant - Designpionier – Kaisertreu.

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich, Der Verlag für jüdische Kultur und Zeitgeschichte. 2018. 86 p.


    Jakubowski, Hans, Vergebliches Exil

    Bericht über eine jüdische Familie. 1936-1948.

    Stuttgart: Zeitgut Verlag. Oktober 2018. 80 p.


    Rott, Joachim, Ismar Freund

    Rabbiner – Jurist – Gemeindepolitiker.

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich, Der Verlag für jüdische Kultur und Zeitgeschichte. 2018. 76 p.


    Schindler, Anja, Die drei Leben des Meir Schwartz

    Das Schicksal meines Vaters.

    Berlin / Leipzig: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag. Oktober 2018. 180 p.


    Wolffsohn, Michael, Deutschjüdische Glückskinder

    Eine Weltgeschichte meiner Familie.

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft. Dezember 2018. 432 p.




    Blitz-Konig, Nanette, Holocaust memoirs of a Bergen-Belsen survivor & classmate of Anne Frank

    Oorspr. titel: Eu sobrevivi ao Holocausto. São Paulo: Universo dos Livros, 2015.

    Vert. uit Portugees.

    Oegstgeest: Amsterdam Publishers. 2018. 154 p.


    Blumenfeld, Simon, Phineas Kahn

    Portrait of An Immigrant.

    Introduction by  Peter Mason.  

    Epsom (UK): London Books. October 2018. 336 p.


    Dean, Jonathan, I Must Belong Somewhere

    London: Orion Publishing Group. March 2018. 263 p.

    [Oostenrijk / Engeland]


    Popper, Stefan, Bitter Sweet

    My Life as a Refugee.

    Leicester: Book Guild Publishing Ltd. July 2018. 200 p.




    Chan, Claude H., Reflections of an Immigrant

    Cheyenne, WY: Stratton Press. September 2018. 494 p.

    [Chinees / Brits Guyana / Verenigde Staten]


    Gonzalez, Gerardo M., A Cuban Refugee's Journey to the American Dream

    The Power of Education.

    Bloomington, IN.: Well House Books. Indiana University Press. August 2018. 168 p.


    Green, James N., Exile within Exiles

    Herbert Daniel, Gay Brazilian Revolutionary.

    North Carolina: Duke University Press. October 2018. 334 p.  


    Nodarse, Maria a, Approaching Freedom

    An Exile's Quest for a New Self.

    Maria A. Nodarse. November 2018. 384 p. 

    [Cuba / Verenigde Staten]




    Ahmad, Aeham & Sandra Hetzl, De pianist van Yarmouk

    Vert. Ralph Aarnout & Jantsje Post.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    Januari 2018. 320 blz.



    Atillah, Samira, Zijn naam was Youssef

    Een ongecensureerd verslag uit het vluchtelingenkamp.

    Antwerpen: Houtekiet.

    September 2018. 240 blz.


    AlDe'emeh, Montasser, Dubbel leven

    Achter de schermen van de Staatsveiligheid en IS.

    Tielt: Lannoo.

    Maart 2018. 256 blz.


    Channouf, Jamila, Sandwichkinderen

    Berchem: EPO.

    2018. 158 blz.

    [Marokko / België]


    Harkema, Saskia, Blijven of gaan?

    In de voetsporen van Syrische vrijheidsstrijders.

    Amsterdam: Futuro Uitgevers.

    2018. 194 blz.


    Hayat, Eindelijk gewoon Hayat

    Leven tussen twee werelden.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    Mei 2018. 160 blz.


    Mardini, Yusra, Vlinderslag

    Van vluchteling tot olympisch zwemmer.

    Vert. Elise Kuip.

    Amsterdam: Ambo Anthos.

    Juli 2018.



    Maro, Baram & Sirwan Maro, Wij zijn peshmerga’s van vader op zoon

    Oorspr. titel: Nous sommes peshmergas de père et fils.

    Éditions La Boite à Pandore. 2017.

    Antwerpen: Eik Uitgeverij.

    2018. 351 blz.



    Mourali, Chazia, Het einde voor beginners

    Een moeder, een dochter en de droom van een gelukkig afscheid.

    Houten: Spectrum.

    Mei 2018. 240 blz. 


    Mustafa, Nujeen & Christina Lamb, Het meisje uit Aleppo

    Oorspr. titel: Nujeen.

    New York : HarperCollins Publishers LLC. 2016.

    Vert. uit het Engels: Karin de Haas.

    Amsterdam: Harlequin Holland.

    Januari 2018. 270 blz.


    Passoni, L. & C. Lorsignol, Met mijn zoon in het hart van IS

    Oorspr. titel: Au coeur de Daesh avec mon fils. Éditions La Boite à Pandore, 2016.

    Vert. uit het Frans: Gerda Rijsselaere.

    Brussel: Eik Uitgeverij.

    2018. 203 blz.


    Ridouani, Mohamed, Verbinden boven verdelen

    Mensen zijn de oplossing, niet het probleem.

    Leuven: LannooCampus.

    2018. 141 blz.

    [Marokko / België]  


    Rueb, Thomas, Laura H.

    Het kalifaatmeisje uit Zoetermeer.

    Amsterdam: Das Mag.

    November 2018. 538 blz. 

    [Brusseprijs voor het beste journalistieke boek 2019 ; Hebban Debuutprijs 2019]


    Sammartino, Hella, De violen spelen nog

    Het waargebeurde reisverhaal van een Armeense familie in 1915 naar Parijs.

    Soest: Boekscout.

    Oktober 2018. 166 blz.

    [Armenië / Frankrijk]


    Seierstad, Asne,Twee zussen

    Bruiden van IS.

    Amsterdam: De Geus.

    Juni 2018. 464 blz.

    [Noorwegen / Somalië / Syrië]


    Spaan, Henk, Nouri, de belofte

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos.

    Oktober 2018. 231 blz.




    Alanam, Omar Khir, Danke!

    Wie Österreich meine Heimat wurde.

    Wien: Edition a.

    2018. 144 p.

    [Syrie / Oostenrijk]


    Alkhalaf, Khalaf Ali, Tagebücher eines Krieges

    Syrien, allen bekannt.

    Ooorspr. titel:  Yawmiaat Alharb Alqaymah.

    Berlin: Hans Schiler.

    Dezember 2018. 154 p.


    Amani, Enissa, Nicht ohne meine High Heels

    Eine deutsch-persische Familiengeschichte.

    Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch.

    Dezember 2018. 256 p.


    Brown, Imaan, Hallo Deutschland

    Auf der Suche nach Heimat

    München: Heyne.

    Februar 2018. 256 p.

    [Iran / Duitsland]


    De Luca, Filomena, Die Strassen von Aleppo

    Books on Demand.

    November 2018. 108 p.


    Faham, Allaa & Abdul Abbasi, Eingedeutscht

    Die schräge Geschichte unserer Integration.

    München: Goldmann.

    März 2018. 224 p.


    Mouselli, Basel & Olaf Kirmis, Notausgang

    Ein Flüchtlingsdrama in mehreren Büroakten.

    Erfurt: Dorise-Verlag. November 2018. 72 p.




    Alinejad, Masih, The Wind in My Hair

    My Fight for Freedom in Modern Iran.

    Columbus, Georgia: Little, Brown and Company.

    May 2018. 400 p.


    Boochani, Behrooz & Omid Tofighian, No friend but the mountains

    Writing from Manus Prison.

    Sydney: Picador Australia.

    July 2018. 416 p.

    [Koerdistan / Australië]


    Ezer, Ozlem, Syrian Women Refugees:

    Personal Accounts of Transition.

    Jefferson NC: McFarland.

    November 2018. 165 p.


    Kurdi, Tima, The Boy on the Beach

    My Family's Escape from Syria and Our Hope for a New Home.

    New York: Simon & Schuster.

    April 2018. 272 p.


    Saedi, Sara, Americanized

    Rebel Without a Green Card.

    New York: Knopf Books for Young Readers. Random House US.

    February 2018. 288 p.


    Smucker, Shawn, Once We Were Strangers

    What Friendship with a Syrian Refugee Taught Me about Loving My Neighbor.

    Ada, MI, United States: Baker Academic, Div of Baker Publishing Group.

    December 2018. 208 p.




    Hadziibrahimovic, Mustafa ism Manja Ressler, De oorlog in mij Uitgeverij Bloemberk.

    2018. 156 blz.

    [Bosnië / Nederland]


    Mazower, Mark, Wat je niet vertelde

    Een Russische familiegeschiedenis en de weg terug naar huis.

    Oorspr. titel: What you did not tell: a Russian past and the journey home.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.

    2018. 351 p.

    [Joods Rusland/ Verenigd Koninkrijk]




    Fis, Marek, Das Billigste an Deutschland bin ich

    Ein Pole legal im Westen.

    Reinbek: Rowolht Taschenbuch.

    Dezember 2018. 224 p.


    Hug, Cathérine, Oskar Kokoschka

    Expressionist, Migrant, Europäer. Eine Retrospektive.

    Heidelberg: Kehrer.

    Dezember 2018. 304 p




    Rabinowitz, Matilda, Immigrant Girl, Radical Woman

    A Memoir from the Early Twentieth Century.

    Afterword by  Ileen A. DeVault, Illustrated by Robbin Legere Henderson.

    New York: ILR Press. Cornell University Press.

    October 2018. 296 p.

    [Oekraïne / Verenigde Staten] 


    Verzemnieks, Inara, Among the Living and the Dead

    A Tale of Exile and Homecoming.

    New York: W.W. Norton & Co.

    October 2018. 288 p.

    [Letland / Verenigde Staten]




    Berg, Ron van den, Echtpaar Schreiner-Blomsma

    [Gerth Schreiner, SPD im niederländischen Exil]

    In: DEELgenoot. Periodiek van de Historische Kring Blaricum.

    Voorjaar 2018. blz. 86.


    Stahlecker, Adrian, De Tovenaarszoon

    Het bizarre leven van Klaus Mann.

    Haren: Geldermalsen Publications.

    Mei 2018. 240 blz.


    Wenink-Treiture, Els, Een naam die ik altijd moest spellen

    Jacques Treiture, Hugenoot, vlucht naar Amsterdam.

    Kampen: Uitgeverij Van Warven.

    November 2018. 123 blz.




    Feuchtwanger, Lion, Ein möglichst intensives Leben

    Die Tagebücher.

    Herausgegeben von Nele Holdack, Marje Schuetze-Coburn, Michaela Ullmann.

    Vorwort von Klaus Modick.

    Berlin: Aufbau Verlag.

    November 2018. 640 p.


    Fritz, Susanne, Wie kommt der Krieg ins Kind

    Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

    2018. 264 p.


    Grynberg, Henryk, Flüchtlinge

    Aus dem Polnischen von Lothar Quinkenstein.

    Wuppertal: Arco Verlag. Wuppertal

    2018. 250 p.


    Krausse, Anna-Carola, Lotte Laserstein

    Meine einzige Wirklichkeit.

    Berlin / München: Deutscher Kunstverlag.

    Januar 2018. 248 p.


    Zweig, Stefan  & Benno Geiger,  »Wir können durch Politik immer nur verstört werden …«

    Briefwechsel 1904–1939.

    Herausgegeben von Arturo Larcati & Lorenzo Bonosi.

    Wien: Sonderzahl. November 2018. 220 p.




    Romanov, Tania, Mother Tongue

    A Saga of Three Generations of Balkan Women.

    Palo Alto: Travelers' Tales.

    March 1, 2018. 340 p.




    Benneckenstein, Heide, Een Duits meisje

    Oorspr. titel: Ein deutsches Mädchen.

    Vert. Marcel Misset.

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers.

    2018. 219 blz.

    [Over extreem-rechts]


    Brokken, Jan, De rechtvaardigen

    Hoe een Nederlandse consul duizenden joden redde.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    Oktober 2018. 504 blz.


    Iven, Joris, Van hier en van ver

    Leuven: Uitgeverij P.

    Januari 2018. 37 blz.


    Jacobs, Simone, Palet van verzet

    Moedige vrouwen toen en nu.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers. 2018. 232 blz.

    [O.a. over Farah Karimi & Shirin Musa]


    Lubbers, Ruud, Persoonlijke herinneringen

    Amsterdam: Balans. April 2018. 256 blz.  


    Meurs, A.M., De Mensensmokkelaar van Amsterdam / The Amsterdam human smuggler

    Amsterdam: Eigen beheer. Januari 2018.

    [De Nederlandse tekst verscheen op 18 januari 2017 in het HetWerk66A, literair kladschrift van Meurs A.M.]                                                                                     


    Offermans, Cyrille, Een iets beschuttere plek misschien

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers. Privédomein 302.

    September 2018. 564 blz.  


    Prado, Eddy del, Be Mixed!

    14 recepten voor een gelukkig leven.

    Almere: Eddy del Prado.

    December 2018. 161 blz.

    [Interviews met veertien stellen waarvan de partners een verschillende etnische afkomst hebben]                                                                                                                                                            




    Baerg, Roni, Wenn du meine Geschichte hörst

    Geflüchtete erzählen.

    Mit einem Vorwort von Markus Mader, Direktor des Schweizerischen Roten Kreuzes.

    Basel: Zytglogge. Mai 2018. 220 p.


    Seeber-Tegethoff, Mareile, Flüchtlingswege 1945-2015

    Autobiografische Einblicke.

    Braunschweig: Worte & Leben. 2018. 248 p.




    Adams, Emma, Unbreakable Threads

    The True Story of an Australian Mother, a Refugee Boy and What it Really Means to be a Family.

    Sydney: Allen & Unwin. September 2018. 336 p.


    Mallman, Senem, Family, Story, and Identity

    Migrant Women Living with Ambivalence.

    Singapore: Springer Singapore. September 2018. X, 198 p.


    Murrell Taylor, Amy,  Embattled Freedom

    Journeys through the Civil War’s Slave Refugee Camps.

    Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press. November 2018.

    368 p.




    Abouzeid, Rania, Geen weg terug

    Leven, verlies en hoop in Syrië.

    Oorspr. titel: No turning back.

    Vert. Ernst De Boer & Ankie Klootwijk.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam. 2018. 400 blz.


    Antonissen, Jan, De onfatsoenlijken

    Een reis door populistisch Europa.

    Antwerpen: Polis. 2018. 192 blz.


    Belz, Mindy, Ze noemen ons ongelovigen

    Christenen in het Midden-Oosten op de vlucht voor IS.

    Oorspr. titel: They say we are infidels: on the run from ISIS with persecuted christians in the Middle East.

    Apeldoorn: De Banier Uitgeverij. 2018. 383 blz.


    Cantú, Francisco, De streep wordt een rivier

    Berichten van de grens.

    Vert. Molly van Gelder.

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep.

    Maart 2018. 192 blz.

    [Verenigde Staten / Mexico]


    De Brabander, Ludo, Het Koerdisch Utopia

    Berchem: Epo.

    2018. 216 blz.


    Lamon, Ann, Jungle

    Berichten uit transitland.

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Vrijdag.

    November 2018. XVI, 241 blz.                                                                                                                                          


    Leyers, Jan, Allah in Europa

    Het reisverslag van een ongelovige.

    Amsterdam: Dag Mag.

    Maart 2018. 468 blz.


    Steenbeek, Rosita, Wie is mijn naaste?

    Mijn verhaal over de vluchtelingenopvang.

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    September 2018. 296 blz.


    Timmer, Edwin, Langs de muur van Trump

    Van Harlingen naar Tijuana.

    Amsterdam: Volt.

    2018. 272 blz.


    Vranckx, Rudi, Mijn kleine oorlog

    Dertig jaar aan het front.

    Antwerpen: Horizon.

    2018. 431 blz.




    Zajcek, Jasna, Kaltland

    Unter Syrern und Deutschen.

    München: Droemer Verlag.

    August 2018.

    Erweiterte Ausgabe. 288 p.




    Thornhill, Teresa, Hara Hotel

    A Tale of Syrian Refugees in Greece.

    Brooklyn, New York / London: Verso.

    April 2018. 368 p.


    Trilling, Daniël, The Lights in the Distance

    Refugee Journeys.

    London: Verso Books.

    September 2018. XI, 281 p.




    Valmir, Éric, Pêcheurs d’homme

    Chronique de la vie à Lampedusa.

    Paris: Robert Laffont.

    2018. 241 p.




    Jong, Jaap de, Olga van Marion, Adriaan Rademaker, Vertrouw mij!

    Manipulaties van imago.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    November 2018. 254 blz.


    Papaikonomou, Zoë, 'Heb je een boze moslim voor mij?'

    Over inclusieve journalistiek.

    Amsterdam: AUP.

    2018. 176 blz.


    Verslaggeving over vluchtelingen

    Leidraad voor journalisten.

    Den Haag: UNHCR, de VN-Vluchtelingenorganisatie.

    2018. 15 blz.




    Beciu, Camelia, Mălina Ciocea, Irina Diana Mădroane, Alexandru I. Cârlan (Eds.), Debating Migration as a Public Problem

    National Publics and Transnational Fields.

    New York / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Oxford / Wien: Peter Lang. Global Crises and the Media.

    2018. VIII, 276 p.


    Consterdine, Erica, State-of-the-art report on public attitudes, political discourses and media coverage on the arrival of refugee

    Chemnitz: Ceaseval Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr.02.

    May 2018. 34 p. art_report_on_public_attitudes.pdf


    Krishna-Hensel, Sai Felicia, Migrants, Refugees, and the Media

    The New Reality of Open Societies.

    Bosa Roca, United States: CRC Press Inc. Taylor & Francis Inc.

    July 2018. 224 p.


    Jungbluth, Eva, Narrating Diaspora Across Media

    Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.

    August 2018. 278 p.


    Karim, Karim H. & Ahmed Al-Rawi, Ahmed (Eds.), Diaspora and Media in Europe

    Migration, Identity, and Integration.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    February 2018. XV,192 p.


    Saljuqi, Nasruddin, Afghanistan Media in Diaspora 1980 - 2018

    Drogheda, Co Louth (Ireland): Choice Publishing.

    September 2018. 472 p.   


    Dell'Orto, Giovanna & Irmgard Wetzstein(Eds.), Refugee News, Refugee Politics

    Journalism, Public Opinion and Policymaking in Europe.

    London: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    September 2018. 228 p.




    Altrad, Mohed, Olivier Thiébaut (scenarist), Juni Ba (illustrator), Badawi


    2018. 224 p.





    Abttoy, Daar komen de helmen

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas. Oktober 2018. 104 blz.

    [Cartoons / schilderijen Rif/ Noord-Marokko]


    Cuzor & Y.Sente, Een ster van zwart katoen


    Vert. uit Frans.

    Brussel: Depuis.

    2018. 169 blz.


    Doms, Jan, Once in a blue moon

    Translation Dutch-English: Jill Bradley.

    Tilburg: AZC Cranendonck in collaboration with LEF.

    2018. 24 p.


    Hosseini, Khaled, Bede aan de zee

    Oorspr. titel: Sea Prayer. (2017/2018)

    Geïllustreerd door Dan Williams.

    Vert. Wil Hansen.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.

    2018. 48 blz.


    Kast, Gijs, Plaza

    Amsterdam: De Harmonie.

    2018. 144 blz.


    Krug, Nora, Heimat

    Terug naar het land van herkomst.

    Vert. Inge Pieters.

    Amsterdam: Balans.

    Oktober 2018. 284 blz.


    Luganskaia, Lilia, Investigation of Love

    Vormgeving: Lilia Laganskaia & Timo Kuilder.

    Druk Wilco Art Books. Eigen Beheer.

    2018. 240 p.

    [Rusland / Nederland]


    Pisket, Halfdan, Staatsburger

    Vert. uit Deens: Kor de Vries.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SubQ.

    2018. 156 blz.


    Rietman, Jasper, Exodus

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij SubQ.

    2018. 52 blz.


    Roos, Pieter & Margret Al Maggy, Een half uur Heesterveld

    EBNA actueel. 50 jaar Amsterdam Zuidoost.

    Amsterdam: Empty Bottle News Agency.

    2018. 39 blz.



    Thomas, Ricardo & Peggy Elemans (Red.), Surinaamse leeuwen

    De Surinaamse nalatenschap op de Nederlandse voetbalvelden.

    Fotografie Guus Dubbelman & Germaine Halfhuid.

    Schiedam: 01 Group

    2018. 244 blz.


    Wonderen, Mark van , in samenwerking met Yolanda Huntelaar, CHIN.IND.SPEC.REST.

    Een verdwijnend Nederlands fenomeen.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Zoetzuur.

    Mei 2018. 152 blz.


    De tranen van het eiland

    Antwerpen: Vormingplus.






    Rass, Christoph& Melanie UIlz (Hrsg.), Migration ein Bild geben

    Visuelle Aushandlungen von Diversität.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    2018. 454 p.


    Schami, Rafik & Markus Köninger, Eine Hand voller Sterne

    Graphic Novel.

    Weinheim: Julius Beltz GmbH & Co. KG.

    Februar 2018. 144 p.


    Steinweg, Heike, Ich habe mich nicht verabschiedet

    Frauen im Exil.

    Museum Europäischer Kulturen der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz.

    Leipzig: E.A. Seemann Henschel GmbH & Co. KG.

    März 2018. 128 p.

    [Engels / Duits]


    Forum Migration

    Ein neues Museumsformat.

    Studiohefte 35.

    Innsbruck: Tiroler Landesmuseum.

    November 2018. 160 p.




    Bessora and Barroux, Alpha Abidjan to Paris.

    Translated from the French by Sarah Ardizzone.

    New York: Bellevue Literary Press.

    2018. 128 p


    Fitzgerald, Ali, Drawn To Berlin

    Comic Workshops in Refugee Shelters and Other Stories from a New Europe.

    Seattle, WA: Fantagraphics Books.

    November 2018. 196 p.


    Kooy, Christian van der, Anastasiia

    She folds her memories like a parachute.

    Vert. Björn Remmerswaal  & Maryna Slonenko.

    Breda: Eriskay Connection.

    2018. 160 p.

    [Oekraine / Nederland]


    Kugler, Olivier, Escaping wars and waves

    Encounters with Syrian refugees.

    Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press.

    2018. 79 p.


    Llorens, Tomas, Beckmann: Exile Figures

    Madrid: Fundación Colección Thyssen-Bornemisza.

    2018. 209 p.


    Prum, Vannak Anan, as told to Ben and Jocelyn Pederick, The Dead Eye and the Deep Blue Sea

    A Graphic Memoir of Modern Slavery.

    New York: Seven Stories.

    2018. 256 p.



    Ruillier, Jérôme,The Strange

    Translated from the French by Helge Dascher.

    Monteal: Drawn & Quarterly.

    2018. 160 p.


    Sattouf, Riad, The Arab of the Future 3

    A Childhood in the Middle East, 1985-1987.

    A Graphic Memoir.

    New York: Metropolitan Books.

    August 2018. 160 p.


    Sulaiman, Hamid, Freedom Hospital

    A Syrian Story.

    Translated from the French: Francesca Barrie.

    Northampton, Massachusetts. Interlink Books.

    2018. 283 p.


    Tonatiuh, Duncan, Undocumented

    A Worker’s Fight.

    New York: Harry N. Abrams ComicArts.

    August 2018. 15 p.


    Umbach, Maiken & Scott Sulzener, Photography, Migration and Identity

    A German-Jewish-American Story.

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    November 2018. XII, 129 p.  


    Weiwei, Ai, Yours Truly

    Art, Human Rights, and the Power of Writing a Letter.

    Edited by David Spalding.

    Contributions by Cheryl Haines, David Spalding, Jasmine Heiss.

    San Francisco: Chronicle Books.

    September 2018. 128 p.




    Ver-Ndoye Naïl & Grégoire Fauconnier, Noir

    Entre peinture et histoire.

    Mouans-Sartoux: Omniscience.

    September 2018. 240 p.




    Dooremaalen, Hans, Descartes in Amsterdam

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.

    Mei 2018. 280 blz.


    Engman, Pascal, Patriotten

    Oorspr.titel: Patrioterna.

    Vert. uit Zweeds: Ydelet Westra.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Q.

    April 2018. 308 blz.


    Hewson, David, De binnenste cirkel

    Vert. Gert van Santen.

    Amsterdam: De Boekerij.

    2018. 327 blz.

    [Nigeriaanse vluchteling in Calabrië]


    Hollander, Ellen den, Over de grens

    Hoe ver ga je voor succes? Hoe ver voor je vrijheid?

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Volt.

    April 2018. 320 blz.

    [Koerdische vluchtelingen / mensenhandel]


    Jones, Morgan, De verloren dochter

    Utrecht: De Fontein Romans & Spanning.

    Juni 2018. 384 blz.



    Osborne, Lawrence, Schitterende dieren

    Oorspr. titel: Beautiful animals.

    Vert: Paul Syrier.

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    2018. 286 blz.


    Stein, Jesper, Papa

    Uithoorn: Karakter Uitgevers.

    Maart 2018. 352 blz.


    Stroombergen, Samanta, De witte kamer

    Amsterdam: Boekerij.

    Juni 2018. 368 blz.


    Wolny, Maja, De boekenmoordenaar

    Antwerpen: Manteau.

    2018. 320 blz.




    Annas, Max, Illegal


    Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.

    2018. 235 p.


    Larutan, Justin, Tod im Europaviertel


    Messkirch: Gmeiner Verlag.

    September 2018. 345 p.


    Madsen, Inger, Blutstaub


    Übersetzt von  Kirsten Vesper.

    Hamburg: Osburg Verlag.

    August 2018. 380 p.


    Müllenbach, Rudi, Grubenteufel

    Kommissar Bitzes vierter Fall.

    Werne: Ventura Verlag.

    Oktober 2018. 260 p.


    Theils, Lone, Das Meer löscht alle Spuren

    Ein Fall für Journalistin Nora Sand, Band 2.

    Reinbek: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag.

    2018. 416 p.




    Clements, Rory, Nucleus

    London: Zaffre.

    2018. 336 p.


    Khan, Ausma Zehanat, A Dangerous Crossing

    New York, NY: Minotaur Books.

    2018. 342 p.


    Miranda, Mega, The perfect stranger

    London: Corvus.

    2018. 337 p.


    Nastase, Roxana, An Immigrant

    A Crime Novel.

    Toronto: Scarlet Leaf.

    April 2018. 224 p.


    Porter, Henry, Firefly

    London: Quercus.

    2018. 474 p.

    [Syrië / Islamitische Staat]



    (zie ook: 1. E. Gesproken boeken; 11. Eenvoudig communiceren)



    Abigail, Maldonado, Marin, Luz en Marcia, Elias Thuy, Het Groene Konijntje

    Verhaal uit Mexico.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Ahmet, Mert Gören, Marlies Schelfhout, De jongen en de bal

    Verhaal uit Turkije.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Ava, Hatice, Omdat ik niet wou kussen

    Hoe mijn leven in drie seconden op z'n kop gezet werd ...

    Kalmthout: Van Halewyck.

    2018. 254 blz.

    [12-14 jaar]


    Baetens, Bob, Wisselstroom

    Hoeve: Uitgeverij Kramat.

    Oktober 2018. 435 blz.



    Berger, Olga Maria, Veilig in Nederland?

    Ill. Walter Donker.

    Deventer: Van Tricht uitgeverij.

    2018. 124 blz.




    Brundle, Harriet, Gevlucht voor oorlog, honger en geweld

    Oorspr. titel: Refugees.

    Etten-Leur: Corona.

    2018. 31 blz.

    [9-11 jaar]


    Chaud, Benjamin, Het nieuwe nest van de Kleine Marsus

    Lierderholthuis: Leonon Media Publishers.

    September 2018. 32 blz.



    Chickera, Amal de  & Deirdre Brennan, Het Meisje Dat Haar Land Verloor

    Geïllustreerd door Dian Pu.

    Vert. Lieneke Derks. Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion.

    Mei 2018. 88 blz.


    Dam, Arend van, De reis van Syntax Bosselman

    Verhalen over de slavernij.

    Ill. Alex de Wolf.

    Houten: Van Holkema & Warendorf.

    2018. 304 blz.

    [Winnaar Thea Beckmanprijs 2018]



    Dendooven, Gerda, Op zoek naar Stella

    Amsterdam: Querido.

    2018. 44 blz.



    Frateur, Haryanti & Marie Van Praag, Yanti

    Over de reis van haar leven.

    Ekeren: Studio Sesam.

    2018. 43 blz.



    Geus, Mireille, Dans!

    Rotterdam: Lemniscaat.

    Maart 2018.166 blz.



    Hermans, Dalilla, Brown girl magic

    Leuven: Davidsfonds/ Infodoc.

    Oktober 2018. 32 blz.

    Nederlands – Engelstalige uitgave.


    Jager, Elsbeth de, Maryam, het bedoeïenenmeisje

    Ill: Gerda Wierda.

    Breda: Droomvallei Uitgeverij.

    2018. 41 blz.


    Jager, Elsbeth de & Ellen Wennink, Ducky in de grote wereld

    Tolbert: Uitgeverij eigenzinnig.

    2018. 26 blz.

    [Boekje in het Nederlands, Frans, Duits, Farsi, Urdu, Kurmancî en Arabisch]

    [3–8 jaar] 


    Kawtar en Salma; Maldonado - Marin, Luz en Marcia, Luna Schepens, Mijn trouwe Juan

    Verhaal uit Spanje.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken.

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Kromhout, Rindert, En ik was zijn held

    Amsterdam: Leopold.

    2018. 304 blz.

    [Over Klaus Mann]



    Kuyper, Sjoerd, Het verhaal van Sinterklaas

    Ill. Emanuel Wiemans.

    Amsterdam: Rubinstein Publishing BV. Gouden Boekjes.

    2018. 28 blz. 


    Lester, Cas, Spreek je chocola?

    Oorspr. titel: Do you speak chocolate? Londen: Piccadilly Press.


    Vert. uit Engels: Sofia Engelsman.

    Haarlem: Gottmer.

    2018. 254 blz.


    [10-12 jaar]


    Marsh, Katherine, Niemandsjongen

    Oorspr. titel: Nowhere boy.

    Vert. Jasper Mutsaers.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff.

    Oktober 2018. 350 blz.


    [12-14 jaar]


    Mohammadi, Hadi, Het meisje en haar zeven paarden

    Ill. Nooshin Safakhoo. 

    Vert. Imme Dros.

    Amsterdam: Querido.

    2018. 40 blz.


    [4-6 jaar]


    Muradov, Ana; Shamil; Nykita van den Branden, Wie van de drie?

    Verhaal uit Georgië.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken.

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Nouns, Petra, Het blauwe licht

    Vert. uit Duits: Jen Minkman.

    Den Haag: Dutch Venture Publishing.

    2018. 255 blz.


    Pool, Joyce & Marc Suvaal, Jij en ik

    Verhalen over vriendschap en vluchtelingen.

    Rotterdam: Lemniscaat.

    2018. 192 blz.

    [Bijdragen van Jan Terlouw, Gijs Wanders, Margaretha van Andel, Ariënne Bolt, Alyze Bos, Pieter Koolwijk, Joyce Pool, Jesse Goossens, Mireille Geus, Carolien Ceton, Anna van Praag, Jowi Schmitz, Peter-Paul Rauwerda, Ellen van Velzen, Lenneke Westera, Eva Moraal, Marloes Morshuis, Sjoerd Kuyper & Annet Huizing.]



    Puissant, Brigitte, Katrien Valckenaers, Wietse Palmans, Baloena

    Averbode: Averbode/Erasme.


    Prentenboek (29 p.) + lessuggesties (18 p.).

    [3-10 jaar]


    Roberts, Ceri, Vluchtelingen

    Ill. Hanane Kai.

    Oorspr. titel: Refugees and migrants.

    Etten-Leur: Corona.

    2018. 32 blz.

    [9-11 jaar]   


    Sahm; familie Azizi, Nykita van den Branden, De tijger

    Verhaal uit Irak.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken.

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Samson, Anne-Marieke, Ik ben Miran

    Verhalen van asielzoekerskinderen.

    Illustrator: Suus van den Akker.

    Amsterdam: Ploegsma.

    Oktober 2018. 80 blz.


    Sassen, Erna, Een indiaan als jij en ik

    Illustrator: Martijn van der Linden.

    Amsterdam: Leopold. 2018.123 blz.   

    [6-8 jaar]


    Sterkens, Christine, Daar is het circus!

    Illustrator: Agnes Van de Velde.

    Zoersel: VZW Herkes. Nik-Nak.

    2018. 27 blz.

    [3-5 jaar]                                                                                                                               

    Beschikbaar in Nederlands-Farsi.


    Sterkens, Christine, Een twee drie

    Illustrator: Elisabeth De Potter.

    Zoersel: VZW Herkes. Nik-Nak.

    2018. 20 blz.

    [3-5 jaar]

    Beschikbaar in Nederlands-Amhaars, Nederlands-Duits, Nederlands-Engels, Nederlands-Frans, Nederlands-Pools, Nederlands-Swahili, Nederlands-Tigrinya.                                                                                                            


    Sterkens, Christine, Konijn is jarig

    Illustrator: Ceciel Winters.

    Zoersel: VZW Herkes. Nik-Nak.

    2018. 31 blz.

    [3-5 jaar]

    Beschikbaar in Nederlands-Chinees, Nederlands-Engels, Nederlands-Italiaans, Nederlands-Farsi, Nederlands-Lingala, Nederlands-Portugees, Nederlands-Swahili, Nederlands-Turks.


    Sterkens, Christine, Groot nieuws / Büyük müjde

    Nederlands-Turkse versie.


    Vert. Süleyman Berg.

    Zoersel: VZW Herkes.

    2018. 35 blz.

    [3-5 jaar]

    [Ook beschikbaar in Nederlands-Arabisch, Nederlands-Engels, Nederlands-Duits, Nederlands-Frans, Nederlands-Roemeens, Nederlands-Tigrinya]


    Sterkens, Christine, Mimi is cool

    Illustrator: Ina Hallemans

    Zoersel: VZW Herkes.

    2018. 35 blz.

    Beschikbaar in Nederlands-Amhaars, Nederlands-Tigrinya.


    Sterkens, Christine, Supermarkt in het bos / Ormandaki süpermarket

    Nederlands-Turkse versie.

    Vert. Süleyman Berg.

    Zoersel: Nik-Nak. VZW Herkes.

    2018. 27 blz.

    [3-5 jaar]

    [Ook beschikbaar in Nederlands-Arabisch, Nederlands-Bulgaars, Nederlands-Engels, Nederlands-Frans, Nederlands-Pools]


    Van Aken Brigitte, Gewoon daarom!

    Leuven: Davidsfonds.

    2018. 191 blz.



    Veldkamp, Tjibbe, Katvis

    Amsterdam: Querido 2018. 136 blz.

    [Illegaal/legaal; Belgie / Nederland]



    Visscher, Hajo, Het geheim van de vlucht

    Illustrator: Wilbert van der Steen.

    Hasselt: Clavis.

    2018. 180 blz.




    Vuren, Cor van, Vluchten, het kan niet anders

    Soest: Boekscout.

    Maart 2018. 128 blz.


    Waes, Mark van, Cyrus en Farnas over zeven grenzen

    Amsterdam: ROSE Stories ism Oxfam Novib.

    Augustus 2018. 144 blz.

    [ 12+]


    Zara en Luiza; Standaert, Musa en Charlotte, Elias Thuy, De witte rat

    Verhaal uit Frankrijk.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken.

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar]


    Zlatka, Petya Nikolova, Singh, Prinka, Luilak en de prinses

    Verhaal uit Bulgarije.

    Sint Niklaas: OKAN Sint Niklaas. Verhalen uit alle windhoeken.

    2018. 24 blz.

    [11-18 jaar.]




    Al-Sayed, Abdullah & Kerstin Kropac, Geflüchtet

    Zu Hause in Deutschland, daheim in Syrien.

    Würzburg: Arena.

    Februar 2018. 212 p.


    Arsalan, Seif & Annette Weber, Aus Syrien geflüchtet

    Ein autobiografischer Jugendroman.

    Mülheim an der Ruhr: Verlag an der Ruhr GmbH.

    2018. 144 p.


    Boie, Kirsten, Bestimmt wird alles gut

    Illustriert von Jan Birck.

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Oktober 2018. 56 p.

    [Syrie – Duitsland]


    Härtling, Peter, Djadi, Flüchtlingsjunge

    Roman für Kinder und Erwachsene.

    Weinheim: Julius Beltz GmbH & Co. KG.

    Februar 2018. 117 p.


    Neudeck, Christel, Khalil

    Die Flucht aus Syrien.

    Ill. Lukas Ruegenberg.

    Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker GmbH.

    2018. 42 p.


    Renz, Ulrich, Schlaf gut, kleiner Wolf – Nam jayyidan ayyuha adh-dhaib as-sagir

    (Deutsch – Arabisch).

    Zweisprachiges Kinderbuch mit mp3 Hörbuch zum Herunterladen, ab 2-4 Jahren

    Illustriert von Barbara Brinkmann.

    Übersetzt von Abdelaaziz Boussayer.

    Lübeck: Sefa Verlag.

    Juli 2018. 26 p.


    Widiarto, Ingrid, Aliya und der kleine Hund

    Eine Flüchtlingsgeschichte.

    Berlin: Graphiti-Verlag.

    November 2018. 152 p.




    Barghoorn, Linda

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Barghoorn, Linda, A Refugee's Journey from El Salvador

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Barghoorn, Linda, A Refugee's Journey from Eritrea

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Brown, Don, The Unwanted

    Stories of the Syrian Refugees.

    Boston, Ma.: HMH Books for Young Readers.

    September 2018. 112 p.  


    Cassidy, Cathy, Sami's Silver Lining

    London: Penguin Books Ltd. The Lost and Found Book Two.

    June 2018. 288 p.



    Colfer, Eoin, Andrew Donkin & Giovanni Rigano (Illustrator), Illegal Naperville,

    IL:  Sourcebooks Jabberwocky.

    August 2018. 114 p.



    Creager, Ellen, Life as a Syrian American

    New York: PowerKids Press.

    2018. 32 p.


    Crossan, Sarah & Brian Conaghan, We come apart

    London: Bloomsbury.

    2018. 325 p.

    [Roemenië / Verenigd Koninkrijk]



    Fleming, Melissa, A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea

    One Refugee's Incredible Story of Love, Loss, and Survival.

    New York: Flatiron Books.

    2018. 304 p.


    Heing, Bridey, True Stories of Teen Refugees

    New York: Cavendish Square Publishing.

    January 2018. 112 p.


    Hollingsworth, Alyssa, The Eleventh Trade

    Sydney: Hotkey. Bonnier.

    December 2018. 288 p.

    [Afghanistan / Verenigde Staten]



    Hudak, Heather, A Refugee's Journey from Iran

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Kovacs, Vic, Life as an Afghan American

    St. Louis, MO: PowerKids Press.

    January 2018. 32 p.


    Lucas, Lisa & Laurie Stein (Illustrator), Spectacularly Beautiful

    A Refugee’s Story.

    Brooklyn, NY: Pow!.

    December 2018. 32 p.



    Rodger, Ellen, A Refugee's Journey from Nigeria

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Rodger, Ellen, A Refugee's Journey from Ukraine

    New York: Crabtree Publishing Company.

    February 2018. 32 p.



    Senzai, N.H., Escape from Aleppo

    New York: Simon & Schuster/Paula Wiseman Books.

    January 2018. 336 p.



    Wallace, Sandra Neil, Rich Wallace & Agata Nowicka (Illustrator), First Generation

    36 Trailblazing Immigrants and Refugees Who Make America Great .

    New York: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers.

    September 2018. 96 p.



    Zoboi, Ibi, American street

    New York: Balzer + Bray.

    2018. 324 p.

    [Verenigde Staten]





    Mager, Jonna, Ben jij anders?

    Een onderzoek naar het beeld van 'de ander' in kinderboeken uit de periode 1945-1970.

    Groningen: Science Shop, University of Groningen.

    Februari 2018. 97 blz.


     Xu, Daozhi, Indigenous Cultural Capital

    Postcolonial Narratives in Australian Children’s Literature.

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / New York / Wien: Peter Lang.

    2018. XII, 238 p.




    Gort, Annemies, Judith Nouws, Annuska van Kampen, Elianne Zijlstra, Inspirerende initiatieven voor vluchtelingenkinderen

    15 succesvolle projecten.

    Utrecht: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut.

    2018. 53 blz.


    Haan, Anna de, m.m.v. Eva Vreeswijk (Pharos),  Achtergrond vluchtelingenkinderen

    Vluchtelingenkinderen in de kinderopvang.

    Utrecht: Sardes / Sociaal Werk Nederland / Nederlands Jeugdinstituut /Pharos.

    November 2018. 22 blz.


    Hoogeveen, Karin &  Paulien Muller, Ouderbetrokkenheid

    Vluchtelingenkinderen in de kinderopvang.

    Utrecht: Sardes / Nederlands Jeugdinstituut / Sociaal Werk Nederland / Pharos.

    November 2018. 24 blz.


    Nijboer, Dr. Irene & drs. Marcel van Gastel, met ondersteuning van drs. Rob Achterkamp, drs. Joost van der Vleuten, dr. Tycho Walaardt, Evaluatie opvangmodel Alleenstaande Minderjarige Vreemdelingen 

    Den Haag: ABDTopConsult.

    November 2018. 64 blz.


    Schuitemaker, Sander) & Martine Goeman, Extra beschermd of extra beschadigd?

    Onderzoek naar de leefomstandigheden van kinderen met een handicap in asielzoekerscentra in Nederland.

    Leiden: Defence for Children.

    2018. 61 blz.


    Scherder, Prof. Erik, Carla van Os, dr.Elianne Zijlstra, Schaderisico bij uitzetting langdurig verblijvende kinderen

    Een multidisciplenaire wetenschappelijke onderbouwing.

    Groningen / Amsterdam: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / Vrije Universiteit.

    December 2018. 11 blz.                                                                      


    What do you think?

    Migranten- en vluchtelingenkinderen in België aan het woord.

    Brussel: Belgisch Comité voor Unicef.

    2018. 120 p.


    Zelfstandig verder?

    De opvang en de begeleiding van alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen.

    Utrecht / Den Haag: Inspectie Gezondheidszorg en Jeugd / Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid.

    December 2018. 17 blz.




    Brinks, Sabrina, Eva Dittmann, Heinz Müller, Handbuch unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge

    Regensburg: Walhalla und Praetoria.

    August 2018.



    Jouni, Mohammed, Barbara Bräutigam, Silke Birgitta Gahleitner, Dorothea Zimmermann, Maximiliane Brandmaier, Zwischen Barrieren, Träumen und Selbstorganisation

    Erfahrungen junger Geflüchteter.

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gm.

    November 2018. 102 p.  


    Thüne, Eva-Maria, Gerettet

    Berichte von Kindertransport und Auswanderung nach Großbritannien.

    Berlin: Hentrich und Hentrich Verlag.

    Dezember 2018. 180 p.


    Villalobos, Juan Pablo, Ich hatte einen Traum

    Jugendliche Grenzgänger in Amerika.

    Berlin: Berenberg Verlag.

    September  2018.112 p.  




    Crock, Mary & Sonja C. Grover (Eds.), Protecting Migrant Children

    In Search of Best Practice.

    Cheltenham Glos: Edgar Elger.

    2018. 552 p.


    Grover, Sonja C., Child Refugee Asylum as a Basic Human Right

    Selected Case Law on State Resistance.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    June 2018. XI, 245 p.


    Haker, Hille & Molly Greening, Unaccompanied Migrant Children

    Social, Legal, and Ethical Perspectives.

    Lanham Md.: Lexington Books.

    December 2018. 262 p.


    Plann, Susan, Coming of Age in Madrid

    An Oral History of Unaccompanied Moroccan Migrant Minors.

    Eastbourne: Sussex Academic Press.

    November 2018. 320 p.


    Rose, Scott, Blessed Are the Refugees

    Beatitudes of Immigrant Children.

    Foreword by Joe Biden.

    Maryknoll, United States: Orbis Books.

    October 2018. 128 p.




    (zie ook 19. Masterscripties)




    Gratzer, Wolfgang & Nils Grosch, Musik und Migration

    Münster: Waxmann. Juni 2018. 288 p.


    Hansen-Schaberg, Inge, Kristina Schulz, Wiebke von Bernstorff, Heike Klapdor,  Grenzüberschreitungen

    Migrantinnen und Migranten als Akteure im 20. Jahrhundert.

    München: edition text + kritik.

    2018. 200 p.


    Menke, Bettine &  Juliane Vogel, Flucht und Szene

    Perspektiven und Formen eines Theaters der Fliehenden.

    Berlin: Theater der Zeit.

    2018. 383 p.


    Visniec, Matei, MIGRAAAAANTEN!

    Wir sind zu viele auf diesem verdammten Boot.

    Übersetzt aus dem Rumänischen von Jan Cornelius & Nick Awde.

    Berlin: PalmArtPress.

    März 2018. 200 p.




    Loustaunau, Esteban & Lauren Shaw, Telling Migrant Stories

    Latin American Diaspora in Documentary Film.  

    Florida: University Press of Florida.

    February 2018. 336 p. 


    McCluskey, Peter Matthew, Representations of Flemish Immigrants on the Early Modern Stage

    Studies in Performance and Early Modern Drama.

    London: Routledge.

    October 2018. 232 p.


    Pollock, Griselda, Charlotte Salomon

    The nameless artist in the theatre of memory 1940-1943.

    New Haven: Yale University Press.

    March 2018. 560 p.


    Walkley, Sarah, Cultural Diversity in the French Film Industry

    Defending the Cultural Exception in a Digital Age.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG. New Directions in Cultural Policy Research.

    December 2018. 278 p.


    Watson, Sheila, Amy Jane Barnes, Katy Bunning (Eds.), A museum studies approach to heritage

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge.

    2018. 930 p.



    A.Taal, communicatie & meertaligheid




    Benzakour, Mohammed, 10 op een ezel

    Berbers spreekwoordenboek.

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos.

    Juni 2018. 222 blz.


    Dorren, Gaston, Lingua: dwars door Europa in 69 talen

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep 2018. 357 blz.


    Duurkoop, Jiska, Straatpraat


    Hoe moderne straattaal Nederland verenigt en verdeelt.

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep.

    November 2018. 200 blz.


    Goes, Mandy & Henri Faun, Taalcafés en cursussen digitale vaardigheden

    Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar ervaringen en  opbrengsten.

    Zoetermeer: Panteia.

    Mei 2018. 94 blz.

    In opdracht van Koninklijke Bibliotheek en ProBiblio/Taalnetwerk BOZH.


    Gross, Stephanie, Anderstaligheid en opvallend gedrag van kinderen

    Vluchtelingenkinderen in de kinderopvang.

    Utrecht: Sardes / Nederlands Jeugdinstituut / Sociaal Werk Nederland / Pharos.

    November 2018. 25 blz.


    Hoedemaker, Henny, Dagboek van een taalmaatje

    dat een jaar lang, in wekelijkse verslagen, beschrijft hoe een gezin van Syrische vluchtelingen, in Nederland inburgert.

    Oosterhout: Chapeau.

    2018. 208 blz.


    Hoffman, Edwin, Interculturele gespreksvoering

    Theorie en praktijk van het TOPOI-model.

    Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 2002 – 2018. Vierde, herziene druk. XVI, 241 blz.


    Odé, Arend & A. Oostveen, A.Mack, Duale trajecten taal en werk

    Eindrapport Amsterdam : Regioplan.

    Oktober 2018. 71 blz.


    Oostendorp, Marc van & Nicoline van der Sijs, Een mooie mengelmoes Meertaligheid in de Gouden Eeuw.

    Amsterdam: AUP.

    2018. 136 blz.


    Pinto, prof. dr. David, Effectieve Interculturele Communicatie

    Theorie, methode en praktijk.

    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt.

    2018. 208 blz.


    Reeser, Pepijn, Eline Levering, Erik Schilp, De zin van taal

    Language for society magazine.

    Leiden: Taalmuseum.

    2018. 56 blz.


    Verhallen, Simon, Vakwerk 12

    Binnenschool en Buitenschools Leren en Oefenen

    Selectie uit de lezingen en presentaties BVNT2

    Conferentie Amsterdam 2018. Amsterdam: Beroepsvereniging van docenten Nederlands als Tweede Taal (BV NT2).

    2018. 111 blz.


    Weitzman, Elaine & Janice Greenberg, Leren praten met plezier

    Een handboek om de sociale, spraak- en taalontwikkeling van kinderen te bevorderen.

    Oorspr. titel: Learning language and loving it. (2002)

    Vert. uit het Engels: Mariska Hammerstein

    Illustraties: Ruth Ohi, Christine Tripp & Kathryn Adams.

    Amsterdam: SWP.

    2018. X, 397 blz.


    Wesdijk, Conny, De taal van de verpleging

    Nederlands voor buitenlanders in de zorg.

    Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers.

    2018. 248 blz.


    ‘Over de economische betekenis van taal’

    Een verkenning van de taalsector in het Nederlandse taalgebied.

    Uitgevoerd door De Taalstudio mmv  De Taalsector / Consultancy Left.

    Den Haag: Taalunie.

    September 2018. 122 blz.


    Stappenplan aanpak laaggeletterheid bij ouders

    Den Haag: Stichting Lezen & Schrijven.

    2018. 19 blz.


    Ver weg Dichtbij

    Schrijfprijs NT2 2018 / Stichting Les.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 64 blz.




    Donlic, Jasmin, Georg Gombos, Hans Karl Peterlini (Hrsg.), Lernraum Mehrsprachigkeit

    Zum Umgang mit Minderheiten- und MigrantInnensprachen.

    Klagenfurt: Drava.

    Oktober 2018. 200 p.


    Fiedler, Sabine & Cyril Brosch (Hg.), Flucht, Exil, Migration

    Sprachliche Herausforderungen.

    Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

    2018. 143 p.


    Gessner, Elisabeth, Jenny Giambalvo Rode, Horst Paul Kuhley (Hg.), Atlas der Mehrsprachigkeit

    Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag.

    Dezember 2018. 326 p.


    Kleebauer, Patrizia Danuta, Multilingualismus erwachsener Migrantinnen und Migranten polnischer Herkunft

    Eine qualitative Untersuchung in Deutschland und Schweden.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    Duisburger Arbeiten zur Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft / Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture, Band: 122.

    November 2018. 398 p.  


    Wowro, Iwona, Mariusz Jakosz & Renata Kozieł (Hrsg.), Sprachliche Dimensionen der Fremdheit und Andersartigkeit

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang.

    Warschauer Studien zur Germanistik und zur Angewandten Linguistik.

    2018. 276 p.                                                           


    Metaphor and Migration I

    Internationales Journal zur Metaphorik in Sprache, Literatur, Medien.

    Hannover: Wehrhahn Verlag.

    August 2018. 200 p.




    Bowerman, Melissa, Ten lectures on language, cognition, and language acquisition

    Leiden: Brill. Distinguished lectures in cognitive linguistics,

    2018. XIV, 235 p.


    D'haeseleer, Evelien,  Elise Ryckaert, Kristiane Van Lierde, Dutch language development in Turkish-Dutch bilingual children compared to monolingual children

    10th European congress of Speech and Language Therapy Speech and Language Therapy,

    10th European congress, Abstracts.

    2018. 20 p.


    Grosse, Friederike, Theoretical implications for researching complex identity construction in superdiverse contexts through linguistic repertoires:

    An organic perspective.

    Tilburg: Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies. Paper 219.

    December 2018. 24 p.


    Gudmestad, Aarnes & Amanda Edmonds (Eds.), Critical reflections on data in second language acquisition

    Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Language learning & language teaching,

    2018. VIII, 231 p.


    Heyman, Jeremy B., Without a margin for error

    Urban Immigrant English language learners in Stem.

    Leiden: Brill Sense.

    2018. IX, 158 p.                                                                                                                 


    Horning, Alice S., Literacy Then and Now

    A Study of Modern and Contemporary Literacy Practices.

    New York / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Oxford / Wien: Peter Lang. Studies in Composition and Rhetoric.

    2018. XIV, 218 p.  


    Koerber, Jennifer, Library Services for Immigrants and New Americans  Celebration and Integration.

    Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited Inc.

    2018. 181 p.      


    Kristensen, H., Legal & Humanitarian Terms & Phrases Explained.

    What Do The Words Mean?

    A Dictionary on The “European Refugee Crisis” 2015-2018.


    August 2018. 48 p.   


    Kristensen, H., How to Communicate with Asylum Seekers & Refugees

    A Basic Guide to Culture & Communication in European Refugee Camps, Reception Units & Shelters.

    Epubli. August 2018. 48 p.   


    Noack, Anna, Intergroup Contact between Germans and Turkish Immigrants Living in Germany

    Exploring Tandem Language Classes as a Means to Reduce Prejudice.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    June 2018. 234 p.


    Patrick, Peter L., Monika S. Schmid, Karin Zwaan (Eds.), Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin

    Current Perspectives and New Directions.

    Heidelberg: Springer. Language Policy (Book 16).

    October 2018. 271 p.


    Pütz, Martin & Neele Mundt (Eds.), Expanding the Linguistic Landscape

    Linguistic Diversity, Multimodality and the Use of Space as a Semiotic Resource. Bristol: Multulingual Matters.

    November 2018. 320 p. 


    Rooij, Vincent A. de, (Ed.), The sociolinguistics of place and belonging

    Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam.

    2018. VI, 291 p.

    [Based on papers prepared for workshops at the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies (NIAS) in 2011, Wassenaar, the Netherlands, and,

    the Sociolinguistics Symposium 20 in Jyväskylä, Finland, held Jun 15-18, 2014]


    Siiner, Maarja, Francis M. Hult, Tanja Kupisch (Eds.), Language policy and language acquisition planning

    Cham: Springer.

    2018. 255 p.


    Opvoeding, onderwijs & begeleiding


    Baisier, Leen, Rapport werken aan een inclusieve leercultuur

    Inspirerende bedrijfspraktijken in de sectoren elektrotechniek, hout en voeding. Brussel: Stichting innovatie en arbeid.

    2018. 178 blz.


    Benhaddou, Khalid & Emilie Le Roi, Halal of niet?

    Alle vragen omtrent islam en onderwijs in Vlaanderen beantwoord.

    Gent: Borgerhoff & Lamberigts.

    2018. 253 blz. 


    Couttenier, Maarten, Nicolas Standaert, Karel Van Nieuwenhuyse, Eurocentrisch denken voorbij

    Interculturele perspectieven in geschiedenisonderwijs.

    Leuven: Universitaire Pers Leuven.

    2018. 112 blz.


    Douterlungne, Mia., Onderwijs voor vluchtelingen

    Warm onthaal, vlotte leerloopbaan en duurzaam toekomstperspectief:

    Verslag van een strategische verkenning.

    [S.l.]: VLOR vlaamse onderwijsraad.

    2018. 89 blz.


    Dries, Marian & Martha van Endt-Meijling, Met nieuwe ogen

    Meervoudig kijken en verbinden in het sociale domein.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 461 blz.


    Gellens, Sven, Lore Deweerdt, Mieke Enckels, Groeien in burgerschap

    Samen leren samenleven.

    Brussel: Politeia.

    2018. 265 blz.


    Goedhart, Ria, Samenleren op een superdiverse school

    Amsterdam: SWP.

    2018. 175 blz.


    Hal, Lineke van & Inge Razenberg, met medewerking van Marjan de Gruijter, Roos Hommes, Ruth Yohannes, Ashley Chin, Meer jongvolwassen statushouders naar school

    Een kwestie van samenwerken.

    Belemmeringen en oplossingsrichtingen voor meer onderwijsparticipatie van jongvolwassen statushouders.

    Utrecht: KIS.

    Maart 2018. 42 blz.


    Hoffman, Edwin & Arjan Verdooren, Diversiteitscompetentie

    Niet culturen, maar mensen ontmoeten elkaar.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 376 blz.


    Jesserun, Nel & Roxane Warring, Verschillen omarmen

    Transcultureel systemisch werken.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho. Tweede, herziene druk.

    2018. 367 blz.


    Koster, Dietha, NT2-Cahier Films in de les

    Twaalf motiverende werkvormen.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.

    Augustus 2018. 52 blz.


    Kuijpers, Marinka, Monique Strijk, Lusse Mariëtte, Luuk van Schie, Ouderbetrokkenheid bij loopbaanontwikkeling van vmbo-leerlingen

    Onderzoek  m.b.t het City Deal project preventie jeugdwerkeloosheid migrantenjongeren.

    Heerlen: Open Universiteit.

    2018. 64 blz.


    Mahieu, Paul & Karina Verhoeven, Schoolcultureel management

    Handboek voor een levensecht en kleurrijk schoolbeleid.

    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 143 blz.


    Meliefste, Klaaske, Stoom afblazen

    Ervaringsverhaal vluchtelingenkinderen in de klas.

    Herenveen: Klaaske Meliefste.

    2018. 104 blz.


    Messelink, Annelies, Tweetalig onderwijs in het voortgezet onderwijs

    Den Haag: Nuffic.

    April 2018. 20 blz.


    Meulen, Gerwin van der, Daan van Gent, Suzanne Steegma, Onderzoek toegankelijkheid Nederlands onderwijs voor internationals


    Amsterdam: Decisio Economisch Onderzoek en Advies.

    Augustus 2018. 80 blz.

    Op verzoek vban het Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap.


    Meijer, Rozetta, Suzan de Winter-Koçak, Marjolijn Distelbrink, Sahar Noor, This is me!

    Methodiekonderbouwing: weerbaarheids- en identiteitsversterking voor jongeren met een migratieachtergrond.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving.

    April 2018. 41 blz.


    Mitchell, David, Gelijke kansen in de school

    Diversiteit in vijf thema's.

    Oorspr. titel: Diversities in education: effective ways to reach all learners.

    Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2017.

    Huizen / Kalmthout: Pica: Pelckmans Pro.

    2018. 292 blz.


    Nuwenhoud, Annemarie, Interculturele communicatie in de NT2-les

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 116 blz.


    Olijhoek, Vita & Anja Valk, Praktisch didactisch

    Adviezen voor de NT2-docent.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 202 blz.


    Storms, O., K. Janssens, L. van de Kamp, S. Bensellam, Wat wij doen, kan jij ook Handboek Saïd en Lody.

    Utrecht: Movisie.

    2018. 32 blz.


    Terwel, Jan, Rosa Rodrigues, Diane Van de Koot-Dees, Die droom heb ik nog steeds

    Schoolloopbanen en levensverhalen van jongeren in een diverse samenleving.

    Antwerpen: Garant Uitgevers.

    2018. 224 blz.


    Trioen, Marit & Jordi Casteleyn, Extra kansen voor nieuwkomers

    Wat werkt in leesonderwijs aan laaggeletterde anderstalige jongeren?

    Een praktijkgids voor lesgevers.

    Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen.

    2018. 34 blz.


    Van de Putte, Inge & Elisabeth De Schauwer, Leren omgaan met diversiteit in de klas

    Het GOL(L)D-concept in de praktijk.

    Gent: Academia Press.

    2018. 326 blz.


    Verboog, Margreet, NT2-cahier buitenschools leren

    Spreken van binnen naar buiten de les.

    Amsterdam: Boom. Cahiers.

    2018. 63 blz.


    O jee, een NT2-leerling in de klas!

    Een handreiking voor docenten in het VO en MBO. LOWAN,

    2018. 20 blz.


    Waarderen van diversiteit

    Themanummer Zorgbreed. 60. (15) 4.

    Juni-juli-augustus 2018. 42 blz.





    , Harry H. & Frank van der Velden (Hg.), Religion, Flucht und Erzählung

    Interkulturelle Kompetenzen in Schule und sozialer Arbeit mit Geflüchteten.

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.

    Juli 2018. 270 p.


    Braches-Chyrek, Rita, Tilman Kallenbach, Christina Müller, Lena Stahl, Bildungs- und Teilhabechancen geflüchteter Menschen

    Kritische Diskussionen in der Sozialen Arbeit.

    Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH.

    November 2018. 250 p.


    Christ, Marcel, Die Ausbildung von Flüchtlingen aus Afghanistan und Syrien an deutschen Berufsschulen

    Wie bisherige Erfahrungen mit Partizipation und Demokratie berücksichtigt werden können.

    München: ScienceFactory.

    Mai 2018. 109 p.


    Freimuth, Ingrid, Lehrer über dem Limit

    Warum die Integration scheitert.

    München: Europa Verlag Gmbh.

    März 2018. 240 p.


    Gerland, Andrée  & Russell West-Pavlov (Hrsg.), Interkulturelle Bildung und die Flüchtlingsdebatte

    Potenziale und Beispiele der Integration in Schule, öffentlichem Raum und Literatur.

    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

    Oktober 2018. 250 p.


    Gogolin, Ingrid, Marianne Krüger-Potratz, Uwe Sandfuchs, Viola B. Georgi, Drorit Lengyel, Handbuch Interkulturelle Pädagogik

    Regensburg: Verlag Klinkhardt.

    2018. 600 p.


    Grimm, Marc & Sandra Schlupp (Hg.), Flucht und Schule

    Herausforderungen der Migrationsbewegung im schulischen Kontext.

    Weinheim: Juventa Verlag (Imprint der Julius Beltz GmbH & Co. KG).

    November 2018. 162 p. 


    Hamburger, Franz, Abschied von der interkulturellen Pädagogik

    Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 2018, 3., durchgesehene, erweiterte Auflage.

    2018. 216 p.


    Hess, Anna-Lena, Praxis Pädagogik

    Flüchtlingskinder und Sprachförderung.                                                          

    Fachübergreifend / Traumasensibel den Spracherwerb begleiten.

    Braunschweig: Westermann Schulbuchverlag.

    Oktober 2018. 144 p.


    Kröning, Anna, Deutschland hat ausgelernt

    Wie Schulen an der Integration scheitern und was wir tun können.

    München: Piper.

    Oktober 2018. 320 p.


    Kula, Gülbeyaz, Kultur- und Diversitätsdidaktik

    Perspektiven für den Literaturunterricht und darüber hinaus.

    Münster: Waxmann Verlag. Internationale Hochschulschriften, Band 657.

    2018. 626  p.


    Kunze, Norbert, Kultur- und gesellschaftssensible Beratung von Migrantinnen und Migranten

    Konzepte für die psychologische und psychosoziale Praxis.

    Gießen: Psychosozial-Verlag.

    2018. 161 p.


    Popescu-Willigmann, Silvester, Stefanie Ebbeler  & Bernd Remmele (Hrsg.), Erstorientierung für Geflüchtete

    Eine Handreichung aus der Praxis Sozialer Arbeit.

    Leverkusen: Verlag Barbara Budrich GmbH.

    2018. 351 p.


    Schmidt, Matthias, Befähigen – Gestalten – Verantworten

    Die Verantwortung von Hochschulen in der Flüchtlingssituation.

    Augsburg: Rainer Hampp.

    Dezember 2018. 124 p.


    Thomas, Alexander, Kulturelle Integration von Migranten und Flüchtlingen im Berufskontext

    Ein praktischer Leitfaden für Unterstützer und Helfer aus psychologischer Sicht.

    Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag GmbH.

    September 2018. IX, 62 p.




    Alemanji, Aminkeng A. (Ed.), Antiracism Education In and Out of Schools

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XIII, 193 p.


    Arar, Khalid, Kussai Haj-Yehia, David Ross, Yasar Kondakci (Eds.), Higher Education Challenges for Migrant and Refugee Students in a Global World

    New York / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt am Main / Oxford / Wien: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.

    December 2018.  


    Bailey, Lucy & Gul Inanc, Access to Higher Education 

    Refugees' Stories from Malaysia.

    London: Routledge. Routledge Studies on Asia in the World.

    September 2018. 180 p.


    Berthele, Raphael & Amelia Lambelet (Eds.), Heritage and School Language Literacy Development in Migrant Children

    Interdependence or Independence?

    Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Channel View Publications Ltd.

    January 2018. 216 p.


    Beutel, Mirja, Teaching Cosmopolitanism through Transnational Literature in English

    An Empirical Evaluation of Studentsʼ Competence Development in a Life-Writing Approach to Teaching Literature.

    Berlin /Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    March 2018. 329 p.


    Bhatnagar, Joti,  Educating Immigrants

    London: Routledge. Routledge Library Editions: Education and Multiculturalism. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    December 2018. 238 p.


    Bonnet, Andreas & Peter Siemund (Eds.), Foreign language education in multilingual classrooms

    Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. Hamburg studies on linguistic diversity. Vol. 7.

    November 2018. VIII, 423 p.



    , Marco, Miguel Prata Gomes, Savio Siqueira, Refugees, Interculturalism and Education

    Abingdon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    December 2018. 174 p.


    Chang, Aurora, The Struggles of Identity, Education, and Agency in the Lives of Undocumented Students

    The Burden of Hyperdocumentation. 

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XIX, 135 p.                                                                              


    Chávez-García, Miroslava, Migrant Longing

    Letter Writing Across the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands.

    Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

    May 2018. 278 p.


    Crespi, Isabella, Stefania Giada Meda, Laura Merla,(Eds.), Making Multicultural Families in Europe

    Gender and Intergenerational Relations.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XXXIV, 263 p.


    Cropley, A.J., The Education of Immigrant Children

    A Social-Psychological Introduction.

    London: Routledge. Routledge Library Editions: Education and Multiculturalism. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    December 2018. 204 p.


    Crul, M., Culture, identity, belonging, and school success.

    In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.160.

    2018. p.109-114.


    Crul, Maurice, How key transitions influence school and labour market careers of descendants of Moroccan and Turkish migrants in the Netherlands

    In: European Journal of Education. 53(4).

    2018. p. 481-494.


    Crul, M. R. J.,The Netherlands: Intergenerational mobility of native-born children of immigrants from Morocco and Turkey

    In: Catching Up? Country Studies on Intergenerational Mobility and Children of Immigrants.

    Paris: OECD Publishing.

    2018. p. 93-119.


    Czaika, Mathias (Ed.), High-Skilled Migration

    Drivers and Policies.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    February 2018. 416 p.


    Dovigo, Fabio, Challenges and opportunities in education for refugees in Europe

    From research to good practices.

    Leiden: Brill Sense.

    July 2018. 180 p.


    Ducu, Viorela, Mihaela Nedelcu, Aron Telegdi-Csetri (Eds.), Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings

    International Perspectives on Migration. Vol 15.

    Cham: Springer.

    2018. VIII, 204 p.



    , Ashraf, Abul Pitre, Darren E. Lund, H. Prentice Baptiste, Gwendolyn Duhon-Owens, Research Studies on Educating for Diversity and Social Justice  

    Lanham, United States: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

    August 2018. 236 p.


    Flaitz, Jeffra, Refugee Students 

    What Every Teacher Needs to Know.

    Ann Arbor, United States: The University of Michigan Press.

    November 2018. 96 p.  


    Foster, Peter, Policy and Practice in Multicultural and Anti-Racist Education 

    A case study of a multi-ethnic comprehensive school.

    London: Routledge. Routledge Library Editions: Sociology of Education.

    September 2018. 208 p.


    Gertz, SunHee Kim, Betsy Huang, Lauren Cyr, Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education and Societal Contexts

    International and Interdisciplinary Approaches.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XXIII, 370 p.    


    Hajar, Anas, International Students’ Challenges, Strategies and Future Vision

    A Socio-Dynamic Perspective.

    Bristol: Multilingual Matters.

    December 2018. 256 p.


    Hélot, Christine, Carolien Frijns, Koen van Gorp, Sven Sierens (Eds.), Language Awareness in Multilingual Classrooms in Europe                                                                                      

    From Theory to Practice.

    Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

    April 2018. XII, 305 p.                                                                                                                                                   


    Hoffman, Edwin & Arjan Verdooren, Diversity competence 

    Cultures don't meet, people do.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 352 p.


    Inceel, Sezgin, Bilingualism and Music Education

    A Turkish-German Perspective.

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Wien: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    November 2018. 178 p.


    Jankrift, Melanie, The Narrative Competence of Pre-School Children with a Migrant Background

    München: GRIN Verlag.

    October 2018. 30 p.


    Kalter, Frank, Jan O. Jonsson, Frank Van Tubergen, Anthony Heath (Eds.), Growing Up in Diverse Society

    The Integration of the Children of Immigrants in England, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden.

    Oxford: Oxford Univ Press. Proceedings of the British Academy. Book 215.

    December 2018. 407 p.


    Kool, dr. Marinus, dr. Heike Berner, dr. Johanns Müller, Institutional Support for Refugee Scholars in Higher Education

    Intellectual Output 3.

    Amsterdam / Cologne: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam / University of Cologne.  Supporting University Community Pathways for Refugees-Migrants.

    November 2018. 64 p.


    Lehman, Brittany, Teaching Migrant Children in West Germany and Europe, 1949–1992 

    London: Palgrave Macmillan; Palgrave Studies in the History of Childhood.

    October 2018. XI, 256 p.                                                                                                                


    McLelland, Nicola,Teaching and Learning Foreign Languages

    A History of Language Education, Assessment and Policy in Britain.

    London: CRC Press. Routledge Research in Language Education.

    December 2018. 264 p.


    Mkwananzi, Faith, Higher Education, Youth and Migration in Contexts of Disadvantage

    Understanding Aspirations and Capabilities.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    December 2018. XXI, 267 p.



    Naidoo, Loshini, Jane Wilkinson, Kiprono Langat, Refugee Background Students Transitioning Into Higher Education

    Navigating Complex Spaces.

    Singapore: Springer Singapore.

    May 2018. 170 p.


    Oudheusden, Hélène van, Teaching Refugee Children

    A Hero’s Journey. Hélène van Oudheusden.

    2018. 144 p.


    Park, Jie Y., Learning from Urban Immigrant Youth About Academic Literacies

    New York: Routledge.

    2018. 170 p.


    Race, Richard, Advancing Multicultural Dialogues in Education

    SpringerLink (Online service).

    2018. XVII, 333 p.


    Richardson, Emily, Leonora MacEwen, Ruth Naylor, Teachers of Refugees

    A Review of the Literature.

    Reading, Berkshire: Education Development Trust.

    2018. 76 p.


    Sengupta, Enakshi & Patrick Blessinger, Refugee Education 

    Integration and Acceptance of Refugees in Mainstream Society.  

    Bingley (UK): Emerald Publishing Limited.

    September 2018. 272 p. 


    Shapiro, Shawna, Raichle Farrelly, Mary Jane Curry (Eds.), Educating Refugee-background Students 

    Critical Issues and Dynamic Contexts.

    Bristol: Channel View Publications Ltd.

    July 2018. XVI, 264 p.    


    Soria, Krista M. (Ed.), Evaluating Campus Climate at US Research Universities Opportunities for Diversity and Inclusion.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XXXII, 495 p.


    Stelly, Matthew C., Multicultural Education and School Law

    Race, the Final Frontier.

    Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

    October 2018. 146 p.


    Stevenson, Jacqueline & Sally Baker, Refugees in Higher Education

    Debate, Discourse and Practice.

    Great Debates in Higher Education.

    Bingley, West Yorkshire: Emerald Publishing Limited.

    October 2018. 168 p.  


    Thompson, Sherwood & Pam Parry (Eds.), Exploring Campus Diversity

    Case Studies and Exercises.

    Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.

    November 2018. 208 p.


    Thorpe, Helen, The Newcomers

    Finding Refuge, Friendship, and Hope in America.

    New York: Scripner. Simon & Schuster.

    November 2018. 432 p.

    [The Newcomers follows the lives of twenty-two immigrant teenagers throughout the course of the 2015-2016 school year as they land at South High School in Denver, Colorado]


    Van Avermaet, Piet, Stef Slembrouck, Koen Van Gorp, Sven Sierens, Katrijn Maryns, The Multilingual Edge of Education

    London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

    January 2018. 374 p.


    Van den Bogaert, Sina, Segregation of Roma Children in Education

    Addressing Structural Discrimination through the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities and the Racial Equality Directive 2000/43/EC.

    Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.

    November 2018


    Volante, Louis, Don Klinger, Ozge Bilgili (Eds.), Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy

    Cross-Cultural Approaches.

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    April 2018. XVII, 214 p.

    [o.a. Scheerens, Jaap (et al.), Immigrant Student Achievement and Education Policy in the Netherlands. p.103-118]


    Waldring, I., Crul, M. & Ghorashi, H.,The ability to deal with difference

    Turkish-dutch professionals as go-betweens in the education sector. 

    In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development. 16.

    2018. p. 45-58.


    Werfhorst, Herman G. van de & Anthony Heath, Selectivity of Migration and the Educational Disadvantages of Second-Generation Immigrants in Ten Host Societies                                                                                                                                      In: European Journal of Population,

    First Online: 27 March 2018.


    The Resilience of Students with an Immigrant Background

    Factors that Shape Well-being.

    Paris: OECD Publishing.

    April 2018. 378 p.




    Azabar, Samira, Elke Vandeperre, Jonas Slaats, Rosalie Heens, Positieve identiteitsontwikkeling met moslimjongeren

    Een tool- en handboek voor eerstelijnswerkers.

    Antwerpen / Apeldoorn: Garant Uitgevers.

    2018. 416 blz.


    Baalman, Martijn, Vita Olijhoek, Carola van der Voort, Familie & vrienden

    Utrecht: Van Dale. SpreekTaal 1; module 2.

    2018. 40 blz.

    [Oorspr. uitgave: NCB. Utrecht, 2013]


    Bakker, Freek & Joke Olie, Schrijven op B2

    Examentraining schrijfvaardigheid voor het Staatsexamen II. 

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 137 blz.


    Bambost, David van, Femke VanBelle, Annelies Vantyghem, Van hier tot daar

    Educatieve map over mensen op de vlucht.

    Gent: S.M.A.K..

    2018. 91 blz.


    Beersmans, Maud &  Wim Tersteeg, De finale 

    Voorbereiding op het Staatsexamen NT2 II : B1-B2.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018.Tweede herziene editie. 287 blz.

    Boeken, Christine, Els Le Page, Els Mertens, Ingrid Peeters met medewerking van Evy De Dapper & Anja De Kimpe, Begin vandaag

    Nederlands voor anderstaligen.

    Licentie-uitgave van: Zo gezegd 1.1 A1 Breaktrough. Uitgeverij Pelckmans.

    Almere: Intertaal.

    2018. 364 blz.

    [Leidt naar niveau A1 van het Europees Referentiekader van de Raad van Europa]


    Boer, Berna de, Margaret Van der Kamp, Birgit Lijmbach, Nederlands in gang

    Methode Nederlands voor hoogopgeleide anderstaligen.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. Derde, herziene druk. 318 blz.

    Taalcursus voor beginners (A2).


    Bouman-Noordermeer, Dina, Marilene Gathier, Erica Griffioen, Rita Rutten, Beter Nederlands

    De verdieping: grammatica voor anderstaligen.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. Herziene uitgave.170 blz.

    [Grammaticamethode voor NT2-studenten vanaf niveau B1, als aanvulling op bestaande lesmethodes]


    Craats, Ineke van de & Jan Deutekom, DigLin+

    Samen werken in de klas A, B, C en Lezen 1. 

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 129 blz.

    [Doelgroep: 15-18 jaar, volwassenen]


    Dalderop, Kaatje, Merel Borgesius, Jeanne Kurvers, Willemijn Stockmann, Ster in lezen

    Alfa A.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.

    2018. 155 blz.



    Dalderop, Kaatje, Merel Borgesius, Jeanne Kurvers, Willemijn Stockmann, Ster in lezen

    Alfa B.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.

    Juli 2018. 159 blz.


    Dalderop, Kaatje, Merel Borgesius, Jeanne Kurvers, Willemijn Stockmann, Ster in lezen 

    Alfa C.


    Lezen op de ISK.

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.

    2018. 156 blz.


    Delarue, Steven, Ann Langelet, Eva Verstraete, What's my name

    Cultuur in onderwijs : een krachtige onderstroom.

    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 106 blz


    De Nerée, Jenneke, Het grote spellenboek voor anderstaligen

    Deel 1.

    Leersum: VanDorp Educatief.

    2018. 94 blz.


    Derks, Saskia & Isabelle Zumbrink, VertELKAARten

    Tradities en rituelen.

    Vertelkaartenbundel voor ontmoeting en taalontwikkeling.

    Utrecht: Taal Doet Meer.

    2018. 11 vertelkaarten.


    Devos, Rita, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga van Loo, Vanzelfsprekend  Nederlands voor anderstaligen.


    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 311 blz.

    Doelgroep: Volwassenen.

    Tekstboek met hulptaal Engels.


    Devos, Rita, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga van Loo, Vanzelfsprekend  Nederlands voor anderstaligen.


    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 311 blz.

    Doelgroep: Volwassenen.

    Tekstboek met hulptaal Frans.


    Devos, Rita, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga van Loo, Vanzelfsprekend  Nederlands voor anderstaligen. 


    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 397 blz. 

    Doelgroep: volwassenen.

    Werkboek met hulptaal Engels.


    Devos, Rita, Han Fraeters, Peter Schoenaerts, Helga van Loo, Vanzelfsprekend  Nederlands voor anderstaligen.


    Leuven: Uitgeverij Acco.

    2018. 397 blz. Doelgroep: volwassenen.

    Werkboek met hulptaal Frans.


    Gathier, Marilene, Lezen, hoe doe je dat?

    Werken aan leesvaardigheid voor het inburgeringsexamen.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 144 blz.

    Voorbereiding op het inburgeringsexamen Lezen; leidt op van niveau A1 naar A2; gericht op lager- en middelhoog opgeleiden, ook geschikt voor hogeropgeleiden]


    Goossens, Marian & An Wouters, Instroom

    Nederlands voor jonge anderstaligen.

    Leerwerkboek, 1.

    Wommelgem: Van In.

    2018. 248 blz.


    Haar, Lea, WISK-X

    ISK route 1 en 2.

    Wiskundetaal voor anderstaligen.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 224 blz.

    [Doelgroep: 11-18 jaar]


    Haar, Lea, WISK-Y

    ISK route 3.

    Wiskundetaal voor anderstaligen.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 247 blz.

    [Doelgroep: 11-18 jaar]


    Helsloot, Karijn & Fleur Daemen, Sjoes

    Lesmateriaal voor het basisonderwijs ter stimulering van taalbewustzijn en meertaligheid, van inclusie en saamhorigheid.

    Amsterdam: Studio Taalwetenschap.

    2018. 64 blz.


    Ince, Deniz, Deskundigheidsbevordering en methodieken

    Vluchtelingenkinderen in de kinderopvang.

    Utrecht: Utrecht: Sardes / Nederlands Jeugdinstituut / Sociaal Werk Nederland / Pharos.

    November 2018. 22 blz.


    Keppens, Hanne, Annegreet Poelman, Suzanne  Meeuws, Sporen van kolonisatie

    Antwerpen: Studio Globo vzw.

    2018. Handleiding. 42 blz.

    Doelgroep: 9-14 jaar.


    Kuiken, Folkert & Josine Burgers, Dichter bij de taal

    Nederlands leren met liedjes en poëzie.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. boek 132 blz. plus werkbladen.

    Doelgroep: Volwassenen.


    Leeuwen, Marjolijn van & Erick Vloeberghs, Gezond leven

    Werkboek gezond inburgeren Taalniveau A1 en A2.

    Utrecht: Pharos Expertisecentrum Gezondheidsverschillen.

    2018. 58 blz.


    Leeuwen, Marjolijn van & Erick Vloeberghs, Gezond leven

    Werkboek gezond inburgeren Taalniveau B1.

    Utrecht: Pharos Expertisecentrum Gezondheidsverschillen.

    2018. 70  blz.


    Lembrechts, Jan, Zonneland

    De grote godsdiensten van de wereld.

    Averbode: Averbode.

    2018. (Zonneland. 2018, nr. 19). 24 blz.

    Doelgroep: 11-12 jaar.


    Lenaerts, Lieve, Griet Severeyns, Stokken en Staarten, Bart Van der Moeren, Wereldklassen

    Een schoolbreed traject rond culturele identiteit voor kinderen van het 4de-6de leerjaar.

    Turnhout: De Warande.

    2018. [brochure (20 blz.), fiches 'groeien in verbinding' (28 blz.), bijlagen (23 blz.), 2 schatkamer werkboekjes.] 

    Doelgroep: 9-12 jaar. 


    Maden, Fros van der, Vlot Nederlands

    Methode Nederlands voor (jong)volwassen anderstaligen.

    CEFR B1 naar B2.

    Groningen: Edutekst.

    2018. 203 blz. (werkboek), 85 blz. (docentenhandleiding).

    [11-18 jaar]


    Matheusen, Fanny, Van zondebok naar zebra

    Met Deep Democracy aan de slag op het werk, thuis en in de samenleving. Kalmthout: Pelckmans Pro.

    2018. 160 blz.


    Mertens, Els, Zo geschreven

    Nederlands voor anderstaligen: grammaticale struikelblokken + oefeningen. 1.

    Kalmthout: Pelckmans.

    2018. 80 blz. (Nieuwe editie)

    [NT2, niveau 1.1 en 1.2, A1 en A2]


    Meijboom, Marjan, Luisteren op B1

    Examentraining luistervaardigheid voor het Staatsexamen I.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 83 blz. 

    Minnema, Lotte, Woordenstroom

    Werkvormen voor woordenschat.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. 107 blz.


    Peeters, Marleen, 40 op een rij

    Spellen om jonge anderstalige kinderen de 40 basiswoorden bij te brengen.

    [S.l.]: Averbode.



    Penninga, Fred & JanWillem Campmans, Ithaka, voor onderweg

    Utrecht: Uitgeverij Magonia.

    2018. 36 blz.

    [13-18 jaar]


    Sciarone, A.G., Woord en beeld

    Leerwoordenboek voor anderstaligen.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 167 blz.  



    Schoenaerts, Peter, Scoren met taal

    Oefenkansen Nederlands in de sportclub.

    [S.l.]: Fast Forward vzw.

    2018. 39 blz.


    Sciarone, Bondi, Piet Meijer, Conny Wesdijk, Sonja van Boxtel, Astrid van Laar, Nederlands voor buitenlanders

    Delftse methode.

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    December 2018. Vijfde, geheel herziene editie. 244 blz.


    Taouanza, Ikram, René Broekroelofs & Hanneke Felten, Wegwijzer voor het verminderen van discriminatie op basis van etniciteit, religie en huidskleur 

    Stap voor stap antidiscriminatie-interventies ontwikkelen en verbeteren.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving.

    December 2018. 29 blz.


    Begin vandaag

    Nederlands voor anderstaligen.

    Almere: Intertaal.

    2018. Volledig herziene, gemoderniseerde en uitgebreide versie.

    [Oorspr. titel: Stap. Amsterdam: Intertaal. 2005-2007]


    Gezonde taal

    Utrecht: Van Dale Uitgevers.


    10 themadeeltjes van 12 blz.


    LINK werkboek

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 248 blz.

    Taalcursus Nederlands. Niveau 0 tot A2 voor laag- tot middenopgeleiden.

    Digitaal oefenplatform.


    Oefenboek basiswoordenschat

    Voor NT2-klassen en gedifferentieerd onderwijs.

    Keulen: Lingoplay,

    2018. 70 blz.

    [5-12 jaar]


    Op de vlucht

    Educatief pakket over asielzoekers in België.

    Brussel: Fedasil.


    Dvd (2 x ca. 6 min.), handleiding (21 blz.), werkboek (15 blz.).

    De dvd bevat een versie voor leerlingen van 9-12 jaar en een versie voor leerlingen van 14-16 jaar.


    SpreekTaal 1

    Voor beginnende sprekers van het Nederlands.

    (niveau 0-A1)

    Het begint met Taal, Utrecht / Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam. Afdeling Nederlands Tweede Taal.

    Utrecht: Van Dale Uitgevers.

    2018. 15 delen.


    We maken een reisduif met een boodschap

    Een babbelproject van WIMM voor anderstalige vrouwen over hun migratie- en integratieverhaal.

    Mortsel: WIMM Werkgroep integratie Migrantenvrouwen Mortsel.

    2018. 5 blz.




    Noort, Selma, Ik woon hier

    Arnhem: Bontekoe. NT2-meeluisterboeken.

    Januari 2018. 32 blz.




    Verburg, Marja, Ruud Stumpel, Hans De Groot, Nederlands als tweede taal (NT2 )

    Utrecht: Van Dale.

    2018. Tweede herziene editie. 822 blz.


    Van Dale Miniwoordenboek Marokkaans

    Utrecht: Van Dale.

    November 2018. 480 blz.




    Müller, Peter (Hrsg.), Migranten erzählen

    Für die Sekundarstufe (Texte und Materialien für den Unterricht).

    Ditzingen: Reclam Verlag.

    July. 2018. 199 p.


    Özmen, Elif & Anita  Rösch (Hrsg.), Flucht und Migration

    Fakten, Probleme, Positionen. Für die Sekundarstufe.

    Ditzingen: Reclam Verlag.

    2018. 134 p.




    Huizinga, Marijke & Yvonne Zevenbergen, Dutch grammar support

    Amsterdam: Boom.

    2018. 218 p.

    Doelgroep: 17+


    Kilgour Dowdy, Joanne & Rachael Fleischaker,Text sets

    Multimodal learning for multicultural students.

    Leiden: Brill Nijhoff.

    2018. XXVII, 294 p.                                                                                  


    Lee, David, Study Guide Student Workbook for Refugee

    Independently Published.

    September 2018. 96 p.


    Van Geffen, Grethe, Beyond the Difference

    The Importance of Inclusive Leadership.

    Champaign, IL: Common Ground Research Networks.

    2018. 132 p.




    Caeneghem, Johan van, Tot ziens!

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Woordwinst; lezend op weg naar A1. 5.

    Mei 2018. 40 blz.


    Caeneghem, Johan van, Te laat

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Woordwinst; lezend op weg naar A1. 6.

    Mei 2018. 40 blz.


    Caeneghem, Johan van, Beterschap!

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Woordwinst; lezend op weg naar A1. 7.

    Oktober 2018. 40 blz.


    Caeneghem, Johan van, Dag na dag

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Woordwinst; lezend op weg naar A1. 8.

    Oktober 2018. 40 blz.


    Engdal, Britt & Paulette van der Voet, Niet bang zijn

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. De Leesstraat.

    2018. 56  blz.


    Eppinga, Mirjam & Elisa Zee, Omer en het vliegticket

    Superrr 6.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    Februari 2018. 32 blz.



    Eppinga, Mirjam & Elisa Zee, Ahmad wil aan het werk

    Superrr 5.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    Februari 2018. 40 blz.


    Eppinga, Mirjam & Elisa Zee, Elena in het pretpark

    Superrr 7.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    Oktober 2018. 40 blz  


    Eppinga, Mirjam & Elisa Zee, Rik en Elena

    Superrr 8.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    2018. 40 blz 


    Eppinga, Mirjam & Elisa Zee, Daan gaat vissen

    Superrr 9.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    2018. 40 blz.  


    Ganser, Susanne & Frederike Zindler, Nieuwkomers op de dijk

    Oorspr. titel: Die Fremden am Deich. Münster: Lesen Verlag. 2018.

    Vert. uit Duits: Frederike Zindler.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. De Leesstraat.

    2018. 56 blz. 


    Gronheid, Hank & Tine  de Lange, Iedereen leest mee

    Handleiding voor meeleesclubs.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    2018. 29 blz.

    Doelgroep: Volwassenen


    Isik, Murat, Verloren grond

    In makkelijke taal.

    Bewerking: Sandra van der Stege & Mary Waaijer.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Leeslicht.

    2018. 87 blz.


    Johansson, Emma-Ida & Paulette van der Voet, Daria voelt zich thuis

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. De Leesstraat.

    2018. 40 blz.


    Jongbloed, Annemarie & Elisa Zee, De strijd van Umar

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. (Mijn klas 4).

    Februari 2018. 37 blz.

    Doelgroep: 9-14 jaar.


    Jongbloed, Annemarie & Elisa Zee, Hanna zegt hallo

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. (Mijn klas 5).

    2018. 37 blz. 

    Doelgroep: 9-14 jaar. 


    Jongbloed, Annemarie, Op schoolreis 

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. (Mijn klas 6).

    Juni 2018. 40 blz.


    Jongbloed, Annemarie, De trui van Helen

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. (Mijn klas 7).

    Juni 2018. 40 blz.


    Jongbloed, Annemarie, Jasmin en de sleutel

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. (Mijn klas 8).

    Oktober 2018. 40 blz.


    Kom, Anton de, Wij slaven van Suriname

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Leeslicht.

    November 2018. 96 blz.


    Massy, Ria, De film van Abel

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Vrijdag (ism Wablieft, klare taal, goed verhaal).

    2018. 87 blz.

    [Drie verhalen over de ervaringen van nieuwkomers in België]


    Stege, Sandra van der, Verhalen uit Oost-Europa

    Volksverhalen 4.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren.

    April 2018. 72 blz.

    [Zes volksverhalen uit Polen, Tsjechië, Roemenië, Bulgarije en Servië worden naverteld]


    Steutel, Willemijn, Typisch Nederlands

    Hollandse tradities en gewoonten.

    Amsterdam / Brussel: Uitgeverij Eenvoudig Communiceren. Lezen voor Iedereen.

    2018. Tweede herziene druk. 127 blz.


    Wahldén, Christina & Paulette van der Voet, Naar de top

    Amsterdam: Eenvoudig Communiceren. De Leesstraat.

    2018. 48 blz.





    Aalders, Daphne, Family tables

    10 culturen om van te smullen. Foto’s: Tony Le Duc.

    Antwerpen: Minestrone Culinaire Uitgeverij.

    2018. 103 blz.


    Abboud, Zina, Mijn Syrische keuken

    Amsterdam: Xander.

    2018. 192 blz.



    , Nargisse, Casablanca

    100 moderne & traditionele Marokkaanse gerechten.

    Oorspr. titel: Casablanca: my Moroccan food.

    Utrecht: Veltman Uitgevers.

    2018. 224 blz.


    Boomen, Meta van den, Blauw

    Authentieke Indonesische gerechten.

    Houten: Uitgeverij Terra.

    Oktober 2018. 240 blz.      



    , Frans, Jaron Beekes, Janny van der Heijden, Het koosjere bakboek


    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Amphora Books.

    2018. 178 blz.


    Chafai, Abdelaziz & Hanneke van der Werf, De échte keuken van Marokko

    Verhalen en recepten van generatie op generatie.

    ’s Hertogenbosch: La Cocotte.

    2018. 256 blz.


    Declerq, Marc, West eats East

    Ontdek de gerechten en cocktails van China, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam.

    Tielt: Lannoo.

    2018. 223 blz.


    Dupuis-Gaulier, Sophie, Wereldhapjes om te delen

    Mezze, tapas & fingerfood.

    Oorspr. titel: Apéros du monde.

    Baarn:Forte Culinair.

    2018. 222 blz.


    Galetto, Lucio & David Dale, De keukens van de Middellandse Zee

    Zonnige recepten uit Spanje, Frankrijk & Italië.

    Oorspr. titel: Coastline: the food of mediterranean Italy, France & Spain. Crows Nest NSW: Murdoch Books. 2017.

    Vert. uit Engels: Renate Hagenouw & Aniek Njiokiktjien.

    Houten: Spectrum.

    2018. 287 blz.


    Hage, Salma, Mezze

    De lekkerste gerechten uit de keuken van het Midden-Oosten.

    Oorspr. titel: The mezze cookbook: sharing plates from the Middle East.

    Vert: Aniek Njokiektjien.

    Houten: Spectrum.

    Oktober 2018. 271 blz.


    Jazmati, Malakeh, Malakeh

    De authentieke Syrische keuken.

    Oorspr. titel: Malakeh. München: ZS Verlag GmbH. 2017.

    Vert. uit het Duits: Andrea Kunze.

    Oosterhout: Deltas.

    2018. 176 blz.


    Joyce, Jennifer, My Asian kitchen

    Heerlijke recepten uit traditioneel en modern Azië.

    Oorspr. titel: My Asian kitchen.

    Hilversum: Good Cook.

    2018. 254 blz.


    Kitous, Tony, Comptoir Libanais – Feest!

    Oorspr. titel: Comptoir Libanais: feasts from the Middle East. Londen: HQ, 2018. Vert. Roselle de Jong.

    Haarlem: Uitgeverij Becht.

    2018. 256 blz.


    Laigsingh, Sandhia, Sandhia's recepten

    Deel 5: bekroonde Surinaamse recepten

    Zevenaar: Faja Lobi Food.

    2018. 443 blz.


    Mendes, Nuno, Lisboeta

    Utrecht: Veltman Uitgevers.

    Mei 2018. 316 blz.


    Moreen, Aretha & Martha Waal, SuriMAM cooking

    Surinaams kookboek met liefde voor moeder natuur.

    60 eigentijdse Surinaamse recepten.

    Amsterdam: L.S.

    2018. 175 blz.    


    Nosrat, Samin, Zout, vet, zuur, hitte

    De vier elementen van goed koken.

    Oorspr. titel: Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat.

    Houten: Spectrum.

    2018. 486 blz.


    Ottolenghi, Yotam, Simpel

    Vert. uit Engels.

    ’s-Graveland: Fontaine Uitgevers B.V.

    September 2018. 320 blz.


    Pourier, Vanessa, Bakken met een tropische twist

    50 authentieke bakrecepten uit de Antillen.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Luitingh-Sijthoff.

    2018. 133 blz.


    Roel, Hans Peter, Boeddha's kookboek

    Ki-food; Gezond, slank en energiek door het leven.

    Baarn: N.E.X.T. Company Publishers.

    Oktober 2018. 180 blz.


    Soleimani, Ali, Madame Cookbook from Iran 

    Oorspr. titel: Mevrouw Kookboek uit Iran. (2009)

    Vert. Piety de Vries.

    Drachten: Het Talenhuis.

    Juli 2018. 258 blz.


    Souksisavanh, Orathay, Curry

    Oorspr. titel: Curry super facile. (2016)

    Vertaling uit het Frans: Ilse van Huis/Vitataal.

    Kerkdriel: Librero.

    2018. 68 blz.


    Zeeuw, Janneke de, Mooncake

    Het bakboek.

    Amsterdam: Rose Stories.

    2018. 252 blz.


    Zerouali, Nadia & Samira Dahmani, Couscous

    De lekkerste gerechten uit de Couscousbar.

    Amsterdam: Nijgh Cuisine.

    November 2018. 176 blz.


    Zerouali, Nadia & Merijn Tol, Onder de mediterrane zon

    De lekkerste recepten van Nadia & Merijn.

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar.

    2018. 368 blz.


    Voeding goed, volk gezond

    Surinaams kookboek.

    Rotterdam: Dubois.

    Juli 2018. 88 blz.




    Seeber, Ursula & Veronika Zwerger (Hrsg), Küche der Erinnerung

    Essen und Exil.                                                                                                                                                  

    Wien: new academic press.

    September 2018. 343 p.




    Anjari, Mayada with Jennifer Sit, The Bread and Salt Between Us

    Recipes and Stories from a Syrian Refugee’s Kitchen.

    Foreword by Jose Andres.

    New York: Lake Isle Press.

    November 2018.176 p.   


    Genis, Alexander & Pyotr Vail, Russian Cuisine in Exile

    Edited and translated by Angela Brintlinger & Thomas Feerick.

    Brighton, United States: Academic Studies Press.

    November 2018. 150 p.   


    Gentico, Francisco Javier & Simone Plassard, Recipes Welcome

    The Refugee Recipes That Borders Couldn't Stop.

    Athens: Project Elea.

    November 2018. 112 p.


    Taste of Syria 

    Coventry: Coventry Refugee Centre / Blurb. October 2018. 44 p.   




    A. Nederland


    Afghanen & Irakezen


    Groen, S.P.N., A. Richters, C.J. Laban, W.L.J.M. Deville, Cultural Identity Among Afghan and Iraqi Traumatized Refugees

    Towards a Conceptual Framework for Mental Health Care Professionals.

    In: Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry. (42)1.

    2018/3. p.69-91.




    Sterckx, Leen, Merhawi Fessehazion m.m.v. Bet-El Teklemariam, Eritrese statushouders in Nederland

    Een kwalitatief onderzoek over de vlucht en hun leven in Nederland.

    Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

    November 2018. 192 blz.




    Ethiopian, Nigerian and Somali Migrants in the Netherlands

    A snapshot report on Ethiopian, Nigerian and Somali Migrants in the Netherlands.

    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).

    Geneva: International Organization for Migratio. (IOM).

    May 2018. 24 p.




    Freriks, Kester, Tempo doeloe, een omhelzing

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum – Polak & Van Gennep.

    2018. 111 blz.


    Steijlen, Fridus, Een Indische skyline

    Indische organisaties in Nederland tussen 1980 en 2010.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    Februari 2018. 272 blz.





    Iraqi Migrants in the Netherlands

    A snapshot report on Iraqi Migrants in the Netherlands.

    Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM).

    Geneva: International Organization for Migratio. (IOM).

    May 2018. 22 p.





    Ghorashi, H., Challenges of Integration and Belonging

    Iranians in the Netherlands.

    In: M. Mostafavi Mobasher (ed.), The Iranian Diaspora: Challenges, Negotiations, and Transformations.

    Austin: University of Texas Press. 2018. p. 74-92.




    Happe, Katja, Veel valse hoop

    De jodenvervolging in Nederland 1940-1945.

    Vert. Fred Reurs.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    2018. 528 blz.


    Lubbe, M., Joden in Nederland

    Eenvandaag Opiniepanel, 26 November 2018.

    Hilversum: Avrotros.



    Jodenvervolging als thema in de Nederlandse literatuur 1945-1950

    Themanummer De Parelduiker. (23)5.  2018/. 80 blz.

    [Bevat o.a.: Een voetnoot voor vergeten chroniqueurs (Enno van der Eerden)

    Uitgeverij Strengholt in oorlogstijd (en daarna) (Rob Delvigne)

    Kurt Lehmann alias Konrad Merz (Tim van der Grijn Santen]




    Tomasowa, Jan, Molukse overpeinzingen

    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt.

    Juli 2018. 106 blz.




    Zie Ethiopiërs.


    Roma & Sinti


    Seidler, Y., A. Heerik, M. van den San, J. van Boom, P. de Jorna, Monitor Sociale Inclusie

    Meting 3.

    Tweede vervolgmeting naar de woon- en leefomstandigheden Roma en Sinti in Nederland.

    Rotterdam: Risbo - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam,

    2018. 151 blz.



    Zie Ethiopiërs.




    Kempen, prof.dr. Michiel van, Herinneren, verbeelden, begrenzen

    150 jaar hindostanen hier en daar.

    Eerste Jit Narain lezing.

    Den Haag: Curatorium Jit Narain Lezing.

    31 augustus 2018. 58 blz.




    Dagevos, Jaco, Willem Huijnk, Mieke Maliepaard, Emily Miltenburg, Syriërs in Nederland

    Een studie over de eerste jaren van hun leven in Nederland.

    Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

    Juni 2018. 242 blz.




    Aptroot, Marion (Ed.) Yiddish after 1945

    Amsterdam Yiddish Symposium 11.

    Amsterdam: Menasseh ben Israel Instituut.

    2018. 66 p.


    Kahn, Lili (Ed.), Jewish languages in historical perspective

    Leiden: Brill / Institute of Jewish Studies, London. IJS studies in Judaica.

    Vol. 17. 2018. XI, 247 p.


    Veltkamp-Visser, dr. Sief, Afrikaans in Amsterdam

    De geschiedenis van de Leerstoel Afrikaanse taal en letterkunde aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam en het Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut (1932–2016).

    Amsterdam: Stichting Zuid-Afrikahuis Nederland.

    September 2018. 299 blz.




    Geerdink, Fréderike, Dit vuur dooft nooit

    Een jaar bij de PKK.

    Houten: Spectrum.

    2018. 303 blz.


    Rever, Judi, De waarheid over Rwanda

    Het regime van Paul Kagame.

    Vert. Ingrid Smeets.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    November 2018. 320 blz.


    Slimani, Leila, Seks en leugens

    Het seksleven in Marokko.

    Voorwoord van Hassnae Bouazza.

    Oorspr. titel: Sexe et mensonges. Parijs: Éditions des Arènes. 2016.

    Vert. uit het Frans: Gertrud Maes.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam.

    2018. 159 blz.




    Armila, Päivi, Marko Kananen, Yasemin Kontkanen, The Contexts of Diaspora Citizenship

    Somali Communities in Finland and the United States.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    November 2018. XIX, 231 p.


    Carr, Robert, Generosity and refugees

    The Kosovars in exile.

    Leiden: Brill. Brill's specials in modern history. Vol.2. 2018. XI, 323 p.


    Ho, Elaine Lynn-ee, Citizens in Motion

    Emigration, Immigration, and Re-migration Across China’s Borders.

    Palo Alto (USA): Stanford University Press.

    December 2018. 184 p.


    Ran, S. Irudaya, India Migration Report 2019

    Diaspora in Europe. 

    London: Routledge India.

    October 2018. 402 p.


    Rilke, Mahieu, Competing origin-country perspectives on emigrant descendants

    Moroccan diaspora institutions' policy views and practices regarding the "next generation abroad" .

    In: International Migration Review.

    2018. p. 1-27.


    Treuenfeld, Andrea von (Hrsg.), G[o]ing back

    16 Jewish women tell their life stories, and why they returned to Germany-the country that once wanted to kill them.

    Translated by Cathryn Siegal-Bergman.

    Cleveland: Clevo Books.

    2018. 271 p.                                                                      


    Yanasmayan, Zeynep, The Migration of Highly Educated Turkish Citizens to Europe

    From Guestworkers to Global Talent.

    London: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Ltd .

    November 2018. 158 p.


    Black Diaspora and Germany

    Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora.

    Herausgegeben von BDG Network.

    Münster: edition assemblage.

    April 2018. 375 p.

    [Engels / Duits]


    Uncensored Voices

    Essays and Poems and Art Works by exiled Eritreans.

    PEN Österreich.

    Wien: Löcker Verlag.

    January 2018. 176 p. 




    Boersema, Pieter, Culturele normen en religieuze waarden

    Een sociaal-culturele analyse van en onderzoeksmodel voor cultuurverschillen.

    Antwerpen/ Apeldoorn: Garant Uitgevers.

    2018. 389 blz.


    Boutellier, Hans, Suzan de Winter-Koçak, Mehmet Day, Ahmed Hamdi, Marthe van Vugt, Schurende waarden

    Een verkennend onderzoek naar betekenis en praktijk van religie in het onderwijs en op de werkvloer.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving.

    December 2018. 48 blz.


    Butter, Ewoud & Roemer van Oordt, Zuilen in de Polder?

    Een verkenning van de institutionalisering van de islam in Nederland.

    Amsterdam: Brave New Books.

    November 2018. 465 blz.


    Candiard, Adrien, De Islam begrijpen

    Of beter gezegd, waarom we er niets van begrijpen.

    Heeswijk-Dinther: Uitgeverij Berne Media.

    September 2018. 144 blz.


    Certeau, Michel de, De vreemdeling

    Verbonden door verschillen.

    Oorspr. titel : L’étranger ou l’union de la différence.

    Vert. Willy Hemelrijk; inleiding Inigo Bocken.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Sjibbolet.

    September 2018. 204 blz.


    El-Rhazoui, Zineb, Vernietig het islamitisch fascisme

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    Maart 2018. 80 blz.


    Grün, Anselm, Ik was vreemdeling maar jullie hebben mij opgenomen

    Omgaan met angst voor de ander.

    Oorspr. titel: Ich war fremd und ihr habt mich aufgenommen.

    Heeswijk: Berne Media, uitgeverij abdij van berne.

    2018. 155 blz.


    Hayali, Anmar Sabah Nuri, De wereldkerk in eigen land

    Twaalf portretten van diverse migrantenkerken en internationale kerken in Nederland.

    Amersfoort: SKIN, Samen Kerk in Nederland.

    2018. 60 blz.


    Heideveld, Henk, Het laatste nieuws over God komt uit Zwolle

    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt.

    Januari 2018. 254 blz.


    Huijnk, Willem, De religieuze beleving van moslims in Nederland 

    Diversiteit en verandering in beeld.

    Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

    Juni 2018. 97 blz.


    Jagt, Krijn van der, Voorbij geweld en discriminatie

    Een postkoloniale lezing van de Bijbel.

    2018. 136 blz.


    Jongeling, Karel, Hebreeuwse teksten in de Leidse synagoge

    Leiden: Joods Studiecentrum.

    2018. 38 blz.

    [Hebreeuws / Nederlands]


    Loobuyck, Patrick, Samenleven met overtuigingen

    Levensbeschouwing, democratie en wetenschap.

    Kalmthout: Pelckmans Pro.

    2018. 268 blz.


    MacGregor, Neil, Leven met de goden 

    40.000 jaar volkeren, objecten en religie.

    Vert. Peter van Nieuwkoop.

    Amsterdam: Hollands Diep.

    Oktober 2018. 512 blz.


    Melkonian-Hoover, Ruth M., &  Lyman A. Kellstedt, Evangelicals and Immigration Fault Lines Among the Faithful.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

    December 2018. XVIII,189 p.


    O'Donnell Polyakov, Emma, Antisemitism, islamophobia, and interreligious hermeneutics

    Ways of seeing the religious other.

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi. Currents of encounter. Vol. 58. 2018. IX, 193 p.


    Reitsma, Bernhard, Geen God dan de Here

    Met Jezus’ ogen naar moslims kijken.

    Utrecht: Kok Boekencentrum

    2018. 93 blz.


    Reuver, René de & Dorottya Nagy, Van migrant tot naaste

    Plaatsmaken voor jezelf. Utrecht: Boekencentrum.

    November 2018. 144 blz.


    Rizvi, Ali A., De atheïstische moslim

    Een weg van geloof naar rede.

    Oorspr. titel: The atheist muslim. (2016)

    Vert. S.R. Posthuma.

    Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam.

    2018. 285 blz.


    Samuel, Mounir, God is groot

    Eten, bidden en beminnen met moslims.

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas.

    Mei 2018. 344 blz.


    Tulkens, Joris, Nicolaes Cleynaerts

    Christenhond tussen moslims.

    Antwerpen: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij.

    2018. 265 blz.

    [16e eeuw]




    Ceylan, Rauf & Haci-Halil Uslucan (Hrsg.), Transformation religiöser Symbole und religiöser Kommunikation in der Diaspora

    Sozialpsychologische und religionssoziologische Annäherungen an das Diskursfeld Islam in Deutschland.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    2018. X, 265 p. 


    Claussen, Johann Hinrich, Das Buch der Flucht

    Die Bibel in 40 Stationen.

    München: C.H.Beck.

    August 2018. 332 p.


    Hidalgo, Oliver & Gert Pickel, Flucht und Migration in Europa

    Neue Herausforderungen für Parteien, Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH.

    Dezember 2018. 377 p.


    Jaciuk, Marina, „Es war ein langsamer Prozess des Bewusstseins“

    Erfahrungshorizonte, Identität und Religion lateinamerikanischer MigrantInnen in Deutschland.

    Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann.

    Dezember 2018. 350 p.


    Link-Wieczorek, Ulrike, Gastlichkeit

    Eine Herausforderung für Theologie, Kirche und Gesellschaft, Tagungsband der Gesellschaft für Evangelische Theologie.

    Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.

    Oktober 2018. 184 p.


    Mirza, Laila, Nur ein schlechter Muslim ist ein guter Muslim

    Über die Unvereinbarkeit des Islam mit unserer Kultur.

    München: Münchner Verlagsgruppe GmbH.

    September 2018. 256 p.


    Sarrazin, Thilo, Feindliche Übernahme

    Wie der Islam den Fortschritt behindert und die Gesellschaft bedroht.

    München: FinanzBuch Verlag. August 2018. 450 p.




    Brown, Bernardo & Brenda Yeoh (Eds.), Asian Migrants and Religious Experience From Missionary Journeys to Labor Mobility.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    March 2018. 346 p.                                           


    Bruce, Benjamin, Governing Islam Abroad

    Turkish and Moroccan Muslims in Western Europe.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    September 2018. XVII, 303 p.


    Burt, John C., The Lord a Refuge in Times of Trouble

    Psalm 37: A Psalm of David.

    San Francisco: Blurb.

    2018. 228 p.


    Charlton, Matthew W. & Timothy S. Moore (Eds.), Displaced Persons

    Theological Reflection on Immigration, Refugees, and Marginalization.

    Nashville, TN: Wesley's Foundery Books.

    October 2018. 210 p.


    Francis, Pope, A Stranger and You Welcomed Me

    A Call to Mercy and Solidarity with Migrants and Refugees.

    Maryknoll, United States: Orbis Books.

    October 2018. 128 p.


    Grütters, C.A.F.M. & D. Dzananovic, Migration and Religious Freedom

    Essays on the interaction between religious duty and migration law.

    Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

    2018. 256 p.


    Kaemingk, Matthew, Christian hospitality and muslim immigration in an age of fear

    Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,

    2018. XIV, 338 p.


    Rainey, Brian, Religion, Ethnicity and Xenophobia in the Bible

    A Theoretical, Exegetical and Theological Survey.

    London: Routledge Studies in the Biblical World.

    November 2018. 310 p.


    Schmiedel, Ulrich & Graeme Smith (Eds.), Religion in the European Refugee Crisis

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

    March 2018. XVII, 314 p. 


    Southwood, Katherine E. & Martien A. Halvorson-Taylor (Eds.), Women and exilic identity in the Hebrew Bible

    London / New York: Bloomsbury T & T Clark.

    2018. X, 179 p.


    Terpstra, Nicholas, Religious Refugees in the Early Modern World

    An Alternative History of the Reformation.

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    October 2018. 353 p.


    Werkman, Lieke, Believing Citizens

    Dutch Debates on Raising and Educating Children Religiously in a Multicultural Society.

    Berlin / Münster / Wien / Zürich / London: LIT Verlag.

    September 2018. 208 p.




    Essed, Philomena, Alledaags racisme

    Amsterdam: Feministische Uitgeverij Sara.1984. 262 blz.

    Amsterdam: Van Gennep.

    Januari 2018. 320 blz.


    Fried, Hédi, Vragen die ik kreeg over de Holocaust

    Oorspr. titel: Frågor jag fått om förintelsen. Natur & Kultur. 2017.

    Vert. uit Zweeds: Geri de Boer.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    2018. 144 blz.


    Hirsch, Afua & Toon Dohmen, Waarom ras ertoe doet

    De verholen waarheid over identiteit.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.

    2018. 376 blz.   


    Koning, Elisabeth, Zwarte Piet, een blackfacepersonage

    Een eeuw aan blackfacevermaak in Nederland.

    In: Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis. (131)4.

    November 2018. blz. 551-575.


    Landman,Wouter &  Henk Sollie, Tegengaan van etnisch profileren

    Een internationale literatuurstudie naar effecten van interventies.

    Apeldoorn / Amersfoort: Politie & Wetenschap / Twynstra Gudde. Politiewetenschap. nr. 91A.

    2018. 98 blz.


    Maly, Ico, Nieuw Rechts

    Gent: Het Balanseer.

    Januari 2018. 336 blz.


    Nap, Hanneke, Iris van der Zande, Eelco Kramer, Gonda van den Heuvel, Onder de huid van Zwarte Piet

    (Schrik)figuren rond het Sint-Nicolaasfeest in de negentiende eeuw.

    In: De Moderne tijd. (2)2.

    2018. blz.161-187.  


    Peeters, Thomas, Als bondgenoten racisme aanpakken

    Tips voor wie effectief wil omgaan met dagdagelijks racisme.

    Brussel: Orbit vzw.

    2018. 22 blz.


    Tarawally, Babah, Gevangen in zwart wit denken

    En hoe kunnen we ontsnappen.

    Utrecht: Ten Have.

    2018. 127 blz.


    Vuijsje, Herman, Zwartkijkers

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    November 2018. 184 blz.


    Woud, Liesbeth van der & Aline Willemsen, Rapportage Onderzoek Sinterklaasviering in het basisonderwijs

    Utrecht: DUO Onderwijsonderzoek & Advies.

    December 2018. 40 blz.


    Zwart-De Wit, Petra, Een steentje in mijn schoen

    Dit wist je nog niet over Sint en Zwarte Piet en het slavernijverdriet.

    Enschedé: Boekengilde.

    2018. 94 blz.

    [Petra Zwart-de Wit is pseudoniem]




    Attia, Iman  & Mariam  Popal (Hrsg.), BeDeutungen dekolonisieren

    Spuren von (antimuslimischem) Rassismus.

    Münster: Unrast Verlag.

    Oktober 2018. 325 p.


    Kazim, Hasnain, Post von Karlheinz

    Wütende Mails von richtigen Deutschen- und was ich ihnen antworte.

    München: Penguin Verlag /Spiegel-Online.

    April 2018. 272 p.


    Paul, Ina Ulrike & Sylvia Schraut (Hrsg.), Rassismus in Geschichte und Gegenwart

    Eine interdisziplinäre Analyse. Festschrift für Walter Demel.

    Bern: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    Dezember 2018. 412 p.




    Bíró, Anna-Mária (Ed.), Populism, Memory and Minority Rights

    Central and Eastern European Issues in Global Perspective.

    Leiden: Brill / Nijhoff.

    November 2018. XXVIII, 410 p.


    Eichengreen, Barry, The Populist Temptation

    Economic Grievance and Political Reaction in the Modern Era.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    June 2018. 260 p.


    Essed, Philomena, Karen Farquharson, Kathryn Pillay, Elisa Joy White (Eds.), Relating Worlds of Racism

    Dehumanisation, Belonging, and the Normativity of European Whiteness.

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    August 2018. 463 p.


    Fekete, Liz, Europe's fault lines

    Racism and the rise of the right.

    London / New York: Verso.

    2018. 214 p.


    Yakushko, Oksana, Modern-Day Xenophobia

    Critical Historical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Roots of Anti-Immigrant Prejudice.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    November 2018. VI, 127 p.



    A. Nederland

    Diversiteit onder gemeentepersoneel                                                                 


    Kennisdocument gemeenten en diversiteit.

    Den Haag: Stichting van de Arbeid. Mei 2018. 32 blz.


    Handreiking antidiscriminatiebeleid voor gemeenten

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken & Koninkrijksrelaties.

    April 2018.  68 blz.

    [Dit rapport is uitgevoerd door Movisie, kennis en aanpak van sociale vraagstukken]




    Cosse, Eva, Amsterdam: stad van aankomst

    Amsterdam: Cossee.

    2018. 173 blz.


    Pelham, Lipika, Jerusalem on the Amstel

    The Quest for Zion in the Dutch Republic.

    London: Hurst.

    December 2018. 252 p.


    Post, Gerben, Lotty’s bankje

    Stilstaan bij de vervolging van Amsterdamse Joden.

    Volendam: LM Publishers.

    November 2018. 223 blz.


    Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Amsterdam

    Edition 2018.

    Paris: OECD.

    May 14, 2018. 92 p.




    Quispel, Yvonne, Struikelstenen Appingedam

    9 oktober 2018 .

    Appingedam: Stichting Struikelstenen Appingedam.

    Oktober 2018. 52 blz.


    Den Haag


    Autar, Krishna, Suresh Chotoe & Henk Moeniralam (Red.), Surinaamse gemeenschapsbouwers in Den Haag

    Een terugblik op 60 jaar maatschappelijke inzet.


    2018. 142 blz.


    Salomonson, Herman, Indisch leven in Den Haag 1930-1940

    Hilversum: Verloren.

    2018. 183 blz.

    [50 columns] 




    Beeck, Hans van, Moed en Mededogen

    Onderduikhuizen voor Joden in Deventer 1942 – 1945.

    Deventer: Etty Hillesum Centrum.

    2018. 128 blz.




    Laméris, Joran, Frank ten Doeschot, Lisette van Noort, Integratie van statushouders

    Gemeente Doetichem.

    Enschedé: I&O Research.

    Juli 2018. 37 blz.




    El Ghouti, Hassan, Hoop op een beter leven

    Marokkaanse gastarbeiders in Ede.

    Ede: Gemeentearchief. Historische cahiers Ede.

    September 2018. 135 blz.

    [Tekst ook in het Arabisch]




    Bon, S. van, Diversiteit uitgelicht

    Signalen van discriminatie, uitsluiting en maatschappelijke spanningen in Eindhoven.

    Eindhoven: RADAR.

    2018. 29 blz.




    Wit, Marian de & Maria Doevendans-Van de Molen, Vluchten doe je niet zomaar

    Vluchtelingen verrijken Heerhugowaard.

    Soest: Boekscout.

    September 2018. 92 blz.




    Eeden, Hans van den, Thuis in de abdij

    Vluchtelingen in Marienkroon 1904-2018.

    Heusden: Brandarispers.

    Oktober 2018. 180 blz.




    Eijnden, Nannie van den, Nieuwe Nuenenaren

    Een warm welkom.

    Nuenen: La Prospettiva.

    Januari 2018. 75 blz.




    Scholten, Peter, Maurice Crul, Paul van de Laar (Eds.), Coming to Terms with Superdiversity

    The Case of Rotterdam.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    December 2018. VI, 241 p.


    Het Rotterdam Schrijft Boek

    55 gerse verhalen over Rotterdam, door Rotterdammers

    Sweek NL & BE.

    April 2018.  271 blz.


    Relax. Dit is Rotterdam

    Samenleven in een stad waar niemand in de meerderheid is.

    Actieprogramma Integratie & Samenleven 2019 – 2022.

    Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam.

    December 2018. 29 blz.


    Rotterdamse Aanpak Statushouders 2019—2022

    Wonen, zorgen, leren én werken.

    Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam.

    Oktober 2018. 30 blz.




    Hellegers, Henk, Van vluchtoord Uden terug naar een eenzame kale hei

    Na zes jaar is het Belgisch dorp verdwenen.

    Uden: Stichting Uden in Geschriften.

    2018. 192 blz.




    Hier ligt begraven

    De oude Joodse begraafplaats van Wageningen.

    Zutphen: Walburg Pers BV.

    November 2018. 144 blz. 




    Elk, Bert van, Woerden en de wereldbrand, 1914-1918

    Soest: Boekscout.

    2018. 180 blz.


    B. Belgie


    Abicht, Ludo, De joden van Antwerpen

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Vrijdag.

    2018. 149 blz.

    [Volledig herzien & geactualiseerd]


    Blommaert, Thomas, Asterix aan de Schelde

    Een reportage uit Borgerhout.

    Berchem: Uitgeverij EPO.

    2018. 212 blz.


    Hannes, Margit, Camille Keukeleire, Elena Renard, Jozefien Stevens, Eva Van Achter, Bas Van Hoeck, Terpoceen

    Jonge nieuwkomers in Belgische steden over sociale netwerken en burgerschap.

    Brussel: VUBPRESS.

    Juni 2018. 101 blz.


    Janssen, Dirk, Fie Velghe, Harm Deleu, Draaiboek omgevingsanalyse lokale diversiteit

    Brussel: Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering.

    2018. 64 blz.


    Heyvaert & Jansen, Thuishaven

    Red Star Line Museum.

    Illustrator: Gert Dooreman.

    Foto’s: Myriam Vertenten, Victoriano Moreno, Céline Joris.

    Antwerpen: Red Star Line Museum.

    2018. 136 blz.

    [Boek naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling te Antwerpen (Red Star Line Museum) van 21 september tot 21 oktober 2018 in het kader van de vijfde verjaardag van het Red Star Line Museum]


    C. Internationaal


    Amine, Laila, Postcolonial Paris

    Fictions of Intimacy in the City of Light.

    Africa and the Diaspora: History, Politics, Culture.

    Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin Press.

    2018. 216 p.



    , Ayse & Nina Glick Schiller, Migrants and City-Making

    Dispossession, Displacement, and Urban Regeneration.

    North Carolina,(US): Duke University Press.

    November 2018. 296 p. 


    De-Shalit, Avner, Cities and Immigration

    Political and Moral Dilemmas in the New Era of Migration.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    December 2018. 192 p. 


    Fahnenbruck, Nele Maya & Johanna Meyer-Lenz (Hrsg.), Fluchtpunkt Hamburg

    Zur Geschichte von Flucht und Migration in Hamburg von der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    April 2018. 262 p.


    Greefs, Hilde &  Anne Winter, Migration policies and materialities of identification in European cities

    Papers and gates, 1500 – 1930s.

    New York: Routledge. 

    2018. 320 p.


    Griffiths, David J., Somali and Kurdish Refugees in London

    New Identities in the Diaspora.

    Abingdon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Ltd,

    December 2018. 230 p.


    Klein, Judith N., Paris, Exil

    Mehr Wandern als Wohnen.

    Antiesen: Edition karo.

    März 2018. 140 p.


    Lacroix, Thomas & Amandine Desille (Eds.), International Migrations and Local Governance

    A Global Perspective.

    Heidelberg: Springer E-books.

    2018. XI, 243 p.                                                              


    Oomen, Barbara &  Moritz Baumgärtel, Frontier Cities

    The Rise of Local Authorities as an Opportunity for International Human Rights Law.

    In: The European Journal of International Law. (29)2.

    2018. p. 607-630.


    Orlando, Valerie K. & Pamela A. Pears, Paris and the Marginalized Author

    Treachery, Alienation, Queerness, and Exile.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

    October 2018. 234 p.


    Ors, I., Diaspora of the City

    Stories of Cosmopolitanism from Istanbul and Athens.

    New York: Palgrave Macmillan US.

    2018. XXV, 264 p.


    Sekechi, Sekechi, Iranians in London

    Voices of Exile.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    July 2018. X,283 p.


    Vogel, Janka, Die Rumaenische Diaspora in Berlin

    Ein Beispiel für neue Formen Migrantischen Lebens.

    Bern: Peter Lang Gmbh, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.

    Mai 2018. 252 p.                                                                                                                                                                                                      


    Wieser, Doris & Ana Filipa Prata (Eds.), Cities of the Lusophone world

    Literature, culture and urban transformations.

    Oxford: Peter Lang.

    2018. X, 284 p.


    Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees

    Paris: OECD Publishing.

    2018. 194 p.


    Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Berlin

    Paris: OECD Publishing.

    October 2018. 87 p.




    Day, Mehmet, Hans Bellaart, Suzan de Winter-Koçak, Mariam Badou, Harrie Jonkman, Ander verleden, gedeelde vrijheid

    Betrokkenheid van tweede en derde generatie Turkse en Marokkaanse Nederlanders bij de herdenking en viering op 4 en 5 mei.

    Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

    Februari 2018. 40 blz.

    [Onderzoek in opdracht van het Nationaal Comité 4 en 5 mei]


    Droogers, André, Speltherapie voor verward Nederland

    Omgaan met nationaliteit en diversiteit.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    Augustus 2018. 110 blz.


    Heijne, Bas, Hoe Hollands wil je het hebben?

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    Juni 2018. 224 blz.


    Lotringen, Cees van, Tot hier en nu verder

    Nederland op de drempel van een nieuwe tijd.

    Zeist: Writers United.

    Mei 2018. 223 blz.




    Al Ansari, Fawzia, Bondige informatie over het prachtige Nederland

    Opgedaan tijdens mijn inburgering.

    Soest: Boekscout.

    Juni 2018. 76 blz.


    Albright, Madeleine, Fascisme

    Een waarschuwing.

    Vert. uit Engels: Olaf Brenninkmeijer

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers.

    Juni 2018. 302 blz.


    Asscher, Maarten, Toch zit het anders


    Amsterdam / Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Augustus / Atlas Contact.

    2018. 220 blz.


    Brink, Gabriël van den, Waartoe is Nederland op aarde?                                              

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Boom.

    2018. 350 blz.

    [Bijdragen werden geschreven door Jelle van Baardewijk, Gabriël van den Brink, Govert Buijs, Heidi de Mare, Maarten Prak, Haroon Sheikh, Ad Verbrugge en Steven de Waal; persoonlijk commentaar van Tineke Cleiren over Nederlands strafrecht, Pearl Dykstra over generationele relaties, Halleh Ghorashi over diversiteit, Manuela Kalsky over nieuwe religiositeit, Tine de Moor over burgerinitiatieven, Marjan Minnesma over duurzame energie, Louise Gunning over gezondheidszorg, Corien Prins over cybersecurity, Monique Kremer over de verzorgingsstaat]


    Brummelkamp, G. & R. Vogels, Gebruik van passagiersgegevens voor grenscontrole

    Evaluatie van de uitvoering van de API-richtlijn.

    Zoetermeer: Panteia.

    2018. 94 blz.


    Bijzitter, Yuri, Cultuurcrisis

    Een kritiek op de multiculturele samenleving.

    Soest: Boekscout.

    Juli 2018. 138 blz.


    Dagevos, Jaco, Arend Odé, Pascal Beckers, Karin de Vries, Nieuwe wegen voor vluchtelingen in Nederland

    Over opvang, integratie en beleid.

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

    Juni 2018. 276 blz.


    De Certeau, Michel, De vreemdeling

    Verbonden door verschillen.

    Vert. Willy Hemelrijk.

    Amsterdam: Sjibbolet.

    Januari 2018. 200 blz.


    Dries, Marian & Marthe van Endt-Meijling, Met nieuwe ogen

    Meervoudig kijken en verbinden in het sociale domein.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho.

    2018. Vijfde, geheel herziene druk. 461 blz.


    Ejiogu, Godian, Mijn droom

    Samen leven in Nederland.

    Utrecht: Uitgeverij Kok.

    Mei 2018. 176 blz.

    [Nigeria / Nederland]


    Entzinger, Han, Migratie

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Elementaire Deeltjes (63).

    November 2018. 174 blz.


    Felten, Hanneke & Anouk Visser, m.m.v. Ikram Taouanza & Saskia Keuzenkamp, Discriminatie in werving en selectie aanpakken

    Wat werkt?

    Zes typen aanpakken onder de loep.

    Utrecht: KIS.

    Oktober 2018. 59 blz.


    Freeke, Cees, Immigratie

    'Bang dat vluchtelingen terrorisme aanwakkeren’

    Zwaag: Pumbo.

    Maart 2018.


    Gescinska, Alicja, Thuis in muziek

    Een oefening in menselijkheid.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.

    Oktober 2018. 128 blz.


    Ham, Boris van der & Rachid Benhammou, Nieuwe vrijdenkers

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    April 2018. 184 blz.


    Hammouchi, Othman El, Lastige waarheden

    De knoop in de westerse ziel.

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Polis.

    November 2018. 256 blz.


    Hesselmans, Marthe, Van nieuwkomer naar Nederlander

    Een sociaal-liberale visie op migratie, asiel en integratie.

    Den Haag: Mr. Hans van Mierlo Stichting.

    April 2018. 131 blz.


    Heijne, Bas &  Kiza Magendane, Broederschap

    Jan Terlouw-lezing.

    Amsterdam: De Kring.

    December 2018. 48 blz.


    Jennissen, R., G. Engbersen, M. Bokhorst & M.A.P. Bovens, De nieuwe verscheidenheid

    De toegenomen diversiteit naar herkomst in Nederland.

    Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. WRR Verkenningen. (38).

    2018. 219 blz.


    Karsten, Frank, De discriminatiemythe

    Createspace Independent Publishing Platform.

    Juni 2018. 104 blz.


    Lucassen, Leo,  Paul Scheffer, Ernst Hirsch Ballin, Regie over migratie

    Naar een strategische agenda.

    Essays ter gelegenheid van het Hollands Spoor-debat over migratiebeleid op 19 juni 2018.

    Den Haag: WRR.

    2018. 112 blz.


    Métraux, Jean-Claude, Migratie als metafoor

    Brussel: Politeia.

    2018. 192 blz.


    Montagne, Nicole, De verzuimcoördinator

    Over beeld, afwezigheid, bedrog.

    Amsterdam: Wereldbibiotheek.

    2018. 205 blz.


    Morrison, Toni, De herkomst van Anderen

    Voorwoord: Ta Nehisi-Coates.

    Oorspr. titel: The origin of Others.  

    Vert. Nicolette Hoekmeijer.

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.

    September 2018. 127 blz.


    Naciri, Yasmien, Wij nemen het heft in handen

    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Polis.

    2018. 142 blz.


    Noppe, J., M. Vanweddingen, G. Doyen, K. Stuyck, Y. Feys, P.Buysschaert, Vlaamse Migratie- en Integratiemonitor 2018

    Brussel: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur.



    Pinto, prof.dr. David & Paul Cliteur, Moord op Spinoza

    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt.

    April 2018. 258 blz.


    Polak, Nina & Joost de Vries (Red.), De wereld in jezelf

    De Nederlandse en Vlaamse literatuur van de 21ste eeuw in 60 essays.

    Amsterdam: Prometheus. December

    2018. 640 blz.

    [O.a. Hassan Bahara]


    Saarloos, Simon(e) van, Enz. Het Wildersproces.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact.

    2018. 315 blz.


    Saeys, Arne, Robin Vandevoordt, Gert Verschraegen, Samenleven in diversiteit

    Kwalitatief onderzoek naar de perspectieven van vluchtelingen.

    Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen.

    Augustus 2018. 103 blz.

    Onderzoek in opdracht van het Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur.


    Scheffer, Paul, De vorm van vrijheid

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.

    September 2018. 224 blz.


    Schreiber, Daniel, Thuis

    Vert. uit Duits: Mara van Duijn.

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos.

    2018.174 blz    


    Smith, Zadie, Voel je vrij

    Vert. N. Groen, P. van der Lecq & T. Stheeman.

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    2018. 440 blz.  


    Turan, Güler, Baanbrekers

    Kracht uit afkomst.

    Antwerpen: Houtekiet.

    2018. 196 blz..


    Van Reybrouck, David, Odes

    Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij.

    2018. 246 blz.

    [O.a. over Raphael Lemkin & Fatma Aydemir]


    Kwetsbare personen met specifieke opvangnoden

    Definitie, identificatie, zorg.


    Brussel: Fedasil.

    December 2018.104 blz.





    Alexander, Simone A., Migranten - das trojanische Pferd?

    Kultur verstehen - Brücken bauen - Sich in gesunder Weise abgrenzen.

    Bad Soden am Taunus: Ruhland Verlag GmbH.

    Januar 2018. 500 p.


    Dogramaci, Burcu & Amdreas Schätzke (Eds.), A Home of One’s Own

    Emigrierte Architekten und ihre Häuser. Émigré Architects and their Houses. 1920-1950.

    Fellbach: Edition Axel Menges.

    Oktober 2018. 176 p.


    Dörnbrack, Alexander, Diversity

    Eine Konzeptionelle Stilblute oder ein Steigbugel für eine gelingende Integration von Migranten?

    München: GRIN Verlag.

    2018. 20 p.


    Häberlen, Joachim C., Wie aus Fremden Freunde werden

    Ein politisches Essay über Begegnungen mit Flüchtlingen.

    Berlin: Neofelis Verlag Gmbh.

    Januar 2018. 128 p.


    Hill, Marc & Erol Yildiz, Postmigrantische Visionen

    Erfahrungen - Ideen – Reflexionen.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    August 2018. 256 p.


    Kastner, Jens &  Lea Susemichel, Identitätspolitiken

    Münster: Unrast Verlag.

    September 2018. 152 p.


    Kronberger, Silvia, Manfred Oberlechner, Nadia El-Ayachi (Hrsg.), FREMD ist die FREMDE nur in der FREMDE

    Die / der / das Fremde.

    Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.

    November 2018. 288 p.


    Steinbach, Kerstin & Beate Skalée (Hrsg.), Die Flutung Europas mit falschen Flüchtlingen

    oder: Vom Dreisam-Mörder Hussein Khavari, seinem Umfeld und dessen Schutzengeln.

    Freiburg: Ahriman.

    2018. 399 p.


    Zimmermann, Olaf & und Theo Geißler, Wertedebatte

    Von Leitkultur bis kulturelle Integration.

    Berlin: Deutscher Kulturrat.

    März 2018. 548 p.




    Abdulmajid, Adib, Refugees in The Netherlands

    Expectations and integration challenges.

    Delft: Eburon.

    2018. 120 blz.


    Bailkin Jordanna, Refugee Camps and the Making of Multicultural Britain

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    September 2018. 304 p.


    Batrawi, Samar & Ana Uzelac, Four ways in which the Syrian regime controls refugee return

    Den Haag: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'.

    September 2018. 11 p.

    Bennett, Sam, Constructions of Migrant Integration in British Public Discourse Becoming British

    London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Bloomsbury Advances in Critical Discourse Studies.

    January 2018. 248 p.


    Besier, Gerhard & Katarzyna Stoklosa (Eds.), How to Deal with Refugees?

    Europe as a Continent of Dreams.

    Hamburg: Lit Verlag. November

    2018. 384 p.


    Feischmidt, Margit, Ludger Pries, Celine Cantat (Eds.), Refugee Protection and Civil Society in Europe

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

    October 2018. 399 p.  


    Fontanari, Elena, Lives in Transit

    An Ethnographic Study of Refugees' Subjectivity across European Borders.                                                                       

    Bosa Roca, United States: CRC Press Inc. Taylor & Francis Inc.

    December 2018. 270 p. 


    Ghezelbash, Daniel, Refuge Lost

    Asylum Law in an Interdependent World.

    Cambridge Asylum and Migration Studies.

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    2018. 234 p.


    Ghosh, Bimal, Refugee and Mixed Migration Flows

    Managing a Looming Humanitarian and Economic Crisis.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

    November 2018. 266 p.


    Henrich, Eureka & Julian M. Simpson,  History, Historians and the Immigration Debate

    Going Back to Where We Came From.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.

    December 2018. XV, 242 p.  


    Khosravi, Shahram (Ed.), After Deportation

    Ethnographic Perspectives.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XIII, 276 p.


    Kennedy, John F., A Nation of Immigrants

    Introduction by Edward M. Kennedy.

    New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.

    November 2018. 160 p.



    Klooster, Willem, The Atlantic World

    Essays on Slavery, Migration and Imagination.

    London: Taylor & Francis.

    2018. 296 p.


    Marsden, Sarah Grayce, Enforcing Exclusion

    Precarious Migrants and the Law in Canada - Law and Society.                               

    Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

    2018. 248 p.


    Miller, David, Strangers in Our Midst

    The Political Philosophy of Immigration.

    Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

    December 2018. 240 p.


    Murray, Douglas, The Strange Death of Europe

    Immigration, Identity, Islam.


    June 2018. 384 p.


    Nyongesa, Andrew, Cultural Hybridity and Fixity

    Strategies of Resistance in Migration Literatures.

    Oxford: Mwanaka Media and Publishing.

    August 2018. 198 p.


    Pereda, Carlos, Lessons in exile

    Oorspr. titel: Los aprendizajes del exilio.

    Translated from the Spanish by Sean Manning.

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi.

    2018. VIII, 116 p.


    Porsché, Yannik, Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums

    Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    January 2018. XI, 401 p.


    Saidi, Saideh, Juggling Between Two Worlds

    Sociocultural Change in Afghan Immigrant Women's Identity in Germany.

    Berlin / Münster / Wien / Zürich / London: LIT Verlag.

    2018. 248 p.


    Sager, Alex, Toward a Cosmopolitan Ethics of Mobility

    The Migrant's-Eye View of the World.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. January

    2018. XIII,103 p.


    Song, Sarah, Immigration and Democracy

    New York: Oxford University Press Inc.

    December 2018. 264 p.


    Sleigh, Tom,The Land Between Two Rivers

    Writing in an Age of Refugees.

    Minneapolis: Graywolf Press.

    February 2018. 272 p.



    , Vladislava & Eleni Karageorgiou (Eds.), The new asylum and transit countries in Europe during and in the aftermath of the 2015/2016 crisis

    Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. International refugee law series. Vol. 13.

    2018. XVII, 307 p.


    Escaping the Escape

    Towards Solutions for the Migrant Crisis.

    Gutersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation.

    February 2018. 300 p. 


    Newcomer integration in Europe

    Best practices.

    Brussels: FEPS.

    November 27, 2018.165 p.  


    Report on the health of refugees and migrants in the WHO European Region

    No public health without refugee and migrant health.

    Copenhagen: WHO European Region.

    2018. XII, 99 p.








    Erasmus Universiteit / ISS 


    Bilgic, Professor Ali, A Human Security Perspective on Migration

    A Compass for the Perfect Storm.

    Inaugural lecture Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity.

    12 April 2018. 47 p.


    Scholten, prof. dr. Peter, Mainstreaming versus Alienation

    Complexity and the Dynamics of Migration and Diversity Policy.

    Bijzonder hoogleraar Dynamiek van Migratie- en Diversiteitsbeleid.

    30 november 2018. 62 p.


    Maastricht University


    Leerkes, prof.dr. Arjen, Understanding international (im)mobility in times of gated globalism

    Toward an institutional migration theory.

    Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chair Migration, Securitization and Social Cohesion.

    23 November 2018.


    Universiteit Leiden


    Grijzenhout, prof.dr. Janet, Spraakmakende ontwikkelingen

    Oratie uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar in de Engelse Taalkunde aan de Universiteit Leiden op maandag 19 maart 2018. 18 blz.


    Dettmeijer-Vermeulen, Corinne, Mensenhandel in 2018

    Over recht, vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid.


    26 november 2018.


    Vrije Universiteit


    Steijlen, prof.dr. Fridus, Tjakalele bij volle maan

    Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van bijzonder hoogleraar Molukse migratie en cultuur in comparatief perspectief, vanwege de Stichting Moluks Historisch Museum, bij de Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen van de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam op 9 februari 2018.

    Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.

    2018. 24 blz.                             




    Lectorale redes


    Haagse Hogeschool


    Cairo, Aminata, The unconventional road to embracing inclusion

    The charge and challenge of changing our narrative.

    Inaugural lecture as head of the Inclusive Education Research Group of the The Hague University of Applied Sciences.

    January 2018.       


    Hogeschool Leiden                                                                                                                                      


    Çelik, dr. Saniye,  Diversiteit, de gewoonste zaak van de wereld?

    19 juni 2018. 47 blz.


    PROEFSCHRIFTEN (Chronologisch)


    Delft University of Technology


    11-06-18: Ouwehand, A.L., Menging maakt verschil

    Hoe bewoners buurt- en wijkverandering ervaren en waarderen ondanks en dankzij herstructurering.

    A+BE | Architecture and the Built Environment. 545 p.


    Erasmus Universiteit


    19-01-18: Hendriks, Martijn, Migrant Happiness

    Insights into the broad well-being outcomes of migration and its determinants.

    252 p.


    20-04-18: Konyali, A., Being one of the few

    Professionally successful descendants of migrants from Turkey.

    125 p.


    22-05-18: Mojanchevska, K. (Katerina), Accommodation of Cultural Diversity in Public Spaces

    The case of Skopje (Macedonia).

    Rekening houden met culturele diversiteit in de openbare ruimte: het geval van Skopje (Macedonië).

    International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University (ISS).

    412 p.


    20-09-18: Stam, T.M.I.C. (Talitha), What a Girl Wants

    An ethnographic study on the aspirations of ‘white’ Dutch girls in multi-ethnic vocational schools.

    Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS).

    146 p.


    27-09-18: Bouabid, Abdessamad, De Marokkanenpaniek

    Een geïntegreerde morele paniekbenadering van het stigma ‘Marokkaan’ in Nederland.

    Den Haag: Boom Criminologie.

    September 2018. 378 blz.


    15-11-18: Rie, Sanneke de la, Effects of Family Literacy Programs

    The role of implementation quality.

    244 p.



    Radboud Universiteit


    19-01-18: Butter, T.T. (Tamara), Asylum Legal Aid Lawyers’ Professional Ethics in Practice

    A Study into the Professional Decision Making of Asylum Legal Aid Lawyers in the Netherlands and England.

    Den Haag: Eleven International Publishing.

    270 p.


    19-01-18: Laméris, J.G., Living together in diversity

    Whether, why and where ethnic diversity affects social cohesion.

    235 p.p.


    26-01-18: Burgos Y Guillen, mw. J.M., Waarom krijgt een Spanjaard geen vis als hij vis bestelt?

    Non-native pronunciation. Patterns of learner variation in Spanish accented Dutch. Faculteit der Letteren.

    Utrecht: LOT.

    2018. X, 271 p.


    15-02-18: Noor, S., Creating a Female Islamic Space

    Piety, Islamic knowledge and religious authority among Born-Muslims and converts to Islam in the Netherlands and Belgium.

    321 p.


    16-02-18: Cusack,  Dhr. C.T., Memory, history and identity in Irish and Irish-diasporic Famine fiction, 1892-1921

    Faculteit der Letteren.

    305 p.


    11-04-18: Dörrenbächer, Nora, Europe at the frontline of Migration Law

    Legal discretion, bureaucratic context and individual attitudes.

    [PhD cum laude]


    22-05-18: Wildschut, P.A., Mysterious Machinery

    Unraveling the Engaged Narrative Experience of Nabokov’s Lolita (1955) and Pale Fire (1962). III, 166 p.


    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


    30-04-18: Reus Pons, M., Healthy ageing in a comparative perspective

    A study of the health of older migrants and non-migrants across Europe.

    188 p.


    31-05-18: Wolf, Katharina, The fertility of migrants and their descendants from a life course perspective

    191 p.


    14-06-18: Os, Elisabeth Carolus Catharina (Carla) van, Best interests of the child-assessments for recently arrived refugee children

    Behavioural and children's rights perspectives on decision-making in migration law.

    275 p.


    Tilburg University


    12-01-18: Oudenampsen, Merijn, The conservative embrace of progressive values

    On the intellectual origins of the swing to the right in Dutch politics.

    338 p.


    09-05-18: Maastricht, Lieke van, Second Language Prosody

    Intonation and rhythm in production and perception.

    Tilburg: Language, Communication and Cognition. TiCC PhD series No. 59.

    213 p.


    10-10-18: Chasapopoulos, Panagiotis, The impact of international immigration and cultural diversity on economic performance, public attitudes and political outcomes in European regions                                                             

    Tilburg: CentER, Center for Economic Research. Vol. 571.

    169 p.


    Universiteit Leiden


    15-05-18: Krenz, J., Life on a strip

    Essayism and emigration in contemporary chinese literature.

    Under embargo until 2019-11-15.


    12-06-18: Beemsterboer, Maria Margaretha, Islamitisch basisonderwijs in Nederland

    Almere: Uitgeverij Parthenon.

    2018. 369 blz.


    Universiteit Maastricht


    10-01-18: Thissen, Lotte C.S.,Talking in and out of place

    Ethnographic reflections on language, place, and (un)belonging in Limburg, the Netherlands.                                                                                                                                            


    28-03-18: Peters, Mr. Floris W.C.,The citizenship premium immigrant naturalisation and socio-economic integration in the Netherlands

    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

    Maastricht: Datawyse / Universitaire Pers Maastricht.

    168 p.


    22-06-18: Mahé, Clothilde, Essays on Migration and Occupational Choice

    Maastricht: Datawyse / Universitaire Pers Maastricht. 2018. XV,

    183 p.


    27-06-18: Vankova, Zvezda, Circular migration from the Eastern neighbourhood to the EU

    The rights of migrant workers in Bulgaria and Poland.

    Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, XXVIII,

    554 p.

    04-10-18: Waidler, Jennifer, Social Assistance and Remittances and Their Role in the Fight Against Poverty

    School of Business and Economics.


    22-11-18: Meshkovska, Biljana, Life after trafficking

    (Re) integration processes of women that have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation in Europe.


    06-12-18: Bury, Paulina,  Cooperation and competition in highly skilled migration policy in the European Union

    Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen.


    06-12-18: Poeze, Miranda, Migration, family separation and caregiving across borders

    A multi-sited ethnography of transnational Child-raising arrangements between Ghana and The Netherlands.

    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.


    Universiteit Utrecht


    23-03-18: Hindriks, Paul, The Struggle for Power

    Attitudes towards the political participation of ethnic minorities.

    250 p.


    20-04-18: Wildt, R. de, (Un)Told Stories of Post-War Prostitution:

    Challenging Hegemonic Narratives on Human Trafficking and Peacekeeping in Kosovo.

    Embargo until April 20 2023.


    25-04-18: Pravattiyagul, J.( Jutathorn), Street and State Discrimination

    Thai Transgender Women in Europe.

    298 p.

    (met een samenvatting in het Nederlands)


    06-06-18: Calvert, R., Pilgrims in the Port

    Migrant Christian communities in Rotterdam.

    392 p.


    29-06-18: Rohlof, J.G.B.M., Psychodiagnostic assessment with refugees

    Studies on the Cultural Formulation Interview and Somatization.

    236 p.


    07-09-18: Krsmanovic, Elena, Different alphabets, same story?

    Media Framing of Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation in British, Dutch and Serbian Media.

    333 p.


    Khoudja, Y., Women's Labor Market Participation Across Ethnic Groups

    The Role of Household Conditions, Gender Role Attitudes, and Religiosity in Different National Contexts.

    Embargo until July 17 2019.


    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    01-02-18: Ćurčić, Mw. M., Explaining Differences in Adult Second Language Learning:

    The Role of Language Input Characteristics and Learners' Cognitive Aptitudes.

    Faculty of Humanities. Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication (ACLC) Taalwetenschap.

    Utrecht: LOT.197 p.


    06-02-18: Jong, E.M. de, Equal opportunities?

    The effects of negative stereotypes and teacher-child relationship quality on the school adjustment of ethnic minority students in the Netherlands.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Research Institute of Child Development and Education (RICDE). 156 p. Embargo up to and including 6 February 2020


    20-06-18: Spätgens, Mw. T.M., Developing Semantic Networks

    Individual Differences in Dutch Monolingual and Bilingual Children’s Semantic Knowledge and Reading Comprehension.


    27-06-18: Gnes, D., Beyond immigrant ethnic politics?

    Organizational innovation, collaboration and competition in the Los Angeles immigrant rights movement (1980-2015). Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). 240 p.





    05-07-18: Swider, K.J., A rights-based approach to statelessness

    Faculty of Law. Amsterdam Center for European Law and Governance.

    233 p.

    Embargo up to and including 5 July 2020.


    06-07-18: Snelders, L.L., Hoe Nederland Indië leest

    Hella S. Haasse, Tjalie Robinson, Pramoedya Ananta Toer en de politiek van de herinnering.

    Faculty of Humanities. Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA).

    399 blz. 

    Embargo up to and including 6 July 2020)


    27-09-18: Thijs, C., To meet or to compete?

    The effect of ethnic and gender workforce diversity on ingroup preferences in the workplace.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    194 p.


    17-10-18: Albrecht,S., Empirical studies in labour and migration economics

    Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB). Amsterdam School of Economics Research Institute (ASE-RI).

    153 p.     


    01-11-18: Hendriks, T., Positive psychology interventions in a multi-ethnic and cross-cultural context

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR). 310 p.


    30-11-18: Pot, J.A. (Hanneke), Tweedetaalleren met handen en voeten

    Studies naar de effecten van Total Physical Response bij vierjarige beginnende tweedetaal-leerders.

    Faculty of Humanities. Amsterdam Institute for Humanities Research (AIHR). Taalwetenschap. 301 p.                                                                                                             


    Vrije Universiteit      


    29-01-18: Brenninkmeijer, N., Honour Killings, Moral Panic and the Emergence of an Organizational Field

    A Case Study of the Processes, Actors and Actions Involved in the Emergence of an Issue-based Organizational Field.

    Amsterdam: VU University Press.

    2018. 281 p.


    21-03-18: Stouten, L.H. (Luyken) ,Cognition, ethnicity and recovery in early psychosis

    Searching for predictors of symptomatic and functional outcome.

    Faculty of Human Movement Sciences, Clinical Psychology.

    188 p.


    28-06-18: Bolhuis, M.P. (Maarten), Narrowing the impunity gap?

    How host states deal with alleged perpetrators of serious crimes excluded from international protection: a case study of the Netherlands.


    193 p.


    07-11-18: Geertsema, Karen Elisabeth, Rechterlijke toetsing in het asielrecht

    Een juridisch onderzoek naar de intensiteit van de rechterlijke  toets in de Nederlandse asielprocedure van 2001-2015.

    Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.

    390 blz.




    Erasmus Universiteit


    Athanasiadis, Ilias, Refugees in the Digital Age

    Investigating Refugees’ Perceptions regarding Digital Privacy on Social Media Platforms.

    Media & Business.

    June 15, 2018.


    Boekhold, Joëlle, Refugees in the Netherlands

    Victims or intruders?

    A qualitative analysis on the representation of refugees in Dutch newspapers.

    Media & Business.

    July 6, 2018.


    Hoogeveen, S.,The effect of language proficiency on unemployment duration

    Evidence from the Netherlands.


    August 27, 2018.


    Huisman, Eline, Rethinking cultural diversity

    Strategic communication and value for pop music venues - Eight qualitative case studies in The Netherlands.

    Media & Business.

    June 25, 2018.


    Konneke, S., Influence of Digital Technology on the Formation of Social Connections during Syrian and Eritrean Refugees’ Journeys

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. MA Media Culture and Society.

    25 June 2018. 85 p.


    Lin, Sanne, The Effect of Immigrant Student Concentration on Native Test Scores

    Economics .

    July 10, 2018.


    Mesfun, Natnael, Mobile language learning for Eritrean status holders

    Educational opportunities through mobile technologies to support non-formal learning.

    Business Information Management.

    June 25, 2018.


    Muller, Y, Immigration and Happiness

    The Influence of Immigration on the Happiness of Natives in the Netherlands. Economics.

    November 29, 2018.


    Neuteboom, Paul, Past Experience

    NOS news coverage on refugees during the Yugoslav and European Refugee crises compared.

    Maatschappijgeschiedenis / History of Society.

    12 juli 2018.


    Ouwerkerk, Nora van, “Mediatized refugees”

    Exploring the role of digital media technologies in the acculturation of refugees. Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. MA Media Culture and Society.

    June 2018. 90 p.


    Verhoeven, Sofie, Immigration on the ballot

    The impact of immigrant presence on support for the far-right in the Netherlands. Economics. Policy Economics.

    October 2018. 36 p.


     Radboud Universiteit


    Akker, I.J.M. (Iris) van den, Stampvoetend tussen twee werelden

    De constructie van het televisueel auteursbeeld van Özcan Akyol.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen. Kunstbeleid en mecenaat.

    Juni 2018.  86 blz.


    Benzi,C., Migration, Europe and Museums

    Exploring the Role of the Museum in Addressing Migration within the Context of Museology and European Cultural Policies through the Exhibitions Memoria e Migrazioni – MeM and I Am a Native Foreigner,

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Kunst- en Cultuurwetenschappen. Creative Industries.

    August 2018.

    [Onder embargo]


    Griffioen, H.L.(Laura), The influence of the first script on spelling in a second script

    A study of Eritreans and Syrians writing Dutch.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Taalwetenschappen/Linguistics. General programme.

    August 2018. 88 p.


    Haar, M.J. ter, Au-delà du traumatisme de guerre ?

    Les intersections de la mémoire dans la littérature sur la guerre d’Irak.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Letterkunde. Franstalige letterkunde.

    Mars 2018.

    [Onder embargo]


    Meijer, Anna, Mensen in de knel

    De beleidsvorming voor migratie in Nederland in de jaren 1965-1990 aan de hand van de uitzonderlijke positie van de gelegaliseerde buitenlandse zigeuners.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Geschiedenis.

    15 augustus 2018. 42 blz.


    Petrusma, Maaike, Maar hoe kan ik van mezelf houden als ik word benaderd met angst en haat, als potentiële terrorist, jihadist, extremist en voorstander van een kalifaat?

    Faculteit der Filosofie. Theologie en Religiewetenschappen.

    Master Theologie en Religiewetenschappen. Religie en Beleid.

    November 2018.  89 blz.

    [Over Nederlandse rapteksten]


    Puntman, Anna, Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon’s Informality

    Exploring the situation of Syrian refugee women in Lebanon. How informality affects their position within Lebanese society and their relationship with the Lebanese host community.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography.

    December 2018. 91 p.


    Rozema, Margriet,The RMS

    Different generations (of) Moluccans in the Netherlands and their wish for an independent state.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    21 november 2018. 60 p.


    Ruysschaert, R.A.T. (Remske), ‘La jeune écrivaine franco-marocaine Leïla Slimani, prix Goncourt 2016…’

    La représentation de Leïla Slimani dans les médias écrits en France de la période 2016-2018.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Letterkunde. Europese letterkunde.

    Augustus 2018. 72 p.


    Scotta, Florencia, Communication facilitators and obstacles within multicultural teams

    Facilitators and obstacles playing a role in communication within culturally diverse work teams immersed in a multinational company.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Business Administration. International Management.

    June 2018. 87 p.


    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


    Evers, S.A.C., Nieuw(s) in Nederland

    Een onderzoek naar de rol van nieuws en mediagebruik bij de integratie van Arabische nieuwkomers.

    Master Mediastudies. Programma Journalistiek.

    Maart 2018. 101 blz.


    Heyde, Hilda, A Typology of Migrant Parents according to Attitudes and Expectations to Multilingualism and Education

    Faculty of Liberal Arts. MA in Multilingualism.

    June 2018. 133 p.


    Smit, Steven, “Dat is geen Jodenhaat, dit is liefde voor eigen volk!”

    Een discourshistorische benadering van de relatie tussen antisemitisme en de constructie van een nationale identiteit in het NSB - blad Volk en Vaderland (1936 - 1940).

    MA Journalistiek.

    December 2018. 199 blz.


    Tilburg University


    Koyuncu, M., Van immigrant naar transnationale migrant

    Een onderzoek naar de mate van transnationale betrokkenheid van verschillende generaties Turkse Nederlanders in gemeente Tilburg.

    FRW. Bestuurskunde.

    Oktober 2018. 91 blz.


    Universiteit Leiden


    Bruijn, Roy de. 'Sluit de grenzen voor het importvolk!'

    Een argumentatief en taalkundig-stilistisch onderzoek naar het als exclusionair gepercipieerde taalgebruik van Geert Wilders.

    Faculty of Humanities. Neerlandistiek. Opleiding Nederlandse taal en cultuur.

    31 oktober 2018. 132 blz.


    Fidder, Irene, Onruststokers en Samenzweerders

    De praktijk van het vreemdelingenbeleid met betrekking tot vreemdelingen die een gevaar vormden voor de openbare orde, veiligheid, gezondheid, en zedelijkheid, 1918-1920.

    Faculty of Humanities. Hisory. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.

    31 mei 2018. 138 blz.


    Hoffmann, Sabrina, “Accents are just accents”

    The role of contact and prolonged exposure in International teachers’ language attitudes.

    Faculty of Humanities. Linguistics (Master). Language and Communication.

    June 2018. 41 p.


    Jansen van Rosendaal, Madelon, Solidarity within the European Union during the refugee crisis of 2015/2016

    A case study of the Netherlands.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations - Culture and Politics.

    December 2018. 64 p.


    Javid, Muhammad Asif, Constructing Life Narratives

    The Multiple Versions of Maryam Jameelah’s Life.

    Faculty of Humanities. Literary Studies.

    28 February 2018. 109 p.’s%20Life.pdf?sequence=1


    Kwaks, Juul,Living with the legacy of displacement

    An exploration of non-return and the long-term effects of displacement on social life in Pabo, northern Uganda.

    Faculty of Humanities. African Studies.

    December 2018. 172 p.


    Looij, Matthijs, "Bas kookt het eten terwijl Maria de auto naar de garage brengt"

    Een diachroon onderzoek naar genderrepresentatie in lesmethodes voor Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Faculty of Humanities. Neerlandistiek (Master).

    Augustus 2018. 62 blz.


    Luijk, Rebekka, Vergeten Vluchtelingen

    Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.

    31 augustus 2018.

    Onder embargo.


    McStay, Joshua David, Reading the ’Golden Age’ of Travel

    The Travel Narratives of Dorothy Thompson, Joseph Roth and Graham Greene in the Interwar Years (1918-1939)

    Faculty of Humanities. History – Cities, Migration and Global Interdependency. Masterthesis.

    18th June 2018. 82 p.


    Metiary, Esha, Van slachtoffer tot boosdoener

    Een framinganalyse over Joden in Nederlandse nieuwsmedia en op Facebook van 2015-2017.

    Faculty of Humanities. Media Studies (Master). Journalistiek & Nieuwe Media.

    Juni 2018. 97 blz.


    Otter, Simone, Ethnic Representation in Contemporary Chinese Youth Literature Faculty of Humanities. Asian Studies. Chinese Studies. 

    17 May 2018. 49 p.


    Pattinama, Kenneth Sean, Can an Illiberal be Liberal?

    A Discourse Analysis of Wilders’ Islamophobic Politics.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations.

    28 February 2018.

    Under embargo.


    Pieters, Bertus, Violent Aesthetics in Whiteness

    Faculty of Humanities. Arts and Culture (Master). Contemporary Art in a Global Perspective.

    August 2018. 51 p.


    Romana, Osman, Civil Documentation Strategies in Light of the Syrian Refugee Crisis

    A Case Study of Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey.

    Faculty of Humanities. Modern Middle East Studies.

    November 2018. 58 p.


    Rovers, Ton, Strangers, Cultures, and Immigration

    Faculty of Humanities.

    30 March 2018.

    Under embargo until 2028-04-01.


    Schepens, Juul, Ongekleurd Nieuws

    De representatie van etnische minderheden in het lokale Haagse nieuws.

    Faculty of Humanities. Media Studies (Master). Journalistiek & Nieuwe Media.

    12 april 2018. 85 blz.


    Schouten, Jenny Mertine, Jewish Responses to Shylock

    A Yiddish Translation of Shakespeare's 'The Merchant of Venice'.

    Faculty of Humanities. Linguistics (Master). Translation in Theory and Practice.

    August 2018. 76 p.


    Xylouris, Christos, The work of Richard Mosse regarding the representation of the refugee crisis

    Master Thesis in Media Studies: Film and Photographic Studies.

    May 2018. 57 p.


    Zelnick, Sharon,The Photo-Fiction of Migration

    History, Memory, and Identity in Aleksandar Hemon and W. G. Sebald.

    Faculty of Humanities. Media Studies. Comparative Literature and Literary TheoryMA Thesis.

    January 2018.

    Under embargo.


    Universiteit Utrecht


    Albers, Isabel, My Bilingualism is Better than Yours

    A qualitative study into the differences in perception and experiences of different kinds of bilingualism.

    Faculty of Humanities. MA Intercultural Communication.

    April 24th, 2018. 84 p.


    Attar, Z., Towards More Transparent Practices in the Assessment of Emergent Bilinguals:

    Effects of Testing Language on the Performance of Syrian Refugee Pupils in Mathematics and Validity of Parental Assessment of Mathematics Skills. 

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.


    Embargo until January 01 2022.


    Beunke, A.Y., Robert Vuijsjes (literaire) bijdragen aan het publieke debat omtrent racisme en Zwarte Piet

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.



    Boer, Marije de, Intercultureel leren op reis

    Een onderzoek naar het ontwikkelen van interculturele competenties tijdens een backpackreis.

    Masterscriptie Interculturele Communicatie. 19 april 2018. 56 blz.


    Bootsma, Joeba, De (non-)vertaling van Alain Mabanckou in Nederland

    Over vertalingen, non-vertalingen en de receptie van sub-Saharaanse francophone literatuur in Nederland.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses. 2018.


    Broers, Guido, How do I look at a migrant?

    An analysis of the address and positioning of the spectator in No Man’s Land.

    MA Thesis Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy.

    1 November 2018. 38 p.


    Brusselman, A.M., Het aantal symptomen als verklaring voor de vertekening in probleemherkenning van ASS bij etnische minderheden

    Master programma in Clinical Child, Family and Education Studies.

    1 juni 2018. 26 blz.


    Cheung, Amy, Intercultural communication of the international officers of Utrecht University

    An interaction analysis of conversations of international officers with local and international students.

    Faculty of Humanities. MA Intercultural Communication.

    August 2018. 144 p.


    Fayad, Salma, The caged bird sings for freedom

    How do the cultural performances of formerly detained Syrian women in the diaspora shift the victimhood paradigm from ‘pathetic’ to ‘heroic’ after their release from al-Assad’s prisons during the Syrian revolution from 2011 to 2017?

    Masters of Arts in Conflict Studies and Human Rights.

    26 August 2018. 63 p.


    Gils, Martijn van, Framing Palestinian Human Rights in UK and US Contexts through Contemporary Literature and Film

    RMA Thesis in Comparative Literary Studies. 2018. 153 p.


    Greene, A.M.A., Place, time, and smartphones: refugee women affectively “making do” 

    A feminist research project exploring the situated and contested experiences of refugee women waiting in Greece.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.


    Embargo until February 28 2019.


    Geurden, Bart, Geen jamben, maar uitroeptekens!

    De representatie van de terrorist in Het aapje dat geluk pakt en Onze oom.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses. 2018. 59 blz.


    Haan, A., Oer-Hollands en anti-Russisch

    Mogelijkheid van leerlingen tot identificatie met de Nederlandse identiteit in drie lesmethodes Nederlands.

    Centre for Teaching and Learning Theses. 2018.  

    Embargo until January 01 2019.


    Heijden, Lotte van der, Young Ethiopians’ Embeddedness in Migration Networks, the Role of Social Media and Their Perceptions of Western Migration Destinations

    Faculty of Geosciences. Department of Human Geography and Spatial Planning. International Development Studies.

    August 2018. 73 p.


    Hooks, J.T., Co-Creating Reality: 

    Creativity, Collaboration and Re/Pairing Heritage at Polin, The Museum of the History of Polish Jews.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.



    Jonge, A.M. de, De Interculturele Dialoog als Instrument om met de Problematische Wij/zij-scheiding om te gaan

    Polarisatie in het Voortgezet Onderwijs in Utrecht.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses.

    Embargo until January 02 2019.


    Kats, Milou van, Op dezelfde bladzijde

    Percepties van ouders over de interculturele communicatie met de leerkracht

    Youth, Education & Society.

    Juni 2018. 28 blz.


    Koenen, J.C.J. (Davis), Inburgeringexamens in Nederland

    Op zoek naar de wetenschappelijke achtergrond.

    Een literatuurstudie.

    MA Taal, mens en maatschappij.

    28 augustus 2018. 48 blz.


    Kooi, E.L. van der, Arts festivals and cultural diversity policy

    An insight in the tension fields between cultural policy and arts festivals.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses. 2018.

    Embargo until December 31 2019.


    Kouwen, Marion van, Ilse’s letters

    Case study to the cultural identity of ‘Ostjuden’ in Germany trying to escape the threat of the second World War.

    Intercultural communication.

    2018. 44 p.


    Kröger, Luise Charlotte, ‘The Right Thing to do’ or ‘Good for Business’

    The Importance of  Morality in Formulating Diversity Policies of Public and Private Sector Organisations.

    Social, Health, and Organisational Psychology, Specialisation in Organisational Psychology.

    June 17th, 2018. 33 p.


    Krudde, L.J., Growing up in wartime

    Factors influencing long-term mental health consequences in child survivors after war and migration.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses. 2018.


    Kurt, Gülşah, Cross-Cultural Study of Loss Coping and Somatic SymptomsComparison of Turkish, Dutch Bereaved and Turkish immigrants in The Netherlands.

    Clinical Psychology, MSc. May 18, 2018. 30 p.


    Lagou, Kelly, Teacher Empathy and Implementation of Multicultural Practices in the Classroom

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses.

    2018. 34 p.


    Leeuwen, M.D.J. (Maria) van, Wie doorbreekt het zwijgen?

    Intersectionele posities van in Suriname gevestigde auteurs en personages in het compartiment van de Surinaamse literatuur.

    Een onderzoek naar 'De laatste parade' van Ruth San A Jong, 'Ademhalen' van Karin Lachmising, 'Geen weg terug' van Iraida van Dijk-Ooft en 'De lottowinnaar' van Sakoentela Hoebba.

    RMA Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur.

    Oktober 2018. 97 blz.


    Maaren, F. M., The Integration Paradox Among Adolescents

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses.



    Nederlof, Niels, Meertaligheid in het Nederlandse onderwijs

    Aanbevelingen voor curriculumherziening en nationaal taalbeleid.

    MA Taalwetenschappen. Meertaligheid & Taalverwerving.

    2018. 101 blz.


    Neplenbroek, Tara, Hardnekkig erfgoed

    Een analyse van 30 mei 1969 als emerging memory in de Nederlandse postkoloniale literatuur.

    RMA Nederlandse literatuur en cultuur.

    2018. 107 blz.


    Rodríguez Alsina, S., Consumption and encounters in public spaces between Dutch and Latin American Amsterdammers

    Faculty of Geosciences. MSc in Human Geography.

    August 2018.126 p.


    Romijn, Sarah, Digitale formulieren voor iedereen?

    Een empirisch onderzoek naar de verschillen tussen laaggeletterden en laagdigivaardigen in de problemen die zij ervaren bij het invullen van digitale formulieren.

    MA Neerlandistiek.

    Juli 2018. 67 blz.


    Sánchez de Guillermo, I., Mapping Home Abroad

    Colonial and Postcolonial Searches for Home.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.



    Schneider, Mathilde, National Identity in Multilingual Countries

    Narratives of Canadianness.

    Intercultural communication.

    April 12th, 2018. 82 p.


    Stronks, Ivo, Managing Diversity

    The Role of Transformational Leadership on the Effectiveness of Diverse Teams. Faculty of Social Sciences. Social, Health, and Organizational Psychology.

    2018. 36 p.


    Verbeek ,L., Cross-linguistic associations in speech production and perception: An exploratory study on young Turkish-Dutch bilingual children.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses. 2018.


    Vlist, Madeleine Elisabeth van der, ‘Identificatieprocessen‘

    Een onderzoek naar identificatieprocessen bij Turkse migranten in Nederland.

    Master Kunstbeleid en –management.

    30 april 2018. 55 blz.


    Vos, Liza, Teaching Intercultural Communicative Competence alongside Language Proficiency

    Master Engelse Taal en Cultuur: educatie en communicatie.

    Januari 2018. 65 p.


    Vos, N.E.J. de, Integreren in een kunstenaarsbroedplaats?

    Een analyse van Broedplaats LELY: een gemen Kelly Lagou Kelly Lagougde woonvorm waar kunstenaars samen wonen en werken met (creative) nieuwkomers en culturele organisaties.

    Faculty of Geosciences. Master Thesis Human Geography.

    Augustus 2018. 81 blz.


    Voos, Vivianne, ‘Dit is niet mijn Islam’ 

    De aanslag op Theo van Gogh in 2004: een case study naar de (macro)proposities van de kernbegrippen ‘moslim(s)’ en ‘islam’ en de vertegenwoordiging van moslimsprekers in Nederlandse praatprogramma’s op televisie.

    Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Interculturele Communicatie. 42 blz.


    Walet, Rianne, Slavery On Display

    Propositions for the improvement of the representation of the material culture of slavery in museums.

    MA Programme: Cultural History of Modern Europe.

    2018. 107 p.


    Worms, Anke, “Listen to Us! Love Us!”

    Issues of (Self-)Representation and the Asylum Seeker/Refugee Artists  of Fada Theatre’s Talent on the Run.

    MA Arts & Society.

    February 2018. 49 p.


    Zoelen, Floyd van, ‘The Roots of Evil’

    Polarization and Othering in the Netherlands.

    How the securitization of Dutch counterterrorism and migration policies has contributed to processes of radicalization in the context of the refugee crisis. International Relations in Historical Perspective.

    June 2018. 64 p.


    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    Bogaard, Lisanne, This Is America” 

    The Usage of Music in Black Lives Matter Compared to the Analysis of Music in the Civil Rights Movement.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. MA Arts and Culture: Musicology.

    2018. 62 p.


    Brambilla, Giulia, Refugees, Immigrants, Aliens and Tsunamis

    The importance of the selection of semantical and rhetorical structures in verbal communication within the European immigration debate.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    2018. 57 p.


    Brunt, Rosalie, De ‘witte onschuld’ voorbij?

    Een inhoudsanalyse naar de betekenis van ‘ras’ in Nederland vandaag de dag.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociologie.

    8 juli 2018. 44 blz.


    Donkersgoed, Luce van, De invloed van taalvaardigheid op integratie

    Een onderzoek naar de invloed van Nederlandse taalvaardigheid op integratie, sociale identiteit en negatieve identiteitsposities van Syrische vluchtelingen in Nederland.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen.Taalwetenschappen. Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juni 2018. 51 blz.

    Original filename: Masterscriptie - Luce van Donkersgoed - 10351612.docx


    Engel, Kira, De invloed van het inburgeringsbeleid op de acculturatie van asielmigranten

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen, Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal.

    2018. 44 blz.

    Onder embargo tot 19-03-2019.


    Güntzel, G., Bautzen and its problem of racism

    Differences between local and national press coverage of right-wing violence against refugees in the East-Saxon town of Bautzen.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap. Erasmus Mundus Master in Journalism, Media and Globalization.

    1 June 2018. 42 p.


    Hanekamp, Kyra, ‘Mijn ouders willen dat ik Spaans leer’

    Over de relatie tussen motivationele oriëntatie en thuistaal bij deelnemers aan Taal naar Keuze.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal.

    2018. 68 blz.


    Huppes, Suzan, Ambitions on inclusion

    Including the narrative of African diaspora in the design of Dutch development policy. Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociologie.

    February 2018. 70 p.


    Huijser, Matthieu, Multiculturalisme en het Belang van Minderheidstalen.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Filosofie. Masterscriptie.

    2018. 42 blz.

    Original filename: Masterthesis_Matthieu Huijser_Multiculturalisme en het Belang van Minderheidstalen.docx


    Kılık, Elif, It’s Not Just About Afrin

    The Role of Diaspora Communities, Newspaper Ideology and Individual Journalists in Peace Journalism Practice.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    June 2018. 63 p.


    Kolsteren, J.J., (Josie Joanna) The Kurdish diaspora in the Netherlands

    Transnational involvement and inter-ethnic tensions in the host society.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Conflict Resolution and Governance.

    June 2018. 74 p.


    Lankhorst, R., Framing in the European decision-making process

    Analysis of the decision on the refugee relocation system.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    June 22, 2018. 67 p.


    Maat, Geke, Sports and social integration

    The construction of social capital by residents of refugee camps in the Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Conflict Resolution and Governance.

    June 2018. 59 p.


    Mahmoud, Wassim, Grit, social and cultural capitals in accessing tertiary education among young Syrian refugees in the Netherlands

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies. Master thesis.

    August 2018. X, 81 p.


    Maljaars, Marjolein, Hoe zwaar is taal, wat weegt een woord?

    Grammaticaal bewustzijn bij laaggeletterde volwassen tweedetaalleerders. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal.

    2018. 43 blz.


    Oestinova, Kristina, Tussen 2;6 dn 5;6

    Ontwikkeling van Russisch-Nederlandse tweetaligheid in differentiatiefase: een case studie.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Linguistics: Linguistics of European Languages.

    119 blz.


    Pardo, María José, Nationalism and attitudes towards immigrants

    News framing effects under the moderating role of contact with immigrants.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    41 p.


    Robasthan, P., Educating the 'lost generation'

    Exploring the notion of quality education in relation to displacement for Syrian adolescents in Lebanon.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies.

    91 p.


    Roebersen, Carmen, The mosque as a bridge into society?

    A qualitative case study on the immigrants’ perspective on the role of the mosque in integration.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociologie.

    June 25, 2018. 82 p.


    Sela, Lior, The quantitative and qualitative professional representation of ethnic minorities in Dutch media

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    29 June 2018. 32 p.


    Wielaart, T., Shifting gender roles

    Syrian women in the Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    2018. 49 p.


    Winkel, Marloes, Schaffen wir das?

    Taal- en integratiebeleid in Nederland, Frankrijk, Duitsland en Noorwegen als reactie op de asielcrisis van 2015.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Januari 2018. 67 blz.


    Vrije Universiteit


    Basten, F.A., De effectiviteit van de VoorleesExpress

    Een onderzoek naar het effect van de VoorleesExpress op de woordenschat, het verhaalbegrip, de boekenkennis en boekmotivatie van kinderen met (het risico op) een taalachterstand in groep 1-5.

    Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschap. NT2.

    Juni 2018.


    Boogaard, Babette van den, ISK-leerlingen en doorstroom VO

    Onderzoek naar de beste voorbereiding benodigde leesvaardigheden op CSENederlands

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Taalwetenschappen.

    Augustus 2018. 62 blz.


    Brouns, Caro, Excuse me?

    Een conversatie-analytisch onderzoek naar het initiëren van een repair door een tolk in een asielgehoor.

    Communicatie-en informatiewetenschappen. Masterscriptie.

    Juni 2018. 48 blz.


    Coene, E.R, The concept of special procedural needs within the framework of the Dutch border procedure

    A study into the identification of and response to applicants for international protection with special procedural needs in the context of the Dutch border procedure

    Faculty of Law  Specialization: International Migration and Refugee Law.

    9 November 2018. 77 p.


    Dunning, Anne, Een aanloop naar het diagnosticeren van  dyslexie bij leerders van het Nederlands als tweede taal

    Een onderzoek naar een verbeterde methode  om vermoedens te onderbouwen.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juli 2018. 60 blz.


    Esman, Eelke, Vaste woordcombinaties  in de verwerving van het Nederlands als tweede taal

    Een receptieve collocatietest gebaseerd op woordsoort en frequenties.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juni 2018. 61 blz.


    Gowkarran, Ronald, Highly Skilled Labor Migration and the attitude of policymakers  in the Netherlands

    Faculty of Social Sciences. Master of Science in Political Science.

    June 29, 2018. 43 p.


    Harmsen, Remco, Het gebruik van dominante mediaframes in online petities over asielzoekerscentra tijdens de Europese Vluchtelingencrisis

    Kun je iets bereiken met een tegendraadse boodschap?

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Master Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie.

    Juni 2018. 59 blz.


    Janssen, Nienke, Ervaringen van deelnemers van en medewerkers in Het Blauwe Huis met het Nederlandse inburgeringsbeleid en de invloed hiervan op het (arbeids-)integratie proces van de statushouders

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Master Sociologie.

    Juni 2018. 54 blz.


    Linger, Nadine, Woordenschattoetsing bij gevorderde tweedetaalleerders

    Een vervolg op de Woordenschattoets Nederlands.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juni 2018. 79 blz.


    Schenk-Van Pelt, Liesbeth, Processing Instruction in de Delftse methode en individuele verschillen in grammaticaal bewustzijn

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juni 2018. 58 blz.


    Stam, Thomas, De NT2-taalvaardigheidstest voor volwassenen

    Een onderzoek naar de validiteit en de betrouwbaarheid van een Nederlandse zinsherhaaltaak.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie Nederlands als tweede taal.

    Juni 2018. 68 blz.


    Tielen, L., “De wereld is groter dan het Westen”

    Een narratief onderzoek naar ideologiekritiek in twee romans over Europa.

    Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschap (MA), Nederlandse letterkunde en het literaire veld.

    Augustus 2018.

    [Over o.a.  Kader Abdolah, Salam Europa]


    Wageningen University


    Huethorst, Lisanne, “The Show Must Go On”

    A study on the social navigation of  queer refugees in the Netherlands

    MSc Thesis Sociology of Development and Change – Disaster Studies.

    March 2018. 97 p.


    Kraak, Joost, The Securitization of Migration in the Netherlands During the European Refugee Crisis:

    A critical discourse analysis of the political migration debate and the inflence of the populist radical right.

    International Development Studies. Conflict and Disaster Studies.

    2018. 99 p.


    Louisa, Emily, “Paris, that is another world”

    A portrait of the heterogenous perceptions and reactions towards social exclusion amongst migrants in the banlieues of Paris.

    2018. 68 p.








    University of Cape Town


    Mandela, Walter, Closing “The Mediterranean Cemetry”

    Whether the European agenda on migration (immediate action) aimed at curbing the Africa-EU migration “crisis” is International Law compliant?

    Master of Laws Degree (LLM)

    2018. 102 p.




    University of Newcastle


    Sincock, Kristina Ellen, “We reportin you for racism, man, you going down”

    Representing Male Youth in contemporary British Asian novels.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    July 2018. 178 p.




    Hong Kong


    The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


    Robles-Llana, Paloma, Beyond categories

    Cultural identity practices of children of Chinese migrants living in Spain.

    Department of Applied Social Sciences. Ph.D.

    2018. 209 p.






    Karel De Grote Hogeschool


    Nietvelt, Charlotte, Insights into Belgian and Ugandan counselling culture

    A case study on trauma counselling for adolescent girls fleeing war.

    Socio Educational Care Work (Orthopedagogie). Applied Juvenile Criminology.

    2018. 56 blz.


    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


    De Cloet, Nina, Bringing Humanitarianism to the Grassroots

    Volunteering at the Grande-Synthe Jungle and ‘Doing the Right Thing’ under the Tensions of Proximity'.

    Master of Social and Cultural Anthropology.

    2018. 155 p.



    Diels, Elien, De regierol van lokale besturen in het lokaal integratiebeleid

    Een case study van de stad Mechelen.

    Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. Master in het overheidsmanagement en beleid.

    2018. 90 blz.


    D’hoe, Michel, "We, the Rom..." 

    A study of Jan Yoors’s photography of Gypsies, from ca. 1934 to the 1970s.

    Master in de culturele studies.

    2018. 197 blz.


    Janssens, Lien, Demassificatie van een opvangcentrum

    De vervlechting van de vluchtelingenwerking met de stad Brussel.

    Master in de Architectuur.

    2018. 72 blz.


     Universiteit Antwerpen


    De Beuckelaar, Gilles, Een beeld van Belgische vluchtelingen in Nederland tijdens wereldoorlog I

    Het profiel van vluchtelingen in Tilburg en de mogelijke terugkeer naar België.

    2018. 26 blz.


    Dendooven, Dominiek, Asia In Flanders Fields

    A Transnational History of Indians and Chinese on the Western Front, 1914−1920.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte.

    2 juli 2018.

    Ph D.


    Diels, Elien, ‘If you‘ll put effort in, you’ll have it.’ 

    Een onderzoek naar de invloed van e-inclusieprojecten op burgerschap bij nieuwkomers in Antwerpen.

    Master in de Sociologie.

    2018. 87 blz.


    Universiteit Gent


    Bouderqa, Younes, Beleidsparticipatie van vluchtelingen in Aalst

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Politieke Wetenschappen, afstudeerrichting Nationale Politiek. Master.

    2018. 54 blz.


    Delcour, Chloë, Struggles over human rights of Roma migrants in the public debate

    Analyzing relationality of actors and meanings using field theory and poststructuralist discourse theory.

    Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.



    Desloovere, Emile, De vlucht uit Nazi Duitsland naar België in de jaren 30'

    Een analyse van de economische input van deze vluchtelingen.

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Master.



    Dieryck, Anouk, Stepping beyond the tents

    Understanding public attitudes towards refugees.

    Master of Science in Complementary Studies in Business Economics.

    2018. 63 blz.


    Hest, Ella van, (Standaard)nederlands: de sleutel tot integratie in Vlaanderen?

    Een sociolinguïstisch-etnografische studie naar de implementatie van het NT2-beleid bij volwassen nieuwkomers en de effecten ervan op hun interacties met moedertaal-sprekers.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Master of Arts in het Tolken (Nederlands-Duits-Spaans.

    2018. 173 blz.


    Jacobs, Marie, Multilingualism and integration in preschool

    A linguistic ethnographic analysis of the interaction between teachers, parents and children.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Master of Arts in de Taal en Letterkunde. (Engels).

    2018. 149 p.


    Santeddu, Claudia, Een kritisch discoursanalyse naar de beeldvorming van vluchtelingen in de Vlaamse kranten Het Laatste Nieuws en De Standaard      

    Een kritisch discoursanalyse naar de evolutie van discours tussen januari 2016 en 2018.

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Master of Science in Communication Science Master of Science in de communicatiewetenschappen.

    2018. 72 blz.


    Schyvens, Ona, Niet-begeleide minderjarige vluchtelingen in de Belgische opvangcentra

    Een belevenisonderzoek.

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.

    2018. 79 blz.                                                                  


    Van Cleemputte, Sara, Standard Dutch: the key to integrating in Flanders?

    Sociolinguistic-ethnographic research into adult newcomers' difficulties when speaking Dutch.

    Faculty of Arts and Philosophie.

    2018. 273 p.  


    Van der Gucht, Liselotte, Sprechende Sprachlosigkeit?

    Unterdrückung und Befreiung anhand von Sprache in Melinda Nadj Abonjis "Tauben fliegen auf".

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Taal- en Letterkunde: Engels – Duits.

    2018. 84 p.


    Vanooteghem, Maarten, Opvang van vluchtelingen

    Welke subcategorie vluchtelingen wordt in de Lokale Opvanginitiatieven als het meest hulpbehoevend ervaren?

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde.



    Van Opdenbosch, Michiel, Barrières naar betrokkenheid naar Syrië voor Syrische vluchtelingen in België

    Conflict and Development.

    2018. 84 blz.


    Vervaet, Roselien, Ethnic Prejudice Among Flemish Pupils

    Does the School Context Matter?

    Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. Sociology.

    2018. 443 p.



    Vrije Universiteit Brussel


    De Broyer, Ellen, Het sociaal netwerk van minderjarige vluchtelingen binnen een stedelijke context:

    Hun huidige ervaringen en hun toekomstige noden.

    Agogische Wetenschappen.

    2018. 102 blz.




    Arteveldehogeschool/ Katholiek Hoger Onderwijs Gent


    Velghe, Joke & Daisy Van der Sypt, Breng kleur in jouw klas, ook al is deze niet gekleurd

    Kies voor interculturele prentenboeken.

    2018. 53 blz.




    Bauhaus-Universität Weimar


    El-Qasem, Kawthar, Palästina erzählen

    Inversion als Strategie zur Bewahrung des Eigenen in Dekulturalisierungsprozessen. Bielefeld: transcript.

    2018. 425 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Freie Universität Berlin


    Oppen, Julian von, Flucht, Migration und pädagogische Organisationen

    Zur Bedeutung von kultureller Differenz in der sozialen Arbeit mit unbegleiteten minderjährigen Geflüchteten.

    Weinheim / Basel: Beltz Juventa.

    2018. 204 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Yildirim, Lale, Der Diasporakomplex

    Geschichtsbewusstsein und Identität bei Jugendlichen mit türkeibezogenem Migrationshintergrund der dritten Generation.

    Bielefeld: transcript,

    2018. 325 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


    Schütte, Ulrike, Das "Fremde" im Kontext sprachlich-kultureller Diversität

    Impulse zur Professionalisierung von Sprachpädagogen und Sprachtherapeuten.

    Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. habil. Ulrike M. Lüdtke.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2018. XXIII, 303 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


    Wilcke, Holger, Illegal und unsichtbar?

    Papierlose Migrant*innen als politische Subjekte.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    2018. 277 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main


    Aguilar, Luis Manuel Hernández, Governing muslims and Islam in contemporary Germany

    Race. time, and the German Islam Conference

    Leiden: Brill. Muslim minorities. Vol. 26.

    2018.  XIII, 268 p.

    Bewerking van: Welcome to Integrationland: on racism and the German Islam Conference.

    Proefschrift 2015.


    Jungbluth, Eva, Narrating diaspora across media

    Trier: wvt Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. Reihe alternativer Beiträge zur Erzählforschung; Band 4.

    2018. 262 p.

    Dissertation 2015.


    Pädagogischen Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd


    Kaufmann, Sarah, Daseinstrübung und Sprachfindung in Paul Celans Lyrikband Die Niemandsrose – Emine Sevgi Özdamars Romantrilogie Sonne auf halbem Weg in analoger Kongruenz?

    Schwäbisch Gmünd: Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd.

    2018. 222 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Ruprecht-Karls-Univeristät Heidelberg


    Assmann, Corinna, Doing Family in Second-Generation British Migration Literature

    Berlin: De Gruyter.

    2018. IX, 291 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Universität Augsburg


    Schaidt, Stephanie, Ugandan children's literature and its implications for cultural and global learning

    An extensive reading project study.

    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

    2018. 517 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Universität Mannheim


    Herrmann, Franziska, Heimat und Fremde in deutschsprachiger Migrationsliteratur

    Eine vergleichende Analyse der Ersten und Zweiten Generation.

    München: GRIN Verlag.

    2018. 112 p.

    Magisterarbeit 2007.


    Roth, Daniela Hildegard, Migration und Adoleszenz

    Die (Un-)Möglichkeit transnationaler Handlungsfreiheit in Alina Bronskys "Scherbenpark" (2008), Steven Uhlys "Adams Fuge" (2011) und Martin Horváths "Mohr im Hemd oder wie ich auszog, die Welt zu retten" (2012).

    Mannheim: Universitätsbibliothek Mannheim.

    2018. 288 p.

    A thesis  presented to the University of Waterloo(Canada)  and the Universität Mannheim 2017.öglichkeit%20transnationaler%20Handlungsfreiheit.pdf


    Saif, Mohammed, »Islam« im öffentlichen Diskurs

    Zur sprachlichen Konstituierung einer Religion.

    Inauguraldissertation zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Philosophie.

    2018. 294 p.,%20»Islam«%20im%20öffentlichen%20Diskurs.pdf


    Universität Passau


    Landes, Andreas, Integration hochqualifizierter Migranten durch Organisationen

    Die Rolle von Strategie, Struktur und Kultur in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    2018. XX, 324 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Universität zu Köln


    Eryılmaz, Öngün, Jenseits von Heimat

    Raum im cinéma du métissage in Deutschland und in Frankreich.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    2018. 186 p.

    Dissertation 2016.


    University of Bamberg / Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg


    Dehdarian, Roja, Selbstentwürfe in der Fremde

    Der iranische Schriftsteller Bozorg Alavi im deutschen Exil.

    Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. Februar 2018. 443 p.

    Dissertation 2016.


    Olczyk, Melanie, Ethnische Einbettung und schulischer Erfolg

    Zur Bedeutung ethnisch segregierter Lebenswelten für den Bildungserwerb von Kindern mit Zuwanderungshintergrund. 

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

    2018. XV, 335 p.

    Dissertation 2017.




    Université Grenoble Alpes

    Jardou, Ali, Compétence de communication interculturelle et mobilité étudiante

    Le cas des apprenants primoarrivants en France et des classes plurilingues et multiculturelles de FLE.

    Linguistique. 2018. 465 p.




    National University of Ireland Maynooth


    O'Connor, Edward, Skilled Migrants and International Careers

    A Qualitative Study and Interpretation of the Careers and Perceived Career Success of Skilled Migrant Workers in Ireland.

    School of Business.

    June 2018. 304 p.

    PhD thesis.




    Universität Innsbruck


    Micheli, Andreas, "... Heimat, die doch meine Heimat nicht ist …"

    Der deutsch-jüdische Schriftsteller und Arzt Richard Huldschiner.

    Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag.

    2018. 362 p.

    Dissertation 2017.




    Goldsmiths, University of London


    Alexander, Patricia, Reframing Black or Ethnic Minority teachers as role models Educational Studies. Doctoral thesis.

    30 June 2018.


    Lancaster University


    Winterson, Marie, Exploring psychosocial and therapeutic needs among refugees and asylum-seekers

    Furness College. Clinical Psychology.

    Augst 2018. 139 p.


    The University of Huddersfield


    Mahmood, Saqi, Second Language International Postgraduate Students’ Perceptions of Assessment Feedback

    An Analysis.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    March 2018. 232 p.


    University College London


    Gilsenan, James, "I like it here because I have to"

    Migration and adolescent identity formation : exploring the experiences of students in a London school.

    Institute of Education.


    Poku, V., An investigation into the experiences of African and African-Caribbean students whilst on teaching practice in South London primary schools



    Young, Sara Rachel Jane, The construction of ethno-linguistic identity amongst Polish-born adolescents living in the UK 

    Institute of Edcation. 

    April 2018. 413 p.


    University of Cambridge


    Harris, Jonathan Anthony, Tamazgha in France

    Indigeneity and citizenship in the diasporic Amazigh movement.

    Geography Department.

    Doctoral thesis.

    2018. 262 p.


    Savikj, Biljana, Family language policy and practice as parental mediation of habitus, capital and field

    An ethnographic case-study of migrant families in England.

    9 February 2018.

    Doctoral thesis.


    Yeboah, T. ,Young People and Migration in Ghana

    Doctoral thesis.

    19 May 2018.


    University of Central Lancashire


    Whitley, Zoé, Against a sharp white background

    Dialogic and exhibitionary practices of Black contemporary artists and curators in art museums.


    University of Dundee


    McDonald, Caitlin Elizabeth, Exile, authorship, and 'the good German'

    A reconsideration of the screenplays and novels of Emeric Pressburger.



    Sobande, Francesca, Digital diaspora and (re)mediating Black women in Britain



    University of Exeter


    Poppinga, A., For love of neighbor

    Engaging narrative as a model for interfaith pedagogy.

    Ph. D. in Theology.

    August 2018. 325 p.                                                                                                                        


    University of Glasgow


    Ryan, Sadie Durkacz, Language, migration and identity at school

    A sociolinguistic study with Polish adolescents in Glasgow.

    School of Critical Studies. College of Arts. Ph-D.

    March 2018. 313 p.


    Song, Yue, Children of migrant workers in urban high schools

    An analysis of the dual role of education.

    31 May 2018.

    PhD thesis.


    University of Leeds


    Elliott-Harvey, Charlotte Karen, Free speech, tolerance, offence and diversity

    A comparative study of France and Denmark using the cases of Dieudonné and Yahya Hassan.

    School of Media and Communication.

    February 2018. 250 p.


    Lawson, Jade Marie, Re/Locating Transcultural Memory

    Engaging with Placebased Memory as a Form of Worldliness in Contemporary German-language Literature.

    School of Languages, Cultures and Societies.

    December 2018. 237 p.


    University of Leicester


    Abdulmajeed Abduljabbar, Dima, Arab American women's poetry of diaspora, war, and intimacy

    Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

    2018. 300 p.


    Tacchetti, Maddalena, Que(E)Rying Asylum

    An Ethnographic Study on the Discursive and Non-Discursive Construction of LGBT Asylum Seekers in the UK.


    September 2018. 204 p.


    University of Manchester


    Sabouni, Faten, Exploring the psychosocial needs of Syrian refugees in the UK

    Accounts of community service providers.

    Faculty of Humanities. School of Environment, Education and Development.

    Thesis D.Prof.Couns.Psy.

    2018. 239 p.


    University of Nottingham


    Tang, Fang,  Imagining home

    Literary fantasy in contemporary Chinese diasporic women’s literature.

    30 August 2018.


    University of Oxford


    Noronha, Luke de, Deporting 'Black Britons'

    Portraits of Deportation to Jamaica.

    PhD thesis.


    University of Salford


    Swannack, K. M., A structurational approach to the use of virtual learning environments in multicultural contexts

    19 September 2018. 

    Restricted to Repository staff only until 12 June 2020.


    University of Sheffield


    Bangert, Melina, “Where are you really from?” 

    Female BME students’ narratives of encountering racial-microaggressions in their everyday university experiences.

    PhD thesis.

    Restricted until 16 October 2019.


    Murray, R E., Navigating the Higher Education Border 

    Routes to Belonging for Forced Migrant Students in the UK and Sweden.

    August 2018.

    PhD thesis. 

    Restricted until 31 December 2019.


    Rezaei Rashnoodi, Shima, Home Remaking

    An architectural study of home in diaspora in contemporary Britain with particular reference to the lives of Iranian women.

    PhD thesis.

    Restricted until 15 July 2021.


    Shah, Jawad, What Can Practitioners Learn from the Narratives of Young Refugees?

    Department of Educational Studies.

    July 2018. 181 p.


    University of Southampton


    Saeys, Arne, Imag(in)ed diversity in a small nation

    Constructing ethnic minorities in Dutch cinema.;jsessionid=54319BE42802D11019C9488F9D010CF3?   

    Thesis embargoed until 30 April 2021.


    Tuniyan, Elina, Second language acquisition of definiteness

    A feature-based contrastive approach to second language learnability.

    May 2018.


    University of Surrey


    Acik, Ahmet Coskun, The new Labour and Conservative-led governments’ articulation of immigration control policies in Britain

    Securitization, governmentality and risk 1997-2017.

    Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Politics.

    Doctoral thesis.

    November 2018. 348 p.


    University of Sussex


    Kaushik, Ratika, Homing diaspora/diasporizing home

    Locating South Asian diasporic literature and film.

    School of English.

    25 January 2018.

    Doctoral thesis (PhD).


    University of Warwick


    Panzarella, Gioia, Disseminating migration literature

    A dialogue with contemporary Italy.





    Linnaeus University


    Alriksson, Anton & Erik Åström, Attitudes toward immigration

    A mapping of the development and analysis in attitudes towards immigration in Europe.

    June 2018. 69 p.





    Universität St. Gallen


    Kagerer, Johannes, Wie lässt sich Mitgefühl organisieren?

    Der Umgang der Universität St. Gallen mit der europäischen Flüchtlingskrise.








    Université de Montréal


    Charafeddine, Nadine, La théâtralisation de l'exil dans la dramaturgie migrante au Québec (1980-2010)

    Faculté des arts et des sciences. Département des littératures de langue française.

    Mai 2018. 328 p.


    York University, Toronto


    Ali, Muna, “Anchored in Our Culture, Focused on Our Future”

    Negotiating Spaces for Somali.

    Women in Toronto through Gashanti UNITY. Master of Arts.

    September 23018. 82 p.


    Ballantyne, Darcy Patrecia Ysuet, A Poetics of the Contemporary Black Canadian City

    Charting the History of Black Urban Space in Fiction and Poetry by Black Canadian Writers.

    28 September 2018. 236 p.

    PhD - Doctor of Philosophy.




    Columbia University


    Hessling, Vincent, Telling Technology

    Contesting Narratives of Progress in Modernist Literature: Robert Walser, Paul Scheerbart, and Joseph Roth.

    December 2018.

    Under embargo.



    Eastern Michigan University


    Rees, Darcie, Players in a storm

    Climate and political migrants in The Tempest and Othello.

    Department of English Language and Literature.

    2018. IV, 83 p.


    Fairfield University


    Valentina, Maria, Digital standpoints

    Refugees as counterpublics and their counter discouse as performative communication through participatory communication and citizens' media. Communication Department.

    Master of Arts.

    April 2018. 81 p.


    Portland State University


    Verbruggen, Frances Augusta Ramos, Representations of Immigrants in Young Adult Literature

    Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership: Curriculum and Instruction.

    2018. 230 p.


    San Diego State University


    Nelson, Sonia E., Distressed mothers

    An Investigation of the representation and treatment of refugees within their host countries through media and literature.

    2018. IX, 57 p.


    Soka University of America


    Timm, Marco W., The integration of refugees into the German school system Challenges and barriers and the perceptions and attitudes of teachers and principals.

    Master’s thesis.

    2018. VII, 129 p.


    State University of New York


    Barrow, Jasmine, The effect of dialogic reading on second language acquisition, output, and literacy of migrant students in early childhood

    2018. 59 p.


    University of Michigan


    Layne, Priscilla, White rebels in Black

    German appropriation of Black popular culture.

    Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

    2018. IX, 259 p.



    University of Nevada, Las Vegas


    Rezaeian, Fereshteh,The Impacts of Acculturation Patterns and Processes on Immigrants' Success in Higher Education

    A Multiple Case Study of 1.25-Generation Third-Wave Iranian Immigrants to the United States.

    UNLV Theses, Dissertations, Professional Papers, and Capstones. 3517

    January 2018. 291 p.


    University of San Francisco



    , Deborah de,  A Handbook for Teaching English to Afghan Women Refugees

    Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) International and Multicultural Education (IME).



    University of South Florida


    Cabela, Ramil L., Asian Immigrants in Leadership Roles in the United States

    Exploration for Leader Development.

    Doctor of Business Administration.

    October 12, 2018. 197 p.


    University of Wisconsin-Madison  


    Barkve, Marit Ann,The other mother

    Motherhood tropes in Norwegian diaspora literature.

    2018. VII, 214 p.




    Individuele auteurs


    Brandt, Ria van den &  Peter Nissen (Red.), Veel mooie woorden

    Etty Hillesum en haar boekje Levenskunst.

    Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verloren.

    2018. 312 blz.


    Dijk, Yra van, Afgrond zonder vangnet

    Liefde en geweld in de romans van Arnon Grunberg.

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar.

    2018. 489 blz.




    Akgün, Medeni, Idiomatische Spracherwendung im Emine Sevgi Özdamars Roman Mutterzunge

    Riga:  AV Akademikerverlag.

    September 2018. 112 p.


    Baskakov, Alexej, "Ich bin kein Mitläufer"

    Thomas Mann und die Sowjetunion.

    Köln: Böhlau-Verlag GmbH.

    2018. 199 p.


    Melchert, Monika, Wilde und zarte Träume

    Anna Seghers Jahre im Pariser Exil.

    Berlin: Bübül.

    2018. 94 p.


    Argonautenschiff 26/2018

    Jahrbuch der Anna-Seghers-Gesellschaft.

    Berlin und Mainz e. V.: Quintus Verlag.

    2018. 248 p.




    Carton, Jessy, Complicated Refugees

    A Study of the 1951 Geneva Convention Grounds in Aleksandar Hemon’s Life Narrative.

    In Law & Literature. (30)2.

    2018. p.331–347.


    Murji, Karim & Asma Sayed, The Transnational Imaginaries of M. G. Vassanji

    Diaspora, Literature, and Culture.

    New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc.

    July 2018. 232 p.


    Rahiminezhad, Vida & Soheila Arabian, Acculturation, otherness, and return in Adichie's 'Americanah

    Outside the homeland.

    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    2018. 104 p.


    Swiderski, Carla, Out of Time, Out of Space, Out of Species

    Deictic Displacement of the Exiled Self in Hans Sahl’s “Der Maulwurf” (The Mole).

    In: Humanities 7.

    2018. 12 p.


    Overige secundaire literatuur


    Missinne, Lut & Jaap Grave, Tussen twee stoelen, tussen twee vuren

    Nederlandse literatuur op weg naar de buitenlandse lezer.

    Gent: Academia Press. Lage Landen Studies, 10.

    2018. 222 blz.


    Straver, Hans, Vaders en dochters 

    Molukse historie in de Nederlandse literatuur van de negentiende eeuw en haar weerklank in Indonesië.

    Hilversum: Verloren.

    2018. 393 blz.


    Grenzeloos Lezen 

    Vluchtelingen & migranten in enkele romans en levensverhalen.

    Utrecht: Taal Doet Meer.

    Januari 2018. 20 blz.




    Adunka, Evelyn, Primavera Driessen Gruber, Simon Usaty (Hrsg.), Exilforschung Österreich

    Leistungen, Defizite & Perspektiven.

    Wie: Mandelbaum.

    2018. 756 p.     


    Belke, Ingrid, Intellektuelle, Demokraten, Emigranten

    Lebensbilder und Studien zum Widerstand gegen die politischen Katastrophen des 20. Jahrhunderts.

    Herausgegeben von Wolfgang Benz.

    Berlin: Metropol.

    2018. 293 p.                                                                                


    Benteler, Anne, Übersetzung als literarisches Schreibverfahren im Exil am Beispiel von Mascha Kaléko und Werner Lansburgh.

    In: Cadernos de Traduçao 38/1 (2018): Translation in Exile. p.5-85.


    Bischoff, Doerte, Prothesenpoesie

    Über eine Ästhetik des Exils mit Bezug auf Barbara Honigmann, Anna Seghers und Konrad Merz und Herta Müller.

    In: Metaphora. Journal for Literary Theory and Media 3 (2018) p. III 1-24.


    Bischoff, Doerte, Dinge und Migration

    in: Handbuch Literatur & Materielle Kultur, hg. v. Susanne Scholz & Ulrike Vedder, Berlin: De Gruyter

    2018. p. 72-81.


    Bischoff, Doerte & Miriam Rürup (Hrsg.), Ausgeschlossen

    Staatsbürgerschaft, Staatenlosigkeit und Exil.

    München: edition text + kritik. Gesellschaft für Exilforschung / Society of Exile Studies.

    November 2018. 330 p.


    Burdorf, Dieter, Abdalla Eldimagh, Stephanie Bremerich, Flucht, Exil und Migration in der Literatur

    Syrische und deutsche Perspektiven.

    Berlin: Quintus-Verlag. 2018. 272 p.

    [Mit Beiträgen u. a. von Abdo Abboud, Eckehard Czucka, Irmela von der Lühe und Ulrike Stamm.]


    Csorba, Anett, Marcell Grunda, Christa Gürtler, Julia Hargaßner, Eva Hausbacher, Andrea Horváth, Eszter Pabis, Sándor Trippó, Grenzgängerinnen

    Migrationsgeschichten in der Gegenwartsliteratur.

    Ein kulturwissenschaftliches Studienbuch.

    Wien: Praesens Verlag.

    Dezember 2018. 152 p.


    Dätsch, Christiane, Kulturelle Übersetzer

    Kunst und Kulturmanagement im transkulturellen Kontext.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    Februar 2018. 340 p.


    Furlan, Francesco, Gabriel Siemoneit, Hartmut Wulfram, Exil und Heimatferne in der Literatur des Humanismus von Petrarca bis zum Anfang des 16. Jahrhunderts : L’esilio e la lontananza dalla patria nella letteratura umanistica dal Petrarca all’inizio del Conquecento

    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto.

    September 2018. 600 p.


    Gołaszewski, Marcin, Leonore Krenzlin, Wilk Anna (Hrsg.), Schriftsteller in Exil und Innerer Emigration

    Literarische Widerstandspotentiale und Wirkungschancen ihrer Werke.

    Berlin: Quintus-Verlag.

    2018. 384 p.


    Hernández, Isabel, Spanienbilder aus dem deutschsprachigen Exil bei  Feuchtwanger und seinen Zeitgenossen

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / Frankfurt am Main / New York / Wien: Peter Lang. Feuchtwanger Studies.

    Januar  2018. XX, 364 p.


    Jessen, Caroline, Kanon im Exil

    Lectüren deutsch-jüdischer Emigranten in Palästina/ Israel.

    Göttingen: Wallstein-Verlag.

    2018. 544 p.


    Loimeier, Manfred, Literaturen aus Afrika

    Aufbruch in ein neues Selbstbewusstsein.

    Frankfurt am Main: Brandes + Apsel Verlag Gm.

    2018. 192 p.


    Mann, Frido, Das Weiße Haus des Exils

    Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag.

    2018. 208 p.


    Mártonffy, Marcell & Károly Vajda (Hg), Grenzüberschreibungen

    Identität, Migration und Interkulturalität in den Literaturen Mitteleuropas.

    Baden-Baden: Nomos.

    Dezember 2018. 331 p. 



    Mieder, Wolfgang (Ed.), Von Wien nach Vermont

    Studien zur österreichischen Literatur und Kultur, Exilliteratur und Frauenliteratur. Festschrift für Helga Schreckenberger zum 65. Geburtstag.

    Wien: Praesens Verlag 18.

    April 2018. 518 p.

    [Engels / Duits]


    Millner, Alexandra  & Katalin Teller (Hg), Transdifferenz und Transkulturalität

    Migration und Alterität in den Literaturen und Kulturen Österreich-Ungarns.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    Mai 2018. 454 p.


    Muzur, Lina & Annika Reich, Das Herz verlässt keinen Ort, an dem es hängt

    Weiter Schreiben.

    Literarische Begegnungen mit Autorinnen und Autoren aus Krisengebieten.

    Berlin: Ullstein Buchverlage.

    November 2018. 272 p.


    Newball Duke, Anne, La otra orilla

    Kulturkontakt in der chilenischen Exil- und Rückkehrliteratur 1980 – 2011.

    Berlin / Münster: LIT. 2018. 491 p.


    Olbrich, Till & Dietfried Olbrich, Authentische Orte deutscher und österreichischer Exilliteratur in Frankreich

    New York /Wien.

    2018. 82 p.


    Sohnemann, Jasmin, Arnold Zweig und Stefan Zweig in der Zwischenkriegszeit

    Publizistisches Engagement, Beziehungsgeschichte und literaturwissenschaftliche Rezeption bis in das 21. Jahrhundert.

    Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

    2018. 473 p.


    Strelow, Irena, System und Methode

    NS-Raubkunst in deutschen Museen.

    Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich.

    2018. 180 p.


    Schmitz, Walter, Handbuch Literatur der Migration in den deutschsprachigen Ländern seit 1945

    Band 1. Einwanderungsländer wider Willen. Prozess und Diskurs.

    Dresden: Thelem. September 2018. 210 p.


    Wotschal, Xenia, Schreiben und Reisen über Gattungsgrenzen hinweg

    Gattungsmischung und -bildung bei Rolf Dieter Brinkmann, Ilse Aichinger und Herta Müller.

    Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH. Beiträge zur neueren Literaturgeschichte [Dritte Folge], Band: 368.

    März 2018. 376 p.   



    Verlorene Heimat.

    Erzählen über Exil.

    Berlin: Berliner Museen. MuseumsJournal, Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH.

    2018. 112 p.                                                   




    Abbasi, Hasti, Dislocation, Writing, and Identity in Australian and Persian Literature

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    September 2018. X, 104 p.


    Adelakun, Abimbola &  Toyin Falola, Toyin Art (Eds.), Creativity, and Politics in Africa and the Diaspora

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    August 2018. 335 p.


    Blazan, Sladja & Nigel Hatton, Refugees and/ in Literature 

    Literatur in Wissenschaft und Unterricht. LWU XLIX 2/3 2016.

    Würzburg: Königshausen u. Neumann.

    Oktober 2018. 234 p.


    Bocheńska, Joanna, Rediscovering Kurdistan’s Cultures and Identities

    The Call of the Cricket.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    November 2018. XIX, 343 p.


    Boehmer, Elleke, Postcolonial Poetics

    21st-Century Critical Readings.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    July 2018. XIV, 220 p. 


    Borges, Marcelo J. & Sonia Cancian, Migrant Letters

    Emotional language, mobile identities, and writing practices in historical perspective. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

    February 2018. 216 p.


    Buschendorf, Christa, Power Relations in Black Lives

    Reading African American Literature and Culture with Bourdieu and Elias.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    January 2018. 180 p.


    Bracks, Lean'Tin, Writings on Black Women of the Diaspora

    History, Language, and Identity.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    April 2018. 152 p.    


    Cohen, Robin & Carolin Fischer, Routledge handbook of diaspora studies

    Abingdon / New York: Routledge.

    September 2018. XVII, 264 p.


    Collett, Anne & Leigh Dale, (Eds.), Postcolonial Past & Present

    Negotiating Literary and Cultural Geographies.

    Leiden: Brill. Series: Cross/Cultures. Vol. 206.

    November 2018. XVI, 234 p.


    Craig-Norton, Jennifer, Christhard Hoffmann and Tony Kushner (Eds.), Migrant Britain

    Histories and historiographies: essays in honour of Colin Holmes.

    Abingdon, Oxon /New York, NY: Routledge.

    August 2018. 324 p.


    Daily, Katie, Rejection and Disaffiliation in Twenty-First Century American Immigration Narratives

    Cham: Palgrave Pivot.

    2018. XI, 141 p.


    Davoliūtė, Violeta & Tomas Balkelis, Narratives of exile and identity

    Soviet deportation memoirs from the Baltic States.

    Budapest / New York: Central European University Press.

    2018. XII, 220 p. 


    Daithota Bhat, Shilpa (Ed.), Diaspora poetics and homing in South Asian women's writing

    Beyond Trishanku.

    Lanham: Lexington Books.



    Dodeman, André & Élodie Raimbault, Literary location and dislocation of myth in the post/colonial anglophone world

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi.

    2018. XVI, 258 p.


    Dwivedi, Divya, Henrik Skov Nielsen, Richard Walsh, Narratology and ideology

    Negotiating context, form, and theory in postcolonial narratives.

    Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.

    2018. VI, 297 p.


    Florvil, Tiffany N. & Vanessa D. Plumly (Eds.), Rethinking Black German Studies

    Approaches, Interventions and Histories.                                                                            

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / New York / Wien: Peter Lang. Studies in Modern German and Austrian Literature.

    2018. XII, 330 p.


    Fongang, Delphine, Toyin Falola, Bosede Funke Afolayan, Shilpa Daithota Bhat, Na'Imah Ford, Henry Kah Jick, Samuel Kamara, Igor Maver, Gibson Ncube, Grace Adeniyi Ogunyankin, Nicole Stamant, Kelvin Ngong Toh, The Postcolonial Subject in Transit

    Migration, Borders and Subjectivity in Contemporary African Diaspora Literature.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

    January 2018. 176 p.


    Fraser, Robert, Literature, Music and Cosmopolitanism

    Culture as Migration.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer-Verlag GmbH.

    2018. XI, 211 p.


    Gabriel, Sharmani Patricia &  Nicholas O. Pagan, Literature, Memory, Hegemony

    East/West Crossings.

    Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XIX, 193 p.


    Garloff, Katja & Agnes Mueller, German Jewish literature after 1990                       

    Rochester, New York: Camden House.

    2018. 263 p.



    , John Morán & Laura Lomas, The Cambridge history of Latina/o American literature

    Cambridge / New York: Cambridge University Press.

    April 2018. 854 p.


    Grenville, Anthony, Encounters with Albion

    Britain and the British in Texts by Jewish Refugees from Nazism.

    Germanic Literatures 17.

    Oxford: Legenda.

    July 2018.196 p.


    Gröndahl, Satu & Eila Rantonen, Migrants and Literature in Finland and Sweden 

    Helsinki: Suomen Kirjallisuuden Seura.

    October 2018. 240 p.


    Gualtieri, Claudia (Ed.), Migration and the Contemporary Mediterranean

    Shifting Cultures in Twenty-First-Century Italy and Beyond.

    Oxford / Bern /  Berlin / Bruxelles, / New York / Wien: Peter Lang.

    2018. X, 494 p.



    , Robert C. & Jeff Birkenstein, European Writers in Exile

    Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

    October 2018. 304 p.


    Heilbut, Anthony, Exiled in Paradise

    German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present.


    , California: University of California Press.

    November 2018. 538 p.

    [Eerder gepubliceerd in 1983]


    Heinze, Rüdiger, Melting Pots & Mosaics

    Children of Immigrants in US-American Literature.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    February 2018. 297 p.


    Hurt, Erin (Ed.), Theorizing Ethnicity and Nationality in the Chick Lit Genre

    Routledge Studies in Contemporary Literature.

    Abingdon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    November 2018. 234 p.                                                                         


    Iheka, Cajetan Nwabueze, African Migration Narratives

    Politics, Race, and Space.

    Suffolk: Boydell Press.

    2018. VI, 310 p.


    Ilott, Sarah, Ana Cristina Mendes & Lucinda Newns (Eds.), New directions in diaspora studies

    Cultural and literary approaches.

    London: Lanham, Maryland, USA: Rowman & Littlefield International, Ltd.:

    July 2018. 200 p.


    Ivanova, Petya Tsoneva, Negotiating Borderlines in Four Contemporary Migrant Writers from the Middle East

    Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    November 2018. 272 p.


    Jansen, Bettina, Narratives of community in the black British short story

    Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. VIII, 327 p.


    Jayasuriya, Maryse, The immigrant experience

    Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, a division of EBSCO Information Services, Inc.; Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing.

    2018. XX, 268 p.


    Kleppinger, Kathryn & Laura Reeck, Post-migratory cultures in postcolonial France

    Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

    2018.  X, 286 p


    Knörr, Jacqueline & Wilson Trajano Filho (Eds.), Creolization and pidginization in contexts of postcolonial diversity

    Language, culture, identity.

    Leiden: Brill.

    2018. XIV, 418 p.


    Kovačević, Nataša, Uncommon Alliances

    Cultural Narratives of Migration in the New Europe.

    Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

    April 2018. 272 p.   


    Lagios, Thanasis, Vasia Lekka, Grigoris Panoutsopoulos, Borders, Bodies and Narratives of Crisis in Europe

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    May 2018. 144 p.


    Levin, Iris, Migration, Settlement, and the Concepts of House and Home

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    January 2018. 256 p.


    Li, Stephanie, Pan-African American Literature

    Signifyin(g) Immigrants in the Twenty-First Century.

    Chicago: Rutgers University Press.

    September 2018. 190 p.


    Lipski, Jakub, Travel and Identity

    Studies in Literature, Culture and Language.

    Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing.

    March 2018. VI, 111 p.


    Manzella, Abigail G.H., Migrating fictions

    Gender, race, and citizenship in U.S. internal displacements.

    Columbus: The Ohio State University Press.

    2018. XI, 223 p.


    McClung, Laren (Ed.), Inheriting the war

    Poetry and prose by descendants of Vietnam veterans and refugees.

    New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

    2018. XIII, 415 p.


    Michael, Magali Cornier, Twenty-First-Century British Fiction and the City

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing.

    2018. XI, 252 p.


    Mielusel, Ramona, Franco-Maghrebi Artists of the 2000s

    Leiden: Brill / Rodopi.Transnational Narratives and Identities. Francopolyphonies. Vol. 27.

    December 2018. VIII, 192 p.


    Mikołajewski, Łukasz, Disenchanted Europeans

    Polish Émigré Writers from Kultura and Postwar Reformulations of the West.

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles / New York / Wien: Peter Lang. Exile Studies 16.

    2018. X, 472 p.


    Minnaard, Liesbeth, Oscillating between Margin and Centre

    Dutch Literature of Migration.

    In: Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 196.

    2018. p. 355-387.


    Moloney, Brian, Friends in Exile

    Italo Svevo and James Joyce.

    Market Harborough, UK: Troubador Publishing. Troubador Italian Studies.

    November 2018. 264 p.


    Morey, Peter, Islamophobia and the novel

    New York: Columbia University Press.

    2018. 314 p.


    Mosby, Dorothy E., Quince Duncan's Weathered Men and The Four Mirrors

    Two Novels of Afro-Costa Rican Identity.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. 241 p.



    Nanda, Aparajita,  Ethnic Literatures and Transnationalism

    Critical Imaginaries for a Global Age.

    Routledge Transnational Perspectives on American Literature.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    February 2018. 328 p.


    Orton, Marie, The Politics of Changing National Identity

    Migration Literature in Italy.

    In: Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 196

    (2018). p. 288-317.


    Paganopoulos, Michelangelo, In-between fiction and non-fiction

    Reflections on the poetics of ethnography in literature and film.

    Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    2018. VIII, 230 p.


    Pellicer-Ortín, Sivia & Julia Tofantšuk, Women on the move

    Body, memory and femininity in present-day transnational diasporic writing.

    New York / Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

    2018. XX, 266 p.


    Pereira-Ares, Noemí, Fashion, Dress and Identity in South Asian Diaspora Narratives

    From the Eighteenth Century to Monica Ali.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XXVI, 255 p.     


    Ponzanesi, Sandra &  Adriano José Habed (Eds.), Postcolonial Intellectuals in Europe

    Critics, Artists, Movements, and their Publics.

    London: Rowman & Littlefield International. Series: Frontiers of the Political.

    August 2018. 362 p.


    Qabaha, Ahmad Rasmi, Exile and Expatriation in Modern American and Palestinian Writing

    Cham: Springer International Publishing - Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. XIII, 250 p.


    Rewakowicz, Maria G., Literature, exile, alterity

    The New York group of Ukrainian poets.

    Boston (Mass.): Academic studies press.

    2018. XXII, 250 p.


    Rodoreda, Geoff, The Mabo Turn in Australian Fiction

    Oxford / Bern / Berlin / Bruxelles /  Frankfurt am Main / New York / Wien: Peter Lang. 

    2018. VIII, 268 p.


    Winner of the Association for Anglophone Postcolonial Studies (GAPS) Dissertation Award 2018.

    Roniger, Luis, Leonardo Senkman, Saúl Sosnowski, Mario Sznajder, Exile, diaspora, and return

    Changing cultural landscapes in Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

    New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

    2018. IX, 292 p.


    Sabo, Oana, The migrant canon in twenty-first-century France

    Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

    April 2018. 228 p.


    Sarkowsky, Katja, Narrating Citizenship and Belonging in Anglophone Canadian Literature

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

    2018. 213 p.


    Sarwal, Amit, South Asian Diaspora Narratives

    Roots and Routes

    Singapore: Springer Singapore.

    September 2018. 184 p.

    [Zuid-Azië / Australië]


    Sawires-Masseli, Marie-Christin, Arab American Novels Post-9/11

    Classical Storytelling Motifs Against Outsidership.

    Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH.

    Oktober 2018. 301 p.

    [This study analyzes Diana Abu-Jaber’s Crescent, Rabih Alameddine’s ‘The Hakawati, Laila Halaby’s ‘Once in a Promised Land’, and Alia Yunis’ ‘The Night Counter]


    Schlund-Vials, Cathy J., Raising the Dead

    The State and Stakes of Refugee Authorship.

    In: Literature Interpretation Theory, 01/2018. (29)1. p.1-7.


    Schlund-Vials, Cathy J., Creating Something in Times of Destruction

    The Potential Energy of Refugee Writing.

    In: Literature Interpretation Theory, 04/2018. (29)2. p. 91-96.


    Segers, Mathieu, Yoeri Albrecht, Anne-Marijn Epker, An independent Mind

    Europe and the arts.

    Amsterdam: Prometheus.

    2018. 224 p.


    Sievers, Wiebke & Sandra Vlasta (Eds.), Immigrant and ethnic-minority writers since 1945

    Fourteen national contexts in Europe and beyond.

    Leiden / Boston: Brill / Rodopi. Internationale forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden literaturwissenschaft. Vol.196.

    July 2018. XI, 542 p.

    [Met o.a.: E. Minnaard, Oscillating between Margin and Centre: Dutch Literature of Migration. p. 355-387]


    Sleigh, Tom, The Land Between Two Rivers

    Writing in an Age of Refugees.

    Minneapolis, MN.: Graywolf Press.

    February 2018. 272 p.


    Stanfort Friedman, Susan, Conjunctures of the “New” World Literature and Migration Studies

    Cosmopolitanism, Religion, and Diasporic Sisters of Scheherazade

    In: Journal of World Literature. (3) 3.

    August 2018.


    Stonebridge, Lyndsey, Placeless People

    Writings, Rights, and Refugees.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    December 2018. 272 p.                                                                                                                                                   


    Vandebosch, Dagmar & Theo D'haen (Eds.), Literary Transnationalism(s)

    Leiden: Brill.

    October 2018. 279 p.


    Velickovic, Vedrana, Eastern Europeans in Contemporary Literature & Culture

    Imagining New Europe.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

    February 2018. 224 p.


    Vlasta, Sandra & Dave Gunning, Dave, From Commonwealth Literature to Black and Asian British Writers

    The Long History of Migration and Literature in the United Kingdom.

    In: Internationale Forschungen zur allgemeinen und vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft. Vol. 196.

    2018. p. 429-462.


    Weiner, Sonia, American Migrant Fictions

    Space, Narrative, Identity.

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi. Costerus New Series,.Vol. 224. May

    2018. 200 p.


    Zabus, Chantal, The future of postcolonial studies

    London: Routledge.

    2018. 265 p.


    Black Diaspora and Germany/ Deutschland und die Schwarze Diaspora


    Münster: Edition Assemblage.

    April 2018. 375 p.




    Daneshvar, Esfaindyar, La littérature transculturelle franco-persane

    Une évolution littéraire depuis les années 80.

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi.

    2018. XVIII, 295 p.


    21. AANGEKONDIGD                                                

    Aangekondigd voor 2019/2020  


    Al-Ghorra, Fatena, Neem dit lichaam

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas. Januari 2019. 67 blz.

    Atassi, Anas, Sumak: recepten en verhalen uit Syrië

    Amsterdam: Nijgh & Van Ditmar.

    Januari  2019. 304 blz.


    Birney, Alfred, Niemand bleef 

    Dagboek 2005-2011.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers.

    April 2019.


    Benali, Abdelkader, De weekendmiljonair 

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij De Arbeiderspers.

    April 2019.


    Bloem, Marion, De tong van mijn hart

    Memoires van mijn smaakpapillen.

    Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspers.

    Januari 2019.


    Bouazza, Hafid, De belevenissen van Abori en Ribius

    Amsterdam: Hollands Diep.

    Mei 2020. 256 blz.


    Dorren, Gaston, Babel

    De twintig reuzentalen van de wereld.

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum.

    April 2019. 320 blz.


    Feticu, Mira, Al mijn vaders

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas.

    Januari 2019. 180 blz.


    Jansen, Suzanna & Wael, Wael 

    Het verhaal van een jongen uit Syrië.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans.

    Februari 2019. 128 blz.


    Meer, Vonne van der, Vindeling

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact.

    maart 2019. 208 blz.

    [Hongarije / Nederland]


    Mik, Edzard, Mea culpa

    Amsterdam: Querido.

    Januari 2019. 200 blz.


    Nankoe, Lucia, (samenstelling),Trouwportretten

    Surinaamse voorouders in beeld. Een album. 

    Huwelijksfoto’s 1845-1950.

    Haarlem: In de Knipscheer.

    Maart 2019.156 blz.



    , Dina, De ondankbare vluchteling

    Hoe het echt is om een nieuw leven op te bouwen

    Amsterdam: Volt.

    Mei 2019. 320 blz.


    Polman, Linda, Niemand wil ze hebben

    Europa en zijn vluchtelingen.

    Amsterdam: Jurgen Maas.

    Februari 2019.


    Rahimy, Tina, Verborgen verhalen

    Er is leven buiten je bubbel.

    Utrecht: Ten Have.

    Januari 2019. 128 blz.


    Roth, Joseph, Charleston op de vulkaan

    Reportages uit Albanië en Italië.

    Vertaling Els Snick; voorwoord Piet de Moor.

    Amsterdam: Bas Lubberhuizen.

    Mei 2019. 128 blz


    Rothuizen, Jan, Dirk-Jan Visser & Martijn van Tol, Refugee Republic

    Verhalen uit een Irakees vluchtelingenkamp.

    Graphic novel.

    Amsterdam: Singel Uitgevers.

    Januari 2019. 162 blz.


    Sieferle, Rolf Peter, Het migratieprobleem, Finis Germania

    Vert. uit Duits.

    Groningen: De Blauwe Tijger.

    2019. 220 blz.


    Tibi, Bassam, Islamisme en Islam

    Groningen: De Blauwe Tijger.

    Februari 2019. 330 blz.


    Trojanow, Ilija, Na de vlucht

    Amsterdam: De Geus.

    Februari 2019. 128 blz.


    Veering, Michel, Een liefde in Dresden


    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Balans.

    Februari 2019. 256 blz.




    Ataman, Ferda, Ich bin von hier. Hört auf zu fragen!

    Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag.

    März 2019. 128 p.


    Aydemir, Fatma & Hengameh Yaghoobifarah, Eure Heimat ist unser Albtraum

    Mit Beiträgen von Sasha Marianna Salzmann, Sharon Dodua Otoo, Max Czollek, Mithu Sanyal, Olga Grjasnowa uvm.

    Berlin: Ullstein fünf.

    Februar 2019. 182 p.


    Baltes-Löhr, Christel, Beate Petra Kory,Gabriela Sandor (Eds.), Auswanderung und Identität

    Erfahrungen von Exil, Flucht und Migration in der deutschsprachigen Literatur.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    April 2019. 250 p.


    Bauer, Matthias, Martin Nies, Ivo Theele (Hrsg.), Grenz-Übergänge

    Zur ästhetischen Darstellung von Flucht und Exil in Literatur und Film.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    2019. 280 p.


    Becker, Zdenka, Ein fesches Dirndl


    Meßkirch: Gmeiner-Verlag.

    Februar 2019. 279 p.


    Bischoff, Doerte & Susanne Komfort-Hein (Hrsg.), Handbuch Literatur & Transnationalität

    Berlin: De Gruyter.

    September 2019. 530 p.


    Bogner, Andrea, Vibha Surana, Manjiri Paranjape, Meher Bhoot, Inszenierte Mehrsprachigkeit

    Con-texting Multilingualism.

    Bielefeld: transcript. J

    uli 2019. 380 p.


    Dieterich, Antje, Solidarity Cities

    Lokale Strategien gegen Rassismus und Neoliberalismus

    Münster: Unrast Verlag.

    März 2019. 80 p.


    Fauth, Dieter, Anna Seghers

    Eine jüdische Kommunistin gegen das NS-Regime im Licht ihrer Freundinnen, Religion & Kultur.

    Zell am Main,

    2019. 130 p.                                                                                                                  


    Fischer, Ernst, Verlage im Exil

    Berlin / Boston: Walter de Gruyter.

    Oktober 2019. 400 p.


    Gehmacher, Johanna, Klara Löffler, Katharina Prager (Hrsg.), Biographien und Migrationen. Biographies and Migrations

    Innsbruck: Studien Verlag.

    2019. 244 p.

    Österreichische Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaften, Band: 3/2018.  


    Haakh, Nora, Muslimisierte Körper auf der Bühne

    Die Islamdebatte im postmigrantischen Theater.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    Februar 2019. 220 p


    Krutzinna, Leonie, Der norwegische Schwitters

    Die Merz-Kunst im Exil.

    Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag.

    Mai 2019. 296 p.


    Kulacatan, Meltem & Harry Harun Behr, Migration, Religion, Gender und Bildung

    Beiträge zu einem erweiterten Verständnis von Intersektionalität.

    Bielefeld: transcript.

    Februar 2019. 220 p


    Otholt, Merle, Integration und Bildungserfolg

    Einflussfaktoren für die schulische Integration von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund am Beispiel der Herkunftsländer Iran und Türkei.Marburg: Büchner-Verlag.

    Juni 2019. 120 p.


    Philippi, Eva & Ulrich Schreiber, Refugees Worldwide 2

    Neue Reportagen.

    Berlin: Klaus Wagenbach.

    März 2019. 240 p.


    Profijt, Jutta, Unter Fremden

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Juni 2019. 336 p.


    Ressel, Andrea, Zwischen politischem Engagement und künstlerischer Freiheit

    Bertolt Brecht im amerikanischen Exil.

    München: Belleville.

    2019. 138 p.


    Schami, Rafik, Ich wollte nur Geschichten erzählen

    Mosaik der Fremde

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft.

    Mai 2019. 176 p.


    Schmitz, Walter, Handbuch

    Literatur der Migration in den deutschsprachigen Ländern seit 1945.

    Band 2. Literatur der Migration – Konzepte, Phasen, Kontexte.

    Dresden: Thelem.

    Februar 2019. 350 p.


    Sinha, Shumona, Erschlagt die Armen!


    Oorspr. titel: Assoummons les pauvres!

    Übersetzt von Lena Müller.

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft.

    März 2019. 128 p.




    Adsit, Janelle & Renee M Byrd, Writing Intersectional Identities

    Keywords for Creative Writers.

    New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

    October 2019. 192 p.


    Baldo, Michela, Italian-Canadian Narratives of Return

    Analysing Cultural Translation in Diasporic Writing.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan UK.

    February 2019. XVIII, 431 p.


    Bartels, Anke, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, Dirk Wiemann, Postcolonial Literatures in English

    An Introduction.

    J.B. Metzler, Part of Springer Nature - Springer-Verlag GmbH.

    March 2019. 250 p.


    Benton, Gregor, Huimei Zhang, Hong Liu (Eds.), Chinese Migrants Write Home

    A Dual-language Anthology of Twentieth-century Family Letters.

    Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd.

    August 2019. 600 p.


    Bezmozgis, David, Immigrant City

    New York: HarperCollins Publishers. March 2019. 208 p. 



    , Monica, Insiders/Outsiders

    Refugees from Nazi Europe and their Contribution to British Visual Culture.

    London: Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd.

    March 2019. 256 p.


    Bishop, Sarah C., Undocumented Storytellers

    Narrating the Immigrant Rights Movement.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    February 2019. 240 p.


    Cohen, Robin & Carolin Fischer, Routledge handbook of diaspora studies

    Abingdon / New York: Routledge.

    2018. XVII, 264 p.


    Croucher, Stephen Michael, João Caetano, Elsa Campbell (Eds.), The Routledge companion to migration, communication, and politics

    London / New York: Routledge.




    , Theo & Thomas Oliver Beebee, (Eds.), Dutch and Flemish Literature as World Literature

    New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

    July 25, 2019. 288 p. 


    Franco, Suzanne, Exile Child

    Based on the Life of Sarah Bartmann.

    Cambridge: Vanguard Press. 184 p.


    Gordinsky, Natasha, Carola Hilfrich, Susanne Zepp, Passages of Belonging

    Interpreting Jewish Literatures.

    Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

    May 2019. 300 p.


    Guido, Maria Grazia, English as a Lingua Franca in Migrants' Trauma Narratives

    London: Palgrave Macmillan.

    February 2019. 229 p.


    Hagedoorn, Berber & Sabrina, Sauer, The Researcher as Storyteller 

    Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual (AV) Materials Understanding representations of the social acceptance of migrants in the Netherlands as both a disruptive and lucid narrative.

    In: VIEW, Journal of European Television History and Culture.

    2019. Special issue.


    Hamdani, Salah Al, Baghdad, Adieu

    Selected Poems of Memory and Exile.

    London: Seagull Books.

    January 2019.  264 p.


    Herd, David (Ed.), Refugee Tales

    Vol. III.

    Mytholmroyd (UK): Comma Press.

    June 2019. 160 p.


    Keskiner, Elif, Youth Transitions among Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Amsterdam and Strasbourg

    A Generation in Transition.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. IMISCOE Research Series  

    March 2019. X,165 p.


    Khan, Kamran & Tommaso M. Milani, Becoming a Citizen

    Linguistic Trials and Negotiations in the UK.

    New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Advances in Sociolinguistics.

    January 24, 2019. 176 p.


    Kinsley, Elisabeth H., Here in This Island We Arrived 

    Shakespeare and Belonging in Immigrant New York.

    University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.

    March 2019. 216 p.



    Macedo, Donaldo (Ed.), Decolonizing Foreign Language Education

    The Misteaching of English and Other Imperial Languages.

    London: Routledge. Series in Critical Narrative.

    January 2019. 320 p.


    Majhaila, Harajindara Siṅgha & Sinan Doğan, World of Diasporas

    Different Perceptions on the Concept of Diaspora.

    Leiden / Boston: Brill-Rodopi.



    Morales, Agus, We Are Not Refugees

    True Stories of the Displaced.

    Watertown, MA.: Charlesbridge Publishing.

    March 288 p.


    Newns, Lucinda, Domestic Intersections in Contemporary Migration Fiction

    At Home in the Metropole.

    London: Routeldge. Routledge Research in Postcolonial Literatures. September 2019. 192 p.


    Orlando, Valerie K.& Pamela A. Pears, Paris and the Marginalized Author  Treachery, Alienation, Queerness, and Exile.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

    February 2019. 234 p.


    Poehlmann, Tristan, 12 Immigrants Who Made American Arts Great

    Mankato, MN: 12-Story Library.

    January 2019. 32 p.


    Sundholm, John, Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking

    The Conditions and Practices of Migrant Minor Cinemas in Sweden 1950-1990.

    Bristol: Intellect (UK).

    June 2019. 210 p. 


    Thompson, Becky & Jehan Bseiso (Eds.), Making Mirrors

    Writing/Righting by Refugees.

    London: Independent Publishing Network.

    May 2019. 256 p.    


    Yousafzai, Malala, We Are Displaced

    My Journey and Stories from Refugee Girls Aro


  • 2. Vluchtelingen, migranten & de multiculturele samenleving 2019 Oraties, proefschriften & masterscripties






























    Nederland & België


    Ook beschikbaar









    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


    17-09-19: Smit, prof. dr. M. (Monika), Thuis in Nederland?

    Alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen die volwassen worden.

    Bijzonder hoogleraar psychosociale zorg voor alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen.



    Universiteit Utrecht


    11-01-19: Blom, prof.dr. Elma, Wat iedereen moet weten over de taalontwikkeling van kinderen in een diverse samenleving

    Oratie bij de aanvaarding van de leerstoel ‘Language development and multilingualism in family and educational contexts’. 16 blz.



    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    12-06-19: Agyemang, dhr. prof. dr. C.O., Healthy Migrants Healthy Society

    Hoogleraar Migration and Health from a global perspective.


    26-09-19: Schavemaker, prof. dr. Margriet, Gekleurde verhalen

    Media en kunst in de museale praktijk.

    Leerstoel Media en kunst in de museale praktijk.



    Vrije Universiteit


    20-09-19: Hart, Betty de, Some cursory remarks on race, mixture and law by three Dutch jurists 

    Transnational Families and Migration Law.

    Sarah van Walsum Lecture. 






    Universiteit Utrecht


    31-01-20: Thije, prof. dr. Jan D. ten, Interculturele Communicatie als mediation

    Talen, Literatuur en Communicatie.

    Hoogleraar Interculturele Communicatie.






    Radboud Universiteit


    06-09-19: Guild, prof.dr. Elspeth, Interrogating Europe’s Borders

    Reflections from an Academic Career.

    Farewell speech delivered by Prof. Elspeth Guild, Professor of European Migration Law.

    22 p.



    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    08-11-19: Kuiken, prof.dr. Folkert, Vijftig jaar onderwijs Nederlands als tweede taal

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Instituut voor Nederlands Taalonderwijs en Taaladvies.

    Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (bijzondere leerstoel vanwege de Gemeente Amsterdam).






    Erasmus Universiteit


    24-01-19: N.A. Conkova (Nina), Non-kin Ties as a Source of Support in Europe

    On the role of context.

    127 p.


    30-01-19: Peters, I.A.(Ingrid), Inequalities in Obstetric Care

    A mixed method approach in a multi-ethnic population.

    255 p.


    14-06-19: Boersma, S. (Sanne), Dissociating Society

    Knowledge, affect and performativity in immigrant integration monitoring.

    Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS).

    175 p.


    20-09-19: Hertoghs, Maja Andrée, (Maja), Intensities of the State

    An ethnography of intimacy and suspicion in Dutch asylum procedures.

    244 p.


    07-11-19: Díaz-Telenti, Sara Vigil, Geopolitical Ecologies of Environmental Change, Land Grabbing and Migration

    comparative perspectives from Senegal and Cambodia.

    Erasmus University / University of Liège. Centre for Local Democracy.

    345 p.



    Radboud University Nijmegen


    31-01-19: Thijs, Paula Elise,Trends in cultural conservatism

    The role of educational expansion, secularisation, and changing national contexts.

    213 p.


    11-02-19: Gehring, A.J., Pensioners on the move

    A socio-legal study on retirement migration from the Netherlands to Spain and Turkey.

    Centre for Migration Law.

    222 p.


    21-06-19: Zwan, R.(Roos) van der,The political representation of ethnic minorities and their vote choice

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen.

    277 p.


    24-06-19: Wijntuin, P.G.E. (Patricia), Mijn buurt is leuk en gezellig!

    De betekenis van de buurt voor Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongeren in achterstandswijken.

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen.


    09-10-19: Severijns, R.W.J. (Ralph Willem Jan), Zoeken naar zekerheid

    Een onderzoek naar de vaststelling van feiten door hoor- en beslismedewerkers van de immigratie- en naturalisatiedienst in de Nederlandse asielprocedure.

    Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.

    Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. Serie staat en recht; deel 46. 2019. IX, 315 blz.


    11-11-19: Swinkels, Michiel, Administering Belonging in the Netherlands 

    The social production of Integration Policy and state authority.

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen.


    13-12-19: Bruine, Mw. P.B. (Patty),  Mens In-Zicht bij procesgericht werken!

    Een etnografisch onderzoek naar de invloed van de samenhang tussen coördinatie, communicatie en cultuur op procesgericht werken.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen.



    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


    17-01-19: Jong, Petra Wieke de, Between Welfare and Farewell

    The role of welfare systems in intra-European migration decisions.

    193 p.


    31-01-19: Pot, Anna, Aging in multilingual Netherlands

    Effects on cognition, wellbeing and health.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    252 p.


    15-04-19: Wöhrle, Joachim, Attachment security and Intercultural adjustment

    173 p.


    18-04-19: Coster, Johanna Marije (Marije), The good, the bad, and the ugly

    Allegiance and authority in the poetical discourse of Muḥammad’s lifetime.

    415 p.


    27-06-19: Counted. A.V. (Victor), Experiencing God in a Foreign Land

    Theoretical and empirical explorations on the psychological links between religion and place among dispersed people.

    Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschap.

    272 p.


    11-07-19: Elmianvari, Azadeh. Multilingualism, Facebook and the Iranian diaspora


    295 p.


    02-10-19: Belak, A.,The health of segregated Roma

    First-line views and practices.

    A case study in Slovakia using etnographic methods.

    Medische Wetenschappen.


    07-11-19: Tòth-Bos, Agnes, Goal pursuit and acculturation

    A fruitful novel approach to understand migration success.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    166 p.

    RUG / Eötvös Lórand University.



    Technische Universiteit Delft


    17-09-19: Hao, Chen, Cultura

    Achieving intercultural empathy through contextual user research in design.

    232 p.



    Tilburg University


    29-01-19: Altangerel, Khulan, Essays on immigration policy

    Tilburg: CentER, Center for Economic Research.

    153 p.


    06-02-19: Ong’ayo, Antony Otieno, Diaspora organisations, transnational practices and development

    Ghanaians in the Netherlands.

    Vianen: Proefschriftmaken.

    419 p.


    27-02-19: Aksay Aksezer, Esin, Turkish Outbound Exchange Students' Intercultural Competencies at Different Stages of the International Sojourn

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    169 p.


    03-05-19: Demirel, Gözde, Reading Proficiency and Acculturation Orientations of Turkish Bilingual Students in the Netherlands, Germany and France

    Department of Culture Studies.

    221 p.


    18-06-19: Sempértegui Vallejo, G.A., Depression and diversity in Turkish and Moroccan immigrant populations

    Towards an intersectional approach in competence training and clinical practice.

    Medical and Clinical Psychology.

    Vianen: Proefschriftmaken. 2019. 248 p.


    01-07-19: Chen, Shuai, Marriage, Minorities, and Mass Movements

    CentER, Center for Economic Research.

    157 p.


    03-09-19: Bezcioğlu-Göktolga, I., Family Language Policy among Second Generation Turkish Families in the Netherlands

    151 p.


    04-09-19: Jackson, Leone Trodricht Basie, Diversity Management in the New South Africa

    An Acculturation Approach. 

    186 p. 


    01-10-19: Willemsen, C.H.J. (Clemens Henricus Johannes), Identiteitsvaststelling van verdachten en illegale vreemdelingen door opsporingsdiensten

    Tilburg Law School.

    Tilburg: Global Academic Press.2019.

    417 blz.


    17-12-19: Weatherburn, A.S.F. (Amy), Clarifying the scope of labour exploitation in human trafficking law

    Doctor of Laws.

    Tilburg University / Vrije Universiteit Brussel.



    Universiteit Leiden


    27-03-19: Pešalj, J., Monitoring migrations

    The Habsburg-Ottoman border in the eighteenth century.

    Under embargo until 2020-09-27.


    25-09-19: Esser, Luuk, De strafbaarstelling van mensenhandel ontrafeld

    Een analyse en heroriëntatie in het licht van rechtsbelangen.

    Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. E.M. Meijers Instituut voor Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek. (Deel 325). 2019. 356 blz.

    Under embargo until 2020-03-25.



    Universiteit Maastricht


    09-05-19: Geel, Johanne (Joan) H.M. van, Being Mobile, Becoming Educated

    Young Ghanaians’ mobility trajectories and educational experiences between Ghana and the Netherlands.

    202 p.


    15-05-19: Loibl, E.C.( Elvira Carolin), The transnational illegal adoption market

    A criminological study of the German and Dutch intercountry adoption systems. Faculty of Law. Criminal Law and Criminology. Family law.

    Den Haag: Eleven International publishing. 2019.

    512 p.


    18-09-19: Huddleston, Thomas H., Naturalisation in Action

    How nationality laws work in practice across Europe.

    Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen.


    03-10-19: Yabasun, Dersim H.,The Common European Asylum System Vulnerable Asylum Applicants.

    Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid.

    Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers. 2019.

    403 p.


    04-10-19: Wissink, Marieke J., Migration and Networks in Transit

    The co-evolution of migration trajectories and social networks of sub-Saharan African migrants in Turkey and Greece.

    Faculteit der Cultuur- en Maatschappijwetenschappen.

    RS: FASOS - MACIMIDE, Technology & Society Studies, RS: FASoS GTD.



    Universiteit Utrecht


    08-02-19: Şimşek, Müge, The dynamics of religion among native and immigrant youth in Western Europe = De dynamiek van religie onder autochtone en allochtone jongeren in West-Europa   226 p.


    15-02-19: Slobbe, Michel van, Onder Ons

    Een etnografische studie naar gevestigden-buitenstaanders relaties in een sportvereniging en het ingrijpen van de overheid daarop.

    Michel van Slobbe, De overheid en het onvermogen om integratie af te dwingen bij voetbalclubs.

    Almere: Uitgeverij Parthenon. 2019. 240 blz.


    08-03-19: Villagómez Moncayo, Byron Ernesto, The punitive meanings of immigration control within the realm of criminal courts’ decision-making

    An in-depth qualitative case-study of the Spanish crimmigration regime.

    The degree is awarded as part of a Joint Doctorate with Universität Hamburg.

    261 p.


    08-04-19: Han, Mengru, The role of prosodic input in word learning

    A cross-linguistic investigation of Dutch and Mandarin Chinese infant-directed speech.

    Amsterdam: LOT. 2019.

    229 p.


    09-04-19: Boateng, Daniël, Cardiovascular disease risk among sub-Saharan African migrant and home populations = Risico op hart- en vaatziekten bij Afrikaanse migranten en hun landgenoten ten zuiden van de Sahara

    290 p.  


    17-04-19: Bogert, Catharina Elizabeth van den (Kathrine), Playing gender, religion, and ethnicity

    Girls' football and public playgrounds in the Schilderwijk, The Hague, the Netherlands = Het spelen van gender, religie, en etniciteit; meidenvoetbal en publieke speelveldjes in de Schilderswijk, Den Haag, Nederland.

    266 p.


    06-06-19:  Lely, Jeannette Cornelia Gerardina, Trauma-related disorders in later life

    157 p.

    This study is a joint project of Utrecht University and Arq Psychotrauma Expert Group]


    14-10-19: Yu, Jingyang, Mother Tongue

    Intergenerational negotiations over language and identity among Chinese immigrants in Berlin.

    218 p.


    06-11-19: Tahir, Naema, Het gearrangeerde huwelijk

    Veranderingen van perspectief op een huwelijkse institutie.


    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    03-04-19: Boogaard, Petra van den, Voor de nazi's geen Jood

    Hoe ruim 2500 Joden door ontduiking van rassenvoorschriften aan de deportaties zijn ontkomen.

    Hilversum: Uitgeverij Verbum. April 2019. 672 blz.


    08-04-19: Alvarado Valenzuela, J. F., Something new, something used, something borrowed

    Innovation of migrant entrepreneurs in the service sector.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragwetenschappen. Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research / Universiteit van Milaan.

    195 p.


    11-09-19: Dooremalen, Thijs van, The Framing of 9/11 in the American, French, and Dutch Public Spheres (2001-2015)

    A Contribution to the Sociology of Events.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    202 p.


    17-09-19: Basu, Natasha, Is this civil?

    Transnationalism, migration and feminism in civil disobedience.

    Faculty of Humanities. Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA).

    153 p.


    18-09-19: Schols, Heleen, Keeping things gezellig

    Negotiating Dutchness and racism in the struggle over ‘Black Pete’.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    343 p.


    19-09-19: Foucaud-Royer, E.A.J., Le roi et l’exil

    Les relations de Charles de Gaulle avec les Juifs jusqu’en 1940.

    Faculty of Humanities (FGw). Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH).

    Embargo up to 19 September 2021.


    20-09-19: Schaper, J.C., Immigration absorption and anti-immigrant attitudes in European welfare states

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG).

    178 p.

    Embargo up to 20 September 2021.


    15-10-19: Schewel, K.D., Moved by modernity

    How development shapes migration in rural Ethiopia.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    278 p.


    25-10-19: Kranendonk, M., I identify, therefore I participate

    How social identification relates to the political participation among Muslim immigrant-origin individuals in Western Europe.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    225 p.


    29-10-19: Bosilkov, Ivo, Effects of exposure to immigration news

    The three dimensions of European illiberal-transformative populism.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. (FMG). Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) / Universiteit van Milaan.

    181 p.


    08-11-19: Natter, Katharina, Political regimes and immigration policymaking

    The contrasting cases of Morocco and Tunisia.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    367 p.

    Cum Laude.

    Embargo up to 8 November 2021.


    03-12-19: Haperen, S.P.F. van, Digitally networked grassroots

    Social media and the development of the movement for black lives and immigrant rights movement in the United States.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG).

    352 p.


    04-12-19: Groen, S.P.N., Cultural identity and trauma

    Construction of meaning among Afghan and Iraqi refugees under treatment in Dutch mental health care.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FMG). Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR).

    212 p.



    Vrije Universiteit


    11-01-19: Ismaïli, N., Who cares for the child?

    Regulating custody and access in family and migration law in the Netherlands, the European Union and the Council of Europe.

    Faculty of Law, Amsterdam Centre for Family Law, A-LAB, Family Law and the Law of Persons.

    XIII, 236 p.


    24-09-19: Arbaoui, Younous, Deux Poids, Deux Mesures

    A critical frame analysis of the Dutch debate on family-related asylum claims.

    Faculty of Law. Migration Law.

    182 p.


    25-09-19: Leyerzapf, Hannah, Doing diversity

    Unsettling the Self-Other binary.

    Cultural diversity in Dutch academic health care.

    Faculteit der Geneeskunde.

    234 p.


    05-11-19: Işık, Ulviye, Motivation and academic performance of ethnic minority medical students

    ‘Struggling and coping in the path from student to doctor’.

    200 p.





    Erasmus Universiteit


    Adrichem, Mike van, German FDI within the European Union

    The role of political risk and migrants.


    14 August 2019. 41 p.


    Bassie, R., Filosofie van de ander als rechtsfilosofie

    Emmanuel Levinas en Jacques Derrida over recht, rechtvaardigheid en de ander.

    Erasmus School of Philosophy.

    30 oktober 2019.


    Beck Teran, Julian, How does the national cultural background of a founder affect a startup’s organizational culture?

    A multinational study of nine technology startups.

    Strategic Entrepreneurship.

    July 2019.

    [Niet beschikbaar buiten de universiteit]


    Bruin, J.K.A.E. (Esmée) de, The Effect of Climate Change on Migration

    Predictions for the Twenty-First Century.

    Erasmus School of Economics.

    23 January 2019. 91 p.


    Cleton, Martijn,The effect of immigration on entrepreneurial income

    Finance & Investment.

    June 19, 2019.    

    [Niet beschikbaar buiten de universiteit]


    Derjanovic, Dea, Job seekers perception of diversity statements in the company’s job vacancies

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Media Sudies. Media & Business.

    June 15, 2019. 64 p.


    Ekenci, Sefa, De integratietour

    De percepties van de Rotterdammers.

    Een evaluatie-onderzoek naar de integratietour van de gemeente Rotterdam.

    Publiek Management.

    Februari 2019. 213 blz.


    Eijk, R. van, Queer en moslim: een onverenigbare combinatie?

    Een onderzoek naar de invloed van homonationalisme op de identiteiten en gevoelens van belonging van queer moslims in Nederland,

    Sociologie - Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid.

    16 juni 2019. 42 blz.


    Garcia Fuentes, Luis, Effects of Immigration on Wages

    Theory and Evidence form European Countries.

    Erasmus School of Economics. International Economics. MSc Economics and Business.

    August 4th, 2019. 54 p.


    Haaften, Anne van, De representatie van de islam en moslims in Nederlandse kranten in de periode 2017 – 2019

    Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar recente berichtgeving over Nederlandse discussies over de islam en moslims.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communicatie. Master Media Studies - Media & Creative Industries.

    26 juni 2019. 70 blz.


    Hsieh, Chun-Chun, Refugee Entrepreneurship

    Find out the deciding factors for refugees to become entrepreneurs.

    Master in Management.

    August 22, 2019.


    Katzera, Carolin, Is there an I in team?

    The importance of social motivation in designing diversity training for nationality diverse teams.

    Human Resource Management.

    4 April 2019.

    [Niet beschikbaar buiten de universiteit]


    Khalifeh, Alaa Aldin, Inclusive digital media for refugees through education

    A case study of the UAF’s mentoring program.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Media & Business. Master Media Studies.

    July 15, 2019. 91 p.


    Koole, Sander, Minority groups and police engagement

    Business Information Management.

    July 2019.

    [Niet beschikbaar buiten de universiteit]


    Kopp, K., Change the Channel

    A Study on TV Viewing Habits and Value Patterns of Immigrants from Islamic Societies Living in Rüsselsheim.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Master Media Studies - Media, Culture & Society.

    February 2019. 128 p.


    Linhart, Jakub, Economic and socio-economic impact of immigration in European countries

    Finance & Investments.

    July 2019.

    [Niet beschikbaar buiten de universiteit]


    Menezes, Vera, Social Anchoring in Exclusion spaces

    Zooming on the role of Art in Asylum Centers.

    Master Arts, Culture & Society.

    14 June 2019. 71 p.


    Merino Rodas, M.E. (María Ester), The Role of Religion in Migrants’ Happiness.


    2019, November 8. 45 p.


    Ntinu, V., “It’s like you’re trying to conquer me”

    Black women account for their experiences engaging with white and non-black men on online dating applications.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Media, Culture & Society.

    June 24, 2019. 71 p.


    Oudenes, Luc, Improving the Vehicle Supply Chain at UNHCR

    Erasmus School of Economics. Econometrics and management science. Operations Research & Quantitative Logistics.

    April 16, 2019. 43 p.


    Nieto Solis, Sergio, Migranten: Bed, bad en brood of ver van je bed?

    Een vergelijkend onderzoek naar de berichtgeving van Nederlandse en

    Amerikaanse media over migranten uit Syrië en Midden-Amerika.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Media & Journalistiek.

    June 26, 2019. 90 blz.


    Patist, Isabelle, The implicit association test

    A method to create awareness on diversity and inclusion?

    Business Economics. Master Thesis Behavioral Economics. 

    November 8, 2019. 52 p.


    Puffelen, Freek van, Omgaan met beeldvorming

    Een onderzoek naar de manier waarop stichting Multiculturele Televisie in Nederland zich positioneerde ten tijde van een veranderend integratiediscours, 1989-2010. Maatschappijgeschiedenis / History of Society.

    August 2, 2019. 27 blz.


    Rodrigues Varela, Romario, Putnams Kleurentelevisie

    Over hoe Etnische Diversiteit wetenschappelijk wordt verbeeld.

    Sociology. Urban Studies.

    June 17, 2019. 29 p.


    Roessel, Neel van, Islamisation in Policy Documents

    A digital historical research on migration and integration policies in the Netherlands between 1994 and 2006.

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Maatschappijgeschiedenis / History of Society.

    July 4, 2019.119 p.


    Taj, Ayoub, Double Diversity

    The effect of ethnic diversity on gender diversity.

    Strategic Management.

    June 28, 2019.


    Tienstra, Tess, Dual citizenship, one goal Football nationality choices of Dutch-Moroccan football players in Dutch media, 1998-2019

    Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. MA History of Society, Global History and International Relations.

    July 2, 2019. 77 p.


    Tissink, Jochem, Zorgvuldige omgang met big-data-toepassingen

    Een onderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid en toepasbaarheid van het big data readiness – framework en de zorgvuldigheidsscore in de vreemdelingenketen.

    Public Administration.

    9 april 2019. 83 blz.


    Tomasowa, Hannah, Molukkers in Nederland

    De intergenerationele overdracht van de Molukse identiteit in Nederland.

    Sociologie – Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken en Beleid.

    6 juni 2019. 31 blz.


    Trimpe Burger, Annemarie, The Integration of Syrian Refugees into Dutch Society

    Investigating the intercultural communication strategies of NGOs in this digital era. Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication. Master of Arts in Media Studies - Media & Business.

    June 2019. 73 p.


    Wassim, Benali, Trade and migration of foreign nationals in the globalized OECD

    An analysis on the correlation between wealth accumulation through international trade and migration flows of foreign nationals in OECD countries.

    Public Administration. Thesis Governance of Migration and Diversity.

    15 January 2019. 48 p.


    Werkhooven, Judith van, “How can I empower others, if I myself am not?”

    A study on mono-ethnic migrant organisations in a changing policy context within the Dutch municipality of Rotterdam.

    Public Administration: Governance of Migration and Diversity.

    5 March 2019. 93 p.



    Radboud Universiteit


    Alphen, M.H.M van, De kracht van counterspeech bij online discriminatie

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen.

    Communicatie en Beïnvloeding.

    24 augustus 2019.

    Onder embargo.


    Asolo, Oluwafunmilayo Racheal, The University, through the migration industry lens

    A qualitative study on the practices of the university which affect the wellbeing of non-EU/EEA students at Radboud University.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Globalisation, Migration and Development.

    28 August 2019. 90 p.


    Barreveld, G.J. (Gerieke), Root causes of migration

    A study on the relation between migration and development.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography.

    24 January 2019. 72 p.


    Bogaers, David, Waiting for Europe

    Invisibilization and Non-Politics in the Margin of the Aegean Sea; An Inquiry into the Reception Conditions of Asylum Seekers on the Greek Island of Lesvos. 

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    July 7, 2019. 109 p.


    Drost, Shauni, When refugees come closer

    What borders mean for Dutch and German border residents.

    A study on the perception of Dutch and German border residents regarding the arrival and presence of refugees in relation to their perception of the Dutch-German border.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    April 18, 2019. 167 p.


    Elbertsen, Thijs, Ethnic Diversity and Support for Redistribution in the Netherlands

    Economics, Behavior and Policy.

    August 9, 2019. 44 p.


    Evenberg, Zander, Sheep in wolves' clothing

    An Analysis of the Development of the Ideational and Stylistic Populism of Mainstream Parties in the Netherlands 2010-2017.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Political Science. Conflict, Power, and Politics.

    August 13, 2019. 51 p.


    Hardeveld, Cas van, Human trafficking for the purpose of labour exploitation in The Netherlands

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Political Science. International Relations. April 2019. 104 p.


    Hartman, J.M.(Juul), Can a multicultural personality profile be identified?

    The relationship between Multicultural Competence, Foreign Language Mastery, and Job Satisfaction of Dutch employees working in the educational sector in the Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen. International Business Communication.

    5 July 2019. 51 p.


    Indenkleef, Saray, Securitisation at the Mediterranean Frontier through search and rescue at Sea 

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Political Science. Conflict, Power, and Politics.

    11 August 2019. 84 p.


    Kolman, Kiki, How to make feminism more inclusive

    What we can learn from Muslim Dutch feminists in uniting intersectional strategies with the postsecular critique.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Political Theory.

    19 January 2019. 72 p.


    Maes, Sophie, 'Ik weet niet goed wat in mijn opvoeding cultuur en religie is geweest'

    Een onderzoek naar wat cultuur en religie betekenen volgens islamitische Marokkaans-Nederlandse jongeren.

    Faculteit der Filosofie, Theologie en Religiewetenschappen. Master Theologie en Religiewetenschappen. Islamstudies.

    30 September 2019. 89 blz.


    Mulder, Amber, The politics of mobility

    EU’s visa liberalization. 

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    31 January 2019.

    Onder embargo.


    Nicodim, George Daniël, Romania: a transit country in the intra - EU mobility of sub-Saharan African Migrants 

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    13 March 2019. 100 p.


    Nijenheim, M., The securitization of male immigrants

    A gender-based case study of the Netherlands in the period between 2012 and 2017.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Political Science.

    Conflict, Power, and Politics.

    June 21, 2019. 75 p.


    Puntman, Anna, Syrian Refugee Women in Lebanon’s Informality

    Exploring the situation of Syrian refugee women in Lebanon.

    How informality affects their position within Lebanese society and their relationship with the Lebanese host community.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    10 January 2019. 91 p.


    Roordink, R.J. (Robine), Spelletje doen?

    Verschillen in attitudeverandering na het spelen van een persuasieve game versus het lezen van een factsheet over het leven van een vluchteling.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Master Communicatie- en informatiewetenschappen. Communicatie en Beïnvloeding.

    1 Juli 2019. 49 blz.


    Smits, Lisa H.C.M., Assimilatie als optie?

    De invloed van de eetgewoonten van gastarbeiders op de Nederlandse eetcultuur tussen 1950 en 2000.

    Faculteit der Letteren. Geschiedenis.

    15 maart 2019. 59 blz.


    Tauscher, Ileana, Imagined Communities and Everyday Imaginings

    Neocolonial Renderings of Citizenship in the Dutch State.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography.

    Globalisation, Migration and Development.

    21 February 2019. 98 p.


    Vanderveen, Katelijn, Higher education for refugees

    From micro efforts to macro effects?

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography. Conflicts, Territories and Identities.

    May 3, 2019. 100 p.


    Verkroost, Chantal, Exploring Economic Solutions to Political Problems

    The Influence of Human and Social Capital on Refugee Entrepreneurship.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Political Science. Conflict, Power & Politics.

    12 August 2019. 91 p.


    Verleg, Erik, How high stakes affect the likelihood of reaching a successful agreement during international negotiations

    The case of Germany during the EU-Turkey refugee agreement negotiations.

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Political Science. Conflict, Power & Politics.

    28 June 2019. 114 p.


    Wel, Maarten van, Changing perceptions in the borderland

    The relation between refugee perception and border interpretation by residents of the Dutch-German borderland, and the effect of municipal refugee policy. 

    Faculteit der Managementwetenschappen. Master Human Geography.Globalisation, Migration and Development.

    March 2019. 158 p.



    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


    Fajardo, David, Findings About The Settlement Outcome Of Refugees In Australia

    A Literature Review.

    International Relations. NOHA Masters in Humanitarian Action.

    July 2019. 65 p.


    Griend, Hadassa van de, Culturele en religieuze discoursen in de Ramadan Special van de Healthy Sisters


    18 januari 2019.

    Restricted to Registered users only.


    Hessing, Madeleine Esme, The Influences on Refugee Shelter Policies

    A comparative study of shelter policies in Lebanon and Greece.

    Modern History and International Relations (Research master).

    April 2019. 78 p.


    Martens, Manon, Legal empowerment through legal aid

    An examination of the Support to Victims of Human Trafficking programme.

    International Relations. NOHA Masters in Humanitarian Action. 

    June 2019. 65 p.


    Lanting, D.H.J., "Ceci n'est pas un Boerkaverbod”

    The Partial Ban on facecovering veiling in the Netherlands 2015–2018.

    A critical discourse analysis.

    Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies. Religion and Culture.

    June 2019. 74 p.


    Pradhan, Hector, Social Determinants of Health Inequalities among Roma People

    A Systematic Review.

    International Relations. NOHA Masters in Humanitarian Action.

    August 2019. 83 p.



    Technische Universiteit Delft


    Bodde, Anne Marije, A Spatial Strategy for Refugee Integration in the Urban Environment: The Case of Istanbul

    Architecture and the Built Environment.

    18 April 2019.


    Faber, Liesbeth, Residence of Reunion

    The Inclusive City.

    Architecture and the Built Environment. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences.

    30 January 2019. 158 / 63 p.


    Matano, Alessia, Decision analysis support for sustainable allocation of newly-arrived refugees according to water security criteria

    TU Delft Civil Engineering and Geosciences.  Civil Engineering  Water Resource Management. 

    January 2019. 228 p.


    Piszcz, Dagmara, Nomadic Hub

    Architecture and the Built Environment. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences.

    July 2019.


    Sar, Lauren van der, Arriving Home

    Toolbox for increasing place attachment in Arrival Cities.

    TU Delft Architecture and the Built Environment.

    4 July 2019.


    Zanetti, Erik, Experimental Society Lab

    Architecture and the Built Environment.

    25 January 2019. 89 / 151 p.



    Tilburg University


    Assunção Lima Henriques, C. de, Vulnerable asylum seekers in the Common European Asylum System

    The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

    Faculty of Law. European and International Public Law.

    June 2019. 62 p.


    Blavier, L.M.M.V., (Laurence), The VOORwerk project as catalyser for labour market participation

    A qualitative study based on refugees, trainers and mentors’ experience.

    Faculty of Law. Victimology and Criminal Justice.

    2019. 56 p.


    Burgt, Maxime van der, The right to nationality for unaccompanied minors and separated children

    Faculty of Law. International Law and Human Rights.

    February 2019. 67 p.


    Douglas, M.C. (Michelle), Refugee status determination in the Netherlands

    To what extent might LGBT asylum seekers be at risk of experiencing secondary victimization during their asylum interviews?

    An exploratory analysis of reported experiences from LGBT asylum applicants through a frame of language, culture and institutional context.

    Faculty of Law. Victimology and Criminal Justice.

    June 2019. 78 p.


    Dijkstra, M., Syrian refugees in Turkey

    Victims of the EU’s politics of non-entrée?

    Examining the impact of the EU-Turkey Statement on the right to work and the principle of non-refoulement for Syrian refugees in Turkey in 2014-2018.

    Victimology and Criminal Justice.

    June 7, 2019. 109 p.


    El Bouchaïbi, C., Noodzaak van integratie en participatie

    Een onderzoek gericht op het vaststellen van de rechtspositie van vluchtelingen met een lichamelijke handicap bij toetreding tot de arbeidsmarkt en het beschouwen in hoeverre de gemeenten Nijmegen en Tilburg deze groep kan faciliteren bij het verkrijgen van een reguliere baan.

    Rechtsgeleerdheid. Arbeidsrecht.

    55 blz.


    Janssen, L.A.E. (Laura), Dutch versus non-Dutch employees in trust from coworkers on organizational identity, ethnic identity and mental health

    Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociale Psychologie.

    2019. 38 p.


    Kaam, Thanja van, Friendships between adolescents with non-Western migration backgrounds and ethnic identification

    Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.

    21st January 2019. 35 p.


    Kotsuba, Aleksandra, The effect of exclusion and discrimination on ethnic and organizational identity in the workplace

    Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. School of Social Behavioral Science. Sociale Psychologie.

    2019. 41 p.


    Mardam Bek, Ghalia, How Syrians in the diaspora, as victims of international crimes, think about transitional justice?

    Which mechanisms do they seek to fulfil their justice needs?.

    FRW. Victimology and Criminal Justice.

    August 2019. 58 p.


    Masera, Michela, Longing to belong

    How immigration detention applies to stateless persons.

    Faculty of Law. Department of European and International Law.

    August 2019. 45 p.


    Nguyen, T.N.T., (Thu Nhu Thi), The differences of educational outcomes between the four main ethnic minorities in the Netherlands explained

    The influence of language skills and cultural capital.

    Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.

    August 23rd, 2019. 50 p.


    Wijk, N.G.C., (Nienke) van, Improving Access to the Dutch Labour Market for Syrian Refugees  

    Tilburg Law School. Labour Law and Social Policy.

    19 August 2019. 109 p.



    Universiteit Leiden


    Adriana, Rebekha, Indonesian Diaspora in the Netherlands

    Anticipating Indonesia’s 2019 Presidential Election from Abroad.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (Master).

    Under embargo.


    Baroudi, Siham el, Grip op Salafisme  

    Een onderzoek naar het gebruik van de term salafisme in het Nederlands politiek debat.

    Faculty of Humanities. Middle Eastern Studies. Islamic Studies.

    Februari 2019. 65 blz.


    Basaran, Zeynep, The political and strategic importance of the 2016 EU-Turkey Refugee Agreement for the governance of migration

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Political Economy.

    31 January 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Bell, Flora, Liberal Values for Illiberal Ends

    The Employment of Women’s Rights in the Anti-Immigration Discourse of the French and German Far Right.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Culture & Politics.

    July 5, 2019. 54 p.


    Berry, Thomas, Media, Politics and the Refugee Crisis

    Exploring the mechanisms of influence between politics and the press in the case of the UK news media during the 2015 refugee crisis.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Conflict in the Modern Era.

    31 January 2019. 63 p.


    Best, J.S. (Sanne) de, The mental health of adult and child refugees

    A systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Psychology. Clinical Psychology.

    31 January 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Blankvoort, Medy, Ethnic outbidding and the emergence of DENK in the Netherlands

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. International Politics.

    January 10, 2019. 39 p.


    Blonk, Elbrich, The importance of national contexts for European solution

    What explains member states' positons on the common European asylum system reforms.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. International Organisation.

    June 11, 2019. 58 p.


    Braanker, Joëlle den, UNHCR and the Politics of Syrian Refugee Repatriation in Lebanon

    Faculty of Humanities Modern Middle East Studies.

    Under embargo.


    Bryson, David, How does the issue of migration remain securitised in the central Mediterranean?

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development.

    June 11, 2019. 50 p.


    Char, Jasmin, Explaining the differences in the direct socio-economic integration of Afghan and Syrian refugees in the Netherlands 

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. International Politics.

    9 January 2019. 43 p.


    Damme, Frederika Catharina van, Representing migration

    An analysis of the depiction of migrant characters and their journey in Exit West and Dit zijn de namen.

    Faculty of Humanities. Media Studies (Master). Comparative Literature and Literary Theory.

    August 2nd, 2019. 49 p.


    Deckers, Carla, The influence of post-migration stress on mental disorders in refugees

    A systematic review and meta-analysis.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Psychology. Clinical Psychology.

    Under embargo.


    Daskalova, Yoanna Miroslavova, Consolidating the Role of the State in Addressing Human Trafficking and Prostitution

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Culture and Politics.

    31 January 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Doop, Rutger, From East to West

    HAL's Transnational strategy in the Battle for the East European Jewish Migrants, 1890-1914. 

    Faculty of Humanities. History.

    31 January 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Dooren, Esther van, Promoting interethnic friendships

    Ethnically mixed schooling and socio-cultural integration.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development.

    11th of June, 2019. 142 p.


    Duivenboden, Dorien van, Migrant Nurses in the Netherlands 1945-1975

    A policy narrative analysis of the post-war shortage of nurses  and the recruitment of nurses from abroad.

    Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.

    2 September 2019. 86 p.


    Dunning, Anne, 'Groetjes voor alle Nederlandse mensen’Schrijfvaardigheid en woordenschat van leerders van het Nederlands als tweede taal.   Een vervolgonderzoek naar het verband tussen woordenschatomvang en ERK-niveaus.   Faculty of Humanities. Linquistics. Language and Communication.   30 augustus 2019. 55 blz.


    Ebner, Prisca, The effects of EU migration management on a third country  Multi-level governance of boat people (1992-2013) and the influence of the EU’s external border and migration policy on Morocco.   Faculty of Humanities. History.    28 June 2019.  Under embargo. 


    Elapata, Deshika, The 'threat' of Climate Induced Migration  Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Conflict in the Modern Era. June 28, 2019. 35 p.


    Erol, Zeynep, Spaces of Belonging in Exile A Survey of Literary Exile and Its Spatial Components.   Faculty of Humanities. MA Literary Studies  Literature in Society. Europe and Beyond.     1 February 2019. 59 p.


    Fransen, Demi, A Nation of Laws and a Nation of Immigrants The Discrepancies Between President Barack Obama's Actions and Rhetoric on Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  Faculty of Humanities. North American Studies.   30 August 2019.   Under embargo.


    Gaag, Maria Geertrudes van der, Strategic hatred   What Dutch politicians mean when they speak of anti-Semitism.

    Faculty of Humanities. Theology and Religious Studies (Master).

    Under embargo.


    Giudici, Silvia, Immigration detention in the European Union  Analysing the Europeanization of national laws.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. European Union Studies.

    30 August 2019. 49 p.


    Goeijen, Anne Marije de, Explicit knowledge about implicit errors in L1 and L2 Dutch   An analysis of L1 and L2 accuracy.     Faculty of Humanities. Linguistics.   31 January 2019. 87 p.


    Hake, Ruben Benjamin, The link between diasporas and regime change The case of the Eritrean diaspora. Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science. Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development. 2019. 38 p.


    Hinsberg, Kyra van, Physiological threat responses of immigration    Exploring the distinction between economic and identity threat.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Psychology. Social and Organisational Psychology.

    Under embargo.


    Ho, Kimberley, Politics first, laughter second? President Trump's border wall and the popular geopolitics of televised late-night political satire in the United States.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Culture and Politics.   July 2019. 49 p.


    Hohenhorst, Lisa, The 'Enemy Within'    Populism in Europe.   Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. European Union Studies.  31 May 2019. Under embargo.


    Hoog, Akke de, Pro-Gay Anti-Immigrant into the Mainstream  A critical analysis of the application of  populist rhetoric in mainstream Dutch politics.    Faculty of Humanities. History. Governance of Migration and Diversity. 28 June 2019. 75 p.


    Houwer, Siebren, A Mayor’s Letter   German Deserters in Bergen, The Netherlands, during The First World War (1914-1918). Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence. 30 August 2019. 61 p.



    Huissoon, Jeroen, Challenging Migrant Cults   A multidisciplinary approach to identity and religion in imperial Ostia.     Faculty of Humanities. History. Ancient History.  30 April 2019. 84 p.


    Huijsman, Michele, Emotionally Speaking Expressing anger or Happiness in Dutch or English by Turkish-Dutch bilingual teenagers and ESL Dutch teenagers.

    Faculty of Humanities. MA Linguistics Language and Communication.

    August 2019.

    Under embargo.

      Jensen, Katarina, A meta-analysis on mental disorders in refugees   Examining current prevalence rates and the influence of length of residency.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Psychology. Clinical Psychology.

    Under embargo.


    Kampen, Floris van, Exceptional victims  High profile child asylum cases and the Mediatization of Dutch immigration policymaking, 1977-2017.

    Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence. June 2019.  Under embargo.


    Kasen Ritchie, Dianna, Give Me (Neo-)Liberty Or Give Me Death

    A critical reading of the EU’s external border regime as derived from Greece’s golden visas v. asylum procedure.

    Faculty of Humanities. MA International Relations: Global Conflict in the Modern Era.

    30 August 2019. 51 p.


    Kim, Serim, Ze kunnen (niet ) spreken

    De subalterne vrouw in drie moderne romans van Nederlandse migrantschrijvers. 

    Faculty of Humanities. Neerlandistiek. Dutch Modern Literature.

    28 april 2019. 73 blz.


    Kool, Lisa Dorith, The United Nations Humanitarian Response in Syria  Faculty of Humanities. Modern Middle Eastern Studies. 2019. 81 p.

      Koren, Camille, Nederland als doorreisland   De controle op transmigranten in Nederland tijdens het Interbellum.  Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.  28 februari 2019. 93 blz.


    Kuipers, Laurian, ‘You cannot hide your sexual orientation; you then hide your entire self’  An analysis of the discussions underlying the process of opening up the Dutch asylum system to gay refugees, 1979-1986.

    Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence: Governance of Migration and Diversity.

    17 June 2019. 55 p.

        Laan, Bente Nora Mary van der, De krant in of het land uit   Een analyse naar de berichtgeving over het uitzetten van ongewenste vreemdelingen in Nederland tussen 1933 en 2018.

    Politics, Culture and National Identity,1789 to the Present.  6 Juli 2019. 88 blz.

      Leclercq, Shana, A Critical Discourse Analysis  The Securitization of Black Lives Matter by Fox News Media

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations (MA). Global Conflicts in the Modern Era.

    12 July 2019. 56 p.


    Lee, H., Effective behavior change technique domains in community health worker-led lifestyle interventions for non-Western immigrants with high risks of cardiometabolic diseases: Systematic review and meta-analysis   Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Psychology. Health and Medical Psychology.    Under embargo.


    Littel, Nina, 'Minority consciousness gone mad?'  Exclusion, inclusion and self-organisation of disabled LGBTI people in the Dutch and British LGBT+ and disability movements, in the late twentieth century.

    Faculty of Humanities. History. Political Culture and National Identities.   29 November 2019.

    Under embargo until 2024-01-01.


    Lyu, Jiayu, Integration of the Chinese-Dutch Second Generation in the Netherlands  Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.    

    30 August 2019.     Under embargo.


    Malguti, Beatrice, Securitization of Migration in Hungary The Soros Plan.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations (MA). Global Conflicts in the Modern Era. July 5, 2019. 49 p.


    Marry, Brandon, Pluralist Populism  How Populism and Liberal Democracy can Coexist..

    Faculty of Humanities. Philosophy. Philosophical Perspectives on Politics and the Economy

    January 28th 2019. 67 p.


    Meigh, Alice, The Victimisation of Filipino Domestic Workers in the United Kingdom and Singapore   Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.    29 March 2019. 62 p.

      Morsink, Sanne, Adapting to a workplace in a foreign country   A case study on the cultural adaptation processes of Chinese expats on the Dutch workfloor.   Faculty of Humanities. Asian Studies. Politics, Society and Economy.   31 January 2019. 47 p.


    Moulding, Keira, Refugees and Representation Navigating Ethics, Politics and Hospitality in Contemporary Narratives of Forced Displacement.  Faculty of Humanities. Literary Studies (Master). Literature in Society.

    29th March 2019. 132 p.  

       Noteboren, Audrey, Een zegen of een vloek? De representatie van buitenlandse mijnwerkers in de Nederlandse media.   Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence. Augustus 2019. 66 blz.


    Oltmans, Charlot, Excluding the populists   The unintended effect of a cordon sanitaire on political trust.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science and Public Administration (Research master).

    June 17, 2019. 37 p.


    Orafa, Sepiedeh, In charge of the future Climate refugees’ desire to stay put.

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science (Master). Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict and Development.   June 11, 2019. 99 p.


    Pope, Lauren E., Criminalizing Refugees  A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Narratives on Forced Migration.    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Culture & Politics. January 2019. 61 p.


    Rahmeh, Samah, The Communicative Orientation of Classrooms where Dutch is Taught as a Second Language    Faculty of Humanities. Linguistics (Research master).   May 7, 2019. 44 p.


    Réginault, Léa, Governing the Humanitarian Space through Anti-Smuggling policies   An analysis of the duty to rescue in the Central Mediterranean nowadays.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations.

    August 30, 2019.  Under embargo.

      Regteren Altena, Felicia van, Climate change migrants as refugees

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Political Science (Master). Political Legitimacy and Justice.

    16 August 2019. 35 p.


    Riepma, Reuben, Ovid's Daedalus Analogy  To what extent can Daedalus be seen as analogous with Ovid?  A study on how and why the poet poetologically presents the craftsman at Crete. Faculty of Humanities. Classics and Ancient Civilizations.  15 August 2019. 34 p.

      Samson, Zuzanna, The migration threat without migrants  The case of Poland.   Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Culture and Politics. August 2019.  Under embargo.

         Schmeing, Till, Feasibility of Diaspora Strategies as part of a combined Diaspora and Developmental State Model based developmental policy in the 21st-century  Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Political Economy. August 2019.  Under embargo.  

      Schrama, Chantal, Dreaming of Allende’s Chile   The Inclusion of Chilean Exiles in the Memory Culture of Present-day Chile. Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Conflict in the Modern Era.  28 February 2019. 42 p.

       Schulz, Maren, The multi-level interplay in asylum politics  The case of the Christian asylum seekers from Turkey in West Germany in the early 1980s.  Faculty of Humanities. History. Governance of Migration and Diversity.  14 July 2019. 80 p.


    Sloff, Jurriaan, Molukkers in Nederland  De invloed van het KNIL-verleden op overheidsbeleid, cultuurbehoud en integratie.

    Faculty of Humanities. History. MA Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence.

    30 augustus 2019. 74 blz.


    So, Wendy, Correlation between Language and Cultural Identity  Chinese Diaspora of the Netherlands.   Faculty of Humanities. Asian Studies. Politics, Economy and Society.   1 July 2019. 65 p.


    Tjin Liep Shie, Lakesia, How can we see polarization expressed through the securitization of immigration by right wing visual media outlets and desecuritization of immigration by left wing visual media outlets and their portrayal of the other in this discourse?

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. Global Conflict in the Modern Era.

    August 2019. 38 p.


    Tol, Joscha van, Out of sight, out of mind   The Externalisation of migration control. A comparative study on the impact of bilateral migration agreements on migrant rights.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations (Master). European Union Studies.

    August 30, 2019. 46 p.


    Vreeswijk, Joaniek, Een premie op geweld?  Analyse rellen Capelle aan den IJssel 1984.

    MA History Track: Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence Subtrack: MA Governance of Migration and Diversity.

    14 juli 2019. 66 blz.


    Warley, Francesca Jean, Iconic Photographs, Unwitting Subjects  Roles of Photography in the Representation of Displaced Persons within the 2015 European Refugee and Migrant “Crisis”. Faculty of Humanities. Media Studies. Film and Photographic Studies.  30 April 2019. 90 p.


    Websdale, Asher, Identity, Social Inclusion and Progression   A comparative study of Somalis migrating to the UK from Somalia and the Netherlands.   Faculty of Humanities. History. Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence. Governance of Migration and Diversity. August 2019. 59 p.


    Westendorp, Murielle Hélène, Genderstereotiepe voorkeuren en attitudes van witte Nederlandse en Afro-Nederlandse kinderen

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Developmental Psychopathology in Education and Child Studies (Research master). Under embargo.


    Wirken, Jade, The interests of Morocco in EU Migration Cooperation

    Migration Patterns, Securitization, and Morocco’s National and External Policy Agenda 2000-2017.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations. European Union Studies.

    July 5, 2019. 44 p.


    Xu, Yunxin, Identity formation and sense of belonging among Chinese students in Leiden University  

    Faculty of Social & Behavioral Sciences. Cultural Anthropology and Development. Sociology. 2019  [Under embargo]


    Zuijderduijn, R.R., Brave New Borders  Criminalisation of humanitarian NGOs in Greece.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations.International Studies.  30 August 2019.

    [Under embargo]


       Universiteit Twente


    Borgman, Danique Corine Maria, A design for vocabulary supporting activities 

    for NT2 students at College Zuid

    13 September 2019. 95 p.


    Kuhn, Alina, International Students’ Values in Imaginations of a Desired Future

    Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences.

    January 2019. 36 p.


    Lidwyanthi, Chariskha, Let's Find The Mooo - tives for Buying Dairy! The Factors Influencing the Intention to Purchase Organic Dairy Products among Indonesian University Students in The Netherlands.  Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences. Communication Studies.   January 2019. 77 p.


    Verlasevic, Sumedin, Into the mind of a war refugee An ethnography of refugees from Srebrenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina concerning the integration system in the Netherlands between 1995 and 2007.   Faculty of BMS. Public Administration.   January 24, 2019. 92 p.



    Universiteit Utrecht


    Algül, Özge, Pursuing Peace  The Return of Bosnian War Refugees from "Paradise Lands" to "Home".

    International Development Studies.

    August 2019.84 p.


    Arat, E., Co-ethnic Social Ties in Origin and Host Countries as Coping Mechanisms Against Perceived Discrimination

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses. Under embargo.


    Ardessi, P., "We have the freedom to choose" 

    Negotiating subjectivities in an autopoietic space.    A case study on the negotiation of three Syrian refugee women's gender roles in the Dutch islamophobic context.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.  Under embargo.


    Arnold,L., Group Boundaries in the Netherlands   Does Religion or Ethnicity matter more for Social Integration?

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Under embargo.


    Bahn, A.C.K., The Danish government’s Ghetto-discourse An investigation of the consequences for inter-ethnic relations.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Under embargo.


    Bodewes, I.W., Anti-radicalisation interventions for first-line professionals Differences in risk perceptions, strategy choices and prejudice between participants and non-participants.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses.

    Under embargo.


    Bouwens, Jan, “Dat U nog niet bekeerd bent?”  Een beknopt kwalitatief onderzoek naar de typologie en het proces van bekering van autochtone Nederlanders tot de islam.

    Masterscriptie Programma Religie en Samenleving.  16 juni 2019. 52 blz.


    Campen, Christien van, “Groeiende stroom studenten uit alle hoeken van de wereld”

    Een onderzoek naar de representatie van internationale studenten in Nederlandse dagbladen in het academisch jaar 2017-2018.   Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Interculturele Communicatie.

    11 april 2019. 59 blz.


    Daalmeijer, Danique, Perceived Ethnic and Gender Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms Among Adolescents Examining the Moderating Role of Family Support, Ethnicity, and Gender.

    Youth Studies.  June 11th, 2019. 25 p.


    Dresen, J.L., Unique encounters in liberated Limburg A research on the interactions between African American soldiers and Dutch women in the liberation period, 1944-1945.

    Research Master History.

    25 June 2019. 117 p.


    Dijk, Niraja van, Sharia in Nederland Een onderzoek naar de toepassing van islamitisch familierecht bij de burgerlijke stand.

    Masterscriptie Religie en Samenleving.  Mei 2019. 70 blz.

    Flikweert, W.J.M., A Mobile Perspective on Remitting How Transit Migration Affects Senegalese, Ghanaian, and Congolese Migrants’ Remittance Sending Behaviour Along Their Migration Trajectories.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Under embargo.


    Garritsen, N.E. (Naomi), De representatie van de Indische bevolking in Indisch-Nederlandse kinderliteratuur (1880-1942)

    Faculty of Humanities. Cultural History of Modern Europe.

    24 september 2019. 91 blz.


    Goossens Geerlings, Patricia, Mehrsprachigkeit  in  der Klasse

    Entwicklung des allgemeinen Sprachstands im Deutschen  im schulischen Kontext bei mehrsprachigen SuS  durch extensives Lesen im Rahmen des LEELU Projekts.

    Master Duitse taal en cultuur: educatie en communicatie.    19. August 2019. 47 p.


    Groen, E., White Noise    A Critical Translation Of A Language Gap.

    Faculty of Humanities.

    Embargo until October 31 2019.


    Hao, Y, Wandering at a Crossroad  An Exploration of Gendered Mobility Aspirations in the Study-to-work Transition of Chinese Graduates at Dutch Universities.

    Faculty of Geosciences. Department of Human Geography and Planning. Research Master in Urban and Economic Geography. August 2019. 27 p.


    Hansen, S.N., ‘A Route to Home’

    On feeling at home after a refugee experience

    Faculty of Humanities Theses. Under embargo.


    Hendrikse, D.T., For the Future People’s State   German Socialists in Exile, 1878-1890.

    Research Master History.

    21 June 2019. 102 p.


    Hoek, Danique van der, On Liberty and Face Veils Questioning the legitimacy of the Dutch law on face coverings.   Master in Philosophy: Programme Applied Ethics. 20 June 2019. 61 p.


    Holman, M.N.(Marthe), Connecting refugees through music Charity Organisations and the Instrumentalisation of Culture.

    Department of Media and Culture Studies. RMA Musicology Thesis.

    August 1, 2019. 101 p.


    Hulshof, B.W. (Bas), Religious Expression in Modern Society   Muslim women’s spatial strategies and embodiment of Islam in public space in the multi-ethnic city of Utrecht.

    Faculty of Geosciences.

    July 2019. 55 p.


    Jansen, M., Education Participation of Syrian Refugees in the Netherlands Explanations Based on Human and Social Capital.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Under embargo.


    Kaptein, M.H.(Maarten), The multifaceted face of neighbourhood change  Diverse effects, strategies and perspectives among small migrant businesses in gentrifying Brixton.    Faculty of Geosciences Theses. 24 p.


    Kort, Sara de, To leave or not to leave? Analysis of the influencing factors that shape migration aspirations among Ethiopian youth.

    International Development Studies.

    August 9, 2019. 89 p.


    Koulij, S., Renégociation de la langue et de l’identité Élèves immigrés aux Pays-Bas.

    Faculty of Humanities. 

    Under embargo.


    Latupeirissa, Jaleesa, Samen, Moluks   Een exploratief onderzoek naar de identiteitsconstructie van derde generatie Molukkers in Nederland.  Interculturele communicatie.   12 april 2019. 48 blz.


    Manuel, T.I. (Tamara), The Spirit of Cartagena    Ecuadorian Immigration and Asylum Policy under Rafael Correa, 2007-2017.

    Faculty of Humanities. International Relations in Historical Perspective.   July 2019. 65 p.


    Marcora,S., News coverage and anti-immigrant sentiment online  An analysis of Italian tweets.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences.

    Under embargo.


    Meijers, C.E.D., Immigrants’ Feelings of Belonging in the Country of Residence The Role of Perceived Discrimination and the Parent-Teacher Relationship.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. Under embargo.


    Middleton, T.D.(Thomas), The L2 Motivational Self System and Language Needs of Refugees  Learning English in the Netherlands. Centre for Teaching and Learning Theses. English Language and Culture: Education and Communication.  21 January 2019. 34 p.


    Poelma, R.T. (Renske Thalia), The European Securitisation of Migration Assemblage

    A Practices of Assemblage Analysis of Joint Operation Poseidon 2018 in Lesvos.

    Master of Arts in Conflict Studies & Human Rights.   May 2019. 94 p.


    Prša, Anita, “I Was Her Legs and Her Arms”  Micro politics of care and re/organisation of social reproduction in the case of migrant eldercare work. Faculty of Humanities. RMA Gender Studies.

    August 2019. 100 p.


    Priem, L. van der, Re-Thinking the Borderlands The Imaginative Potential of Current U.S-Mexico Border Literature.

    Faculty of Humanities Thesis.   Embargo until August 31 2020.


    Renema, M.A. (Maria,) Is this who I really am? The impact of DNA Analyses in an ethnically diverse world

    Faculty of Humanities. Intercultural Communication. English Track.   12 April 2019. 201 p.


    Renk, M.R.(Manon), Perceived Impacts of Diaspora Volunteering on Intercultural Competence and Identity

    Faculty of Humanities. Intercultural Communication.

    April 12, 2019. 142 p.


    Schans, K.V. van der, Islamisation » ou « enrichissement » de l’éducation publique ?

    Analyse critique du discours médiatique dans la polémique concernant l’enseignement de la langue arabe en France.  Memoire fin d’ études / Interculturele communicatie.    29 mai 2019. 69 p.


    Shamier, E. A. A., Tussen godperdom en merdeka   Koloniale hybriditeit in de Nederlands-Indonesische dekolonisatieoorlog aan de hand van ‘Djongos + Babu’ (1948) van Pramoedya Ananta Toer en De tolk van Java (2016) van Alfred Birney.

    Faculty of Humanities Theses.   Onder embargo.


    Slagboom, Simone, ‘Ontwapenende kunst’   

    De dekolonisatie van de Nederlandse museumsector en de  emancipatie van

    Kunstenaars uit voormalige Nederlandse koloniën.    Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Master Cultuurgeschiedenis van modern Europa. 17 januari 2019. 70 blz.


    Sleumer, Haiko, Hedendaagse kunst als politiek documentatiemiddel  De vluchtelingencrisis en de Syrische diaspora in het videowerk van Foundland Collective, Oliver Ressler en Bissane Al Charif.    Moderne en Hedendaagse Kunstgeschiedenis. 11 juni 2019. 56 blz.


    Spitaleri, L., How was school today?   Differences between immigrant and native adolescents’ school experiences and the role of national policies across 25 countries.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses.     Under embargo.


    Spoon, A.F., Multiculturalisme en Cultuur   De visie op cultuur en identiteit, 1969-1984.

    Faculty of Humanities.

    Embargo until September 27, 2020.


    Spijkman, L.V. (Leonie), De receptieve en productieve collocatiekennis van volwassen NT2-leerders met het Spaans als moedertaal

    Masterscriptie Meertaligheid en taalverwerving

    18 juli 2019. 67 blz.


    Sun, A., Art of Exception An Ethnographic Study of ‘Refugee Artists’

    Faculty of Humanities.

    Under embargo.


    Theze-Lassus, Maïté, ‘Voices in Limbo’

    An analysis of the strategic choices of the members of the refugee collective ‘We Are Here’  during their mobilisation for societal change.

    Faculty of Humanities. Master of Arts in Conflict Studies and Human Rights.

    2th August 2019. 96 p.


    Uder, M.A. (Michelle), Now we are fighting to stand up again   Syrian refugees’perspectives on entrepreneurship in re-building their professional lives in the Netherlands.

    Department of Human Geography and Planning. 21 p.


    Verspaandonk, J.P. (Jasmijn), De verwerving van het Nederlands door Mandarijnse sprekers Een contrastieve analyse van de woordsoorten van het Mandarijn en Nederlands en handleiding voor NT2-docenten.

    Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie Meertaligheid en Taalverwerving.

    Juli 2019. 42 blz.


    Voorwinden-Bremmer, Marije, How to Explain the Link between Immigration and Adolescent Mental Health?   SES, perceived discrimination, parental and peer support as mediators in the association between immigration and adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems.

    Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences Theses. June 2019. 30 p.


    Woude, P.P.M. van der, Moving into Public Space   Sri Lankan Tamil Hindu Processions in the Netherlands.

    Faculty of Humanities.

    Under embargo.



    Universiteit van Amsterdam


    Aalders, Merel, “I Confess I Do Not Believe In Time”  Exile and Temporality in Nabokov’s Short Stories.  Master Thesis Comparative Literature. June 2019. 45 p.


    Addison, Marisha, The paradox of entrepreneurship   The ethnic penalties and the black Dutch entrepreneurs.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Human Geography.

    11 June 2019. 59 p.


    Ahmed, Farah Amr Mahmoud Bahgat, Where Freedom Exists, Quality Exists?  Assessing Journalistic Quality in Sudanese Exile and Local Online News Outlets.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    June 3, 2019. 41 p.


    Alper, Robin, Once Upon a Time in the Suburbs  Reading Dutch Post-Migrant Cinema Through the Perspective of the Western Genre. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Media Studies: Film Studies.

    June 28, 2019. 84 p.


    Anagnostou, Aspasia, Funding choices and the agility of small-scale organizations in providing services to refugees in Lebanon :   A study focusing on the micro-level,

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies.

    25 June 2019. 61 p.


    Babacan,Yelit, Feeling German  A panel study on changes in national identification of Turkish immigrants in Germany.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociologie. Track: Social Problems and Social Policy.

    June 8, 2019. 51 p.

       Babila, Ella, In search of the 'good life' in the imagined homeland   Pragmatizing contemporary migration from French diaspora Jews to Israel.   Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociale Wetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology.   24 April 2019. 93 p.


    Beaufort, M.M.P. (Mathilde), Human Rights Obligations in Respect of LGBT Asylum Claims A Critical Assessment of UK Law and Practice.  Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. MA International and European Law: Public International Law.   7 January 2019. 35 p.


    Beringer, L.A., (Lianne Antoinette) The Manchester Arena bombing   The effect of Islamic terrorism and its aftermath on Muslims' social identity.  Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Conflict Resolution and Governance. 2019. 59 p.


    Blondin, Céliathe , A Memory of the Mediterranean   

    European Union between security, migration and humanitarian action.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Europese studies: Europees beleid. July 2019. 73 p.


    Böcker, Dania, East-West divide in framing immigration. Divided by the Past? Differences in the Framing of Immigration Between East and West German Regional Newspapers.  Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap. January 30, 2019. 65 p.


    Bon, Pauline, Citizens as moral agents of global justice?  A study of civil society’s motivations and resettlement practices in private sponsorship of refugees programs in Toronto.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies. December 2nd 2019. 111 p.


    Boschello, Rebecca, Inclusive for Whom?  How to champion inclusion and diversity for all in the workplace.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap. June 27, 2019. 40 p.


    Braam, Ingrid, Surinaamse kunst in Nederland    De betekenis van ‘Twintig jaar beeldende kunst in Suriname, 1975-1995'.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen. Kunstgeschiedenis.   Juni 2019. 173 blz.


    Bråten Bergan, Oline Sofie, Continuity and Change   The changing policy position of populist radical-right parties in government.   Political Science. International Relations Track.   June 2019. 36 p.


    Broeks, Diederik, Judaism Organized

    Concepts of Life and Organicity in German-Jewish Scholarshop in the Nineteenth Century.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Midden-Oosten Studies.

    2019. 58 p.


    Bruggeling, Gabriëlle, To obtain a Dutch passport, without being a 'Nederlander'   How immigrants and refugees act upon the culturalized image of the Dutch nationality in the process of obtaining a passport.  Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociale Wetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology.  24 June 2019. 84 p.


    Bueno de Mesquita, Parcifal, De Beleidsrevolutie    Een intertekstueel onderzoek naar de grondleggers van hedendaags vluchtelingenbeleid.
    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Geschiedenis. Geschiedenis van de Internationale Betrekkingen.   2019. 73 blz.


    Chatzicharalampous, Sotiris, From “overflowing” warehouses to “overspilling” camps   Border geographies of ill-care in Lesvos.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociologie. August 2019. 75 p.


    Chu, Han, "I get to be who I am when abroad"   An ethnography of independent highly skilled Chinese female migrants in the Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology.   4 October 2019. 74 p.


    Claridge, Alice, Ethnic Minorities and Perceptions of Hostile Media A mixed method analysis of the Turkish originated minority in Germany. Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communication Science.  1st of February 2019. 71p.


    Collingwoode Williams, Stephanie, From half to whole Black-white biraciality in the Netherlands: experiences in negotiating racialized identities.   Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Sociale Wetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology. June 21st, 2019. 81 p.

    Corbey, R.C.E., De theoretische uitbuiting van artikel 273f Sr    Een onderzoek naar in hoeverre het Belgische recht als inspiratie kan dienen voor Nederland met betrekking tot de regelgeving van overige uitbuiting.  Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. Publiekrecht. Strafrecht. 7 januari 2019. 67 blz.


    Cousin, Clémentine, Evaluating proposed changes to the refugee protection system   A critique of refuge.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Political Science. International Relations.

    June 2019. 70 p.


    Derevska, Alina, How do the negotiation strategies influence negotiation performance outcome within the intercultural communication framework?

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap. June 2019. 36 p.


    Donk, Eva van der, The Tension Between the Prohibition of Statelessness and the Principle of Non-Discrimination

    An analysis of the amended Dutch Nationality Act in light of the prohibition of discrimination under the European Convention on Human Rights.

    LL.M. International and European Law, track Public International Law.

    7 January 2019. 46 p.


    Dijck, Stijn van, Five hundred too many, ten years too long an explanatory research about the fierce protests opposing an ASC’s in Heesch, The Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Human Geography.   Political Geography. 74 p.


    Dijkstra, Safirah, Van de schouwburg naar de wijk     Een onderzoek naar de positie van community art in het Nederlandse culturele veld aan de hand van de case studies Kijk maar uit, ik kom van Zuid en WijkSafari AZC.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Kunst- en cultuurwetenschappen: Algemene cultuurwetenschappen. 17 april 2019. 108 blz.


    Ebady, Sarah, Diasporas and homeland discourses   What diaspora narratives can tell us about contemporary conflicts.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    June 21, 2019. 60 p.


    Eck, Emil van, The Dynamic Relationship between  Immigrant Politics and Urban Policymaking

    Protecting the rights of undocumented immigrants in Boston and Amsterdam.

    Graduate School of Social Sciences. Research Master’s Urban Studies. 

    June 20th, 2019. 27 p.


    Fischer, L.A. (Laura), Misleiding en omzeiling in het reguliere vreemdelingenrecht

    Het Unierechtelijk begrip fraude en de Nederlandse intrekkingsgronden.   Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. MA Publiekrecht: Staats- en bestuursrecht.  6 januari 2019. 52 blz. /scriptie/674371


    Georgouli, Marianna,  Me and the other in (the) crisis

    A Literary Critique of Ethnic and Social Interactions within the Greek Crisis.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Literary Studies (research).

    May 2019. 79 p.


    Gompel, Nikki van, Ensuring the human right to free basic education for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon   (Dis)connections of formal and non-formal education.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies.

    2 July 2019. 65 p.


    Harwood, Samuel, Establishing agency within the migrant integration policy process A comparison of political agency within refugee integration systems in the Netherlands and the United States of America.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. International Relations.  28 June 2019. 106 p.


    Helder, Margo van den, Investigating and Evaluating ‘Acts of Citizenship’  Undocumented Activism and the ‘We are Here’ Collective in the Netherlands

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen Political Science, International Relations.

    June 2019. 103 p.


    Hill, Eva, The ‘right to work’ as a policy tool in response to the Venezuelan migrant and refugee crisis in Aruba

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Political Science. Political Economy.

    28th June 2019. 56 p.


    Hong, Haojie (Ricky), Cultural Differences in Appreciating Humor   A Pragmatic Exploration.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Linguistics: Language and Society.  August 2019. 67 p.


    Jagers, Vincent, The Representations of Ethnic Minorities in National and Regional News Programmes on the Dutch Public Broadcasting Television Channels    A content analysis on the portrayals of ethnic minorities in national and regional news programmes.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap.

    1 February 2019. 39 p.


    Jánosi, Zoltán, Securitizing migration in Hungary  Analysing the third Orbán government's discourse on migration.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. European Politics and External Relations.   June 2019. 86 p.


    Janssen, Rob,The social democratic struggle on the cultural axis A quantitative study of the Dutch social democratic party struggling with cultural issues being salient as never before.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    June 21, 2019. 39 p.


    Kaam, Lotje van, De Jordan Compact Deal  Beleidsaanbevelingen voor verbeterde voortzetting van de samenwerking tussen de EU en Jordanië.  Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Midden-Oosten studies. 27 juni 2019. 84 p.


    Kerkhof, Thijs van, Return migration of descendants from the “Eighth Canary Island” The influence of capital on the integration of Canarian Venezuelans into Canarian society.     Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. International Relations.

    June 28, 2019. 44 p.


    Kuipers, C.A.J. (Chantal), The Other Victims of ISIL Obligations of the Netherlands and Other Actors in Relation to the Children of Dutch Foreign Fighters Who Have Joined ISIL. Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. MA International and European Law: Public International Law.  7 January 2019. 43 p. /scriptie/678672


    Latrache, Dounia, De ongelijke rechtspositie van kinderen  Een onderzoek naar de vaststelling van het Nederlanderschap van kinderen die zijn geboren uit polygame huwelijken.    Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. MA Publiekrecht: Staats- en bestuursrecht.  7 januari 2019. 50 blz.



    Macco, Kenny A.J., Donec Auferatur Luna   Exploring Early Modern Terrorism in the Low Countries (1566-84) and the Plausibility of a Nexus with Exile.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Geschiedenis.

    August 2019. 95 p.


    MacDonald, Calum, The visual securitisation of migrants and refugees  Examining British tabloids during Brexit.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. International Relations. June 2019. 93 p.


    Makkenze, Floortje., “Wat meer empathie, is dat misschien een optie?”  Een kwantitatieve inhoudsanalyse met betrekking tot het verband tussen empatische kansen en de mate van weerstand en het effect van de aanwezigheid van een informele tolk.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Communicatiewetenschap. 1 februari 2019. 36 blz.


    Manen Kooij, Thomas van, Perceptions on immigration  Sign of the times? : political trust in an era of polarization.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. A global crisis of democracies? Change and continuity in 21st century politics.

    22 augustus 2019. 37 p.

      Mcquibban, Flo, (Socio)linguistic and Narrative Challenges in the Franco-Dutch Asylum Procedure  Implementing Language Analysis in France.
    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Literary Studies: Literature, Culture and Society.

    June 25 2019. 122 p.


    Murphy, A.R. (Angelina-Rossa), Art as opportunity   Can refugees develop a sense of belonging and inclusion through collective art projects?

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Human Geography.   August 12, 2019. 65 p.


    Murphy, Stephanie, The politics of care   Glasgow and the UK’s dispersal policy: who belongs where: controlling movement and settlement.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.  2019. 74 p.


    Nicora, Francesca, Non-formal education for children on the move in Northern France   Does it help realizing their living right to education?

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies.

    August 2019. 96 p.


    Nieuweboer, Noortje,’Ich bin nicht radikal, sondern analytisch’

    Analyse der Sarrzin-Debatte anlässlich Deutschland schafft sich ab.

    Geschiedenis. Duitslandstudies.   2019. 41 p.


    Nieuwkoop, Nina van, Toen Marokkanen moslims werden

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Geschiedenis.

    2019. 74 blz.


    Ntinu, V.I.W.(Vanessa Isioma Wanjiru), ‘It's the way the world is set up, to believe Africans are less’   The significance of Afrophobia in the way second generation Afro-citizens navigate their Western citizenship : a comparative analysis between the Netherlands and Greece.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. European Politics and External Relations.  June 2019. 81 p.


    Piersante, Benedetta, The role of cities in migration and integration policies The Italian case.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. International Relations.  

    August 23, 2019. 63 p.


    Pullens, Marc, Ghosts of the Holocaust, are they still among us? An analysis of a Jewish third generation’s lifeworld.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. June 21, 2019. 74 p.


    Rechkemmer, Maria, Ni de Aquí, Ni de Allá An analysis into the contemporary undocumented experience in the U.S.   Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Literary Studies: Comparative Literature

    June 14, 2019. 76 p.


    Rickert, Marie, The threshold of Second Language Acquisition  Migrants' liminal experiences of learning Dutch.  Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology. 2019. 83 p.


    Rimmer, Phoebe, Border spectacle The European Union trust fund for Africa.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie. Public Policy and Governance.   June 28th, 2019. 91 p.


    Rodrigues, Anne, E-evidence and Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Cultural Information Science.

    June 21st, 2019. 147 p.

    Schmidt, Katharina, Developmentalising humanitarian space The (anti-)politics of international aid for refugees in Jordan.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies (research master).

    June 28, 2019. 118 p.


    Schouten, Jenneken, Zakhor Nishmat Avotenu   The Remembrance of Martyrs and Rabbis in the Oisterwijk Memorbukh. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Midden-Oosten studies. Hebrew and Jewish Studies.

    5 April 2019. 77 p.


    Sharité, Severina, De (de)kolonisatie van kinderliteratuur   Over de manifestatie van het Nederlandse cultureel archief in door Amsterdamse basisscholen aangeboden AVI-5 kinderliteratuur. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal. 2019. 203 blz. Onder embargo tot 06-02-2020.


    Sikkema, Marte, A provisional and contingent border   A border assemblage study of negotiations of belongingness concerning ‘out of procedure’ asylum seekers.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Human Geography.   11 June, 2019. 70 p.


    Smit, Annemarie, “Klaar voor taal”

    Een vergelijkend onderzoek tussen Syrische en Eritrese statushouders in het leren van het Nederlands.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Masterscriptie DuMa Nederlands als Tweede Taal en Meertaligheid.

    5 augustus 2019. 139 blz.


    Solorio, Paola Iniguez, Crimmigration in the European Union   What makes an individual a criminal?

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Europese studies.

    July 2019. 56 p.


    Sprengers, Vincent, Recasting the Common European Asylum?   On the problem-solving capacity and accountability of EASO and the proposed EUAA.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Political Scienc. Public Policy and Governance.

    2019. 117 p.


    Surachno, Rosa, Een verloren wijk?    in gesprek met de 'originele bewoners' over de ervaren verandering in de multi-etnische wijk Utrecht Overvecht.    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Cultural and Social Anthropology. 21 juni 2019. 70 blz.


    Suijk, Emi, “Denaturalize, expel, refuse and never allow them to enter the Netherlands again”  Dutch jihadist fighters in Syria and Iraq.   Geopolitical representations on the role of statehood in parliamentarian and media debates in the Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Human Geography.  Track: Political Geography.

    11 June 2019. 99 p.


    Tamvaki, Vasiliki, Intercultural competences through drama participation   Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Arts and Culture: Theatre Studies.  2019. 144 p.

    Onder embargo tot 25-09-2020.


    Tatsi, Iliana, Emotions as Factors of Social and Cultural Change in Museological Discourses A Caryatid, Black Pete, and the Display of Rape Culture as Emotional Topoi. Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Erfgoedstudies: Museumstudies.

    31 January 2019. 121 p.


    Tazelaar, M.V.(Mark), The 2015 European immigration crisis and municipal party politics in the Netherlands A qualitative comparative case study on immigration and asylum centres in Rotterdam & Rijswijk.   Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.   June 2019. 66 p.


    Tegelaar, Arfur, Oud-nieuwkomers in het basisonderwijs  Een verkennend onderzoek naar de praktijk van het extra taalonderwijs aan oud-nieuwkomers.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal.   Mei 2019. 93 blz.


    Teunissen, Carlotte, The Lebanese return context  Political actors and their influence on the immediate return of the Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. International Development Studies.

    8 July 2019. 77 p.


    Tomassen, P.M. (Philou), Arbeidsuitbuiting: de afnemer verantwoordelijk?   Een onderzoek naar de vraag of de afnemer van producten of diensten afkomstig uit arbeidsuitbuiting strafrechtelijke aansprakelijk moet worden gesteld. Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. Publiekrecht. Strafrecht. 7 januari 2019. 54 blz.


    Torok, Zachary, No state border is frozen    The effect of transnational ethnic groups and neighbouring state interventions on civil outcome.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    June 27, 2019. 60 p.


    Turini, Martina, The ‘other’ side of the fuga  Articulations of the contemporary Italian nationalism through the Italian brain drain.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Literary Studies: Literature and Culture.

    2019. 61 p.


    Uittenbogaard, Nanne, ‘Welkom, Duitsland, in het integratie- en immigratiedebat’

    Beeldvorming van het Duitse integratie- en immigratiedebat in de Nederlandse media, 2010 – 2015.   Geschiedenis. Duitslandstudies.   1 april 2019. 77 blz.


    Velde, Korné te, The EU’s response to the migration crisis  The securitization of migration.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    August 23, 2019. 71 p.


    Versteeg, Frank, More than kicking a ball  Football and the mental and physical wellbeing of refugees in The Netherlands.

    Faculteit der Maatschappij- en Gedragswetenschappen. Politicologie.

    June 21, 2019. 51 p.


    Visbeen, Kim Nevina, Een brug tussen Oost en West? De functie van Chineestalige kranten in Nederland.

    Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Mediastudies: Journalistiek en media.

    27 mei 2019. 110 blz.


    Visser, Erik, Organisatie, omvang en inhoud van het thuistaalonderwijs in Amsterdam   Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen.Taalwetenschappen: Nederlands als tweede taal. 2019. 79 blz.


    Visser, F., Gezondheidszorg voor ongedocumenteerde vreemdelingen Wie betaalt de rekening?  Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. MA Publiekrecht: Gezondheidsrecht.  Juni 2019. 74 blz.



    Werven, Boudewijn van, Ta-Nehesi Coates and the Role of the Public Intellectual A Narrative of American Social and Political Discourse.

    History. American Studies.   January 8, 2019. 81 p.


    Wimlett, Meghan, Cooking and sharing food as an embodiment of hope   The influence of the kitchen as a collaborative cultural site.

    A Qualitative Study of Refugees’ Wellbeing in A Beautiful Mess, Amsterdam.

    Political Science: International Relations.

    June 2019. 81 p.



    Vrije Universiteit


    Abdelrazek, Y.P., The influence of Cultural Diversity on Communication at the Workplace.

    A Qualitative Case Study.

    School of Business and Economics. International Business Administration. 29 June 2019. 127 p.


    Aebi, Kiko, Retracing Colonial Pasts

    Migration, Memory, and the Archive in Heba Y. Amin’s The Earth is an Imperfect Ellipsoid (2016) and Lydia Ourahmane’s In the Absence of Our Mothers (2018).

    Arts and Culture Masters, Contemporary Art History.   June 28, 2019. 87 p.


    Amin, J., The Trials and Tribulations of Refugee Entrepreneurs

    School of Business and Economics. MSc Business In Society joint degree.   August 2019.   Under embargo.


    Antonissen, Lieke, Shrinking of Humanitarian Space Impact of Italian Political Discourse onto Non-Governmental Search and Rescue Operations      Faculty of Law. Law and Politics of International Security.   June 2019. 94 p.


    Biermans, Virve, Between temporary and permanent, a contradictory idea? Exploratory case study of Baqa'a and Za'atari refugee camps, Jordan.

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Masterthesis Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie. 12 February 2019. 63 p.


    Bleichrodt, Stijn, Should we think about the children first? The best interests of the child in Dutch family migration law in the light of the UNCRC, the ECHR and EU law.   Faculty of Law. International Migration and Refugee Law.  June 2019. 86 p.


    Boni, Mathias, Humanitarian Visas as a Means of Protection amid the Contemporary Forced Migration Flows  Exploring Brazil’s Application.

    Faculty of Law. Master Thesis L.L.M. International Migration & Refugee Law.

    July 2019. 67 p.


    Bridinel, Nicoleta, The right to life of the migrants crossing the Mediterranean to reach European shores  A case study on the application of the right to life at sea in human rights European and International law context.

    Faculty of Law. Transnational Legal Studies.  February 2019 73 p.


    Demirkan, Ayşegül, Woordenschatverwerving voor buitenlandse studenten aan Nederlandse universiteiten en hogescholen

    Op zoek naar het optimale aantal corpuszinnen in een leestekst voor de verwerving van receptieve en productieve woordkennis.

    Faculteit Geesteswetenschappen. Taalwetenschap. Toegepaste taalwetenschap, specialisatie NT2.

    Augustus 2019. 56 blz.


    Dorn, Stefanie, The interim right to remain pursuant to Article 46(6) and (8) EU Procedures Directive in light of the right to an effective remedy and the principle of non-refoulement

    Faculty of Law  LL.M. International Migration and Refugee Law.

    September 2019. 137 p.


    Dorp, Maarten van, Jihadisten in de polder  Het barrière-model toegepast op het radicaliseringsproces van Nederlandse jihadisten. Rechtsgeleerdheid. Opsporingscriminologie.  21 mei 2019. 72 blz.


    Eck, Dorinde van, From leaving them be to returning them home?  A case-study into the development of the Dutch policies and political debate on Dutch returnees from Syria and Iraq between 2012-2019. 

    International Crimes, Conflict & Criminology.

    29 August 2019. 81 p.


    Ezer, Oziem, Nûr from Different Prisms  Exploring Syrian Women Refugees’ Faith-Commitments Through Lived Religion.

    Religie en Theologie. Master Theology and Religious Studies

    July 2019. 28 p.


    Hee, Mirthe van den, Thuis in Nederland?  Jongeren met een migratieachtergrond over belonging in de samenleving & representatie in het  Nederlandse media- en  cultuuraanbod.   Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.

    28 juni 2019. 73 blz.


    Hengel, Sven van den, The Immobile Journey  Sociale Wetenschappen. Master Social and Cultural Anthropology.  Juli 2019. 62 p.


    Hitomi, Shota, No Second Chances Procedural Safeguards in the Australian Fast-Track Procedure in Light of International Refugee Law.

    Faculty of Law. Masters in International Migration and Refugee Law.  August 2019. 53 p.


    Jackson, K.M., Male (Protective) Networks & Non-State Actors of Protection in Asylum Law    Faculty of Law. Masters in International Migration and Refugee Law.  August 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Jama, Idman, The prohibition against refoulement and the obligation to issue a humanitarian visa under international and EU law

    Master of Laws. International Migration and Refugee law.  5 February 2019. 47 p.


    Kamp, Manon, The Diversity Patterns in Multicultural Teams A study of critical incidents caused by combinations of multiple inclusions.    Business Administration: International Management.   30th of June, 2019. 46 p.


    Kara, Esra, Juf, wat staat ons nu te wachten?

    Een studie naar de religieuze identiteitsontwikkeling en beleving van moslimjongeren die de overgang maken van een islamitische basisschool naar een niet – islamitische middelbare school.

    Religie en Theologie. Master Theology and Religious Studies. Spiritual Care: Islam.

    Augustus 2019. 61 p.


    Karbijha, Batoul, “God Betrayed Us”  The deconversion of Syrian refugees.    Theology and Religious Studies. July 2019. 34 p.


    Kos, E., The Relocation Decision

    Assessing its Legitimacy and Effectiveness.


    Juli 2019.   Niet digitaal beschikbaar.


    Krimpen, I.C. (Isa Céline) van, Dura Lex, Sed Lex?   Rewriting the Council of State’s Judgment in Lili and Howick.

    Adjudicating the removal of asylum-seeking children from a children’s rights perspective.

    Rechtsgeleerdheid. International Migration and Refugee Law.   26 August 2019. 64 p.


    Labeab, Amel, Diversity, belonging and study progress at VU university

    Mediating differences in study progress between students with a non-Western migration background and students without a migration background with students’ sense of belonging.

    Sociology.   June 28th 2019. 54 p.


    Le, Ashley, De doorwerking van het Internationaal Verdrag inzake de Rechten van het Kind in de Nederlandse rechtspraak

    Een jurisprudentieonderzoek naar de periode 1 september 2014 - 1 januari 2019. Rechtsgeleerdheid. Privaatrecht.  Augustus 2019. 108 blz.


    Lotto, Andreina, The Securitization of Migration in Europe   Italy’s Decree Laws on “Security and Immigration” as a case study.

    Rechtsgeleerdheid. Master Law & Politics of International Security.   Augustus 2019. 44 p.


    Martens, Ethan, To what extent and how have counter-terrorism policies in post 9/11 America been focused on the fundamental causes of homegrown Jihadist radicalization?   Faculty of Law. MSc International Crimes, Conflict, and Criminology.

    November 15, 2019. 58 p.


    Martinez Sanchez, Michelle, Managing Language Diversity School of Business and Economics. Master Business Administration – Specialization Strategy and Organization.  January 1st, 2019. 106 p.


    Molenkamp, Lola, Alternating Movements Towards Social Change

    The Challenges and Opportunities of Engaged Scholarship in the Netherlands. Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.  

    June 28, 2019. 67 p.


    Mul, Nikki, “De Zwarte Pieten-discussie hoort niet in de politiek.”

    Een onderzoek naar de toepassing van frames en (de)securitiserende zetten in tweets van Nederlandse politieke actoren binnen de Zwarte Pieten-discussie.

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Kwaliteit van Besturen. Bestuurskunde. Augustus 2019. 91 blz.


    Owen, Grant, Coping with Protracted Uncertainty   Refugees ‘Stuck’ Waiting in Indonesia. Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology. 28 June 2019. 70 p.


    Rodts, Lyana, We Are Here With You Sustained Participation and Disengagement.

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Social and Cultural Anthropology.  Augustus 2019. 76 p.


    Sablerolle, D.A., Superiors, Subordinates or Equals?

    Differences in Approaches to Hierarchy in a bicultural Dutch-Chinese organisation.

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Master Cultuur, Organisatie en Management. November 2019.


    Sacks, Kyra Marcella, Coinciding Contradictions

    Refugees' daily life in protracted displacement.

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Social and Cultural Anthropology.

    Juli 2019. 64 p.


    Samim, Kayhón Khalid, De rechtsbescherming tegen het intrekkingsbesluit van het Nederlanderschap

    De rechtsbeschermingsprocedure tegen het intrekkingsbesluit van het Nederlanderschap op grond van artikel 14 lid 4 RWN: een eerlijk proces conform de artikelen 6 en 13 EVRM?

    Masterscriptie Jurist en Overheid.

    12 augustus 2019. 29 blz.


    Sonkaya-Özay, Canan, De relatie tussen tweetaligheid, receptieve woordenschat en spraakverstaan bij Turkse volwassenen Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen. Toegepaste taalwetenschap: Taal- en gehoorstoornissen.  10 mei 2019. 60 blz.


    Stam, Stephanie, Tinder study.   The influence of ethnicity on going on a date in a Tinderlike setting. Attitudes towards dating interracially: how do ethnically defining appearances and names influence the likelihood of going on a date through an online mobile dating platform such as Tinder?

    Faculty of Social Sciences. Communication Science Master’s Thesis. April 2019. 75 p.


    Schwarzl, Paul, Family Reunification for Beneficiaries of Subsidiary Protection in Austria as an Example of how European States use Family Migration Policies as a Means of Compartmentalisation

    Master of Laws (LLM) in International Migration and Refugee Law.

    14 August 2019. 66 p.


    Toepke, Sandra C., Does Italy accrue indirect state responsibility pursuant to Art. 16 of the International Law Commission Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts, for aiding and assisting Libya in the interception of irregular migrants in the Central Mediterranean Sea?

    Rechtsgeleerdheid. International Migration and Refugee Law.   13 February 2019. 58 p.


    Uwamahoro, Pascaline, Sensemaking onder medewerkers van de gemeente Amsterdam

    Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar hoe medewerkers omgaan met veranderingen wanneer een organisatie meer ‘divers’ denken omarmt, minderheidsstandpunten waardeert en inclusie als waarde heeft.

    Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen. Organisatiewetenschappen. Master Beleid, Communicatie en Organisatie.

    3 juni 2019. 94 blz.


    Verheul, Julia, A Crisis in Need of a Permanent Emergency Response   On the European Union its Use of Development Aid for Extra-Territorial Migration Control.

    LLM Law and Politics of International Security.   August 3rd, 2019. 54 p.


    Vesier, Marine, The protection of minor nationals abroad and the responsibilities of the state of origin under international law    Children with a European nationality currently on Syrian and Iraqi soil as a case study.

    Faculty of Law. LLM in Transnational Legal Studies. International and European Law in Context.   May 2019. 64 p.


    Vlasman, E., Neither the 'One' nor the 'Other' but somewhere in between

    The experiences of intercultural mediators within the dominant discourse on newcomers and diversity in the Netherlands.

    Sociale Wetenschappen. Master Cultuur, Organisatie en Management.  September 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Vorst, Maaike van de, Asylum Seeker Victims   A Special Group. The different needs of asylum seekers and tailoring to those needs.   Faculty of Law. International Crimes, Conflict and Criminology.

    November 2019. 84 p.


    Vries, Myra de, "Look at those women - would anyone want to rape them?"  An academic article about sexual violence against the Rohingya women. Rechtsgeleerdheid. International Criminology; sexual violence in conflicts.   January 2019. 53 p.


    Wesenbeek, Charlot, The discretion of Member States regarding the issuance and enforcement of SIS alerts on third-country nationals to be refused entry or stay

    Faculty of Law. International Migration and Refugee Law.   July 2019. 79 p.


    Wilms, Martijn, Zwart-wit denken  Hoe discriminatie, een dichotoom wereldbeeld en sociaal mediagebruik (niet) leidt tot radicalisering van Islamitische jongeren.

    Communicatiewetenschap.   Juli 2019. 49 blz.


    Yakoubi, Hafsa el, Verhoudingen in het geefgedrag onder Nederlanders met een niet-westerse migratieachtergrond   Sociale Wetenschappen. Sociologie.   25 juni 2019. 58 blz.


    Yaakoubi, Sarah el, Trouwen en scheiden volgens het Nederlandse en het Marokkaanse recht

    Wat zijn de gevolgen van de keuze voor het Nederlandse en/of het Marokkaanse huwelijks- en echtscheidingsrecht en wat zijn beweegredenen voor Marokkaans-Nederlandse vrouwen om voor één of beide huwelijksstelsels te kiezen?

    Rechtsgeleerdheid. Privaatrecht.

    9 september 2019. 67 blz.


    Zhao, Yue, The Motivation and Challenge of Expatriate Entrepreneurship in the Netherlands  School of Business and Economics. Business Administration. Msc-programme: International Management.

    30th, June, 2019. 45 p.



    Wageningen University


    Brouwers, Chanine, Preventive health care for refugee children   Health and Society.   A qualitative study to add refugees’ perspectives.   April 2019. 65 p.






    Radboud Universiteit


    Rahman-Shanto, Sabrina, Post-migration effect of Syrian Refugees in Nijmegen, Netherlands The effect of post-migration stressors on mental health and the influence of mental health on socio-economic integration. Riga: Scholars Press. (SPS). May 2019. 56 p.  (Scriptie 2018)   









    University of Cape Town


    Brudvig, Ingrid, (Im)mobility, digital technologies and transnational spaces of belonging  An ethnographic study of Somali migrants in Cape Town.

    Faculty of Humanities. School of African & Gender Studies. Anthropology & Linguistics. Social Anthropology.Ph.D.

    May 2019. 222 p.



    University of South Africa


    Sowane, Nkateko Proud, Lived experiences of accessing healthcare services by refugees in South Africa

    January 2019. 126 p.

    Master of Public Health.






    Macquarie University (Sydney)


    Albadawi, Sobhi, Haq al awda   Palestinian refugees’ views on the Right of return. Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts.  Doctor of Philosophy.    10th January 2019. 351 p.

    The Australian National University


    Ogg, Kate Elizabeth, Protection from Refuge

    April 2019. 291 p.  Ph.D.



    The University of Sydney


    Essex, Ryan William, Australian Immigration Detention    How Should Clinicians Respond?

    School of Public Health, Sydney Health Ethics.   Ph.D.   March 2019. 286 p.









    Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


    Baycan Herzog, Esma, Social Cohesion in Post-Migration Societies   In Defense of a Post-Migration Paradigm. Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte. 1 juli 2019.


    Boulaouali, Tijani, Het Bijbelse referentiekader van de contemporaine Nederlandse vertalers van de Koran     

    Faculteit der Letteren. 28 oktober 2019.


    Galle, Jolien, The established outsider and the welfare state Explaining welfare state attitudes from the dual perspective of Turkish and Moroccan Belgians.    Faculty of Social Sciences.

    12 november 2019.


    Moris, Marja, Borders, Belonging and (B)othering  An Ethnographic Approach to Spatial Manifestations of Difference and Inequality.

    Faculty of Science.

    3 oktober 2019.


    Özcanlı Ulukut, Fulya, Cultural differences in obsessions  Empirical studies with Belgian and Turkish samples.   Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.    9 oktober 2019.


    Spijkers, Floor Elisabeth, How do we live together in diversity? A place-based perspective on the role of contact and professionals in fostering intercultural relations.

    Faculty of Science.

    14 oktober 2019.


    Ünver, Özgun, Accessibility and Inclusiveness of Early Childhood Education and Care across Europe   Policies and Experiences.    Doctor of Educational Sciences. (PhD)   6 juni 2019. 245 p.


    Verbunt, Pim, Essays on the Measurement of Social Inclusion and Social Exclusion in the European Union  A Multidimensional  and Multilevel Analysis.   Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfswetenschappen.

    3 juni 2019. 237 p.



    Université de Liège


    Collin, Jonathan, Bande à part ou quête d'appartenance ?  Une anthropologie de la condition des jeunes Noirs à Liège.    Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales (domaine: Anthropologie).

    14 May 2019. 384 p.



    Universiteit Antwerpen


    Piqueray, Edith, De Poolse school in Vlaanderen De rol van het Poolse aanvullend onderwijs in de socialisering van jongeren van Poolse origine en hoe dat zich verhoudt tot hun onderwijsloopbanen in het Vlaamse reguliere onderwijs.   Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen. Proefschrift. 28 januari 2019. 313 blz.



    Universiteit Antwerpen / Katholieke Universiteit Leuven


    Schillebeeckx, Elise, Aankomstwijken in Vlaanderen

    Een onderzoek naar gelokaliseerde bronnen voor het aankomst- en transitieproces van migranten.

    Sociale Wetenschappen: Sociologie & Architectuur.

    Mei 2019. 260 blz.




    Universiteit Gent

       Buyse, Eloïse, The Immigration issue and Brexit  A critical discourse analysis of quality press opinion pieces published during the Brexit referendum.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW22.

    Master of Arts in Multilingual Communication. 2019. 94 p.


    Claerhout, Floris, The left behind in migration studies  The determinants of the immobilty of migration.

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Vakgroep EB21.  Master of Science in Economics.   2019. 87 p.


    Cocquyt, Pauline, Labour market integration of refugees in developed countries A comparison between Belgium and Switzerland.

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Vakgroep EB21.

    Master of Science in Economics.   2019. 61 p.


    De Cramer, Amber, De representatie van migranten in de Vlaamse krant ‘Het Laatste Nieuws’ tijdens de periode van 2014 tot 2017 in Gent 

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW22. Master of Arts in Multilingual Communication.   2019. 60 blz.


    Deloof, Olivier, Determinanten van de arbeidsmarktparticipatie van migranten in België versus Zwitserland   Een comparatieve analyse.   Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Vakgroep EB21. Master of Science in Business Administration.  UGent only.  

       De Roo, Emma, De ervaringen van analfabete anderstalige nieuwkomers in en met het Vlaams secundair onderwijs   Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen. Vakgroep CA05. Master of Science in Educational Sciences.   UGent only.  


    De Vuyst, Jolien, Refugee relief during the First World War  Belgian refugees in Birmingham (1914-1919).   Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische wetenschappen. Vakgroep Sociaal Werk en Sociale Pedagogiek.  Proefschrift.    29 April 2019.

    UGent only.  


    Dewulf, Lisa, Teacher beliefs and teaching quality in segregated primary school classes  A study into the effects on students’ language achievement.  Department of Educational Studies.  Proefschrift.  13 February 2019.

    UGent only. 


    El-Kaddouri, Warda, Islam und Selbstkonstruktion im Werk von Navid Kermani, Abbas Khider und Sherko Fatah   Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep Letterkunde. Proefschrift.

    1 juli 2019.

    UGent only. 


    Fas, Lin, De visie van Eritrese en Somalische vluchtelingen op de geestelijke gezondheidszorg in België

    Master of Arts in African Studies.

    2019. 121 p.


    Geeroms, Eva, De representatie van vluchtelingen en migranten in de Vlaamse krant het Nieuwsblad tijdens de vluchtelingencrisis van 2014 tot 2017 in Gent  

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep ,LW22.

    Master of Arts in Multilingual Communication.

    2019. 156 blz.


    Helleputte, Justine, EU Migration Policy and European Values

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Vakgroep CA80.

    Master of Science in Public Administration and Management.

    UGent only. 


    Heymans, Laura, Migranten en vluchtelingen op zee   De plicht tot hulp en bescherming?

    Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid. Vakgroep RE22.

    Master of Laws in Laws.  2019. 109 blz.


    Janssens, Heline, "Sorry, mijn Nederlands is nog niet goed genoeg"     Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar hoe hooggeschoolde vrouwelijke nieuwkomers hun (proces naar) burgerschap beleven.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW06.  

    Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity. Interuniversitaire Master in Gender en Diversiteit.

    28 mei 2019. 79 blz.


    Leleu, Maïté, How migrant-friendly is the perinatal care at the Ghent University Hospital?

    An exploration of the quality of care in 21 migrant women by implementing the Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire (MFMCQ).

    Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen. Vakgroep GE39.


    Leroux, Heleen, Een intersectionele analyse van homoseksualiteit en islam  Een kwalitatieve studie bij witte, niet-gelovige homoseksuelen en homoseksuele moslims in Vlaanderen.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte.

    Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity.  28 mei 2019. 110 blz.


    Martens, Charlotte, De rekrutering van mensen met een migratie-achtergrond in de zorgsector via employee-testimonials

    Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde. Vakgroep EB23.   Master of Science in Business Administration.    2019. 82 blz.

        Rahbari, Ladan, Gender, Sexuality and the Moral Body  A Qualitative Study of Perceptions and Experiences of Body Management among Women in Iran and Iranian Migrant Women in Belgium.   Department of Languages and cultures.   Joint Ph.D in Gender and Diversity Studies, Ghent University and Gender and Diversity, Vrije Universiteit Brussel. 28 May 2019.    UGent only.


    Ringoot, Lotte, (Anti) seculier N-VA?   Een historische en comparatieve studie naar de plaats van de joods-christelijke traditie en de islam binnen het Vlaams-nationalistisch gedachtengoed van N-VA

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Vakgroep PS05.  Master in Conflict and Development.

    2019. 93 blz.


    Roels, Valérie, Multicultural Literature in Translation   An Analysis of the Dutch Translation of the Speech of Hortense Bowden and Millat Iqbal in Zadie Smith?s 'White Teeth '(2000).

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW22.

    Master of Arts in Translation.

    2019. 85 p.


    Sabbe, Alexia, Forced and child marriage at the intersection of health, gender and human rights   Understanding the determinants in Morocco and the impact of the migratory context in Belgium.    Faculteit Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen. Vakgroep Volksgezondheid en Eerstelijnszorg.    Proefschrift.   17 juni 2019.

    UGent only.  


    Schepers, Josepha Jantina, Membership revisited  Negotiating migration regulation and access to welfare in eighteenth-century Flanders.   Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep Geschiedenis.    Proefschrift. 31 mei 2019.

    UGent only.     

       Schuyesmans, Laura, What after displacement?  Africa: the continent without people.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW21.   Master of Arts in African Studies.

    2019. 124 p.

       Staes, Sanne, De legitimiteit van het EU ?   Noodtrustfonds voor migratie voor Afrika.

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Vakgroep PS03.  Master of Science in EU-Studies.

    2019. 114 blz.


    Vanbrabant, Kelly, Ervaringen van vrouwen met een Turkse of Marokkaanse migratie-achtergrond op de Vlaamse arbeidsmarkt Een case-study van de sociale profit.

    Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep EB21.   Master of Arts in Gender and Diversity.

    UGent only.     


    Vandenbussche, Charlotte, OKAN, een (schier)eiland op de speelplaats? Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de integratie van anderstalige nieuwkomers in een secundaire school. Faculteit Psychologie en Pedagogische Wetenschappen. Vakgroep CA05.  Master of Science in Social Work and Social Welfare Studies.

    UGent only.     


    Van der Plas, Bram, Global Migration Governance   Een politiek gevoelig regimecomplex.

    Faculteit Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen. Vakgroep PS03.

    Master of Science in Political Science.

    2019. 45 p.


    Van de Velde, Kato, Hoe noem je dat? 'Graneet?  Een etnografisch onderzoek naar hoe de kracht van taal het verhaal van vluchtelingen kan beïnvloeden. Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep LW22.  Master of Arts in Multilingual Communication.  UGent only.


    Vekemans,Tine, Digital religion in a transnational context  Representing and practicing Jainism in diasporic communities.  Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte. Vakgroep Talen en Culturen.   Proefschrift    3 April 2019.   UGent only.


    Verkinderen, Febe, Opvang van minderjarige vreemdelingen   Toetsing aan de mensenrechten.   Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid. Vakgroep RE22. Master of Laws in Laws UGent only.


       Vrije Universiteit Brussel


    Conceição Pereira Silvestre, Sara da, How Member States Influence and Shape EU Policy Output   The Case of Asylum Procedures Directive.   Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School Institute for European Studies. Political Science.

    Doctoral Thesis.

    30 March 2019.


    Hofmans, Mara, Een verloren toekomst?   Een kritische discoursanalyse van krantenartikels over niet-begeleide minderjarigen  Brussels Interdisciplinary Research centre on Migration and MinoritiesHistory, Archeology, Arts, Philosophy and Ethics. Centre for Ethics and Humanism.  Centre of Expertise on Gender, Diversity and Intersectionality.  Master’s Thesis.


    Moonen, Rhea, Compassie als politieke strategie?     Een kwalitatieve analyse naar het gebruik van compassie in het politiek discours rond asielzoekers en vluchtelingen.   Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business SchoolBrussels Interdisciplinary Research centre on Migration and Minorities. Centre for Information, Documentation and Research on Brussels.   Innovation, Diversity and Educational Approaches .Political Science.

    Master’s Thesis.   May 2019.


    Torres Vaca, Domenica Simoneth, Disinformation, misinformation and the European migrant crisis

    Mechanisms to avoid the reinforcement of social division in Europe #tacklingfakenews.

    Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences and Solvay Business School. Communication Sciences. Studies in Media, Innovation and Technology.

    Master’s Thesis.

    September 2019.


    Van Landschoot, Lisa, Fertility and Partner Choice of the Descendants of Immigrants in Belgium

    Sociale wetenschappen. Sociologie.

    24 juni 2019.


    Vansteenbrugge, Lop, Vluchtelingen en gezinsplanning in de reproductieve gezondheidscontext in Vlaanderen  Master in Gender en Diversiteit.





    University of Copenhagen


    Kristensen, Marlene Paulin, Relocating Europe   Border Officials and their everyday attempts to stabilise borders.

    24 May 2019.



    Poulsen, Frederik, The black hole in Isaiah    A study of exile as a literary theme.

    Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2019. XIV, 475 p. 

    Dissertation 2019.


    Tanious, Rene, The Portrayal of Refugees in Public and Private German News Reporting Before and After the Cologne Mass Sexual Assault 

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 104 p.   Magisterarbeit 2016.






    Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus – Senftenberg


    Radoli, Lydia Ouma, Narratives of Migration and Development as Discourses in Transnational Digital Migrant Media

    The Case of Kenyan Migration to Europe.

    Fakultät für Wirtschaft, Recht und Gesellschaft. 29 January 2019. 236 p. Dissertation 2019.



    Bucerius Law School Hamburg


    Rochow, Moritz von, Transnationale Nomaden im Völkerrecht  Staatsgrenzen und die Migration von Völkern.   Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. 2019. 410 p.  Dissertation 2017.



    Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


    Reinhardt, Karoline,  Migration und Weltbürgerrecht Zur Aktualität eines Theoriestücks der politischen Philosophie Kants.

    Freiburg / München: Verlag Karl Alber. 2019. 336 p.

    Dissertation 2017.



    Europa-Universität Flensburg


    Köchling-Farahwaran, Juliane, Bedeutung von Heimat für ältere Migrantinnen und Migranten   Eine multidisziplinäre und empirische Studie.

    Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. 2019. 416 p.   

    Dissertation 2018.



    Freie Universität Berlin


    Georgi, Fabian, Managing migration?  Eine kritische Geschichte der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM). Berlin: Bertz + Fischer. 2019. 445 p.   Dissertation 2016.


    Jänchen, Annabelle, Die dritte Stimme   Migration in der jüngeren deutschsprachigen Literatur.

    Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag. 2019. 94 p.

    MasterarbeitOsteuropa Institut, 2016/17.


    Narimani, Petra, "Frei und doch in Haft"    Drogenkonsum und Aufenthaltsstatus. 

    Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften.     

    Januar 2019. 293 p.     Dissertation 2018.


    Nesselrodt, Markus, Dem Holocaust entkommen Polnische Juden in der Sowjetunion, 1939-1946.

    Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. Europäisch-jüdische Studien / Beiträge ; Band 44. 2019. X, 390 p.

    Dissertation 2017.   


    Schmid, Antonia, Ikonologie der "Volksgemeinschaft"  "Deutsche" und das "Jüdische" im Film der Berliner Republik.  Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 2019. 559 p.  



    Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg


    Tanis, Kerstin, Immigration from the perspective of local labour markets

    2019. XI, 110 p.   Dissertation 2019.



    Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena


    Schulze, Maurice, Beschleunigung und soziale Praxis Kulturelle Kontingenzen am Beispiel philippinischer Migration.  2019. 202 p.

    Dissertation 2019.



    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


    Henning, Karla, Essays on Social Preferences in the Contexts of Donations, Migration Religious Worship and Insurance.

    Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät. February 2019. 301 p.


    Worm, Arne, Fluchtmigration   Eine biographietheoretische und figurationssoziologische Studie zu lebensgeschichtlichen Verläufen von Geflüchteten aus Syrien. Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät.

    Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.  März 2019. 287 p.

    Dissertation 2019.



    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


    Ranke, Sascha, Mehrsprachige Aufgabenplattformen in Sprachlernklassen. Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Flüchtlinge Eine Fallstudie.   München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 127 p.   Magisterarbeit 2016.


    Schulzki, Elisa, Klimaflüchtlinge? Eine Analyse der medialen Darstellung des Zusammenhangs von Umweltveränderungen und Migration : Alarmismus und Minimalismus in deutschen Zeitungsartikeln.  

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 88 p.    Magisterarbeit 2018.


    Stitzinger, Ulrich, Vom Potenzial zur Ressource  Pädagogische Fachkräfte im Kontext sprachlich-kultureller Diversität am Beispiel der Sprachbeobachtung.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XVI. 347 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Wipperfuerth, Nicole, Beziehungsarbeit mit zwangsmigrierten traumatisierten Kindern und Jugendlichen in der Schule     

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 95 p.  Magisterarbeit 2014.



    HafenCity Universität


    Jesella, Julia, Wohnen unterbringen Eine Analyse der Wohnpraxis vor und nach der Flucht in Bezug auf die Flüchtlingsunterkunft mit der Perspektive Wohnen in Hamburg-Bergedorf.   Januar 2019. 186 p.  Magisterarbeit.



    Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf


    König, Daniel, Politische Partizipation von Migranten in Europa  Hamburg: Kovac, Dr. Verlag. Studien zur Migrationsforschung, Band 19. 2019. 398 p. Dissertation 2018.


    Soukah, Zouheir, Der Orient im kulturellen Gedächtnis der Deutschen  Vergleichende Analyse ausgewählter Reiseberichte des 19. und beginnenden 21. Jahrhunderts.

    Berlin / Bern / Wien: Peter Lang. 2019. 227 p.   Dissertation 2016.



    Hochschule Fulda


    Fröba, Stefan, Ältere Migranten, Männlichkeiten, Marginalisierungen Eine sozialraumbezogene Intersektionalitätenanalyse.  Opladen / Berlin: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2019. 211 p.

    Dissertation, Promotionszentrum Soziale Arbeit.



    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin


    Ebner von Eschenbach, Malte, Relational reframe  Einsatz einer relationalen Perspektive auf Migration in der Erwachsenenbildungsforschung.   Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft. 2019. 354 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Wittler, Kathrin, Morgenländischer Glanz     Eine deutsche jüdische Literaturgeschichte (1750-1850).  Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 2019. XII, 620 p.

    Dissertation 2016.



    Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz


    Dröge, Rudolf, Zur Rolle von Sportvereinen bei der Integration von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Rheinland-Pfalz 

    Institut für Politikwissenschaft.

    Mainz: Universitätsbibliothek Mainz. 2019. 227 p. Masterarbeit 2018.


    Mücke, Johannes, Die haben so einen durchdringenden Blick, die Männer Eine empirische Untersuchung zur Konstruktion von Fremdheit.  Geographisches Institut.

    Mainz: Universitätsbibliothek Mainz. 2019. IX, 298 p.   Dissertation 2019.


    Sawallisch, Nele, Fugitive borders   Black Canadian cross-border literature at mid-nineteenth century.

    Bielefeld: transcript. 2019. 218 p. 

    Dissertation 2016.



    Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität zu Frankfurt am Main


    Dickmann, Olga, Gewalt in Verbindung mit Flüchtlingen   Analyse der Bedingungen für das Auftreten von Gewalt in Verbindung mit Flüchtlingen in den Aufnahmeländern Subsahara Afrikas.

    Frankfurt am Main: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität. 2019. XII, 328, XXIX, 30 p. Dissertation 2018.



    Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg


    Arslan, Tülin,  Kulturelle Anpassungsprozesse im Management Eine empirische Untersuchung bei deutschen Unternehmen in der Türkei. Hamburg: Dr. Kovac Verlag. April 2019. 476 p.  

    Dissertation 2018.



    Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen


    Abedi Moghadam, Mona, Diasporic exposure and cultural deviance :  A comparative reading of Philip Roth and V.S. Naipaul.

    Gießen: Universitätsbibliothek. 2019. 169 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Lehmann, Devrim, Erwerb von Handlungsfähigkeit durch Flüchtlingsfrauen   Migration als Sozialisation?

    Gießen: Universitätsbibliothek. 2019. 247 p.

    Fachbereich Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften




    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg


    Fröhlich, Beate, Musikförderung als Instrument der Integration im Spannungsfeld zwischen Integrations-, Bildungs- und Kulturpolitik

    Fakultät Bildung.

    Lüneburg: Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. Juni 2019. 610 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Welsch, Janina, Mobilitätsverhalten von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland Annäherungen an eine unbekannte Größe am Beispiel von Offenbach am Main.

    Fakultät Kulturwissenschaften.

    Lüneburg: Universitätsbibliothek der Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. 2019. 191 p.

    Dissertation April 2019.



    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München


    Güde, Elisabeth, Spracherinnerungen   Transkriptionen des Judezmo in zeitgenössischer Literatur.  Berlin: Neofelis Verlag. 2019. 307 p.  Dissertation 2017.


    Lemberger, Barbara Maria, Migration und Mittelschicht Eine Ethnografie sozialer Mobilität.

    Frankfurt: Campus Verlag. 2019. 214 p.



    Sabet, Navid, Political representation and redistribution   The economics of enfranchisement and undocumented migration.   Department of Economics.     

    München: Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität. 24 Juli 2019. 150 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Steinwachs, Thomas, Geography matters Spatial dimensions of trade, migration and growth.   München: ifo Institute, Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich. 2019. XV, 203 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Zander, Laura A., Writing back/reading forward  Reconsidering the postcolonial approach.   Berlin / Bern / Wien: Peter Lang. Munich studies in English. Band 43. 2019. 371 p.   Dissertation 2017.



    Niedersächsische Universität Göttingen 


    Worm, Arne, Fluchtmigration   Eine biographietheoretische und figurationssoziologische Studie zu lebensgeschichtlichen Verläufen von Geflüchteten aus Syrien. Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät.    Göttingen: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen.   März 2019. 287 p. Dissertation 2019.  



    Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg


    Ranger, Nadine, Medien als Mittler der Integration    Wie Geflüchtete sich informieren, womit sie sich medial unterhalten und welche Folgen dies hat.     Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. Bamberger Beiträge zur Kommunikations-wissenschaft; 10. 2019. 420 p.   Dissertation 2018.



    Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd 



    Schührer, Anne-Katrin, Migration und Engagement Zwischen Anerkennung, Lebensbewältigung und sozialer Inklusion.  mit einem Vorwort der Reihenherausgeber und -herausgeberinnen Prof. Dr. Jürgen Burmeister, Prof. Dr. Süleyman Gögercin, Prof. Dr. René Gründer, Prof. Dr. Klaus Grunwald, Prof. Dr. Ute Koch und Prof. Dr. Karin E. Sauer und einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Stefan Immerfall.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS . 2019. XVI, 431 p. 

    Dissertation 2018.



    Philipps-Universität Marburg


    Kotzur, Patrick Ferdinand, The role of intergroup contact in shaping the social perception of forced migrants during the "migration crisis"   Marburg/Lahn. Januar 2019. 195 p.  Dissertation 2019.


    Moon, Byung Ho, Die Ausgrenzung von Fremden im Esra-Nehemiabuch  Berlin / Münster: LIT. 2019. 321 p. Dissertation 2016.


    Strohmaier, Alena, Medienraum Diaspora  Verortungen zeitgenössischer iranischer Diasporafilme.    Mit einem Geleitwort von Prof. Dr. Ivo Ritzer. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XII, 276 p    Dissertation 2018.


    Tahmaz, Birthe, Vom Nothilfeprogramm zur Normensetzung UNRWA im Spannungsfeld zwischen internationalen und lokalen Normen.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XIV, 221 p.

    Dissertation 2017.



    Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn


    Añonuevo, Augustus T., Successful Return Migration  A Study of Reintegration Experiences of Filipino Permanent Returnees.

    Philosophischen Fakultät.

    Bonn: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Bonn. 2019. 272 p.     Dissertation 2019.



    Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen


    Borgschulte, Hannah Sophia, Aufbau, Struktur und Nutzung einer Ambulanz für Flüchtlinge in 2015  156 p.     Dissertation 2019.


    Fabritius, Franziska, Umweltmigration als sicherheitspolitische Herausforderung Szenarioanalyse am Beispiel einer möglichen Klimaflucht aus Nordafrika.  Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XXII, 337 p. Dissertation 2018.


    Kleinfeld, Cornelis, A non-language-specific speech test to evaluate the speech of cleft patients from different language and cultural backgrounds   A pilot study.

    55 p. Dissertation 2019.



    Ruhr-Universität Bochum


    Çim, Merve, Analysis of labor markets and migration The role of education, skills and tasks.

    Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaft.2019. 119 p.


    Fazal, Sajida, Intra-religious diversity among Pakistani Muslim migrants in Germany

    Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Fakultät für Philologie. 2019. 222 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Strenger, Natascha, Akademische Migration und internationale Masterstudiengänge in den Ingenieurwissenschaften

    Bochum: Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Fakultät für Sozialwissenschaft.2019. 300 p. Dissertation 2018.



    Technische Universität Berlin


    Kretzschmar, Katharina, Identitäten im Konflikt    Palästinensische Erinnerung an die Nakba 1948 und deren Wirkung auf die dritte Generation.   Vorwort von Wolfgang Benz.

    Bielefeld: transcript. 2019. 209 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Yu, Jieqiong, Vom Fremden zum Eigenen  Filmische Adoption im interkulturellen Kontext.    2019. 214 p.   Dissertation 2019.


    Universität Augsburg


    Helmschrott, Stefanie, Migranten in der Erzähldichtung des deutschen Mittelalters Philologisch-Historischen Fakultät.

    Augsburg: Universität Augsburg. 2019. 247 p. 

    Dissertation September 2017.


    Reichert, Carmen, Poetische Selbstbilder  Deutsch-jüdische und jiddische Lyrikanthologien 1900-1938. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. 350 p.   Dissertation 2017.



    Universität Bielefeld


    Güner, Pınar Burcu, The German good life I want  Voices of Turkish origin girls.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. IX, 158 p.



    Mosuela, Cleovi, Injecting Moral-laden Discourses into Global Migration Governance   The Case of the Recruitment of Filipino Nurses to Germany.

    Bielefeld: Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld. 2019. 198 p.

    Dissertation Oktober 2017.



    Universität Bremen


    Arhin-Sam, Kwaku, Return migration, reintegration and sense of belonging The case of skilled Ghanaian returnees. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2019. 335 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Bunse, Anna-Lena, Migrant entrepreneurship network structures  Wiesbaden: Springer Gable. 2019. XII, 193 p. Masterarbeit.


    Hemetek, Ursula, Partizipation im Wohnumfeld Benachteiligungsaspekte bei der Teilhabe von sozial benachteiligten Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund an der Gestaltung ihres Wohnumfeldes aus Public Health Perspektive.

    Bremen: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen. 2019. 215 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Kasten, Jobst-Christian, Die Rom III-Verordnung und ihre Anwendung auf das Ehescheidungsrecht der Flüchtlingsstaaten Syrien, Afghanistan und Eritrea Stand April 2019.   Ph.D.   317 p.


    Zettl, Evamaria, Mehrsprachigkeit und Literalität in der Kindertagesstätte  Frühe sprachliche Bildung in einem von Migration geprägten Stadtviertel.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XII, 302 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Bremen & and Jacobs University


    Volkmann, Constanze, Muslim women in Austria and Germany doing and undoing gender   Making gender differences and hierarchies relevant or irrelevant.

    Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences at University Bremen and Jacobs University.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XII, 318 p.

    Dissertation 2017.



    Universität der Bundeswehr München


    Fülling, Hanna, Religion und Integration in der deutschen Islampolitik Entwicklungen,

    Analysen, Ausblicke.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XVIII, 541 p. Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Duisburg-Essen


    Olfert, Helena, Spracherhalt und Sprachverlust bei Jugendlichen  Eine Analyse begünstigender und hemmender Faktoren für Spracherhalt im Kontext von Migration.  

    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 2019. 315 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Greifswald


    Suchacka, Weronika, "Beyond the border" Constructions of identities in Ukrainian‐Canadian literature = "Za hranetsiu".

    Augsburg: Wißner. 2019. 440 p.

    Dissertation 2011.



    Universität Hamburg


    Adedeji, Adekunle Moses, Quality of life, subjective integration and social capital of Sub-Saharan African migrants in Germany

    Hamburg: Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. 2019. 133 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Dickow, Sonja, Konfigurationen des (Zu-)Hauses   Diaspora-Narrative und Transnationalität in jüdischen Literaturen der Gegenwart.

    Berlin: J.B. Metzler. 2019. VIII, 272 p.



    Förster, Stine von, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit durch Migrationskontrolle?

    Eine völkerstrafrechtliche Untersuchung zur Situation an den südlichen EU-Außengrenzen.

    Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, Verlag der Staats- und Universitätsbiblitothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky. 2019. XXI, 358 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Meyer, Sandra Annika, Grenzenlose Mutterliebe?

    die Mutter als Alteritätsfigur in ausgewählten transkulturellen Familiennarrativen der Gegenwartsliteratur: Aglaja Veteranyi - Zsuzsa Bánk – SAID.

    Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. 343 p.  Dissertation.


    Schmidt, Jara, Literarische Narreteien Karnevaleske Strategien in deutsch- und englischsprachigen Migrationsromanen der Gegenwart.

    Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. 328 p.    



    Thiemann, Jule, (Post-)migrantische Flanerie Transareale Kartierung in Berlin-Romanen der Jahrtausendwende.

    Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. 222 p.



    Villagómez Moncayo, Byron E., The punitive meanings of immigration control within the realm of criminal courts’ decision making

    An in-depth qualitative case-study of the Spanish crimmigration regime.

    Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften.  

    Hamburg : Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg. 2019. 261 p.    Dissertation 2017.


    Zölch, Janina, Migration in der Adoleszenz

    Eine biographische Studie zu jungen Männern aus Spätaussiedlerfamilien.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. IX, 470 p.

    Dissertation 2017.



    Universität Kassel


    Fritzemeyer, Korinna, Intergenerationelle Weitergabe von Traumatisierungen im Kontext von kollektiver Verfolgung und Zwangsmigration

    Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaften/Humanwissenschaften. Fachgebiet Psychoanalyse.

    Kassel: Universitätsbibliothek Kassel. 2019. 76 p.

    Dissertation 2019.


    Kämpfe, Karin, Kindheiten in europäischen Migrationsgesellschaften

    Orientierungen von Kindern im Kontext von Migration und Differenz.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XI, 330 p.

    Dissertation 2017.


    Saberi, Roshanak, Interkulturelle Kommunikation an deutschen Hochschulen am Beispiel von Sprechstundengesprächen

    Ein diskursanalytisch fundiertes Angebot zur Verbesserung der Kommunikationsfähigkeit internationaler Studierender.

    Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto. 2019. 285 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Köln


    Chardey, Benjamin, Migration im Prozess institutioneller Verarbeitung

    'Wem gefällt schon die deutsche Bürokratie?'

    Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. 2019. 431 p.

    Dissertation 2018.    


    Massumi, Mona, Migration im Schulalter

    Systemische Effekte der deutschen Schule und Bewältigungsprozesse migrierter Jugendlicher.

    Berlin / Bern / Wien: Peter Lang. 2019. 443 p.

    Dissertation 2018. 


    Preissing, Sonja, Jugend am Rande der Stadt

    Eine vergleichende Studie zu Marginalisierung und Raumaneignung in Deutschland und Frankreich.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. IX, 388 p.

    Dissertation 2016.



    Universität Leipzig


    Labisch, Diana, From Critical Race Theory to Critical Religion Theory

    An Adaptation for In-Country Struggles based on Race, Religion, Skin Color, and Capitals. A Globalized Cultural, Social, Political, Educational, Historical, and Contemporary “East versus West” Crisis.

    Philologische Fakultät.

    April 2019. 276 p.



    Universität Mannheim


    Golgath, Marius, Le cœur étrange et l’âme française?

    Kaufleute, Händler und Unternehmer in Lille: eine vergleichende Studie zur britischen, deutschen und schweizerischen Migration nach Nordfrankreich (1789-1914).

    Ubstadt-Weiher / Heidelberg / Weil am Rhein: Verlag Regionalkultur. 2019. 419 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Osnabrück  


    Kaufhold, Jan Andreas, Migration und Weltwirtschaftskrise

    Wanderungen im Deutschen Reich in den späten 1920er und frühen 1930er Jahren.

    Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh. 2019. 558 p.

    Dissertation 2015.


    Lang, Christine, Die Produktion von Diversität in städtischen Verwaltungen

    Wandel und Beharrung von Organisationen in der Migrationsgesellschaft.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. X, 368 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Schwiertz, Helge, Migration und radikale Demokratie

    Politische Selbstorganisierung von migrantischen Jugendlichen in Deutschland und den USA.

    Bielefeld: transcript. 2019. 393 p.

    Dissertation 2019.



    Universität Paderborn


    Edjabou, Aqtime Gnouléléng, Die Konstruktionen von Afrika im Migrations- und Entwicklungspolitikdiskurs in der deutschen Presse 2000–2010

    Eine kritische Diskursanalyse.

    Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. 279 p.

    Dissertation 2017.  



    Universität Passau


    Karch, Simone, Wir und die Anderen

    Die Haltung der Mehrheitsgesellschaft gegenüber Migranten vor dem Hintergrund der sozialen Identität: Eine empirische Studie.

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 113 p.

    Diplomarbeit 2011.



    Universität Potsdam


    Civitillo, Sauro, Teachers’ cultural diversity beliefs and culturally responsive practices

    Faculty of Human Sciences. Inclusive Education Diversity in Education and Development.

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).  March 27, 2019. 161 p. ubp/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/42776/file/civitillo_diss.pdf



    Universität Siegen


    Buchna, Jennifer, Organisationale Deutungsmuster im Kontext Schule, Migration und Rassismus  

    Eine Fallstudie im qualitativen Längsschnitt.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. 396 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Stuttgart


    Deiss-Helbig, Elisa, "Within the secret garden of politics"

    Candidate selection and the representation of immigrant-origin citizens in Germany. Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschafte.

    Stuttgart: Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Stuttgart. 2019. 288 p.  

    Dissertation November 2018.



    Universität Trier


    Caruso, Clelia, Befristete Migration und transnationaler Lebensstil

    Italienerinnen und Italiener in einer wallonischen Bergbaugemeinde nach 1945.

    Wien / Köln / Weimar: Böhlau Verlag. 2019. 666 p.

    Dissertation 2010.



    Universität Würzburg

    Körner, Maria Luisa Mariscal de, Migration und Integration durch Recht

    Eine vergleichende Studie zu mexikanischen Gastarbeitern in den USA und türkischen Gastarbeitern in Deutschland.

    Berlin / Bern / Wien: Peter Lang. 2019. 214 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    University Bremen & Jacobs University


    Volkmann, Constanze, Muslim women in Austria and Germany doing and undoing gender

    Making gender differences and hierarchies relevant or irrelevant.

    Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XII, 218 p.

    Dissertation 2017.



    University of Frankfurt (Main)


    Kurucz, Örs, The Representation of Violence

    A Comparison between Frederick Douglass` Slave Narrative and Richard Wright’s Autobiography “Black Boy”.   

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 129 p. Magisterarbeit 2015.



    University of Rostock


    Vatterrott, Anja, Fertility and family dynamics of east-west German migrants


    180 p.



    Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster


    Batzke, Ina, Undocumented migrants in the United States

    Life narratives and self-representations.

    London / New York: Routledge, 2019. XI, 199 p.

    Dissertation 2018.


    Bergedieck, Alina Lisa, Die Hoffnung auf einen "Safe Haven"

    Lebensgeschichtliche Forschung unter Migranten im Münsterland.   Baden-Baden: Nomos. 2019. 328 p.

    Dissertation 2018.  

    [Die Dissertation stellt 26 Biographien und Migrationsgeschichten von Migranten aus 11 verschiedenen Landern vor, die zwischen 2011 und 2015 nach Deutschland kamen]


    Kane, Marie-Isabel, Deutschland und Frankreich im globalen Wettbewerb um Talente Zwischen europäischer Harmonisierung und nationaler Kompetenzwahrung.

    Berlin / Münster: LIT. 2019. 421 p.

    Dissertation 2018.  


    Schrage, Eva-Maria, Jüdische Religion in Deutschland

    Säkularität, Traditionsbewahrung und Erneuerung.  Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. X, 283 p.

    Dissertation 2016.


    Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover


    Ranke, Sascha, Mehrsprachige Aufgabenplattformen in Sprachlernklassen

    Deutsch als Zweitsprache für Flüchtlinge. Eine Fallstudie.

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 127 p.

    Magisterarbeit 2016.





    Tampere University


    Li, Hanwei, The Journey of a Thousand Miles

    Chinese Student Migration and Integration in Finland and Germany.

    Faculty of Education and Culture. March 1st, 2019. 212 p.


    Osso, Berfin Nur, Rethinking Rightlessness

    The “Right to Have Rights” and the EU-Turkey Statement.

    Faculty of Management and Business.

    Master. April 2019. 121 p.






    Institut d'études politiques, Paris


    Mützelburg, Irina Béatrice, Multi-level transfer of international norms

    Asylum policies and practices in Ukraine (1993-2015)/ Les transferts de normes internationales multi-niveaux  Politiques et pratiques de l’asile en Ukraine (1993-2015).

    Science politique.

    January 29, 2019. 613 p.

    Le texte intégral de cette thèse n'est pas accessible en ligne.



    Normandie Université


    Alzarouni, Fahad, Le régime juridique de l’action internationale des Émirats Arabes Unis en faveur des réfugiés


    4 Février 2019. 314 p



    Université de Bologne


    Bittoni, Giulia, L'apatride en droit international et européen

    The Status of Stateless Persons in International Law and in European Law. Droit public.

    Thèse de doctorat.

    Juin 2019.



    Université de Lille


    Koumba, Rolph Roderick, L’Afrique dans le monde, le monde depuis l’Afrique Etudes croisées des œuvres d’Alain Mabanckou, d'Achille Mbembe, de Léonora Miano, de Célestin Monga et de Fatou Diome.

    Thèse de doctorat en Langues et littérature françaises.

    Juin 2019.



    Université Paris-Est


    Kassam, Mebarka, Entre radicalisation violente et islamophobie :

    L’expérience comparée d'étudiants musulmans engagés au sein d'Étudiants Musulmans de France (EMF) et de Federation of Students Islamic Societies (FOSIS) en Grande-Bretagne (2005 – 2015) : Between violent radicalization and islamophobia : the comparative experience of Muslim students involved in Étudiants Musulmans de France (EMF) and Federation of students islamic societies (FOSIS) in Britain (2005 – 2015).

    Langues et littératures étrangères.



    Université Paris-Saclay


    Moncada, Marie, L’homéostasie idéelle

    Comprendre la stabilité de l’accès aux soins des étrangers irréguliers en France et aux États-Unis (1970-2016). Science politique.

    27 mai 2019. 654 p.



    Université Toulouse


    Maugendre, Maëlle, Femmes en exil

    Les réfugiées espagnoles en France (1939-1942).

    Tours: Presses universitaires François-Rabelais, 2019. 360 p.

    Dissertation Université Toulouse 2 2013.






    University of Dublin Trinity College


    Smyth, Kate, Explorations of "an alien past"

    Identity, Gender, and Belonging in the Short Fiction of Mavis Gallant, Alice Munro, and Margaret Atwood.

    School of English. 2019. 333 p. PhD.






    Università degli studi di Milano


    Galstyan, Nare, Engaging stateless and statelinked diasporas

    Assyrians and Armenians in The Netherlands. Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche.

    April 16, 2019. 303 p.






    OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University


    Hervie, Vyda Mamley, Immigrant Healthcare Assistants in Norwegian Elderly Care

    Roles and Experiences in the Land of Equality.

    Faculty of Social Sciences. Department of Social Work and Social Policy.  Dissertation for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).  Spring 2019. 318 p.



    University of Bergen


    Admassie, Tesfaye TarikuNon-Communicable diseases health information among refugees in Norway

    The Case of Ethiopian and Eritrean refugees in Bergen.  Faculty of Psychology. Department of Health Promotion and Development.

    Master Thesis. June 20, 2019. 75 p.


    Haghighat, Shirin Nasrin, Das Leben im Exil

    Dargestellt aus der Perspektive von Kindern und Jugendlichen in zeitgeschichtlicher Literatur ; Life in exile: depicted through the eyes of children and young adults in contemporary literature.

    Institut für Fremdsprachen. Master Thesis. 21 Juni 2019. 88 p.


    Shupp, Kendy Marie, "It's like you have to fit in either way in both cultures. You have to find a way in between"

    An exploration of young immigrant women's experiences negotiating cultures in Norway.

    The faculty of psychology. Master’s program in health promotion and health psychology. 

    Master Thesis.    

    June 7, 2019. 109 p.



    University of Oslo


    Bjelland, Heidi Fischer, Facing Complexity

    Police officers’ reasoning and response to human trafficking.

    Faculty of Social Sciences. Department of Sociology and Human Geography.


    2019. 96 p.



    University of Stavanger


    Pequeña, April Joy, Representations of Home and Identity for the Migrant Woman in Mohsin Hamid’s Exit West (2017)

    Master's thesis in Literacy Studies.

    May 5, 2019. 84 p.





    Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt


    Brandmaier, Maximiliane, Angepasstes und widerständiges Handeln in der Lebensführung geflüchteter Menschen

    Handlungsfähigkeit im Verhältnis zu Anerkennung und (psycho-)sozialer Unterstützung in österreichischen Sammelunterkünften.

    Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. 2019. 541 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    FH Joanneum University of Applied Science


    Molin Pradel, Johanna, Hochschulbildung in der Migrationsgesellschaft

    Strukturelle Barrieren im tertiären Bildungssektor für Migrant*innen.

    Department für Bauen, Energie & Gesellschaft. Institut Soziale Arbeit. Studiengang Soziale Arbeit. Masterarbeit.

    Juni 2019. 103 p.



    Johannes Kepler Universität Linz


    Bayer, Thomas, The Impact of Social Media on the Integration Process of Refugees in Austria 

    Institute of Innovation Management.

    Master Thesis.

    May 2019. 87 p.


    Grömmer, Alexander Amadeus, Einmal Studium bitte! Zum Mitnehmen oder hier Essen?

    Motive, Erwartungen und Erfahrungen von Nicht-EU Studierende mit einer "Aufenthaltsbewilligung-Student" in Österreich.  Ein tiefer Einblick dieser LebenskünstlerInnen.

    Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Institut für Soziologie.  Masterarbeit.

    April 2019. IX, 92 p.


    Mayrhofer, Brigitte, Der emotionale Ton in der medialen Berichterstattung zum Zeitpunkt der „Flüchtlingskrise“ (2015/2016)

    Ein Vergleich zweier österreichischer Tageszeitungen.

    Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Pädagogik und Psychologie. Abteilung für Sozialpsychologie, Personalentwicklung und Erwachsenenbildung.

    April 2019. 89 p.


    Webhofen, Daniel, Integration von MigrantInnen & die Bedeutung der Sprache Situation in Deutschland

    Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Gesellschafts- und Sozialpolitik.


    März 2019. 82 p.



    Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz


    Batljan, Ana, Die bosnisch-kroatische Community in Graz  Zur Sozialintegration der zweiten Generation.

    Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät | Institut für Geschichte.


    April 2019. 128 p.


    Čataković, Medina, Integriert, aber auch akzeptiert?

    Junge MuslimInnen in Graz und ihr subjektives Erleben von Integration, Inklusion und sozialer Anerkennung.

    Umwelt-, Regional- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft. Masterarbeit.

    Januar 2019. 141 p.


    Darnhofer-Troester, Bernd, Schwimmen als Integrationshilfe für weibliche muslimische Flüchtlinge

    Ein Projekt in Gleisdorf.

    Naturwissenschaften. Institut für Sportwissenschaften.

    2019. 117 p.


    Gartler, Maxim, Soziale Beziehungen von Flüchtlingen aus Syrien und Afghanistan im Kontext ihres Erwerbslebens

    Eine problemzentrierte Netzwerkanalyse.

    Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Soziologie.

    April 2019. VII, 118 p.


    Glinik, Elisa, Das Recht auf unabhängige Rechtsberatung im Asylverfahren in Österreich

    Global Studies. Institut für Völkerrecht und internationale Beziehungen. Masterarbeit. Mai 2019. 134 p.


    Haider, Kerstin, "A happy African feminist who does not hate men"

    A feminist reading of Adichie’s fiction.

    Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Anglistik.  Mai 2019. 92 p.


    Heimhart, Marina, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten für LehrerInnen im Kontext von Flucht und Migration

    Umwelt-, Regional- und Bildungswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft.


    2019. 92 p.


    Jankrift, Melanie, Bildungserfolg von Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund

    Eine Metastudie zur narrativen Kompetenz als Indikator für das Vorhandensein von protoliteraten Strukturen.

    Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Institut für Sprachwissenschaft.

    Masterarbeit.  Mai 2019. 128 p.


    Korb, Christina, Discourses on language and diversity

    A sociolinguistic-ethnographic study of multilingualism in Austrian schools.

    Geisteswissenschaftliche Fakultät.Institut für Sprachwissenschaft.

    Dissertation.   26 Februar 2019. 231 p.


    Mahalbašić, Nura, Eingliederung in die österreichische Gesellschaft

    Eine empirische Untersuchung bosniakischer MigrantInnen der ersten und zweiten Generation.

    Global Studies. Institut für Geschichte.


    Mai 2019. 158 p.


    Mandl, Laura Anna, Latino/a families be like... 

    Constructing immigrant Latino/a identities and family relations in U.S. Popular Culture.  An analysis based on selected media examples by LeJuan James, Jenny Lorenzo and ¿Qué pasa, U.S.A.?

    Institut für Amerikanistik. Diplomarbeit.

    2019. 120 p.


    Pasch, Harald, Flüchtlingshilfe als politischer Aktivismus

    Eine Analyse der Dolmetschtätigkeit der freiwilligen HelferInnen während der ungarischen Flüchtlingskrise im Sommer 2015.

    Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Translationswissenschaft. 


    2019. 113 p.


    Skalnik, Birgit, Herausforderungen junger, geflüchteter SchülerInnen im (Schul-) Alltag

    Wie Lebenserfahrungen die Gegenwart beeinflussen. 

    Institut für Erziehungs- und Bildungswissenschaft.


    März 2019. 108 p.



    Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck


    Beiu, Sonia Vanesa, Nachfluchtgründe im österreichischen Asylverfahren

    Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät.

    Mag. iur.

    April 2019. 69 p.


    Manzl, Lisa, Encounter the Other

    The Potential of Refugee Encounter Narratives to Interrupt Othering processes.

    Fakultät für LehrerInnenbildung. Institut für Fachdidaktik. Bereich Didaktik der Sprachen.

    Februar 2019. II, 132 p.


    Scheffler, Robin-Laura, The role of public sector intermediaries for the construction of competences and values of migrants


    2019. II, 83 p.


    Tries, Tamara, Kleine Gesten der (Un)Menschlichkeit

    Ankommen in Österreich.

    Fakultät für Soziale und Politische Wissenschaften. AB ULG Peace Studies. MA Program in Peace, Development, Security and International Conflict Transformation. Master of Arts.

    2019. 176 p.



    Technische Universität Wien


    Schwaderer, Carla, Ankunftsräume für geflüchtete afghanische Frauen in Wien

    Fakultät für Architektur und Raumplanung. Institut für Kunst und Gestaltung.  2019. 220 p.


    Siretioglu Girgin, Sefa Zeynep, Migration Patterns between Germany and Turkey An Agent-Based Model.

    Herzogenrath: Shaker Verlag. September 2019. 176 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Universität Wien


    Haindorfer, Raimund, Lebenszufriedenheit und Pendelerfolg

    Ost-West-Pendelnde aus Tschechien, Slowakei und Ungarn in Österreich.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. XXII, 307 p.



    Wais,Tatjana Maria, Exil-Erinnerung-Identität

    Identitätskonstruktion in Stefan Zweigs "Die Welt von gestern" und Albert Drachs "Unsentimentale Reise"

    Diplomarbeit. 2019. 103 p.


    Yasinskyi, Vadym, Legal aspects of the EU policy in tackling the migration crisis

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 80 p.

    Magisterarbeit 2018.






    Aston University


    Shami, Muntasir, Institutional change and entrepreneurship

    The impact of incremental change, change due to conflict, and social change captured by migration.

    Ph.D. 2019. 216 p.



    Bangor University


    Otaif, Fahad, Semantic associations, epistemic priming and cognitive mechanisms in media discourse

    A critical analysis of the British press use of the term Muslim women.

    School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics College of Arts and Humanities.

    Doctorate of Philosophy in Linguistics.

    2019. 340 p.



    Birkbeck, University of London.


    Shakiba, Nooshin, The effects of socio-biographical background, acculturation, and personality on Persian immigrants' swearing behaviour

    Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication. Doctoral thesis.

    August 2019. 294 p.



    Cardiff University


    Sidat, Haroon, Formation and training of British Muslim scholars (Ulama) An ethnography of a Dar al-Uloom in Britain.

    November 2019.

    Restricted to Repository staff only until 7 November 2020.



    City, University of London


    Hanchard, Jana, A deeper look at how therapists experience working with Black clients in clinical practice using Cognitive Behaviour Therapy   A grounded theory.

    Department of Psychology.

    Professional Doctorate in Psychology (DPsych).  January 2019. 230 p.



    De Montfort University


    Elarbash, Suhyla Salem, The Place of Western Cultures in the Learning and Teaching of EFL in Libyan Secondary School Education

    An investigation into perceptions of Libyan EFL secondary teachers and students regarding the integration of Western cultures into the teaching and learning of EFL. Faculty of Arts, Design and Humanities.


    March 2019. 341 p.



    Durham University


    Chaplin, Melissa Rae, The experiences of refugee creative writers

    An intersectional feminist study.

    Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy.

    October 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 19 Oct 2020.


    Zawacki, Sarah Gabriella,  A sense of injustice

    Experiences of the Central and Eastern European Roma in accessing UK health and public services.

    Faculty of Social Sciences & Health. Ph.D.  4 March 2019.



    Goldsmiths College (University of London)


    Douglas, Omega, Backstories/black stories

    Black journalists, INGOs and the racial politics of representing sub-Saharan Africa in mainstream UK news media.

    Doctoral thesis.

    2019. 279 p.


    Halász, Katalin, A visual sociology of white woman

    Investigating and creating affective performances of anti-racist white femininities.


    Thesis embargoed until 31 May 2022.


    Rivera Volosky, Ignacio, Performing exile, music and politics

    El Sueño Existe festival in Wales and the legacy of Víctor Jara.

    Ph.D. in Sociology.    January 2019. 280 p.


    Stanger, Camilla, "We rehearsed ... we was serious ... they're my girls"

    Developing an embodied pedagogy of hope with young black women 'at risk' of exclusion in an inner London college.

    Doctoral thesis.

    2019. 315 p.



    King's College London


    Adams, Sally Linda, Law and the construction of highly skilled migrant identity in the United Kingdom

    Ph.D.  2019. 380 p.


    Brehony, Louis, Musical transmission and Palestinian exile narratives


    1 June 2019. 291 p.


    Chelvan, S., At the end of the rainbow

    Where next for the queer refugee?

    Understanding queer refugees' lives: moving from sexual conduct to identity in sexual orientation/identity asylum cases in England and Wales.

    Doctoral Thesis. Doctor of Philosophy.

    1 June 2019.


    Crepin, Mathilde Manon, The Notion of Persecution in the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its Relevance for the Protection Needs of Refugees in the 21st Century

    Doctoral Thesis. Doctor of Philosophy in Law.

    April 2019. 302 p.


    Ermansons, Guntars, "This substance is not an easy substance"

    The politics and morality of khat use and control in a London Somali community.

    Doctoral Thesis. Doctor of Philosophy.

    February 2019.


    Smith, Paul Aidan, Intimate diversity

    An Anglican practical theology of interreligious marriage.

    Doctorate in Theology and Ministry.  220 p.



    Lancaster University


    Winterson, Marie, Exploring psychosocial and therapeutic needs among refugees and asylum-seekers

    Faculty of Health and Medicine. Health Research.


    2019. 139 p.


    Loughborough University 


    Chatzopoulos, Ioannis, Sport policy, citizenship and the social integration of immigrants in Denmark

    Ph. D.

    2019. 333 p.


    Tebbett, Natalie, Internationalising UK students through migrant academic staff

    Ph. D.

    June 2019. 272 p.



    Middlesex University


    Danesh, Armin Hamid, Exploring Iranian political refugees’ experiences in Britain

    Phoenix rises from the ashes. An existential-phenomenological study.   New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling.

    June 2019. 403 p.



    Northumbria University.


    Hasan, Marina, Bullying and Harassment of Black and Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) women within the Police Services in England

    Race, Gender and Police Culture.

    Doctoral thesis.

    July 2019.



    Royal College of Art


    Landvreugd, Robert (Charl), Imagining, tracing, experiencing, inhabiting, projecting

    Locating Afro artists as culturally native to the Dutch art world. PhD thesis..

    June 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 10 June 2022.



    University College London


    Beinart, Katherine Lusi Emma, Détour and Retour

    Practices and poetics of salt as narratives of relation and re-generation in Brixton. PhD Architectural Design. January 2019. 513 p.


    Ghoddousi, Pooya, Dimorphic diasporas Assembling identity, community belonging, and collective action among Iranians.

    Thesis embargoed until 01 June 2024.


    Loris-Rodionoff, Charlotte, Of Revolutionary Transformations

    Life in Displacement at the Syrian-Turkish Border.  Doctoral thesis (Ph.D).

    Under embargo.


    Simon, Miranda Soledad, The Effects of Immigration Policy on Migration Systems

    Doctoral thesis

    28 March 2019. 411 p.


    Twumasi - Ankrah, Yvette, Being Black, Being British, Being Ghanaian

    Second Generation Ghanaians, Class, Identity, Ethnicity and Belonging.

    Doctoral thesis.

    2019. 296 p.



    University of Aberdeen


    Moderbacher, Christine, Crafting lives in Brussels

    Making and mobility on the margins.

    Doctor of Philosophy in Anthropology.

    January 2019. 262 p.



    University of Bath


    Jones, Michael, The campaign for control  Immigration and ideology in the UK Parliament, 1961-2016.

    Politics, Languages & International Studies.
    Thesis Ph.D.

    13 February 2019. 275 p.


    Phan, Long, The intersection of gender and ethnicity and traditional American-ethos type international school leadership positions



    University of Birmingham


    Elmali, Ayse, Muslim - non-Muslim marriages in the UK

    Perspectives from Muslim women experiencing marriage to non-Muslims.   Thesis Ph.D.

    Thesis embargoed until 01 January 2025.


    Purbrick-Thompson, Katherine Emily, Mahomet ou la république versus Mahomet et la république

    Islam and republicanism in France since 1989.

    School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music, Department of Modern Languages. Master of Arts by Research.

    2019. 135 p.



    University of Brighton


    Mears, Helen, Museums, diaspora communities and diasporic cultures

    A Kachin case study.

    School of Humanities. Centre for Design History.

    Ph.D. 287 p.


    Wilding, Joanna, The business of justice

    State-driven market failure in immigration and asylum legal aid.

    Brighton Business School

    Under embargo.



    University of Bristol


    Hudson, Ben, Challenges in the law of IDP returns

    Faculty of Social Sciences and Law.

    March 2019. 244 p.


    Khelaifat, Nadia, Seen but seldom heard

    the healthcare experiences and needs of migrant women affected by domestic violence and abuse.

    Thesis PhD. Thesis embargoed until 19 March 2020.


    Pencheva, Denny, Securitising Bulgarians and Romanians in British print media

    Thesis PhD. Thesis embargoed until 25 June 2020.


    Sealy, Thomas, Identity, Difference, Religion

    Multiculturalism and British Converts to Islam.

    School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies.

    23 January 2019. 212 p. Ph. D.


    Torbati, Atlas, Perspectives of Iranian men to sexual violence in the UK


    25 June 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 25 June 2029.


    Ward, Danielle Laurie, Resistance and Resilience

    The Attributes of Healthy Ageing for Older West Indians Living in the United Kingdom.

    Faculty of Social Sciences and Law. Centre for Research in Health and Social Care. School for Policy Studies. Ph.D.

    January 2019. 229 p.


    Wilding, Joanna, The business of justice

    State-driven market failure in immigration and asylum legal aid.

    Doctoral Thesis.

    March 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 14 Jun 2024.



    University of Cambridge


    Dazey, Margot Hélène Lizika, In Search of Respectability

    The Politics of the Union des organisations islamiques de France.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

    31 March 2019. Under embargo.


    Frey, Corinna, Organizing in times of global displacement and refugee crises

    Thesis PhD. 15 February 2019. [Tekst beschikbaar na betaling]


    Gazzotti, Lorena, Governing the 'immigration nation' 

    Development, humanitarianism and migration politics in Morocco.  Doctoral thesis.   April 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 25 April 2020.


    Harris, Jonathan Anthony, Tamazgha in France

    Indigeneity and citizenship in the diasporic Amazigh movement.

    Geography Department . Doctoral thesis.

    262 p.


    Hussein,Yasmin, A case study into how Muslim stakeholders in England perceive Islamic education at their Islamic school

    Doctoral thesis. Doctor of Education.

    31 March 2019.

    Under Embargo.


    Jonge, Léonie de, The Success & Failure of Right-Wing Populist Parties in the Benelux

    Politics and International Studies.

    November 30, 2019.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

    Onder embargo. Op verzoek mogelijk beschikbaar.


    Langrognet, Fabrice, A Microhistory of Migrants and Their Identifications in a Paris Tenement (1882-1932)

    Faculty of History.

    Doctoral thesis.

    July 2019. 471 p.


    Lukate, Johanna Melissa, What do I do with my hair?

    Identity, performance and social representations of Black hair in women of colour in England and Germany.    

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). May 25, 2019.

    Under Embargo.


    Rau, Vanessa M., Contesting the Secular and Converting Space in Berlin?

    Becoming Jewish in an Urban Scene.  

    Doctoral thesis.

    May 2019. 

    Under Embargo.


    Wang, Senhu, Cultural and social integration of British immigrants and ethnic minorities

    Exploring ethnic and generational differences in gender role attitudes, social networks, neighborhood attachment and work values.

    September 30, 2019.

    [Tekst beschikbaar na betaling]



    University of Dundee


    Fevre, Christopher,  "Injustice on their backs and justice on their minds"

    Political activism and the policing of London's Afro-Caribbean Community, 1945-1993.

    PhD thesis.

    Thesis embargoed until 31 January 2020.



    University of Edinburgh


    Dabbous, Dana, Critical inquiry into the education for refugee and migrant pupils

    The construction of primary teachers' practices in one city in Scotland.


    Thesis embargoed until 05 July 2020.


    Pogačnik, Anja, Religious change in Jain diaspora

    An ethnographic study of the Leicester Jain community.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

    March 2019.


    Wagner, Ann-Christin Birgit, Transnational mobilities during the Syrian war

    An ethnography of rural refugees and Evangelical humanitarians in Mafraq, Jordan.

    PhD in International Development.

    January 2019. 314 p.


    Wenning, Brianne Natasha, 'Most of the days is really, really good'

    Narratives of well-being and happiness among asylum seekers and refugees in the UK and the Gambia. Ph.D.

    July 8, 2019.

    Embargo end date: 08/07/2020.



    University of East London


    Ahamefule, Lambert B. M., The Acculturation Model in Second Language Learning

    A Cross-Linguistic Study of a Group of English-Speaking Nigerian Immigrants Learning German as a Second Language in Germany.

    PhD thesis.

    January 2019. 382 p.



    University of Essex


    Al-Abas, Maysaa Jihad Alwan, Cultural identity and the dilemma of "in-betweenness" in selected Arab-American and Jewish-American novels

    Faculty of Humanities. Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies.   Ph.D.

    July 2019.

    Restricted to Repository staff only until 3 July 2024.


    Chondrou, Fani, The effects of refugeedom on adolescents in Greece and the UK

    Negative responses, resilience and adversity-activated development.

    PhD thesis.

    Thesis embargoed until 15 February 2024.


    Darraj, Mahmoud, Investigating the problematic of migrant identity in South-Asian and Arab postcolonial fiction in English

    A cross-cultural comparison. 

    Thesis embargoed until 03 April 2022.


    Hayes, Annabel, Meeting needs with therapy

    Refugee and therapist experiences of psychodynamic psychotherapy.

    Thesis (D.Psych.).

    Thesis embargoed until 12 June 2022.


    Tucker, Ian, Exile, homecoming, and the remembered journey

    Towards a new writing of perspective, place and event.

    Faculty of Humanities. Department of Literature, Film, and Theatre Studies.

    PhD thesis.

    24 June 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 22 Jun 2024.



    University of Exeter


    Akhand, Z., Tax compliance in immigrant communities

    Bangladeshis in the UK.

    Ph.D. in Accountancy.

    March 2019. 417 p.


    Mavin, Rebecca, Producing and Contesting Precarity

    The Politics of the Body in the British Asylum System.

    Doctor of Philosophy in Security, Conflict, and Justice.

    February 2019. 371 p.


    Sahtout, R., Temporary refuge as a response to large-scale refugee influxes

    Doctor of Philosophy in Law.

    4 February 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 07 December 2020.



    University of Glasgow


    Peterson, Melike, Meeting spaces Everyday spaces of multicultural encounter in Glasgow.

    School of Geography and Earth Sciences. College of Science and Engineering. Ph. D.

    January 2019. 232 p.



    University of Huddersfield 


    Bangura, Alpha Omar, Exploring a sense of belonging amongst African refugees in the north of England

    What influences participation and engagement.

    Masters thesis.

    March 2019. 147 p.


    Braha, Gentiana, An exploration of displacement within diaspora and the use of memory and film to find cultural identity within cultural hybridity

    School of Art, Design and Architecture. Masters by Research.

    2019. 38 p.



    University of Kent


    Hegazy, Karim, Beyond rituals and national models of integration

    Muslim migrants' religiosity in a Western context.


    Restricted to Repository staff only until October 2022.


    Ozkan, Zafer, Intergroup contact and solidarity-based collective action intentions

    The role of affective and identity-based processes.

    Thesis embargoed until 01 January  2022.



    University of Leicester


    Abduljabbar, Dima Abdulmajeed, Arab American women's poetry of diaspora, war, and intimacy


    April 2019. 300 p.


    Song, Yan, Understanding lifestyle in patients on haemodialysis

    A multicultural  perspective.

    Dept. of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation.


    March 2019. Under embargo.



    University of London


    Myslinska, Dagmar Rita, Not quite white

    The gap between EU rhetoric and the experience of Poles' mobility to the UK.

    London School of Economics and Political Science. Department of Law.

    Thesis (Ph.D.)

    July 2019. 331 p.



    University of Manchester


    Tomkow, Louise, Health and ageing in a hostile environment:

    Understanding older asylum applicants' narratives of life, health and ageing in the UK.

    Faculty of Humanities. School of Arts, Languages and Cultures.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    369 p.



    University of Oxford


    Allen, William L., Messaging migration

    media agenda-setting, immigration attitudes, and the effects of evidence on perceptions and policy preferences.

    Thesis (Ph.D.)


    Under embargo.


    Peruniak, Blair, A Republican Theory of Political Asylum

    PhD thesis.


    Under embargo.


    Morris, Julia, From phosphate to refugees

    The offshore refugee boom in the Republic of Nauru.

    Thesis (Ph.D.)


    Under embargo.


    Vicol, Dora-Olivia, Hope, help, duty and disappointment

    Romanian mobility and its discontents.

    Thesis (Ph.D.).




    University of Reading


    Karapinar Kocag, E., Immigration in Turkey

    Understanding the impact on the labour market and attitudes in society.  PhD thesis.

    2019. 204 p.



    University of Roehampton London


    Tukahebwa, Jesca, African immigrant women survivors of domestic abuse An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of their perceptions and experiences of counselling and support services in the UK.  

    Department of Psychology.

    PsychD. in Counselling Psychology.

    10 January 2019. 217 p.



    University of Salford 


    Rashid, S., Islam and social media entrepreneurial communications

    The case of British Muslim entrepreneurs and their use of social media to identify markets and engage customers.



    University of Sheffield


    Mingboupha, Nathalie, Hyphenated-Chinese in China

    Western-born second generation overseas Chinese's ethnic 'return' migration.

    School of East Asian Studies.

    Thesis Ph.D.

    2019. 309 p.



    University of Southampton


    Morales, Francisco Daniel, Migrant identity construction

    A case study of Latin American immigrants living in London.

    Doctoral Thesis.

    224 p.

    Restricted to Repository staff only until 30 June 2020.


    Nurse, Sarah Louise, Dispersal, deprivation and data

    Asylum seekers and refugees since 1999.


    2019. 171 p.

    Thesis embargoed until 07 May 2021.



    University of St Andrews


    Colombini, Iacopo, Transnationalizing Lampedusa

    Representing migration in Italy and beyond.

    PhD. Doctor of Philosophy.

    June 2019. XII, 307 p.



    University of Sussex


    Ali, Barzan Jaafar, Grammatical aspects of codeswitching in Farsi-English bilingual speech

    A case study of Iranian immigrants in the UK. Doctoral thesis (PhD).

    January 2019. 466 p.


    Barjaba, Joniada, Exploring transnational entrepreneurship among Albanian migrants and returnees

    Migration Studies.


    2019. 319 p.


    Larkin, Rachel Pauline, 'Who do you see?'

    How do unaccompanied young women and UK social workers construct and understand each other in practice encounters?

    Thesis (D.S.W.)


    Mazzilli, Caterina, Receptive cities?

    Institutional narratives of migrants' integration and migrants' own perceptions of receptiveness in Brighton and Bologna.

    School of Global Studies. Geography.

    Thesis Ph.D.

    April 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 25 April 2021.


    Noor, Alia, High skilled migrant entrepreneurship in the technology sector Business accelerators and the opportunity structure.

    Thesis Ph.D.

    Thesis embargoed until 08 May 2021.



    University of the West of England 


    Zalme, A., Kurdish generational diasporic identities

    Perceptions of 'home' and 'sense of belonging' within families among Iraqi Kurds in the UK.

    Department of Health and Social Sciences.

    2019. 257 p.



    University of Westminster


    Issa, Dima, Song is the secret of of existence

    Fairouz and the Arab diaspora in London and Doha.

    Westminster School of Media and Communication.


    July 2019. 312 p.



    University of Wales, Bangor


    Otaif, Fahad, Semantic Associations, Epistemic Priming and Cognitive Mechanisms in Media Discourse

    A critical analysis of the British press use of the term Muslim women.

    School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics College of Arts and Humanities.  Ph.D.    

    2019. 340 p.



    University of Wolverhampton


    Munsoor, Hannah S., God in times of adversity

    A mixed-methods study investigating the relationship between religious coping and identification on the trauma appraisals and world assumptions of Muslim refugees/asylum seekers.

    Counselling Psychology.   Ph.D.

    March 2019. 296 p.



    University of York


    Ogbemudia, Joy, Na me be dis?

    Professional Nigerian women's narratives of immigration and adaptation to life in the UK.   Ph.D.

    24 October 2019.

    Thesis embargoed until 09 Oct 2023.





    Jönköping University


    Vinagre, Juliana, Cultural diversity in preschool 

    Development of teachers’ educational tools in multicultural classes.

    A Systematic Literature Review.

    School of Education and Communication.

    Master in Child Studies. Spring 2019. 41 p.



    Linaeus University


    Algotsson, Lisa, Prelude to Islamic extremism

    A study of radicalization among Muslims in Sweden and the effects of Islamophobia.

    Social Studies.

    July 2019.

    Under embargo.


    Davila, Diego, Supporting integration processes with social computing applications

    A case of study: Kronoberg, Sweden in 2017.

    Master’s Thesis.

    2019. 69 p.


    Elin, Örtman, The Swedish Model of Detention

    A case study of Åstorp Detention Centre.

    Social Studies. Bachelor Thesis.

    March 2019. 58 p


    Kerbabian, Shant, A Long Way Home 

    Spontaneous Returns and Potential Returns of Syrian Refugees Examined.

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social Studies.

    Master’s Thesis. 

    June 2019. 69 p.    



    Linköping University  


    Fedorova, Natalia & Yata Onkhaw, Cross-Cultural Communication  in IT project teams

    Department of Management and Engineering MSc Business Administration. Strategy and Management in International Organizations.

    Master’s Thesis.

    Spring 2019. 55 p.


    Klasson, Dali, EU burden-sharing in the Refugee Crisis

    A Strategic Game Perspective.

    Department of Management and Engineering.

    Master’s Thesis.

    Spring 2019. 64 p.


    McCarthy, Holly, Constructed Realities

    Framing an inclusive, multicultural Australia’s exclusion of people seeking asylum.

    Department of Social and Welfare Studies (ISV). Ethnic and Migration Studies (EMS).

    Master’s Thesis. 

    2019. 85 p.


    Petersen, Nikiforos, The Common European Asylum System

    Challenges and Opportunities in Greece. A Case Study.

    Department of Management and Engineering, Political Science.

    Master’s Thesis.

    March 2019. 83 p.



    Lund University


    Avedian, Vahagn, Knowledge and acknowledgement in the politics of memory of the Armenian genocide

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019.

    VII, 304 p.

    Dissertation June 2017.


    Hemmaty, Mona, On the Margins

    Migrants, Status Mobility and Recent Turns in Swedish Migration Politics.

    Faculty of Social Sciences. April 2019. 223 p.


    Joormann, Martin, Legitimized Refugees

    A Critical Investigation of Legitimacy Claims within the Precedents of Swedish Asylum Law.

    Department of Sociology of Law. Middle Eastern Studies.   Doctoral Thesis.

    3 May 2019. 273 p.


    Söderman, Emma, Resistance Through Acting

    Ambivalent Practices of the No Border Musical.

    Faculty of Social Sciences.

    2019. 255 p.



    Mid Sweden University


    Östman, Caroline, Unaccompanied Refugee Minors and Political Responses in Sweden

    Faculty of Human Sciences. Challenges for Social Work.

    Thesis for Doctoral degree in Social Work.

    May 15, 2019. 283 p.



    Örebro University


    Svantesson, Hanna, Where to Live When My State is Submerged Under Water?

    A Study of the International Legal Protection for Climate Refugees.  

    School of Law, Psychology and Social Work.

    Spring 2019. 53 p.



    Södertörn University, Stockholm


    Bekele, Mesfin Negash, Political Parallelism in Diaspora-based Transnational Media

    The case of Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT)

    School of Social Science. International Master’s Programme in Journalism. Spring 2019. 89 p.



    Stockholm University


    Finnström, Johanna, A macro perspective on employment integration of immigrants in Sweden

    A municipal comparision.

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Sociology.

    Master. Spring 2019. 47 p.


    Ratcovich, Martin, International Law and the Rescue of Refugees at Sea

    Doctoral Thesis in Public International Law.

    June 2019. 361 p.


    Swedish Defence University


    Asperholm Hedlund, Laura, Identifying and Understanding Anti-Immigration Disinformation

    A case study of the 2018 Swedish national elections.

    Political Science with a focus on Crisis Management and Security. Master’s Programme in Politics and War.

    Spring 2019. 40 p.



    Umeå University


    Jonzon, Robert, Health assessments of asylum seekers within the Swedish healthcare system  A study of the interface between control and care, and how structure and procedures may influence access and coverage

    Medicinska fakulteten, Institutionen för epidemiologi och global hälsa / Department of Epidemiology and Global Health.

    2019. 138 p.


    Osman, Ahmedin, Discrimination against immigrants in the labour market and its affect

    A socio-legal study of the Swedish anti-discrimination policy and its implementation in the labour market. .

    Law, gender and society Programme.  Spring 2019. 74 p.



    University of Gothenburg


    Anderson, Joseph Trawicki, The Migration Industry in Managed Migration Authority, Control and Guestworkers in the United States.

    Faculty of Social Sciences.

    Doctoral Thesis.

    16 January 2019.  



    Uppsala University   


    Åkerman, Eva, Challenges and opportunities for sexual and reproductive healthcare services for immigrant women in Sweden

    Faculty of Medicine.

    Dissertation. 2019. 88 p.


    Barmen, Viggo, Does Refugee Migration Make Right-wing Populists More Popular?

    Evidence from a Swedish Refugee Dispersal Program. Department of Economics.

    June 7, 2019. 63 p.


    Begemann, Jonas, European External Border Management and its Narratives

    Aspects of Dominance and Neocolonialism in European Foreign Policy during the “Refugee Crisis”

    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen / Uppsala Universitet.Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology. Master of Arts Thesis.

    June 2019. 84 p.


    Bernerstedt, Martin, Unintentionally Helping the Radical Right?

    A Study on the Swedish Established Parties’ Articulation on the Immigration Issue and the Electoral Support for the Swedish Radical Right.

    Department of Government. Master Programme in Political Science.

    January 2019. 53 p.


    Cadier, Marcus, Illegitimate Principles of Exclusion?

    The Debate on Denationalization as an Instrument for Counter-terrorism in the United Kingdom.

    Political Science.

    Master’s Thesis.

    January 2019. 56 p.


    Curci-Wallis, Annabell, How Facebook Comments Reflect Certain Characteristics of Islamophobia

    A Critical Discourse Analysis

    Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Department of Theology.


    Spring 2019. 67 p.


    Deniz, Ugur Amber, The (In)visible Hand of the EU

    How the EU has affected changes in Turkey's Asylum and Refugee Policy?

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Government. Master’s Thesis.
    Spring 2019. 55 p.  


    Edvinsson, Berit, I only want to be human

    Disembarkation platforms for refugees - not concentration camps.


    Master's Thesis in Human Rights.

    Spring 2019. 72 p.


    Gleiser, Anna, Why do Host Populations Turn against Refugees?

    The Role of Knowledge Deficit and Relative Deprivation in Anti-Refugee Mobilisation.

    Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Peace and Conflict Research.

    Spring 2019. 77 p.


    Islam, S. M. Abidul & Lili Liu,The Invisible Factors That Break Socio-cultural Wall

    A qualitative study on immigrant entrepreneurship.

    Department of Business Studies.  June 4, 2019. 66 p.


    Lund, Matilda, What are the barriers for integration in Sweden?

    A study of the perceptions of male refugees from Afghanistan.

    Earth Sciences. Master thesis in Sustainable Development.   2019. 44 p.


    Lundin, Hanna, Dehumanisation of asylum seekers

    Case study of the Nauru Files.


    Master in Humanitarian Action and Conflict.

    May 2019. 85 p.


    Matheson, Giorgia, The rights and experiences of LGBTI refugees in Europe

    A comparative study of procedures and practices in Italy and Sweden.

    Department of Theology.

    Masters in Humanitarian Action and Conflict.

    May 2019. 45 p.


    Myrberg, Albin, Sharing Responsibility or Protecting Borders?

    A Qualitative Analysis of the Development of the Common European Asylum System

    Disciplinary Domain of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Government.

    February 2019. 65 p.


    Örneland, Ellen, Measurements of Violence

    The Application of Article 15(c) of the Qualification Directive on Individuals Fleeing War & its Implications for the Rule of Law.


    Master's Thesis in Human Rights.

    Spring Term 2019. 53 p.




    Universität Basel


    Montisano, Luca, Das Recht auf Ehe und Familie im Migrationsrecht

    Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der ausländerrechtlichen Scheinehe, der Lex Brunner sowie des Verbots der Zwangsheirat und der Leihmutterschaft.

    Zürich / Basel / Genf: Schulthess. 2019. XXXII, 94 p.

    Magisterarbeit 2019.



    Universität Zürich


    Kammermann, Barbara, Flucht vor Krieg

    Verfolgung in bewaffneten Konflikten. Zürich: Schulthess Juristische Medien AG.

    2019. LXIV, 348 p.

    Dissertation 2018. 


    Spiller, Tobias Raphael, Emotional Reactivity, Emotion Regulation Capacity and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Traumatized Refugees

    An Experimental Investigation.

    Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwiirde der Humanmedizin der Medizinischen Fakultat.

    February 6, 2019.


    Staub, Nora, The influence of the media coverage of the 2015 refugee crisis on immigration attitudes

    Case study of Germany.


    2019. 87 p.


    Zölls, Philip, Regieren der Migration

    Von Einwanderungsprozessen und staatlichen Regulierungspolitiken.

    München: Allitera Verlag. Mai 2019. 228 p.

    Dissertation 2014.



    Université de Genève


    El Halaby, Dina, The capacity to aspire of adolescent Syrian refugees in Egypt and Switzerland

    A narrative of resilience?

    [Sion]: Université de Genève - Centre for children's rights studies. 2019. 107 p. 

    Thesis submitted in the framework of the Master of Advanced Studies in Children's Rights (2017-2018), 15th March, 2019.



    Université Lausanne 


    Corbaz, Matthie, Les mineurs non accompagnés en droit asile

    Etude du droit suisse à la lumière du droit international des droits de l’enfant.

    Berne: Stämpfli Editions. 2019 XX,  427 p.

    Dissertation 2018.



    Université de Neuchâtel


    Collantes Ortiz, Jimena Sabrina, Arrivée et départ des étudiants provenant des Etats tiers en Suisse

    Conditions d’entrée, fin d’études et insertion dans la vie professionnelle

    Mémoire de master. 2019. 110 p.


    Gagnebin, Louis,Trajectoires d’expatrié-e-s 

    L’expérience de la mobilité dans le récit de la migration.

    Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines.

    Mémoire de master.

    2019. 110 p.


    Gavin Jhon, Nelson, Le rôle des médias dans la construction de la différence

    El País et son traitement de la migration irrégulière à Melilla.

    Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines.

    Mémoire de master.

    Juin 2019. 116 p.


    Giannone, Chiara, Variation in employment rates of provisionally admitted foreigners across Swiss cantons and a comparison of their individual experiences

    Mémoire de master.

    2019. 92 p.


    Greusing, Marie, Unbegleitete minderjährige Asylsuchende und Flüchtlinge an der Schwelle zur Volljährigkeit

    Mémoire de master.

    2019. 91 p.


    Roesti, Célia, La transition professionnelle de personnes réfugiées

    Le cas de bénéficiaires d'une structure d'accompagnement vers l'insertion professionnelle.

    Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines. Février 2019. 111 p.


    Samb, Fodé, Transferts d’argent des migrants d’Afrique subsaharienne en Suisse

    Motifs, facteurs, canaux et impacts sur le développement durable et la bonne gouvernance.

    Mémoire de master.

    2019. 149 p.


    Schwarzenbach, Jelena, Wie können fremdenfeindliche Einstellungen in Deutschland erklärt werden?

    Eine quantitative Analyse der sozialen Identität, Deprivation und Autoritarismus.

    Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines.

    Masterarbeit. 2019. 120 p.


    Siegenthaler, Eva, Perspectives croisées sur la classe d'intégration et le quotidien

    Quand les réfugiés et les enseignants racontent leurs expériences.

    Mémoire de master.

    2019. 94 p.


    Stuber, Lea, Leaving Sri Lanka again?

    Migration intentions of Sri Lankans being back from Switzerland.

    Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines.

    May 2019. 88 p.






    McMaster University


    Truong, Nguyen Tuan Khuong, Essays on Skills and Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants and the Canadian Born Economics.

    March 2019. 292 p.



    University of British Columbia (Vancouver)


    Gan, Gregory, “Russia outside Russia”

    Transnational mobility, objects of migration, and discourses on the locus of culture amongst educated Russian migrants in Paris, Berlin, and New York.

    7 February 2019.  


    Goossen, Rachel, Understanding communities of support for resettled refugee children and their families

    A strengths-based study of partnership in Metro Vancouver.

    Faculty of Education. Department of Educational Studies.

    Master of Arts.

    May 2019.


    Newton, Grace, Building a life

    Integration outcomes among government-assisted refugee newcomers in Greater Vancouver.

    Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (Geography).

    August 2019. 134 p.



    University of Calgary


    Alatrash, Ghada, On the Lived Experience of the Syrian Diaspora in Canada
    Werklund School of Education.

    3 January 2019.



    University of Lethbridge


    Anteh, Eunice, Understanding the needs of refugee women in navigating the Canadian health care system

    Faculty of Health Sciences.

    Master of Science in Health Sciences.

    2019. 151 p.



    University of Manitoba


    Panicker Kodiyath, Sreekumar, Excluded in the “best interests of the state”

    Treatment of minor Canadians under immigration and refugee protection laws.

    Faculty of Law.


    June 2019. 100 p.


    Penner, Allison L., On multiculturalism's margin

    Oral history and Afghan former refugees in early twenty-first century Winnipeg. History.

    Master. 2019. 199 p.



    University of Manitoba /University of Winnipeg 


    Maghnaoui, Nour-Eddine, British Columbia’s Syrian diaspora’s understanding of conflict, peacebuilding and reconciliation in post-peace accord Syria

    Joint Master’s Program in Peace and Conflict Studies.

    2019. 301 p.



    University of Ontario Institute of Technology


    Ibaid, Taha, The waging of a virtual war against Islam

    An assessment of how post-9/11 war-themed video games stereotype Muslims.

    The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities. Master of Arts in Criminology.

    1 February 2019. 111 p.



    Universty of Ottawa


    El-mowafi, Ieman Adel, Exploring Syrian Refugees' Access to Emergency Contraception in Jordan

    28-October 2019.

    Embargo: 28 October 2024.


    Moltaji, Golbon, A Sociological Review of the Post Graduate Work Permit Program as a Pathway to Permanent Residency for International Students in Canada

    Faculty of Health Sciences. School of Human Kinetics.

    Ph.D. in Human Kinetics.

    March 2019. 194 p.


    Polillo, Alexia, Pathways, Health, and Experiences of Homelessness among Foreign-Born Families 

    Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Doctorate in Philosophy degree in Experimental Psychology.

    2019. 228 p.


    Stumpf, Bianca, Representations of Environmentally Displaced People In Canadian Print Media 

    Master of Arts degree in Sociology.

    September 2019. 135 p.



    University of Toronto


    Ellis, Everton G., ‘Seamless’ Transition to Citizenship?

    International Student Graduates, Race, and Structural Inequities in Canada’s (Im)migration-Labour Market.  Education Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Department of Leadership, Higher and Adult.


    August 2019. 281 p.


    Elsherief, Heba, Writing the Young Diasporic Muslim Female

    A Study in Creating Culturally Sustaining Narratives.  Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning

    November 2019. 235 p.


    Shamim, Abir, The Successes and Challenges of Syrian Refugee Families in Canada

    A Follow-Up.

    Applied Psychology and Human Development.

    November 2019. 72 p.



    University of Waterloo


    Dalla-Ali, Haneen, Tracings

    Unraveling Home in the Diaspora.

    May 28, 2019.


    Mahajan, Shreya, The Influence of Social Networks on Mental and Emotional Health

    Resource-Seeking Behaviours Amongst Women who are Refugees from Syria

    Public Health and Health Systems.

    Master of Science.

    12 November 2019. 70 p.


    Senthanar, Sonja, How do Syrian refugee women seek and find work?

    A feminist grounded analysis of work integration experiences in Canada.

    Public Health and Health Systems.

    Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health.

    September 2019. 193 p.



    University of Western Ontario


    Anunike, Odinaka Ogoegbunam, Breastfeeding Experiences of African Migrant Women in Developed Countries

    A Qualitative Systematic Review.

    Master of Science. 


    Bhayee, Sheffy, Perceptions of Settlement Workers on the Needs and Challenges of Female Syrian Refugees

    Master of Arts.

    April 2019. 101 p.


    University of Windsor


    Aizenobie, Aituaje, Interpreting Global Statistics on Resettlement of Refugees through the Lens of Critical Race Theory

    A Consideration of Canada.

    Faculty of Law.

    Master Thesis. February 8, 2019. 134 p.



    Wilfrid Laurier University


    Almustafa,Maissaa, Refugees from Syria caught between war and borders

    A journey towards protection.

    Balsillie School of International Affairs.

    Doctor of Philosophy in Global Governance.

    275 p.


    Jasemi, Ali, Second Language Acquisition and Acculturation Differences Between Immigrants and Refugees

    Faculty of Science. Psychology. Developmental Psychology

    Master of Arts (MA).

    2019. 104 p.



    York University, Toronto, Ontario


    Erentzen, Caroline Andrea, Islamophobia and Reactions to Anti-Muslim Hate Crime

    The Role of Prototypic Thought and the Ideal Minority Victim. Psychology

    Ph.D.  June 2019. 160 p.






    Arizona State University


    Abuwandi, Sarah, Blended Higher Education Opportunities for Refugees

    A Comparative Study.

    Degree Master of Justice Studies.

    ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

    April 2019. 81 p.


    Amoroso-Pohl, Melanie Hope, Immigrant Justice in an Era of National Borders

    Multi-Level Governance and Advocacy in the U.S. and Greece.

    Social Justice and Human Rights.

    Master of Arts.

    March 2019. 123 p.



    Azusa Pacific University


    Haddad, Amira, Art and the Reconciliation of Fragmented Identities

    Nostalgic Expressions by Contemporary Middle Eastern Artists in Exile.

    Master of Arts in Art History, Theory, and Criticism.

    July 2019. 70 p.



    Bowling Green State University


    Heineken, Sarah Elina, German Teacher Candidates' Perceptions of Their Roles in the Lives of Syrian Refugee Students in Dresden

    Cross-Cultural, International Education.

    Master of Arts (MA).

    August 2019. 141 p.


    Pawlowicz, Rachel C., How the 'Plumber' Became a Problem

    The United Kingdom, Polish Immigrants, and the European Union, 1945–2014.


    Master of Arts. 114 p.



    Brandeis University


    Jampierre, Killian, Islamophobia in France

    A Struggle Between Religious and National Identity.

    Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Master’s Theses.

    May 2019. 86 p.



    Brigham Young University


    Davidson, Alyssa Carol, Refugees and Media Framing During the Refugee Crisis

    School of Communications.

    Master of Arts.

    2019. 82 p.



    California State Polytechnic University – Pomona


    Zaragoza, Elisa, The Border

    An Empirical Study in Migration and Remittances 2005-2018.

    Master of Science in Economics.

    October 31, 2019. 37 p.



    California State University, Long Beach 


    Cruz Santoyo, Maria Elena, Undocumented Students at the Higher Education Door

    Investigating the Perspectives of Student Service Staff.

    Department of Educational Leadership. Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership.

    August 2019. 186 p.


    Nguyen, Nhi T., Not an American Dream

    First-generation Vietnamese Females’ Success in Higher Education.

    Department of Advanced Studies in Education and Counseling.


    August 2019.121 p.


    Paek, Jessica, Ambivalent Attitudes Toward Minorities in the Media?  The Real-Time Detection of the Hand in Motion.

    Master of Arts in Communication Studies.

    August 2019. 50 p.


    Spencer, Lucianna Muniz, Transmigrant Narratives

    Identity Conflict in the Works of Marie Arana, Lyn Di Lorio, and Cristina García.

    Department of English.

    Master of Arts in English.

    August 2019. 125 p.



    California State University – Northridge


    Linares, Elsa, Implicit actions of the trump administration zero tolerance immigration policy

    A policy analysis.

    Master of Social Work.

    May 2019. 31 p.


    Safa, Lina, Discretionary Authority

    Prosecutorial Discretion, Power Abuse, and Immigration.

    Department of Political Science.

    Degree: M.P.A. (Master)  August 2019. 47 p.


    Salinas, Perla, Latino Immigrants Coping with Transnational Deaths

    Department of Social Work.


    May 2019. 26 p.



    California State University – San Bernardino


    Adejare, Melody, Communicative Dissociation between Black Americans and African Immigrants

    An Exploratory Study Master of Arts in Communication Studies.

    June 2019. 122 p.



    California State University – Sacramento


    Xiong, Randy Z., Exploring the intersectionality of Latinx immigrants/refugees and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and the transgender identity community


    20 May 2019.



    Capella University Minnesota


    Coleman Jr., Victor J., A Phenomenological Study Exploring the Experiences of Minorities in Cross-Ethnic Mentoring Relationships

    Department Business and Technology.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    January 2019. 128 p.



    Chapman University


    Nelsen, Robert, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Immigration Policy

    How 9/11 Transformed the Debate Over Illegal Immigration.

    Dept. War and Society.


    Spring 2019. 124 p.


    Zhao, Meng, The Media, Education, and the State

    Arts-Based Research and a Marxist Analysis of the Syrian Refugee Crisis.

    Education (Ph.D) Dissertations. 8.

    August 2019. 290 p.



    City University of New York


    Baert, Ana, Adorno and the Language of the Intellectual in Exile

    Graduate Faculty in Liberal Studies.

    CUNY Academic Works.

    1 May 2019. 76 p.



    Colorado State University


    Anderson, Donna L., Muslim international students in the U.S.

    A phenomenological inquiry into the experience of identities.

    Education. Ph. D.

    Spring 2019. 151 p.



    Columbia University


    Jensen, Robyn, Double Exposure

    Picturing the Self in Russian Emigre Culture.


    Under embargo.


    TIrhi, Susan Yasen,The Living in America Muslim Life Stress, Coping and Life Satisfaction Study

    An Online Mixed Methods Study of Islamophobic Discrimination, Microaggressions, and Predictors of Life Satisfaction.

    Doctor of Education.

    22 May 2019. 247 p.



    Duquesne University


    Alghamdi, Fatemah, Examining the Acculturation Experiences of Syrian Refugee

    Emerging Adults in the United States of America Counseling, Psychology, & Special Education.

    Doctoral dissertation.

    May 2019. 241 p.



    Florida Atlantic University


    Gordon, Linda Kim, Developing Empathetic Responses in Third-Grade Students through Multicultural Literature
    The College of Education.


    May 2019. 302 p.



    Georgia State University


    El Souki, Ghenwa, Using the Visual Arts to Support the Development of Young Refugee Children

    A Puppet-Making Workshop.

    Art and Design.

    Master of Arts in Education.

    May 2019. 84 p.


    Marlatt, Lauren, ‘I Felt All the Pangs of Exile’

    Trauma and the Fight for Human Rights in the Memoirs of Nabokov, Soyinka, and Danticat.


    May 2019. 70 p.


    Panjwani, Laila, Diversity, Culture, and Islam in Higher Education

    An Anthropological Approach.

    Department of Anhropology.

    10 May 2019. 70 p.



    Grand Valley State University


    Oosterink, Julie, “Arriving at Your Own Door”

    Transnational Identity Formation in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Americanah.

    English Department.

    Master Thesis.

    August 2019. 102 p.



    Harvard University


    Parvez, Muhammed, Laid Bare by Prejudice and Paranoia

    How America’s Historical, Misconceived, and Evolving Fear Gave Rise to Modern Islamophobia.

    Harvard Extension School.

    Master’s thesis.

    December 2019.


    Tran, My Tuyet, Perceptions of German Healthcare Among Yazidi Refugees in Germany

    Harvard Medical School.

    Doctor of Medicine.

    24 February 2019.



    Indiana University of Pennsylvania


    Lawrence, Laurie, Different Voices of Ethical Dilemmas

    Evaluating Gender Perceptions of Human Trafficking in Films.

    Communications Media.

    May 2019. 206 p.



    Kansas State University


    Nikparvar, Fatemeh, Therapists’ experiences of working with Iranian-Immigrant IPV clients in the United States

    School of Family Studies and Human Services.


    May 2019.



    Kennesaw State University


    Etsegent, Endale, Beyond Resettlement

    The Role of Ethiopian Refugee Diaspora in Homeland Peacebuilding.

    International Conflict Management.


    26 July 2019. 182 p.



    Kent State University


    Walsh, Courtney, Can teachers pass the test

    An exploratory study of secondary school teachers' knowledge of, attitudes toward, and professional development interest in undocumented students.

    College and Graduate School of Education, Health and Human Services / School of Lifespan Development and Educational Sciences.

    Master of the Arts.

    May 2019. 71 p.



    Liberty University


    Andrade, Mariah A., Combating Human Trafficking in the United States

    Causes, Misconceptions, and Indicators.

    Master of Science in International Relations (MS).

    2019. 31 p.



    Lindenwood University


    Gheriani, Hala, English as a Second Language

    Adult Programs and Their Impact on Second Language Learners' Aspirations.

    School of Education.

    Doctor of Education.

    May 2019.161 p.



    Marquette University


    Hagan, Justice, No Home but the World

    Forced Migration and Transnational Identity.

    Department English.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    Under embargo. Available for download on Sunday, May 02, 2021.



    Miami University


    Goldman, A. R., Representations of Migration in Ousmane Sembene's La Noire De..., Alain Mabanckou's Bleu, Blanc, Rouge and Mweze Ngangura's Pieces d'Identites

    Master of Arts.

    2019. 34 p.!etd.send_file?accession=miami1564336729174886&disposition=inline



    Montclair State University


    MacDonnell, Marisa C., Refugee Resettlement in America

    Exploring The Attitudes and Perceptions of Resettlement Workers and Adolescents.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    May 2019. 255 p.



    National-Louis University


    McCaw, Amanda, Use of Mindfulness to Treat Mental Health Symptoms of Individuals Subjected to Human Sex Trafficking and Prostitution

    Clinical Psychology - Florida School of Professional Psychology.

    Psy.D. Doctor of Clinical Psychology.

    May 2019. 101 p.


    Williamson, Sarah Hupp, Toward an Integrated Theory of Human Trafficking

    Unraveling the Role of Global Economic Policies in Shaping Macro-Level Conditions Cross-Nationally.


    20 March 2019. 185 p.



    Naval Postgraduate School


    Boscow, Jameson, Refugees and Terrorism in the West

    Defense Analysis (DA).

    March 2019. 114 p.



    Northern Illinois University


    Chhay, Kassandra A., Educational Experiences of 1.5 Generation Cambodian Americans

    Department of Anthropology. Master of Arts.

    May 2019. 175 p.



    Ohio University


    Fischer, Carolin, The Flood of Refugees in our Heads

    Metaphorical Framing of Refugees in German Newspaper Discourse. Journalism. (Communication).

    Master of Science Ohio University /Master of Arts in Global Mass Communication (Leipzig University)

    August 2019. 116 p.


    Michael, Valentina Michelle, Framing Terrorism and its Effects on Attitudes toward Islam

    An Experiment.

    Journalism (Communication).

    Master of Science (MS). August 2019. 74 p.



    Ohio State University


    McClimans, Melinda C., Pushing Students' Self/Other Boundaries in Order to Teach Critically About Difference

    EDU Teaching and Learning.


    2019. 305 p.


    Parlindungan, Firman, The literacy teaching and learning in a classroom

    A case study in an American Islamic school. EDU Teaching and Learning.


    2019. 226 p.


    Staples, Beth Ashley, Making Sense of Worldview Diversity at Public Universities

    An Exploration of Student Encounters using Critical Sensemaking.

    Educational Studies..


    2019. 246 p.



    Pepperdine University


    Jackson, Jesusa Fortunata, #BlackLivesMatter

    A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study of Tweets and Individuals Participating in the Black Lives Matter Movement.

    Graduate School of Education and Psychology.

    Doctor of Education in Learning Technologies.

    December 2019. 206 p.



    Portland State University


    Bass, Madeline Jaye, Understanding the Politicization of Oromo Identity in the Diaspora   Re/ Locating the Bones of the Oromo.

    Master of Science in Sociology.

    2019. 160 p.


    Melchor-Ayala, Omar, The Influence of Age at Migration on Criminal Offending Among Foreign-Born Immigrants



    September 2019. 145 p.



    Prescott College


    Saadeh, Cirien, Journalism of Color


    2019. 414 p.




    Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey


    Zino, Bridget, Beyond policy

    Governments, NGOs and the provision of educational services to refugee children in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon.

    May 2019. XV, 409 p.

    Available after May 30th, 2020.



    Savannah College of Art and Design (Atlanta)


    Kaeowichian, Sarunporn (Amy), Utilizing Peer-to-Peer Collaboration to Generate Female Empowerment

    Designing for Refugee Women and Young Girls in Clarkston, Georgia.

    Department of Interior Design.

    Master of Fine Arts.

    May 2019. 84 p.


    Velez Leon, Jose Fernando, Sanctuary for Venezuelan Refugees in Quito Ecuador



    May 2019. 156 p.



    State University of New York  (The College at Brockport)


    Rapp, Jessica, Using Multicultural Literature to Enhance the Reading Skills of Youth of Color

    Education and Human Development Master's Theses. 1221.

    May 2019. 85 p.



    Syracuse University


    Soljour, Kishauna Elaine, Beyond the Banlieue

    French Postcolonial Migration & the Politics of Sub-Saharan Identity.


    May 2018.

    Available for download on Saturday, June 05, 2021. 



    Texas State University – San Marcos    


    Burns, Emily, The Syrian Refugee Narrative

    A Content Analysis Of Media Frames During The Syrian Refugee Crisis.

    Mass Communication. Master.

    May 2019. 62 p.


    Crooks, William Wesley, Narratives of refugee resettlement workers

    The impact of recent policy changes on refugee resettlement.

    Adult, Professional, and Community Education,


    May 2019. 231 p.


    Pelton, Richard M., Inclusion through Intercultural Approaches to Education

    School and Community Programs for Refugee Integration.


    17 April 2019. 298 p.



    The George Washington University


    Genovez, Marta, Postpartum Depression and Anxiety in Central American Immigrant Women

    The Role of Familism and Social Support.


    2019.171 p.


    Hardy, Margaret, Causation or Coincidence

    The Relationship Between EU Border Policies and Islamic State Attacks.

    The Faculty of  The Elliott School of International Affairs.

    Master of Arts.

    August 31, 2019. 85 p.



    The University of Texas, Austin


    L’Wein, Hela, Performing nationalisms, citizenship, and belonging in displaced

    Syrian communities

    Department Theatre and Dance.

    Doctor of Philosophy .    

    August 2019. 226 p.



    Tulane University


    Rosas, Karla Daniela, Freedom in Shackles

    Gender, Embodied Illegality, and "Alternatives to Detention" Programs.

    Master of Arts.

    April 2019. 155 p.



    University of Arizona

    Chu, Tiffany Sau-Ting, The Influence of Host and Origin Country Dynamics on Refugee Journeys

    Faculty of the School of Government and Public Policy.

    April 30, 2019. 282 p.



    Voronkova, Valeriia, Palestinian Refugee Camps in the Middle East

    Middle Eastern & North African Studies. Master’s Thesis.

    Embargo: 2020-05-20.



    University of Arkansas, Fayetteville


    Haydon, Nathan John, "We Are Strangers in this Life"

    Theology, Liminality, and the Exiled in Anglo-Saxon Literature.


    May 2019. 235 p.



    University of California, Irvine


    Tauberg, Mindy Wynn, Emotionally Vulnerable Storytelling as Peacebuilding

    Muslim/Jewish Interfaith Activism in the United States.


    Ph.D.  2019. 252 p.



    University of California, Los Angeles


    Edwards, Elianny Camilo, Ambiguously Ethnic

    The Association Between Perceived Racial-Ethnic Miscategorization and Psychosocial Outcomes for Early Adolescents.

    Master of Arts in Education.

    June 2019. 42 p.



    University of California– San Diego


    Economou, Melina A., Migration, Alterity and Discrimination

    Media Discourse and its Implications for Health Outcomes in Syrian Newcomers to Canada.


    Embargo until June 25, 2021.



    University of Colorado


    Frazier-Rath, Emily Jean, Death, Deportation, Violence, Silence

    Refugee Activism Against Precarity in Germany.

    Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures.

    Spring 2019. 258 p.


    Hernstrom, Benjamin, "The Lottery"

    Art and Art History.

    Art Practices MFA Theses. 60.

    2019. 34 p.



    University of Connecticut


    Reger, Maria, Outcasts – Criminals, Enemies, and Refugees in Contemporary German Literature

    Doctoral Dissertations. 2165.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    April 2019.



    University of Denver


    Kolila, Muhammad Abdelhakam, American Converts to Islam, Post-Conversion Experiences Post 9/11

    Religious Studies.

    January 1, 2019. 121 p.



    University of Kentucky


    Bibbs,Tanja N., Speaking their truth

    Black women’s perspectives on execitive-level administration in higher education.

    College of Education.

    Doctoral Dissertation.

    April 2019. 188 p.


    Jacobson, Malene H., Unsettling Refuge

    Syrian Refugees’ Account of Life In Denmark.

    Arts and Sciences. Geography.

    Available for download on July 17, 2021.


    Lauzon,Grace, The effectiveness of music therapy interventions with persons of concern

    An integratieve review. Master of Music (MM).

    July 2019. 101 p.


    Ledford, Christopher, Seeds of Suspicion

    The Perputual Cycle of Anti-muslim Stereotypes, Middle East Intervention, and Terrorism

    Political Science.

    Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

    May 2019. 230 p.


    Thapa, Sneha, Flexible liminality among the Tibetan diaspora

    Tibetan exiles adjusting cultural practices in Dharamsala, India and the United States College of Arts and Sciences.

    Department of Anthropology.

    Thesis Ph. D

    Lexington, Kentucky: University of Kentucky Libraries: UKnowledge.

    2019.  VIII, 245 p.  



    University of Maine


    Elmi, Rahma, The Writing of Exile / L’Écriture de l’Exil

    Master of Arts in French Literature.

    May 2019. 97 p.



    University of Michigan


    Mwakasege-Minaya, Richard, Exiled Counterpoints

    Cuban Exiles, Media Activism, and Latina/o Conservativism.

    Dept. Film, Television, and Media.

    Doctor of Philosophy  

    2019. 223 p.



    University of Minnesota


    Cohen, Elisheva, Producing a Culture of Inclusion

    Inclusive Refugee Education for Syrian Refugee Youth in Jordan.

    Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development.


    May 2019. 313 p.


    Ding, Yuan, Capitalizing Race

    Diasporic Narratives and Global Asia.


    August 2019. VI, 110 p.


    Ha, Trang  Pham Doan (Jasmine), Immigration Policy and International Student Migration in the United States

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    March 2019. 171 p.


    Rauer, Selim, Les frontières de l'exil

    Figures et territoires de l'étranger.

    Department of French & Italian – College of Liberal Arts / Université Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle.

    Août 2019. VI, 443 p.


    Sisco, Stephanie, A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Black Professionals in Employee Networks Critically Exploring Social Interests and Participatory Learning at Work.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    February 2019. 187 p.


    Swartz, Kristin L., Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain Experiences of First Generation, Middle Aged Somali Women

    A Descriptive Qualitative Study.

    Thesis Pd.D.

    January 2019. 240 p.



    University of New Mexico


    Antoine, Alain M., The Turkish Spy

    A Peripatetic Novel.

    Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Doctor of Philosophy, French Studies.

    May 2019. 209 p.



    University of Oklahoma


    Dong, Yue, Chinese international students’ migration experiences

    A biocultural analysis of health, food, and migration.

    Thesis Ph.D.

    2019. 194 p.



    University of Pennsylvania


    Shakeir, Reima Y., An Um Kulthumist Lens

    An Examination of Arab American Muslim Women and the Lived Experience of Higher Education.

    Ed.D.  2019.143 p.



    University of Pittsburgh


    Lonsky, Jakub, Three Essays on Migration and Organized Crime

    Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences.


    July 17, 2019. 177 p.



    University of San Francisco


    Giesel, Nancy L., The Narrowing Road to Asylum

    How Limitation and Exclusion Have Shaped the 1951 Convention Refugee in the Modern Age.

    College of Arts and Sciences.

    Master of Arts in Migration Studies.

    May 18, 2019. 28 p.


    Henkin, Helena, Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and its Relevance in the Adult English as a Second Language Classroom

    International and Multicultural Education (IME).

    December 13, 2019. 112 p.



    University of South Carolina


    Smirnova, Daria, Time, Space and Nonexistence in Joseph Brodsky's Poetry

    Comparative Literature.

    Degree of Master of Arts.

    2 December 2019. 81 p



    University of South Florida


    Cotanda, Dionel, Life as a Reluctant Immigrant

    An autoethnographic inquiry.

    College of Arts and Letters. Department of Communication.


    July 22, 2019. 172 p.


    Holbrook, Emily A., Eating in America

    Easing the Transition for Resettled Refugees Through an Applied Anthropological Intervention.

    College of Arts and Sciences M.A. Department of Anthropology.

    June 25, 2019. 111 p.



    University of Washington


    Abdi, Fathiya, Experiences of Perceived Racial/Ethnic Discrimination and Stress among Black/African American Graduate Students on a Predominantly White Campus

    Results of a Qualitative Interview Study.

    Master of Public Health.

    2019. 41 p.



    Utah State University


    Sanabria, Camila B., The Red Front Door

    A Memoir.

    June 2019. 28 p.



    Virginia Commonwealth University


    Sions, Hannah Kim, Teachting about racially diverse artists and cultures

    Art Education.

    Doctor of Philosophy.

    May 2019. 137 p.



    Walden University


    Hawthorne, Darryl, Refugee Stereotyping among Law Enforcement Officers in the States of Michigan and Texas and Its Potential Effects on Refugee Policy

    College of Social and Behavioral Sciences.


    2019. 88 p.



    Wright State University


    Zawalski, Christina E., A Therapeutic Storybook for Adjustment and Acculturation in Middle Eastern Refugee Children

    School of Professional Psychology.

    2019. 199 p.



    Yale University


    Junker, Andrew, Becoming activists in global China

    Social movements in the Chinese diaspora.

    Cambridge / New York: Cambridge University Press. 2019. X, 220 p.

    Revision of author’s thesis (2012) titled Sacred and secular protest in the Chinese diaspora: Falun Gong and the Chinese democracy movement.



    Youngstown State University


    Oberhauser, Dan, The Impact of Teacher Perceptions on the Acculturation Strategies of Refugee-Immigrant Students

    Department of Counseling, School Psychology and Educational Leadership.

    Doctor of Education (Educational Leadership).

    May 2019. 114 p.






    Bij het samenstellen van bovenstaand overzicht werd informatie ontleend aan o.a. onderstaande websites:


    Nederland & België


    Universitaire bestanden zoals:








    Ook beschikbaar:






    Bladen, blogs & websites over VLUCHTELINGEN & MIGRANTEN




    Reacties, correcties en aanvullingen op dit overzicht zijn zeer welkom.



    © Erik van den Bergh




  • 5. Bladen, blogs & websites over vluchtelingen & migranten







    5. RELIGIE









    14. BELGIË











    (Zie ook 2. Blogs & podcasts)


    Asiel & Migrantenrecht

    Amsterdam: Stichting Migratierecht Nederland & Vluchtelingenwerk.

    10 keer per jaar.


    Crimmigratie & Recht

    Den Haag: Boom Juridisch.

    2 keer per jaar.


    Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht

    Sdu Uitgevers & Stichting Migratierecht Nederland.!


    Nieuwsbrief Verblijfblog

    Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Law.                                


    Tijdschrift voor Vreemdelingenrecht   

    Juridisch-wetenschappelijk kwartaaltijdschrift met  voeling voor wat leeft in de (rechts)praktijk. Het tijdschrift geeft belangrijke en actuele evoluties in rechtspraak en wetgeving weer en publiceert rechtsleerartikelen over vreemdelingenrecht.

    Brussel: Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering ism uitgeverij die Keure.

    4 keer per jaar.




    Arnon Grunberg


    Asis Aynan


    Caraïbisch uitzicht

    Werkgroep Caraïbische letteren.


    Enkeltje wetenschap

    Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.


    Humanity House Blog

    Den Haag: Humanity House.


    Indisch anders

    Den Haag: Stichting Tong Tong.


    NT2 online

    De wereld van NT2.


    STIL Utrecht

    Utrecht: STIL. Stichting voor mensen zonder verblijfsvergunning.



    Koppeling van politicologisch onderzoek & actualiteit.


    The Black Archives Blog

    Amsterdam: The Black Archives.


    University of Amsterdam – CDO Blog

    Official blog of the Chief Diversity Officer team at the University of Amsterdam.



    Actueel migratierecht toegelicht.

    Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Sectie migratierecht.


    VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

  - het weblog

    Informatie over het Nederlandse vreemdelingenrecht, buitenlanders in Nederland, immigratie, verblijfsvergunningen, asielzoekers, erkende vluchtelingen, kennismigranten, inburgeren, gezinshereniging, taalanalyse, visa, mvv, mensenrechten. Ook vacatures voor juristen die zich in het Nederlandse vreemdelingenrecht willen verdiepen.


    VU Diversiteitsblog

    Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit.


    Stijns kijk op asielrecht

    Mr. A.A.M.J. (Stijn) Smulders, stafjurist (asiel) bij de rechtbank Oost-Brabant.



    (Zie ook: 7. Lokale nieuwsbrieven)


    Bibliotheek en basisvaardigheden Nieuwsbrief

    Den Haag: Koninklijke Bibliotheek.



    Vakblad voor NT2-docenten. Les is veelzijdig, praktijkgericht, met theoretische verdieping.

    4 keer per jaar.


    Les Nieuwsbrief

    6 keer per jaar.



    Kwartaaltijdschrift voor leesbevordering en literatuureducatie.

    Amsterdam: Stichting Lezen.

    Gratis te ontvangen:



    LOWAN Nieuws

    Ondersteuning onderwijs nieuwkomers.


    Nieuwsbrief BVNT2

    Beroepsvereniging voor docenten NT2.


    Nieuwsbrief Het begint met taal

    Utrecht: Het begint met taal.

    Kennispunt MBO Burgerschap

    Nieuwsbrief Burgerschap MBO

    Woerden: Kennispunt MBO Burgerschap. MBO Raad.


    Nieuwsbrief NT2

    Amsterdam: Boom Uitgevers.


    Nieuwsbrief Staatsexamens Nt2

    Utrecht: College voor Toetsen en Examens.


    Nieuwsbrief Taal Doet Meer

    Utrecht: Taal Doet Meer.


    Nuffic Nieuwsbrief

    Over internationalisering van het onderwijs van basisschool tot universiteit.

    De algemene nieuwsbrief van Nuffic verschijnt maandelijks, behalve in juli en augustus.

    Den Haag: Nuffic.


    Nuffic Nieuwsbrieven voor primair en voortgezet onderwijs

    Den Haag: Nuffic.


    Onze Taal

    Maandblad van het Genootschap Onze Taal.


    Tel mee met Taal nieuwsbrief

    Tel mee met taal is een actieprogramma van de ministeries van BZK, OCW, SZW en VWS en diverse partners en gaat door tot eind 2019.


    Tolk- en Vertaalcentrum Nederland Nieuwsbrief

    Hengelo: Tolk- en Vertaalcentrum Nederland (TVCN).


    Tijdschrift Taal

    Voor opleiders en onderwijsadviseurs.

    Semi-wetenschappelijk tijdschrift met als doel de praktijk van het taalonderwijs in het primair onderwijs duurzaam en gefundeerd te ondersteunen en verbetering te stimuleren.

    Het tijdschrift is een cocreatie van SLO, LOPON2 en EDventure.

    Assen: Uitgeverij Koninklijke Van Gorcum.


    Informatie over veel onderwijstijdschriften is te vinden op:

    Doorzoek onderwijstijdschriften:


    (Inter)actief centrum voor iedereen die met meertalige kinderen te maken heeft.



    (Zie ook: 2. Blogs)


    DAMR Newsletter

    The Dutch Association for Migration Research (DAMR) aims to increase the scientific standing of migration research by emphasizing on research methodology, theory formation and attention for the societal relevance of migration research.

    [Newsletter beschikbaar voor leden]


    Diversity newsletter

    Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. Taskforce Diversiteit en Inclusie.


    Macimide Newsletter

    Maastricht Centre for Citizenship, Migration and Development. (MACIMIDE)


    Newsletter CMR

    An overview of major publications and PhD research of CMR.


    Nijmegen: Centre for Migration Law.


    Nieuwsbrief Diversiteit & Inclusiviteit / Newsletter Diversity & Inclusiveness

    Leiden: Universiteit Leiden.


    Nieuwsbrief Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF

    Utrecht: Stichting voor Vluchteling-Studenten UAF.


    5. RELIGIE


    Artikelen voor de kerkbladen

    Groningen: Stichting Inlia Foundation.

    Ongeveer maandelijks.

    Afdeling Kerkelijke Relaties & Publieksvoorlichting:


    Contactorgaan Moslims en Overheid

    Rotterdam: Stichting Contactorgaan Moslims & Overheid.


    Crescas Nieuwsbrief

    Wekelijkse nieuwsbrief.

    Amsterdam: Crescas. Kenniscentrum voor wie wil blijven leren over het Jodendom.


    Evangelie en Moslims Nieuwsbrief

    Amersfoort: Evangelie en Moslims.


    Joods Cultureel Kwartier Nieuwsbrief

    Amsterdam: Joods Cultureel Kwartier.



    Leiden: Leiden University Centre for the Study of Islam and Society (LUCIS).


    Meld Islamofobie Nieuwsbrief

    Den Haag: Stichting Meld Islamofobie.


    Ontdek Islam Nieuwsbrief

    Rotterdam: Stichting OntdekIslam.


    Achtergrondinformatie over de islam in Nederland en nieuws van islamitische organisaties.


    SKIN Nieuwsbrief

    SKIN is een christelijke, onafhankelijke, landelijke vereniging van migrantenkerken en internationale kerken in Nederland.

    Amersfoort: Samen Kerk In Nederland. (SKIN)


    Vlugschrift Vluchtelingen

    Utrecht: Kerk in Actie.


    Zie voor een overzicht van newspapers, magazines, websites & legal information mbt de Islam:



    (Naar herkomst)


    Caribisch Netwerk Nieuwsbrief

    Brengt nieuws, actualiteiten en achtergronden over Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint Eustatius en Sint Maarten en de Caribische gemeenschap in Nederland.

    Hilversum: NTR. Caribisch Netwerk.


    De Sobat


    Tong Tong is de oudste Indische culturele organisatie van Nederland.

    2 keer per jaar.                                                                                                                                                        

    Den Haag: Stichting Tong Tong.


    FSAN Nieuwsbrief

    Amsterdam: Federatie van Somalische Associaties Nederland (FSAN).


    Het Syrisch Comité Nieuwsbrief


    Indische Letteren

    Tijdschrift over Indisch-Nederlandse letterkunde.

    4 keer per jaar.


    Indies tijdschrift

    Krities en onafhankelik.

    Den Haag: Krities tijdschift.


    Milli Görüş Nieuwsbrief

    Sociaal-religieuze beweging die zich richt op de integratie en emancipatie van (voornamelijk Turkse) moslims in de Nederlandse samenleving.

    Amsterdam: Milli Görüş.



    Stichting Ocan is een landelijke (vrijwilligers-)organisatie die zich bezig houdt met projecten en activiteiten gericht op positieverbetering van Caribische Nederlanders en aanverwante doelgroepen in het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.

    Den Haag: Stichting OCAN.


    Pelita Nieuwsbrief

    Pelita zet zich in voor mensen uit voormalig Nederlands-Indië die na afloop van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, de Bersiap of vanwege de Indonesische onafhankelijkheid naar Nederland vertrokken.

    Diemen: Stichting Pelita.


    Persian Dutch Network Monthly Archives / شبکه ایرانیان هلند

    Online Information Source for Persian (Iranian) Community in Holland.


    TICF Nieuws

    De Turks Islamitische Culturele Federatie (TICF) richt zich binnen de aangesloten moskeeverenigingen op de sociale en culturele thema’s en de belangenbehartiging van de achterban richting de overheid en de samenleving.

    Amsterdam: Turks Islamitische Culturele Federatie (TICF).


    Zie voor een overzicht van Turkse organisaties in Nederland:

    Verhoudingen tussen Turks-Nederlandse groeperingen

    Een informatieblad van Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving en Expertise-unit Sociale Stabiliteit.

    Utrecht: KIS. Februari 2019. 25 blz.



    (Zie ook 3. Taal & onderwijs)


    Accenten & Tendensen

    Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van integratie, discriminatie,  vrouw/man-emancipatie en lhbti-emancipatie in Rotterdam.

    Rotterdam: IDEM. Stedelijk Expertisecentrum Rotterdam voor integratie, discriminatie en (lhbt-) emancipatie.


    Art.1. MN Nieuwsbrief

    Voor gelijke behandeling, tegen discriminatie.

    Utrecht: Art. 1 Midden Nederland.


    Humanity House Nieuwsbrief

    Den Haag: Humanity House.


    Mingle Magazine

    Het tijdschrift van budy to buddy over diversiteit, cultuur en ontmoeten.

    Breda/Zutphen: Buddy to Buddy.


    Nieuwsbrief ASKV / Steunpunt Vluchtelingen

    Amsterdam: ASKV.


    Nieuwsbrief Diversiteit

    Amsterdam: Gemeente Amsterdam.


    Nieuwsbrief STIL

    Utrecht: STIL. Stichting voor mensen zonder verblijfsvergunning.


    Nieuwsbrief Vluchtelingen in de Knel

    [Ook in Engelstalige editie]

    Non-profit organisatie die zich sterk maakt voor de basisrechten van (afgewezen) vluchtelingen, vanuit de vaste overtuiging dat ieder mens bestaansrecht heeft.

    Eindhoven: Vluchtelingen in de Knel.


    Weekoverzicht VNG

    Den Haag: Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten.

    (keuzemogelijkheid: Asiel.)


    Veel lokale Taalhuizen geven digitale nieuwsbrieven uit. Dit geldt o.a. voor de gemeentes: Amsterdam, Amstelland, Eemland, Houten, Oosterschelde, IJsselstein, Vianen.

    Zie voor meer informatie:




    E-zine Inburgering

    Groningen: Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs. Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur & Wetenschap.


    IND Nieuwsbrief Zakelijk

    Verschijnt elke 12 weken.

    Ter Apel: IND.


    Migration Moves

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.


    Nieuwsbrief EMN Nederland

    Over migratie en asiel in Nederland en de Europese Unie. Met de meest recente onderzoeken, beleidsnieuws uit de EU-lidstaten en meer.

    Circa 4 keer per jaar.


    Nieuwsbrief NVVB

    Zoetermeer: Nederlandse Vereniging voor Burgerzaken.


    Rapportage Vreemdelingenketen

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

    2 keer per jaar.



    Online magazine van COA, IND en DT&V.

    6 keer per jaar.




    Nieuwsbrief Stichting Vluchteling

    Maandelijkse digitale nieuwsbrief over actuele humanitaire crises, noodhulpprojecten, campagnes en evenementen.

    Den Haag: Stichting Vluchteling.


    UNHCR-Nederland Nieuwsbrief

    Den Haag: UNHCR - Nederland.


    UNHCR Magazine

    Den Haag: UNHCR - Nederland.

    2 keer per jaar.



    Tijdschrift over het Midden-Oosten, Noord-Afrika en islam.

    Amsterdam:  Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas.

    2 keer per jaar.



    Apeldoorn: ZOA-Vluchtelingenzorg.

    2 keer per jaar.





    Boom Uitgevers (Amsterdam)


    Boom Uitgevers (Den Haag)


    Eenvoudig communiceren (Amsterdam)


    In de Knipscheer (Haarlem)


    KleurRijker Nieuwsbrief (Amersfoort)

    KleurRijker BV, Educatieve Uitgeverij.


    LM Publishers (Volendam)


    Uitgeverij Coutinho (Bussum)


    Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas (Amsterdam)


    Wolf Legal Publishers (Tilburg)




    Blik op werk Nieuwsbrief

    Als onafhankelijke kwaliteitsorganisatie wijst Blik op Werk de weg naar gekeurde dienstverleners, bewezen methodieken en praktische kennis rond duurzame arbeidsparticipatie en inburgering.                                                                                                               Utrecht: Blik op werk.


    CoMensHa Nieuwsbrief

    Mensenhandel in beeld.

    Amersfoort: CoMensHa.


    Defence for Children Nieuwsbrief

    2 keer per maand.

    Leiden: Defence for Children.



    Bulletin over bevolking en samenleving.

    Den Haag: Nederlands Interdisciplinair Demografisch Instituut (NIDI).

    10 keer jaar.


    De Vrolijkheid Nieuwsbrief

    Stichting De Vrolijkheid organiseert kunstzinnige en creatieve activiteiten voor, met en door kinderen en jongeren in meer dan 25 asielzoekerscentra.

    Amsterdam: Stichting De Vrolijkheid.


    El Hizjra Nieuwsbrief

    Amsterdam: El Hizjra.


    Gezamenlijke Nieuwsbrief Adviesraden

    Met nieuws van 12 Adviesraden. O.a. ACVZ, AIV, KNAW, Onderwijsraad, Raad voor Cultuur,  Raad voor het openbaar bestuur, SER, WRR.



    Stichting Granate is opgericht door dichter, filmmaker en cultureel ondernemer Nafiss Nia, en heeft als doel het creëren van kansen voor professionele biculturele dichters en filmmakers, met name voormalig vluchtelingen, en het bevorderen van meer culturele diversiteit en inclusiviteit in de Nederlandse film en poëzie.

    Amsterdam: Stichting Grante.


    iMMO Nieuwsbrief

    Diemen: instituut voor Mensenrechten en Medisch Onderzoek. (iMMO).


    Impact Magazine

    Impact informeert, agendeert en discussieert over de psychosociale gevolgen van ingrijpende gebeurtenissen op zowel mensen, organisaties als samenleving. Gericht op mensen die zich beroepsmatig bezighouden met psychosociale gevolgen van rampen, crisis, oorlog en geweld, zoals hulpverleners, onderzoekers en beleidsmakers. Daarnaast focust Impact zich op professionals en anderen met interesse in terugkerende thema’s als psychotrauma, psychosociale hulp na rampen en crisis als ook oorlog, vervolging en geweld.

    Diemen: ARQ Kenniscentrum Oorlog, vervolging en geweld


    Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie Nieuwsbrief

    Rotterdam: Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie.


    Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Mensenrechten

    Gericht op het verspreiden van informatie over ontwikkelingen met betrekking tot de rechten van de mens, voor zover die van belang zijn voor de Nederlandse rechtsorde of het Nederlandse buitenlandbeleid.

    Leiden: Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM).

    4 keer per jaar.


    Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights

    The journal publishes multidisciplinary articles addressing human rights issues from an international perspective.

    Published in Association with Netherlands Institute of Human Rights.


    Netwerk van Organisaties van Oudere Migranten (NOOM) Nieuwsbrief

    Utrecht: Netwerk van Organisaties van Oudere Migranten (NOOM).


    New Dutch Connections Nieuwsbrief

    Utrecht: New Dutch Connections.


    Nieuwsbrief Jeugd

    Den Haag: ZonMW.


    Nieuwsbrief Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving (KIS).


    Nieuwsbrief LOS

    Rotterdam: Stichting Landelijk Ongedocumenteerden Steunpunt.



    Nieuwsbrief NJCM

    Leiden: Nederlands Juristen Comité voor de Mensenrechten (NJCM).


    Nieuwsbrief Stichting Civic

    Zet zich in voor beter inburgeringsbeleid.

    Amsterdam: Stichting Civic.


    Nieuwsbrief Takecarebnb

    Matcht vluchtelingen en gastgezinnen.

    Amsterdam: Takecarebnb.


    Nieuwsbrief Terugkeer

    Met opgeheven hoofd 2.

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.


    Nieuwsbrief Vluchtelingkinderen

    Project Time4You.

    3 keer per jaar.

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.


    NiNsee Nieuwsbrief

    Amsterdam: Nationaal instituut Nederlands slavernijverleden en erfenis. (NiNsee)


    ONfile Nieuwsbrief

    ONfile is een netwerk van gevluchte journalisten, schrijvers en andere mediaprofessionals.

    Amsterdam: Stichting ONfile.


    Pharos nieuwsbrief

    Het landelijk expertisecentrum Pharos draagt bij aan het terugdringen van grote gezondheidsverschillen. 

    Verschijnt maandelijks.

    Utrecht: Pharos.


    Refugee Company Newsletter

    Amsterdam: Refugee Company.


    Refugee Talent Hub Nieuwsbrief

    Brengt werkgevers en vluchtelingtalenten dichter bij elkaar met betaalde banen als doel.

    Amsterdam: Refugee Talent Hub.


    Republiek Allochtonië Nieuwsbrief


    RFG Magazine

    Tijdschrift gemaakt door vluchtelingen.


    SIM Newsleter

    Utrecht: Studie- en Informatiecentrum Mensenrechten.


    The Other Network  Nieuwsbrief

    Brengt beslissers met diverse culturele achtergronden uit de top van het bedrijfsleven, de overheid en de non-profit sector op een proactieve manier met elkaar in contact.

    Amstelveen: The Other Network (TON).


    The X-Pat journal

    The quarterly magazine for expatriates in the Netherlands.

    The Hague: Van Essen Publishing Concepts & Services.


    VluchtelingenWerk Magazine

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.

    4 keer per jaar.


    VluchtelingenWerk Nederland Nieuwsbrief

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.


    VluchtelingenWerk Nederland Update

    Wekelijkse update met  juridische actualiteiten.


    Wordt vervolgd

    Het journalistiek onafhankelijke maandblad over mensenrechten.

    Amsterdam: Amnesty International.


    Young Global People Nieuwsbrief

    Platform voor hoogopgeleid multicultureel talent, werkgevers, studentenverenigingen en professionals die gezamenlijk willen werken aan meer culturele diversiteit in de top van het Nederlandse bedrijfsleven.

    Amstelveen: Young Global People.




    Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken


    Rijksoverheid  - Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken &  Koninkrijksrelaties

    Nieuws over migratie.


    Rijksoverheid  - Ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid

    Nieuws over mensenhandel en mensensmokkel.


    Attendering ook over: asielbeleid; discriminatie;  eergerelateerd geweld; immigratie; terugkeer vreemdelingen.


    Taalunie tijdschriftenattendering

    Recent verschenen artikelen over onderwijs Nederlands/NT2 in Nederlandse en Vlaamse ondwerwijsbladen.

    Ook maandelijkse tijdschriftenattendering mbt basisonderwijs, voortgezet/secundair onderwijs, beroeps- en volwassenenonderwijs.




    College voor de Rechten van de Mens

    Utrecht: College voor de Rechten van de Mens.


    Shelter City

    Nationwide initiative of Justice and Peace Netherlands to protect human rights defenders, in cooperation with a growing number of Dutch cities and local organizations.


    14. BELGIË

     (Zie ook: 1. Asiel- en migratierecht)



    Driemaandelijks, onafhankelijk, geëngageerd Nederlands-Turks tijdschrift voor literatuur en kunst.


    Anderstalige ouders in het onderwijs


    Atlas Magazine

    Verhalen uit een diverse stad.

    Antwerpen: Atlas, Integratie en inburgering Antwerpen.


    Brood & Rozen

    Publiceert artikels, reportages, fotoverslagen enz. over de geschiedenis van sociale bewegingen in Vlaanderen, België en andere landen.

    Gent: Amsab, Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis.


    CeMis Nieuwsbrief

    Antwerpen: Centrum voor Migratie en Interculturele Studies (CeMIS). Universiteit Antwerpen.


    Dienst Certificering Sociaal Tolken Nieuwsbrief

    Een overzicht van nieuwe opleidingen en tests voor (kandidaat-) sociaal tolken.

    Brussel: Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering.


    DocAtlas Nieuwsbrief

    Antwerpen/ Turnhout: APB Provinciaal Documentatiecentrum Atlas.



    Nieuwsbrief van Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen.

    Brussel: Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen.


    E-Newsflash Diversiteit

    Leuven: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.


    Kenniscentrum WWZ Nieuwsbrief

    Brussel: Kenniscentrum WWZ. Welzijn, Wonen, Zorg.


    Kif Kif Nieuwsbrief

    Interculturele beweging die strijdt voor gelijkheid en tegen racisme.

    Berchem: Kif Kif.


    Minderhedenforum Nieuwsbrief

    Brussel: Minderhedenforum vzw.



    Brussel: Myria. Federaal Migratiecentrum.


    Nieuwsbrief vreemdelingenrecht en internationaal familierecht

    Gespecialiseerde juridische nieuwsbrief over alle ontwikkelingen in de rechtspositie van vreemdelingen. Bevat ook een overzicht van gepubliceerde wetgeving in het Belgisch Staatsblad en het Europees Publicatieblad. Verschijnt ongeveer maandelijks.

    Brussel: Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering.


    School Zonder Racisme Nieuwsbrief

    Koekelberg: School Zonder Racisme vzw.


    Steunpunt Diversiteit & Leren Nieuwsbrief & Leren

    Verbonden aan de Vakgroep Taalkunde van de Universiteit Gent; biedt wetenschappelijk onderbouwde ondersteuning met betrekking tot ‘Omgaan met diversiteit’.


    UNHCR-België Nieuwsbrief

    Brussel: UNHCR België.



    Wijs in Diversiteit

    Brussel: LOP en Diversiteit, een initiatief van: ACOD onderwijs, VSOA onderwijs, KOOGO en GO! Ouders.






    (Zie ook Franstalige publicaties)



    Die Zeitschrift für Flüchtlings- und Migrationsrecht.

    Berlin: Informationsverbund Asyl und Migration e.V.



    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.


    Briefing Notes

    Das Informationszentrum Asyl und Migration (IZAM) erstellt wöchentlich sogenannte "Briefing Notes", kurze Informationen über die aktuelle Lage in relevanten Herkunftsländern auf Basis öffentlicher Quellen.

    Beschikbaar in Duitse & Engelse versies.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.


    Newsletter DeZIM-Institut

    Berlin: Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM) e.V.


    Interculture journal

    Online Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien.


    MIDEM Studie

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (MIDEM), TU Dresden, Institut für Politikwissenschaft/Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Demokratieforschung, Philosophische Fakultät.



    Migration und Soziale Arbeit

    Frankfurt a. M. : ISS.



    Neuer Nachrichtenbrief der Gesellschaft für Exilforschung e. V

    Würzburg: Gesellschaft für Exilforschung .

    Zweimal jährlich.


    Newsletter Asyl in der Kirche

    Der monatliche Newsletter enthält eine Auswahl von Medienbeiträgen rund um das Thema Kichenasyl, zur Lage von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland und zur Unterstützung von Flüchtlingen durch Kirchengemeinden.

    Berlin: Ökumenische Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Asyl in der Kirche e.V.


    Newsletter Informationsverbunds Asyl und Migration

    Träger des Informationsverbunds Asyl und Migration sind: Amnesty International, Arbeiterwohlfahrt, Deutscher Caritasverband, Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, Deutsches Rotes Kreuz, Diakonisches Werk der EKD, PRO ASYL, Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland.

    Berlin: Informationsverbunds Asyl und Migration.


    Newsletter Pro Asyl

    Newsletter mit den wichtigsten Neuigkeiten zum Thema Asyl in Deutschland und Europa.

    Frankfurt/M.: Pro Asyl.


    Sea-Watch Newsletter

    Hamburg: Sea-Watch.


    Terra Cognita

    Schweizer Zeitschrift zu Integration und Migration / Revue suisse de l’intégration et de la migration/  Revista Svizzera dell’integrazione e della migrazione.

    Berne: Commission fédérale des migrations CFM.



    Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik.

    ZAR informiert als führende ausländerrechtliche Zeitschrift umfassend über das gesamte Migrationsrecht vom Asyl- über das Zuwanderungs- bis hin zum Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht und behandelt dabei auch die europäische und die internationale Ebene.

    10 Ausgaben pro Jahr, mit zwei Doppelheften.

    Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.



    Zeitschrift für Flucht- und Flüchtlingsforschung / German Journal of Forced Migration and Refugee Studies

    Nomos Verlag.

    2 keer per jaar.

    Ook Newsletter.



    Zeitschrift für Kultur des Exils und Widerstands.

    [Vormals "Mit der Ziehharmonika"]

    Wien: Verlag der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft.






    African and Black Diaspora

    An International Journal.

    Multi-disciplinary peer-reviewed international journal that seeks to broaden and deepen our understanding of the lived experiences of people of African descent across the globe by publishing theoretically and historically informed as well as empirically grounded works in the social sciences and humanities that are intellectually challenging and illuminating.


    3 issues per year.


    African Human Mobility Review (AHMR)

    Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed on-line journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects (socio-economic, political, legislative and developmental) of human mobility in Africa.

    Cape Town: Scalabrini Institute for Human Mobility in Africa (SIHMA).


    AMIS Newsletter

    Copenhagen: University of Copenhagen. Centre for Advanced Migration Studies.


    Anti-Trafficking Review

    Promotes a human rights based approach to anti-trafficking. It explores trafficking in its broader context including gender analyses and intersections with labour and migrant rights.




    Asian and Pacific Migration Journal

    SAGE Journals.


    Asylos Research Update

    Asylos is a network of volunteers who research information for asylum claims.

    Brussels: Asylos.


    Asylum quarterly report

    Eurostat Statistics Explained

    Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union situated in Luxembourg.


    Black Diaspora Review

    The Review will provide a forum for the scholarly critiques; debate every aspect of Black Diaspora studies, including its mission, curricula, ideology and/or scholarly methodologies, linkages to other academic disciplines links to extra-academic communities, and its future.

    Indiana University, Bloomington.


    Cambridge Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry

    A new peer-review journal that aims to deepen our grasp of postcolonial literary history, while enabling us to stay comprehensively informed of all critical developments in the field.

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    Canadian Diversity

    Quarterly publication of the Association for Canadian Studies (ACS).


    Canadian Ethnic Studies

    Fully refereed, interdisciplinary journal is devoted to the study of ethnicity, immigration, inter-group relations, and the history and cultural life of ethnic groups in Canada.


    Central and Eastern European Migration Review

    Warsaw: Uniwersytet Warszawski OÅrodek BadaÅ nad Migracjami Polska Akademia Nauk.


    Cities of Migration e-newsletter

    Bi-monthly review of good ideas, news and events  from Cities of Migration, its GDX family and international networks.


    Citizenship Studies

    Academic journal that takes the discourse and practice of citizenship as an object of critical inquiry.

    8 issues per year.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.                                                                                                                                              


    CJEU Overview of judgments and pending cases

    On: Regular Migration / Asylum of Third-Country Nationals / Borders and Visas / Irregular Migration / EEC-Turkey Association Agreement / Free Movement.

    Nijmegen: Centre for Migration Law (CMR). Radboud University.



    CMS Migration Update

    Weekly digest of news and other information related to national and international migration for faith leaders and pastoral workers caring for migrants.

    New York: Center for Migration Studies.


    Comparative Migration Studies

    Springer. Affiliated with IMISCOE.

    [Open Access]


    Critical Muslim

    Quarterly magazine of ideas and issues showcasing ground breaking thinking on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in a rapidly changing, interconnected world.



    Journal of Migration & Culture.

    Bristol: Intellect.



    A Journal of Transnational Studies.

    Diaspora is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of the history, culture, social structure, politics and economics of both the traditional diasporas – Armenian, Greek, and Jewish – and those transnational dispersions which in the past three decades have chosen to identify themselves as ‘diasporas.’

    Toronto: University of Toronto Press.


    Diaspora, indigenous, and minority education

    Studies of migration, integration, equity, and cultural survival.

    Mahwah, NJ : Erlbaum.

    Philadelphia, PA: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.



    Diaspora Studies

    Journal of the Organisation for Diaspora Initiatives (ODI)

    Abingdon: Taylor and Francis Ltd.


    EASO Newsletter

    Valletta: European Asylum Support Office. (EASO)


    ECRE Weekly Bulletin

    Brussels: ECRE.


    ELENA Weekly Legal Updates

    Provides information about important recent developments in international and European asylum law. The update covers the asylum-related judgments of the European Courts and domestic case law as well as asylum legal news from across Europe.

    Brussels: ECRE / ELENA.


    EMN Bulletin

    Quarterly newsletters which provide an update on recent EU and national developments on migration and asylum as well as providing an overview of key statistics, EMN publications, events and developments.


    Environmental Migration Newsletter

    Knowledge Platform on People on the Move in a Changing Climate.

    Geneva: IOM.


    ERN + Communications

    European Resettlement Network and SHARE relating to resettlement and complementary pathways of admission as well as refugee integration.


    Ethnic and Racial Studies

    Aims to be the leading journal for the analysis of the role of race, racism, ethnicity, migration and forms of ethno-nationalism.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.

    15 issues per year.



    Cross-disciplinary journal that will provide a critical dialogue between tdebates in sociology and politics, and related disciplines.


    Ethnicity & Health

    International academic journal designed to meet the world-wide interest in the health of ethnic groups.



    Formerly Global Review of Ethnopolitics.


    Abingdon: Routledge



    Research and Consulting on Migration and Asylum Policy Worldwide.


    European equality law review

    European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.

    Brussels: European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers Directorate D — Equality and Union citizenship.


    European Journal of Migration and Law

    Quarterly journal on migration law and policy with specific emphasis on the European Union, the Council of Europe and migration activities within the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

    Leiden: Brill / Nijhoff.

    European Network on Statelessness Newsletter

    London: European Network on Statelessness.


    European Resettlement Network 

    Inclusive network that supports the development of resettlement in Europe by connecting a variety of actors involved in refugee resettlement.


    Every Story Matters Newsletter

    We want to encourage the creation of more inclusive books for children and young adults, and to give book professionals (including publishers, librarians and editors) the tools and the strategies needed to become more inclusive and make diversity mainstream.


    Forced Migration Review (FMR)

    Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre. Oxford Department of International Development. University of Oxford.

    Available in English, French, Spanish and Arabic & free of charge in print and online.


    FRA Newsletter

    Vienna: FRA: The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.

    Weekly or monthly updates about FRA work.


    Global Detention Project Newsletter

    Geneva: Global Detention Project.



    Dedicated to enhancing scholarly contributions on the global history of migration and the acculturation of immigrants and their descendants into their new society.


    Human Rights Defender Hub

    Linking Protection, Capacity-Building and Research.

    York: University of York.


    Human Trafficking and Exploitation Newsletter

    Edinburgh: Scottish Govenment.


    ICMC Newsletter

    ICMC's mission is to protect and serve uprooted people, including refugees, asylum seekers, internally displaced people, victims of human trafficking, and migrants - regardless of faith, race, ethnicity or nationality.

    Geneva / Boston / Brussels: International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC).



    Global Studies in Culture and Power.

    Explores the formation and transformation of racial, ethnic, national, transnational and postcolonial identities in the contemporary world.


    IEHS Newsletter

    Immigration and Ethnic History Society.


    IMISCOE Newsletter

    International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe.

    Rotterdam: Erasmus University. Department of Social Sciences.


    Immigrants and Minorities

    Historical Studies in Ethnicity, Migration and Diaspora.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.


    Immigration News and Updates

    Washington DC: Center for Immigration Studies.

    Independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organizatio. It is the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.


    In Passage

    The International Journal of Writing and Mobility.

    Electronic annual  journal of the Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures of the University of Boumerdes, Algeria.

    English & French.


    InterDisciplinary I Journal of Portuguese Diaspora Studies (IJPDS)

    Double-blind, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal.


    International Journal of Discrimination and the Law

    Encompasses wide range of areas of discrimination including racism and sex discrimination, the treatment of asylum-seekers and refugees, issues of immigration and nationality, discrimination on grounds disability, sexual or political orientation, age and ill-health, in relation to access to employment, housing, education and other services.

    London: Sage Publications LTD.


    International Journal of Intercultural Relations

    Dedicated to advancing knowledge and understanding of theory, research and practice in the field of intercultural relations, including, but not limited to, topics such as immigrant acculturation and integration; intergroup relations, and intercultural communication that have implications for social impact.


    International Journal of Migration and Residential Mobility

    IJMRM proposes and fosters discussion on the fields of internal and international migration and residential mobility, with emphasis on the implications that policy choices have on both

    the process and law of migration and residential mobility.

    Geneva: Inderscience Publishers.

    4 issues per year.


    International Journal of Migration & Border Studies

    IJMBS addresses the whole range of technological, human/social, political, policy, organisational and managerial issues related to migration and border studies.

    4 issues per year.

    Geneva: Inderscience Publishers.


    International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care

    A double blind peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal focusing on how international migration relates to health and social care issues, including mental health.

    Bingley (UK): Emerald Publishing.


    International Journal of Refugee Law                                                                                                                                                                  

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.



    International Journal on Minority and Group Rights

    Devoted to interdisciplinary studies of the legal, political, economic and social problems which minorities and indigenous peoples face in all countries of the world.

    Leiden: Brill.


    International Migration        

    Refereed bimonthly review of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) on current migration issues as analysed by demographers, economists, and sociologists all over the world.                                                                                                         


    International Migration Outlook

    OECD’s annual publication analysing recent developments in migration movements and policies in its countries. Each edition provides the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and flows, immigrants in the labour market, and migration policies. Country notes provide detailed policy information for each OECD country and special chapters look at current issues in immigration.

    Paris: OECD.                                                                                                                                       


    International Migration Review

    Interdisciplinary journal created to encourage and facilitate the study of all aspects of sociodemographic, historical, economic, political, legislative, spatial, social, and cultural aspects of human mobility.

    New York: Center for Migration Studies / SAGE Publications.



    Journal of Mental Health & Psychosocial Support in Conflicted Areas.

    Diemen: Stichting War Trauma Foundation / ARQ International, de internationale afdeling van ARQ Nationaal Psychotrauma Centrum.



    International Journal of Postcolonial Studies.

    Interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal operating at the crossroads of contemporary work in the humanities and social sciences.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis.                                                                                                                                              


    IRCT Newsletter

    As a network of more than 160 torture rehabilitation centres in over 70 countries, the IRCT is the world’s largest membership-based civil society organisation specialised in the field of torture rehabilitation.                            

    Copenhagen / Bruxelles: International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims. (IRCT)



    Journal of African Migration.

    Peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of African migration and immigration to other parts of the world.

    New York: African Migration.


    IRR Newsletter

    London: The Institute of Race Relations (IRR).


    IZA Journal of Development and Migration

    Bonn: IZA, Institute of Labor Economics.

    Sciendo / De Gruyter.


    Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage

    Provides a focal point for peer-reviewed publications in interdisciplinary studies in archaeology, history, material culture, and heritage dynamics concerning African descendant populations and cultures across the globe.


    Journal of American Ethnic History

    The Official Journal of the Immigration & Ethnic History Society.

    Addresses various aspects of American immigration and ethnic history, including background of emigration, ethnic and racial groups, Native Americans, immigration policies, and the processes of acculturation.

    Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.


    Journal of Chinese Overseas

    This cross-disciplinary journal publishes research articles, reports, and book reviews on Chinese overseas throughout the world, and the communities from which they trace their origins.

    Leiden: Brill.


    Journal of Citizenship and Globalisation Studies

    Interested in the complex and often contradictory meanings of citizenship, social inclusion and globalisation at the local, national and transnational levels.

    [Open Access]


    Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism

    Focuses on the multiple and changing manifestations of antisemitism in the contemporary world.


    Brookline, MA: Academic Studies Press.


    Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies    

    Voortzetting van: New community.

    London: Carfax Publishing.

    6 issues per year.


    Journal of Global Mobility

    The Home of Expatriate Management Research.

    Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited.


    Journal of Human Trafficking             

    Supports the greater understanding of human trafficking by publishing diverse scholarship on all forms of contemporary slavery.


    Journal of Identity and Migration Studies

    University of Oradea. Research Centre on Identity and Migration Issues, University of Oradea, Romania.


    Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health

    Springer Verlag.


    Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies

    New York: Haworth.



    Journal of Immigration, Asylum & Nationality Law

    Immigration Law Practitioners' Association (ILPA).


    London / Oxford: Bloomsbury Professional.


    Journal of Intercultural Studies

    Showcases innovative scholarship about emerging cultural formations, intercultural negotiations and contemporary challenges to cultures and identities

    6 issues per year.


    Journal of Internal Displacement

    For displaced people everywhere.

    Scholarly and inter-disciplinary platform for raising the profile of displaced populations through discussions, critical dialogue, emerging themes, reflections and explorations on a wide range of topics and regions around the globe.


    Journal of International Migration and Integration

    Multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal that publishes original research papers and policy discussions that enhance the understanding of immigration, settlement and integration and that contribute to policy development.

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


    Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law (JLP)

    Devoted to scholarly writing and documentation on all aspects of legal pluralism and unofficial law everywhere in the world and at all times.

    Leiden: Commission on Legal Pluralism. /Taylor & Francis.


    Journal of Migration History

    Leiden: Brill.


    Journal of Postcolonial Writing

    Academic journal devoted to the study of literary and cultural texts produced in various postcolonial locations around the world.

    From 1973 to 2004 titled World Literature Written in English.

    Abingdon: Routledge.

    6 issues per year.


    Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics (JREP)

    The official journal of the Race, Ethnicity, and Politics section of the American Political Science Association.

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


    Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities

    Reports on the scholarly progress of work to understand, address, and ultimately eliminate health disparities based on race and ethnicity.

    Springer Nature Switzerland AG.


    Journal of Refugee & Global Health

    Luisville,KY: University of Louisville.


    Journal of Refugee Studies
    Oxford: Oxford University Press.



    Journal on Migration and Human Security (JMHS)

    Peer-reviewed publication that seeks to feature cutting-edge, evidence-based public policy papers. Its “human security” rubric is meant to evoke the widely shared goals of creating secure and sustaining conditions in migrant sending communities; promoting safe, orderly and legal migration; and developing rights-respecting immigration and immigrant integration policies that benefit sending and receiving communities and allow newcomers to lead productive, secure lives.

    New York: Center for Migration Studies (CMS).


    Mashriq & Mahjar

    Journal of Middle East Migration Studies.

    Bi-annual electronic publication devoted to disseminating original research on migration from Kannan Family NC, to, and within the region now commonly known as the 'Middle East.

    Raleigh, NC: North Carolina State University.


    MIGNEX Newsletter

    Collaborative research effort to tackle the challenges of global migration with a longterm vision for better outcomes.

    Based at nine institutions:  Peace Research Institute Oslo, Danube University Krems, University of Ghana, Koç University, Lahore University of Management Sciences, Maastricht University, Overseas Development Institute University of Oxford, Samuel Hall.

    London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).



    Key fundamental rights concerns.

    Quarterly bulletin.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.


    Migration and Development

    Contributions to highlight international migration beyond the conventional lines such as the migration-development nexus, to borderless migration, refugees, return migration, labour laws, policy changes and the implications for both the sending and receiving countries.

    3 issues per year.


    Migration and Health Newsletter

    Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe.


    Migration and Society

    Advances in Research.

    Addresses both dynamics and drivers of migration; processes of settlement and integration; and transnational practices and diaspora formation.

    Brooklyn, NY: Berghahn.


    Migration Information Source

    Provides fresh thought, authoritative data, and global analysis of international migration and refugee trends.

    Washington: Migration Policy Institute. A nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide.


    Migration Letters

    International leading scholarly journal for researchers, students, scholars who investigate human migration as well as practitioners and quick dissemination of research in the field.

    London: Transnational Press.


    Migration, Mobility & Displacement

    Online, open-access, peer- reviewed journal. It seeks to publish original and innovative scholarly articles, juried thematic essays from migrant advocacy groups and practitioners, and visual essays that speak to migration, mobility and displacement and that relate in diverse ways to the Asia-Pacific.

    Victoria, BC, Canada: The Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives. University of Victoria.


    Migration News Sheet

    Brussels: Migration Policy Group.


    Migration Policy Centre Newsletter

    Florence: Migration Policy Centre.


    Migration Policy Practice

    A Bimonthly Journal for and by Policymakers Worldwide.

    Geneva: IOM.


    Migration Studies

    International refereed, online only journal dedicated to advancing scholarly understanding of the determinants, processes and outcomes of human migration in all its manifestations.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.



    Examines the large-scale movements of people, objects, capital, and information across the world, as well as more local processes of daily transportation, movement through public and private space and the travel of material objects in everyday life.

    5 issues per year.



    Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies.

    Bielefeld: transcript.


    Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

    Explores the varied political aspects of nationalism and ethnicity in order to develop more constructive inter-group relations, and to address the sources of both contemporary and historical identity-based conflicts.

    4 issues per year.



    Newsletter on European Asylum Issues.

    This newsletter contains European legislation and jurisprudence on four central themes regarding asylum: (1) qualification for protection (2) procedural safeguards (3) responsibility sharing and (4) reception conditions of asylum seekers.

    Nijmegen: Centre for Migration Law (CMR). Radboud University.




    Newsletter on European Free Movement Issues.

    This newsletter contains all European legislation and jurisprudence on access and residence rights of EU citizens and their family members as well as relevant national judgments on the interpretation of this legislation.                               

    Nijmegen: Centre for Migration Law (CMR). Radboud University.




    Newsletter on European Migration Issues.

    This newsletter contains all European legislation and jurisprudence on access and residence rights of third country nationals, as well as relevant national judgments on the interpretation of this legislation. NEMIS does not include jurisprudence on free movement of EU citizens and their third country national family members.

    Nijmegen: Centre for Migration Law (CMR). Radboud University.



    New diversities

    An online journal publishing high quality, peer-reviewed articles concerning multiple forms of diversity. It carries on the work of its predecessors DIVERSITIES and The International Journal on Multicultural Societies (IJMS).                                                                

    Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity.



    Newsletter on migration and refugees

    Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Office of the Special Representative on migration and refugees.


    Nordic Journal of Migration Research

    Continuation of the Norwegian Journal of Migration Research (2000-2009) and the Finnish Journal of Ethnicity and Migration.

    Theoretical and empirical analyses of migratory processes, dealing with themes such as nationalism and transnationalism, ethnic relations and racism, border practices and belonging.                                                                                                                                                                

    [Open access]


    Odysseus Academic Network / Réseau Académique Odysseus Newsletter

    Brussels: Odysseus Network.  Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe.


    Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration (OXMO)

    Critical. Independent. Engaged.



    Pew Research Center Newsletter

    Weekly roundup of all new Pew Research Center content.



    Canada’s Journal on Refugees / Revue canadienne sur les réfugiés.



    Refugee Action Email Updates

    London: Refugee Action.


    Refugee Brief

    The UN Refugee Agency’s daily news digest.

    Geneva: UNHCR.


    Refugee Council Email Updates

    London: The Refugee Council.  

    The Refugee Research Network Research Digest

    Provides a synopsis of recent research on refugee and forced migration issues.

    Canada: The Refugee Research Network (RRN).


    Refugee Review    

    Open-source, peer-reviewed journal that aims to showcase unique perspectives and emerging voices in refugee studies. Connect. Contribute. Collaborate.

    Emerging Scholars and Practitioners on Migration Issues (ESPMI) Network.


    Refugee Support

    Supporting Refugees & Local Communities with Dignity.

    Brighton: Refugees Support Europe.


    Refugee Support Network Newsletter

    London: Refugee Support Network.


    Refugee Survey Quarterly

    Peer-reviewed, academic journal that focuses on the challenges of forced migration from multidisciplinary and policy-oriented perspectives.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.


    Refugee Watch

    A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration.



    Roma Inclusion Newsletter

    Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe in cooperation with the European Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Consumers and the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace at the University of Alicante, Spain (WHO Collaborating Centre on Social Inclusion and Health).


    Scholars at Risk Newsletter

    International network of institutions and individuals shares a mission to protect threatened scholars, promote academic freedom, and prevent attacks on higher education communities around the world.

    - Academic Freedom Media Review (Weekly summary of news related to academic freedom).

    - SAR Monthly Newsletter.

    - Advocacy Insider.(Monthly Newsletter).

    New York: Scholars at Risk.


    Second Language Research

    International peer-reviewed, quarterly journal, publishing original theory-driven research concerned with second (and additional) language acquisition and second language performance.


    SHARE Integration Magazine

    Partnerships for refugee inclusion in local communities across Europe.


    SIRIUS newsletter

    Monthly updates on migrant and refugee education news, events, and policy developments.

    Brussels: SIRIUS, the international leading Policy Network on Migrant Education.


    Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 

    The official journal of ASA’s Section for Racial and Ethnic Minorities publishes the highest quality, cutting-edge sociological research on race and ethnicity regardless of epistemological, methodological, or theoretical orientation.


    Statelessness and Citizenship Review

    Melbourne: University of Melbourne & Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion.


    Statewatch News

    Monitering the state and civil liberties in Europe.


    Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism

    London Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism.


    Studies in Global Migration History

    Finland Nordic Forum of Sino-Western Studies.

    Leiden: Brill.


    The Journal of Interrupted Studies

    Publishes complete and incomplete articles by scholars whose work has been jeopardized by forced migration.

    Based in Oxford:

    Leiden: Brill.


    The New Humanitarian

    (Formerly IRIN News)

    Puts quality, independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world. We report from the heart of conflicts and disasters to inform prevention and response.

    Weekly & Daily newsletters & Email alerts on regional or topical news.

    Geneva: The New Humantarian.


    Together Against Trafficking in Human Beings newsletter

    Brussels: European Commission.


    Torture Journal

    international scientific journal that provides an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of original research and systematic reviews by professionals concerned with the biomedical, psychological and social interface of torture and the rehabilitation of its survivors.


    Transcultural Studies

    A Journal in Interdisciplinary Research.

    Contributions into literatures and cultures in the context of new methodologies in cultural theory, aesthetics, philosophy or political thought.


    Leiden: Brill.



    A Journal of Travel, Migration, and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking World.

    Department of German at the University of California, Berkeley.




    Journal of Transient Migration.

    It aims to map the experiences of transient migrants as they engage and interact with communities that are linked both to their home and host nations and to analyse the effects of transient migration as a global, national and communal phenomenon.


    Bristol: Intellect.


    UNU Newsletter on Migration

    Maastricht: United Nations University. UNU-Merit.


    World Migration Report

    Geneva: IOM.






    La revue trimestrielle suisse sur la pratique et le droit d’asile, est destinée aux spécialistes et à toute personne intéressée.

    Available in French and German.

    Berne: Swiss Refugee Council SRC / Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe SFH-OSAR.


    European Migration Law

    Asile, immigration, libre circulation des personnes.

    Nantes: Association European Migration Law.


    Hommes et migrations

    Revue francaise de référence sur les dynamiques migratoires.

    Paris: Musée national de l'histoire de l'immigration.



    Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI)

    Quatre numéros par an.

    Poitiers: Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales.


    Swiss Refugee Council Newsletter

    Available in French or German.

    Berne: Swiss Refugee Council SRC / Schweizerische Flüchtlingshilfe SFH-OSAR.








    Beiträge zu Flucht, Asyl und Zwangsmigration.




    Border Criminologies Blog

    Oxford: University of Oxford. Faculty of Law.


    Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies Podcasts

    London: SOAS University of London.



    Oxford: COMPAS, School of Anthropology, University of Oxford.



    CrossMigration supports the systematic accumulation of knowledge in migration studies.


    ENAR (European Network Against Racism)

    The only pan-European anti-racism network that combines advocacy for racial equality and facilitating cooperation among civil society anti-racism actors in Europe.


    EU Law Analysis

    Expert insight into EU law developments.


    European Network on Statelessness

    London: European Network on Statelessness.


    Forced Migration Library

    A place to learn about books and journals relating to refugees, internally displaced persons, stateless people, and other forced migrants.



    News and information site for migrants to counter misinformation at every point of their journey: in their country of origin, along the route, or in the places where they hope to start a new life.

    Available in five languages: French, Arabic, English, Dari and Pashto.

    InfoMigrants is a collaboration led by three major European media sources: France Médias Monde (France 24, Radio France International, Monte Carlo Doualiya), the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle, and the Italian press agency ANSA. InfoMigrants is co-financed by the European Union.


    Migration Health Research Podcast

    An exciting new feature of the Migration Health Research Bulletin, presenting an interview with IOM authors/contributors on publications featured in the issue.


    Migrant Knowledge

    Writing knowledge into the history of migration and migration into the history of knowledge.

    German Historical Institute Washington / Max Weber Stiftung.


    Migrants & Refugees Section

    In response to his experience in Lampadusa and Lesbos, The Migrants & Refugees Section is a small action-oriented Vatican office personally directed by Pope Francis to ensure that those forced to flee are not shut out or left behind.

    The M&R Section helps the church worldwide to support those who are forcibly displaced by conflict, natural diasaster, persecution or extreme poverty; and those who fall victim to human trafficking.


    Migrant Voice

    Speaking for Ourselves.

    London / Birmingham / Glasgow: Migrant Voice.


    MPC Blog

    Debate Migration.

    Firenze: Migration Policy Centre. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies.
    European University Institute.


    NCCR – on the move

    Neuchâtel: National Center of Competence in Research (NCCR) for migration and mobility studies.


    People Move

    A blog about migration, remittances, and development.

    World Bank Blogs.



    Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants, network of organisations working to ensure social justice and human rights for undocumented migrants.

    Brussels: PICUM.


    Refugee Law Initiative

    London: Refugee Law Initiative, School of Advanced Study. University of London.


    The Migrationist

    A Collaborative International Migration Blog.


    University of Oxford Podcasts



    Enhancing Community Building and Social Integration through Dialogue and Collaboration amongst Young Europeans and Third Country Nationals.



    Reacties, correcties & aanvullingen zijn zeer welkom:


    © Erik van den Bergh


  • 3. Publicaties van en over asielzoekers, vluchtelingen, migranten & over de multiculturele samenleving 2019





    C. AZIË



































    Aangekondigd voor 2020/2021


    Nederland & België


    Ook beschikbare overzichten






    Cohen, Robin, Migratie

    Hoe de mensheid zich over de wereld heeft verspreid.

    Oorspr. titel: Migration. The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present.

    Amsterdam: Fontaine Uitgevers. Oktober 2019. 224 blz.




    Abraham, David, Wer gehört zu uns?

    Einwanderung, Integration und Solidarität im Wohlfahrtsstaat.

    Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. Reihe: Jena-Center. Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Vorträge und Kolloquien; Bd. 25. 2019. 197 p.

    Angenendt, Steffen, Nadine Biehler, David Kipp, Amrei Meier, Mehr Flüchtlinge, unzureichende Finanzmittel

    Wie kann der internationale Flüchtlingsschutz finanziert werden?

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik / Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit. SWP-Studie 16. Juli 2019. 34 p.


    Bhabha, Jacqueline, Migration als Krise?       

    Wie ein Umdenken möglich ist.   

    Hamburg: Hamburger Edition. März 2019. 142 p. 


    Bresselau von Bressensdorf, Agnes, Uber Grenzen

    Migration und Flucht in globaler Perspektive seit 1945.

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG. Oktober 2019. 424 p.


    Jacob, Christian, Einwanderung willkommen

    Mythen und Lügen in der Flüchtlingspolitik - und warum Migration nicht das Problem ist.  

    Berlin: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. 2019. 70 p.


    Johler, Reinhard & Jan Lange (Hg.), Konfliktfeld Fluchtmigration

    Historische und ethnographische Perspektiven.

    Bielefeld: transcript. September 2019. 326 p.


    Kalkum, Dorina, Sophia Aalders, Lidwina Gundacker, Herbert Brücker, Geflüchtete Frauen und Familien

    Literaturüberblick zu gender- und familienbezogenen Aspekten der Fluchtmigration und Integration.

    Gefördert von: Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, DeZIM, IAB, BIM, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin.

    13. August 2019. 36 p.überblick_DK.pdf


    Kerstin Störl (Hrsg.), Migration und Interkulturalität

    Theorien - Methoden - Praxisbezüge.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang. 2019. 288 p.


    Küppers, Carolin / Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld (Hg.), Refugees & Queers

    Forschung und Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, Fluchtmigration und Emanzipationspolitiken.

    Bielefeld: transcript. September 2019. 178 p.


    Müller, Anna-Lisa, Migration, Materialität und Identität

    Verortungen zwischen Hier und Dort.

    Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag. Dezember 2019. 316 p.


    Schammann, Hannes & Danielle Gluns, Migrationspolitik

    Baden-Baden: Nomos. Dezember 2019. 250 p.


    Scherr, Albert & Karin Scherschel, Wer ist ein Flüchtling?

    Grundlagen einer Soziologie der Zwangsmigration.

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG. Fluchtaspekte. 2019. 112 p.


    Tonassi, Timo, Andere Länder, andere Sitten?

    Welche kulturellen Unterschiede Flüchtlinge wahrnehmen – und wie sie damit umgehen.

    Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration GmbH (SVR). 2019. 30 p.




    Abderrahim, Tasnim, Pushing the boundaries

    How to create more effective migration cooperation across the Mediterranean

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations. (ECFR). January 2019. 32 p.


    Akkerman, Mark, The Business of Building Walls

    Transnational Institute  / Stop Wapenhandel / Centre Delàs. November 2019. 71 p.


    Aleinikoff, T. Alexander &  Leah Zamore,  The Arc of Protection

    Reforming the International Refugee Regime.

    Redwood City CA: Stanford University Press. Stanford Briefs. October 2019. 184 p.


    Ambrosini, Maurizio, Manlio Cinalli, David Jacobson (Eds.), Migration, Borders and Citizenship

    Between Policy and Public Spheres - Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. September 2019. 309 p.


    Andersson, Lisa & Melissa Siegel,  Empirical assessments of the development impacts of migration

    Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. MIGNEX Background Paper. September 2019. 46 p.


    Asgary, Ali (Ed.), Resettlement Challenges for Displaced Populations and Refugees

    SpringerLink (Online service). 2019. XIV, 228 p.


    Berthold, S. Megan & Kahtryn R. Libal, Refugees and Asylum Seekers

    Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives.   

    Westport (USA): Praeger Publishers Inc. June 2019. 389 p.


    Bonifacio, Glenda Tibe, Global Youth Migration and Gendered Modalities

    Bristol: Policy Press. April 2019. 340 p.


    Borjas, George J., Barry R. Chiswick, Benjamin Elsner, Foundations of Migration Economics

    Oxford: Oxford University Press USA – OSO. February 2019. 720 p.


    Boulby, Marion & Kenneth Christie (Eds.), Migration, Refugees and Human Security in the Mediterranean and MENA 

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. January 2019. 257 p.


    Bradley, Megan, James Milner, Blair Peruniak, Francois Crepeau (Eds.), Refugees' Roles in Resolving Displacement and Building Peace    

    Beyond Beneficiaries. 

    Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. June 2019. 336 p.


    Brehl, Medardus, Andreas Eckl, Kristin Platt (eds.), The Mediterranean Other - The other Mediterranean

    Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh Verlag. Mittelmeerstudien. Band 21. 2019. 230 p.


    Bruey, Veronica Fynn & Steven W. Bender (Eds.), Deadly Voyages

    Migrant Journeys across the Globe.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. December 2019. 314 p.


    Bumgarner, Jeff, Immigration

    Law, politics & crime.

    San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. October 2019. 324 p.


    Burzyńskia, Michał, Christoph Deuster, Frédéric Docquier, Jaime de Melo, Climate Change, Inequality, and Human Migration

    Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12623. September 2019. 64 p.


    Cardona-Fox, Gabriel, Exile within Borders      

    A Global Look at Commitment to the International Regime to Protect Internally Displaced Persons.

    Leiden: Brill. January 2019. 220 p.


    Christiaensen, Luc, Alvaro S. Gonzalez, David A. Rabalino, Migration and Jobs

    Issues for the 21st Century.

    Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. Policy Research working paper; no. WPS 8867.

    May 2019. 36 p.


    Cohen, Robin, Migration

    The Movement of Humankind from Prehistory to the Present.

    London: Welbeck Publishing Group. October 2019. 224p.


    Cohen, Robin & Nicholas Van Hear, Refugia

    Radical Solutions to Mass Displacement.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 136 p.


    Constant, Amelie F., Return, ciruclar and onward migration decisions in a knowledge society

    Maastricht: Maastricht University / United Nations University. Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU‐MERIT). Working Papers Series # 2019-040. 30 p.


    Conte, Carmine, Hardship of family reunion for beneficiaries of international protection

    Policy Option Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum. ReSOMA. January 2019. 19 p.


    Côté, Isabelle, Matthew I. Mitchell, Monica Duffy Toft (Eds.), People changing places

    New perspectives on demography, migration, conflict, and the state.

    New York: Routledge. 2019. XVI, 238 p.


    Cox, Emma, Sam Durrant, David Farrier, Lyndsey Stonebridge, Agnes Woolley (Eds.), Refugee Imaginaries

    Research Across the Humanities.

    Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. December 2019. 544 p.


    Czaika, Mathias & Marie Godin, Qualitative Comparative Analysis for migration and development research

    Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. MIGNEX Background Paper. 32 p.


    D’Odorico, Marina  & Erika Colombo, Implementation of the  Global Compacts on Refugees (GCR)

    Ask the Expert Policy Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). May 2019. 11 p.


    Eisold, Barbara K., Psychodynamic Perspectives on Asylum Seekers and the Asylum-Seeking Process

    Abingdon: Routledge. Psychoanalysis in a New Key Book Series. February 2019. 188 p.


    Elo, Maria & Indianna Minto-Coy (Eds.), Diaspora networks in international business

    Perspectives for understanding and managing business and resources. 

    Cham: Springer. 2019. XXIV, 652 p.


    Ennaji, Moha, The Maghreb-Europe Paradigm

    Migration, Gender and Cultural Dialogue

    Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. August 2019. 182 p.


    Epstein, Gil S. & Shirit Katav-Herz, Who Is in Favor of Immigration

    Bonn: IZA. IZA DP No. 12368. May 2019. 14 p.


    Etzold, Benjamin, Milena Belloni, Russell King, Albert Kraler and Ferruccio Pastore, Transnational Figurations of Displacement

    Conceptualising protracted displacement and translocal connectivity through a process-oriented perspective.

    Bonn: BICC. TRAFIG Working Paper No. 1. 5 June 2019. 42 p.


    Ferris, Elizabeth G. & Katharine M. Donato, Refugees, Migration and Global Governance

    Negotiating the Global Compacts.

    Abingdon: Routledge. July 2019. 220 p.


    Fine, Shoshana, Susi Dennison & Richard Gowan, False moves

    Migration and development aid.

    Policy Brief.

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). October 2019. 24 p.


    FitzGerald, David Scott, Refuge Beyond Reach

    How Rich Democracies Repel Asylum Seekers.

    New York: Oxford University Press. April 2019. 376 p.


    Fransen, Sonja & Hein de Haas,  The Volume and Geography of Forced Migration 

    Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working Papers. Paper 156. MADE project paper 8. December 2019. 35 p.


    Fratzke, Susan & Lena Kainz, Preparing for the Unknown        

    Designing Effective Predeparture Orientation for Resettling Refugees.   

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute Europe. May 2019. 43 p.   

    [Austria, Canada, Finland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania]


    Fratzke, Susan, Lena Kaintz, Hanne Beirens, Emma Dorst, Jessica Bolter, Refugee Sponsorship Programmes

    A Global State of Play and Opportunities for Investment.

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute Europe. December 2019. 20 p.


    Geddes, Andrew, Marcia Vera Espinoza,  Leila Hadj Abdou,  Leiza Brumat (Eds.), The Dynamics of Regional Migration Governance

    Cheltenham Glos: Edward Elger. 2019. 256 p.


    Giambra, Samuele &  David McKenzie, Self-Employment and Migration

    Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12624. September 2019. 72 p.


    Gonzalez-Barrera, Ana & Phillip Connor, Around the World, More Say Immigrants Are a Strength Than a Burden      

    Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. March 2019. 20 p.


    Grafham, Owen (Ed.), Energy Access and Forced Migration

    Abingdon: Routledge. 2019. 196 p. 


    Güler, Arzu, Maryna Shevtsova, Denise Venturi (Eds.), LGBTI Asylum Seekers and Refugees from a Legal and Political Perspective  

    Persecution, Asylum and Integration.   

    Cham: Springer International Publishing AG. January 2019. 354 p.


    Hantscher, Sinja, The UNHCR and Disaster Displacement in the 21st Century

    An Organizational Analysis.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019.  XVII, 218 p.


    Hendow, Maegan, Bridging refugee protection and development

    Policy Recommendations for Applying a Development-Displacement Nexus Approach. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development. ICMPD. January 2019. 82 p. [Available in Arabic, English & Turkish]


    Hillmann, Felicitas, Ton van Naerssen, Ernst Spaan (Eds.), Trajectories and imaginaries in  migration

    The migrant actor in transnational space.

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XVII, 210 p.


    Hosein, Adam, The Ethics of Migration

    An Introduction.

    Abingdon: Routledge. May 2019. 206 p.


    Husain, Raza, Immigration, Asylum, and Human Rights

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. December 2019. 2nd edition. 520 p.


    Isufi, Fadil, Security, Refugees, Migrants and Protection of Women and Children

    Protection of women and children refugees, boys and girls.

    Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. October 2019. 72 p.


    Kadysheva, Olga, Patrick Taran, and Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Luisa Fondello, Davide Gnes, and Shannon Pfohman, Common Home

    Migration and Development in Europe and Beyond.

    Brussels: Caritas Europe. November 2019. 164 p.


    Kist, J. van der, H. Dijstelbloem, Goede, In the Shadow of Asylum Decision-Making

    The Knowledge Politics of Country-of-Origin Information.

    In: International Political Sociology. Vol.13 (1). 2019. p. 68-85.


    Kling, Jennifer, War Refugees 

    Risk, Justice, and Moral Responsibility.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. April 2019. 132 p.


    Kuhnt, Jana, Literature review: drivers of migration

    Why do people leave their homes? Is there an easy answer?

    A structured overview of migratory determinants.

    Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik. Discussion Paper. 2019/9. 42 p.


    Leitch, Daniel, Angelika Groterath, Kibreab Habtemichael (Eds.), Migration and Refugees Global Patterns and Local Contexts.

    Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc. July 2019. 168 p.


    Lucas, Robert E.B., Migration and development

    The role for development aid.

    Stockholm: Delmi. Policy Brief 2019:5. 8 p.


    Mayblin, Lucy, Impoverishment and Asylum

    Social Policy as Slow Violence.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 156 p.


    McGregor, Elaine, Money Matters

    The Role of Funding in Migration Governance.

    International Migration Institute Network. Working Papers Paper 149, January 2019. 37 p.


    McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino, The global refugee crisis

    Fleeing conflict and violence.

    Minneapolis: Twenty-First Century Books. 2019. 127 p.


    Menjívar, Cecilia, Marie Ruiz, Immanuel Ness (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of migration crises

    New York: Oxford University Press. 2019.  XXVII, 918 p.


    Miller, David & Christine Straehle (Eds.), The Political Philosophy of Refuge

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. November 2019. 266 p.


    Morales, Agus, We Are Not Refugees       

    True Stories of the Displaced.

    Watertown, MA.: Charlesbridge Publishing. March 2019. 288 p. 


    Murard, Elie, The Impact of Migration on Family Left Behind   

    Estimation in Presence of Intra-Household Selection of Migrants.

    Bonn: IZA DP. No. 12094. January 2019. 46 p.


    Musolf, Gil Richard, Conflict and Forced Migration

    Escape from Oppression and Stories of Survival, Resilience, and Hope. 

    Bingley: Emerald Publishing Limited. Studies in Symbolic Interaction. Vol. 51. October 2019. 356 p.


    Nagy, Veronika, Crime prevention, migration control and surveillance practices

    Welfare bureaucracy as mobility deterrent.

    London / New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2019. 191 p.


    Newland, Kathleen, Global Governance of International Migration 2.0

    What Lies Ahead?

    Policy Briefs. 

    Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute. February 2019. 19 p.


    Oliver, Kelly, Lisa M. Madura, Sabeen Ahmed, Refugees Now

    Rethinking Borders, Hospitality, and Citizenship

    Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International. April 2019. 330 p.


    Orchard, Phil, Protecting the internally displaced

    Rhetoric and reality.

    Abingdon, Oxon /  New York: Routledge. 2019. XVI, 256 p.


    Öztuna, Barış, Climate Change Issues and Climate Refugees     

    Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. 2019. 72 p.


    Portes, Jonathan, What Do We Know and What Should We Do About Immigration

    London: SAGE Publications. July 2019. 102 p. 


    Purkey, Anna Lise, Refugee Dignity in Protracted Exile

    Rights, Capabilities and Legal Empowerment.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 206 p.


    Recchi, Ettore, Emanuel Deutschmann, Michele Vespe, Estimating transnational human mobility on a global scale

    Florence: Migration Policy Centre. Working Paper, EUI RSCAS, 2019/30. 40 p.


    Rollins, Tom, Physical Fences and Digital Divides

    Final Report of the Global Detention Project Special Investigation into the Uses of Electronic Media in Today’s Migration Journeys.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. December 2019. 62 p.


    Rountree, Clarke &  Jouni Tilli (Eds), National Rhetorics in the Syrian Immigration Crisis

    Victims, Frauds, and Floods.

    East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press. Series: Rhetoric & Public Affairs.

    October 2019. 354 p.


    Roßkopf, Ralf & Katharina Heilmann (Eds.), International Social Work and Forced Migration Developments in African, Arab and European Countries.

    Opladen / Berlin: Verlag Barbara Budrich. November 2019. 260 p. 


    Ruhs, Martin, Kristof Tamas, Joakim Palme, Bridging the gaps  

    Linking research to public debates and policy-making on migration and integration.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2019. 287 p.


    Shekhawat, Seema & Emanuela C. Del Re (Ed.), Women and Borders

    Refugees, Migrants and Communities.

    London: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. International Library of Migration Studies. December 2019. 264 p.


    Shinyoung, Jeon, Unlocking the potential of migrants

    Cross-country analysis.

    Paris: Organization  for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). October 2019. 140 p.


    Siegel, Melissa, Throwing development money at the ‘migration problem’

    Is it completely misguided?

    Oslo: MIGNEX, MIGNEX Insight. November 2019.


    Sitkin, Lea, Re-thinking the Political Economy of Immigration Control

    A Comparative Analysis.

    London: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship

    October 2019. 226 p.


    Smith, Stephen, The Scramble for Europe

    Young Africa on its way to the Old Continent.

    Cambridge / Oxford / Boston / New York: Polity Books. April 2019. 200 p.


    Spyratos, Spyridon, Michele Vespe, Fabrizio Natale, Ingmar Weber, Emilio Zagheni, Marzia Rango, Quantifying international human mobility patterns using Facebook Network data

    In: PLOS ONE.(14)10.  October 24, 2019. 24 p.


    Suárez-Orozco, Marcelo M., Humanitarianism and Mass Migration  

    Confronting the World Crisis.    

    Oakland: University of California Press. January 2019. 416 p.


    Stark, Oded, Marcin Jakubek, Krzysztof Szczygielski, The Social Preferences of the Native Inhabitants, and the Decision How Many Asylum Seekers to Admit

    Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12803. November 2019. 31 p.


    Thompson, Abel, Immigration

    Border Security, Control Efforts and Enforcement Policy.

    New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. September 2019. 296 p.


    Toro, Alfonso de & Juliane Tauchnitz (Eds.),The World in Movement     

    Performative Identities and Diasporas.      

    Leiden: Brill. April 2019. XIII, 319 p.


    Triandafyllidou, Anna (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 390 p. 


    Velasco, Juan Carlos & MariaCaterina La Barbera, (Eds.), Challenging the borders of justice in the age of migrations

    Cham: Springer. Studies in global justice. Vol. 18. 2019. 267 p.


    Wacker, Elisabeth, Ulrich Becker, Katharina Crepaz, Refugees and Forced Migrants in Africa and the EU    

    Comparative and Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Challenges and Solutions.

    Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag Gmbh. January 2019. VI, 215 p. 


    Climate Change and Migration in Vulnerable Countries

    A snapshot of least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States.

    Geneva: IOM. 2019. 56 p.


    Global Trends      

    Forced Displacement in 2018. 

    Geneva: UNHCR. June 2019. 76 p. 


    International Migration Outlook 2019

    Paris: Organization  for Economic Co-Operation and Development. OECD. October 2019. 400 p.


    Leveraging Economic Migration for Development

    A Briefing for the World Bank Board.

    Washington, DC: World Bank. September 2019. 106 p.


    Migration and Remittances

    Recent Developments and Outloo.k

    Migration and Remittances Team Social Protection and Jobs World Bank.

    Washington, DC: World Bank Group / Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD). Migration and Development Brief. April 2019. 42 p.


    Rights At Risk  

    Implications of a closer nexus between asylum and return procedures. 

    Copenhagen / Brussels: Danish Refugee Council. April 2019. 16 p.


    World Migration Report 2020

    Geneva: International Organization for Migration (IOM). November 2019. 496 p.




    Hasque, Jean-Frédéric de & Clara Lacadet (dir.), Après les camps

    Traces, mémoires et mutations des camps de réfugiés.

    Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia L'Harmattan. 2019. 249 p.


    Lansac, Jean-Marie, L'immigration, une fatalité?

    Colmar: Jérôme Do Bentzinger éditeur. 2019. 156 p.





    Abdalla, Amr, African voices from the ground

    Motives, Benefits and Managing Risk of Migration towards Europe.

    Addis Ababa: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) / Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS). November 2019. 78 p.


    Adelman, Howard & John Sorensen, African Refugees

    Development Aid and Repatriation.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 264 p.


    Gumede, Vusi,  Samuel Ojo Oloruntoba  & Serges Djoyou Kamga (Eds.), Regional Integration and Migration in Africa

    Lessons from Southern and West Africa.

    Leiden: Brill. October 2019.


    Kalu, Kenneth &Toyin Falola (Eds), Oppression and Resistance in Africa and the Diaspora

    Abingdon: Routledge. January 2019. 234 p.


    Takyiakwaa, Dorothy  & Augustine Tan,  ‘We are Each Other’s Keeper’

    Migrant Associations and Integration in Urban Africa.

    In: Urban Forum. 6 July 2019. p. 1-20.




    Akesson, Lisa, Postcolonial Portuguese Migration to Angola

    Migrants or Masters? Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. January 2019. 154 p.




    Sossou, Koffi Benoît, Travailleurs migrants au Bénin

    Contexte et defis.

    Cotonou: FES Bénin, Octobre 2019. 140 p.


    Democratische Republiek Congo


    Algemeen ambtsbericht Democratische Republiek Congo

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. December 2019. 104 blz.



    Algemeen ambtsbericht Eritrea

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Directie Sub-Sahara Afrika. Afdeling Ambtsberichten (DAF/AB). Oktober 2019. 63 blz.


    Eritrea: Repression Without Borders

    Threats on Human Rights Defenders Abroad.

    London: Amnesty International. 2019. 21 p.


    Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2018.

    Washington: Department of State. 13 March 2019. 25 p.


    Eritrea National service, exit, and return

    Country of Origin Information Report.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). September 2019. 86 p.


    Länderreport 9:  Eritrea

    Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung.

    Stand: 3/2019.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtinge. 2019. 26 p.




    Karal, Dilek, Ethico-Political Governmentality of Immigration and Asylum

    The Case of Ethiopia.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer-Verlag GmbH. 2019. XIX, 201 p.


    Schewel, Kerilyn & Asmamaw Legass Bahir, Migration and Social Transformation in Ethiopia 

    Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working Papers. Paper 152.  MADE project paper 7. August 2019. 45 p.




    COI Compilation.

    Vienna: Austerian Red Cross / ACCORD - Austrian Centre for Country of  Origin & Asylum Research and Documentation. November 2019. 200 p.




    Country Background Note.

    Version 1.0.

    London: Home Office. November 2019. 53 p.


    Ethiopia: Opposition to the government

    Country Policy and Information Note. 

    Version 3.0.

    London: Home Office. August 2019. 80 p.


    Ethiopia: Oromos

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 3.0.

    London: Home Office. November 2019. 39 p.



    Côte d’Ivoire Country Focus

    Country of Origin Information Report.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). June 2019. 148 p.




    Jansen, Bram J., Kakuma Refugee Camp

    Humanitarian Urbanism in Kenya's Accidental City.

    London: Zed Books LTD. November 2019. 248 p.




    Algemeen ambtsbericht Libië 

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. April 2019. 98 blz.




    Lamarche, Alexandra, Mali’s Humanitarian Crisis

    Overmilitarized and Overshadowed

    Washington: Refugees International. December 2019. 24 p.




    Immigration Detention in Niger

    Expanding the EU-Financed Zone of Suffering Through “Penal Humanitarianism”?

    Country Report.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. March 2019. 23 p.




    Betts, Alexander, Imane Chaara, Naohiko Omata, Olivier Sterck, Refugee Economies in Uganda

    What Difference Does the Self-Reliance Model Make?

    Oxford: Refugee Studies Centre. University of Oxford. RSC Research in Brief 11.

    January 2019. 44 p.




    Yonekawa, Masako, Post-Genocide Rwandan Refugees    

    Why They Refuse to Return 'Home'.  

    Singapore: Springer Verlag. 2019. 115 p.




    Algemeen Ambtsbericht Sudan

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Afdeling Ambtsberichten (AB). Oktober 2019. 129 blz.


    Sudan: Non-Arab Darfuris

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 4.0.

    London: Home Office. November 2019. 15 p.

    Länderreport Sudan

    Chronologie und Hintergründe der Protestbewegung.

    Ländereport 13.

    Stand: 6/2019.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. July 2019. 16 p.




    Algemeen ambtsbericht Zuid- en Centraal-Somalië    

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Maart 2019. 64 blz.

    [Ook beschikbaar in Engelse editie: Country of Origin Information Report on South and Central Somalia]




    Grillo, Valentina, Border Perspectives on Migration Policies

    Refugees in Tunisia.   

    Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. May 2019. 236 p. 






    Boucher, Anna & Amy Davidson, The Evolution of the Australian System for Selecting Economic Immigrants  

    Washington: Migration Policy Institute. May 2019. 30 p.


    Dellios, Alexandra, Memory and Family in Australian Refugee Histories

    Abingdon: Routledge. June 2019. 124 p.

    [Originally published as a special issue of Immigrants & Minorities.]


    McAdam, Jane & Fiona Chong, Refugee Rights and Policy Wrongs

    A frank, up-to-date guide by experts.

    Randwick, NSW: NewSouth Publishing. July 2019. 288 p.


    Payton, Philip & Andrekos Varnav, Australia, Migration and Empire

    Immigrants in a Globalised World.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. August 2019. XVII, 319 p.



    C. AZIË


    Chee, Liberty, ‘Supermaids’

    Hyper-resilient Subjects in Neoliberal Migration Governance.

    Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working paper 153. September 2019. 25 p.


    Shum, Terence Chun Tat, Asylum-Seeking Journeys in Asia

    Refugees in Hong Kong and Bangkok.

    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Series on Asian Migration. March 2019. 200 p.




    Ehsan, Kazim & Khatera Safi, Deportation to Afghanistan

    A Challenge to State Legitimacy and Stability?

    Frankfurt am Main: Afghanistan Human Rights and Democracy Organization / Medico International. November 2019. 22 p.



    Compilation of Country of Origin Information (COI) Relevant for Assessing the Availability of an Internal Flight, Relocation or Protection Alternative (IFA/IRA/IPA) to Kabul.

    Geneva: UNHCR. December 2019. 23 p.,COUNTRYREP,,,5def56204,0.html


    Algemeen Ambtsbericht Afghanistan 

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Maart 2019. 126 blz.

    Country of Origin Report Afghanistan.

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. March 2019. 124 p.


    Country Guidance:  Afghanistan

    Guidance note and common analysis.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). June 2019. 156 p.


    No Reason for Returns to Afghanistan

    ECRE’s Recommendation for a Suspension of Returns to Afghanistan due tot he Security  Situation There and the Unfairness of Asylum Decision-making in Europe.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note #17. 2019. 4 p.


    “We are the ones they come to when nobody can help”

    Afghan smugglers’ perceptions of themselves and their communities.

    Geneva: IOM.  MRS No. 56. 2019. 20 p.




    Shindo, Reiko, Belonging in Translation

    Solidarity and Migrant Activism in Japan.  

    Bristol: Bristol University Press. August 2019. 208 p.




    Maten, Wilma van der, Soefies en transgenders

    Kinderen van een betere God.

    Volendam: LM Publishers. Juli 2019. 192 blz.


    Pakistan: Ahmadis 

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 4.0.

    London: Home Office. March 2019. 76 p.


    Pakistan: Hazaras

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 2.0.

    London: Home Office. November 2019. 22 p. 


    Pakistan: Prison conditions 

    Country Policy and Information Note. 

    Version 3.0.

    London: Home Office. November 2019. 32 p.


    Pakistan: Security and humanitarian situation, including fear of militant groups

    Country Policy and Information Note. 

    Version 2.0.

    London: Home Office. January 2019. 33 p.


    Pakistan: Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 3.0.

    London: Home Office. July 2019. 37 p.





    Mak, Geert, Grote verwachtingen

    In Europa - 1999-2019.

    Amsterdam / Antwerpen: Atlas Contact. November 2019. 557 blz.


    Murray, Douglas, Het opmerkelijke einde van Europa

    Immigratie, identiteit en islam.

    Vert. Henk Jan Prosman.

    Groningen: De Blauwe Tijger. Juli 2019. 300 blz.


    Polman, Linda, Niemand wil ze hebben

    Europa en zijn vluchtelingen.  

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Jurgen Maas. Februari 2019. 279 blz.


    Asiel, herplaatsing en terugkeer van migranten

    Tijd om de inspanningen op te voeren en de kloof tussen doelstellingen en resultaten te dichten.

    Luxemburg: Europese Rekenkamer. Rapport Nr. 24.  November 2019. 96 blz.


    Een nieuw paradigma voor het Europese asielmodel?

    Toegang tot bescherming onder druk

    Brussel: Myria. MyriaDoc 9. Juli 2019. 100 blz.




    Engler, Marcus, The EU refugee policy in the new legislative term

    What to expect?

    Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Project "Flight, MIgration, Integration in Europe". November 2019.  8 p.


    Hidalgo, Oliver & Gert Pickel (Hrsg.), Flucht und Migration in Europa

    Neue Herausforderungen für Parteien, Kirchen und Religionsgemeinschaften.

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 2019. VI, 377 p.


    Liebsch, Burkhard, Europäische Ungastlichkeit und "identitäre" Vorstellungen

    Fremdheit, Flucht und Heimatlosigkeit als Herausforderungen des Politischen.

    Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. 2019. 346 p.


    Schomaker, Rahel M. & Michael W. Bauer, Alternative Mechanismen zur europaweiten (Um-)Verteilung von Flüchtlingen und Migranten

    Seyer: Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung. 2019. 35 p.


    Europa vor den Wahlen

    Dresden: MIDEM. 2019. 68 p.


    Migration und Europa

    Jahresbericht 2019.

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (MIDEM). November 2019. 114 p.




    Agustín, Óscar García & Martin Bak Jorgensen, Solidarity and the 'Refugee Crisis' in Europe London: Palgrave Pivot. 2019. IX, 132 p.


    Aksoy, Cevat Giray &  Panu Poutvaara, Refugees’ and Irregular Migrants’ SelfSelection into Europe

    Who Migrates Where.

    Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12800. November 2019. 80 p.


    Alam, Ariane. Thomas Bauer, Friederike Delille, Clara Djouadi, Galya  Hovhannisyan, Emma Inthavong, Camille Jovignot, Mélanie Pelascini, Audrey Prudhomme, Maud Savarit, Louise Wies, Migrant, Refugee and Asylum-seeking Women and Girls in Europe


    Strasbourg: Institute of Political Studies. Produced for the Gender Equality Division of the Council of Europe. January 2019. 36 p.


    Alesina, Alberto, Elie Murard, Hillel Rapoport, Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution in Europe    

    Bonn: IZA DP No. 12130. February 2019. 67 p.


    Apap, Joana & Anja Radjenovic with Alina Dobreva, The migration issue

    EU policies – Delivering for citizens.


    European Parliament. EPRS | European Parliamentary Research Service.

    Members' Research Service PE 635.542. March 2019. 12 p.


    Badran, Mohammed, Migrant-led advocacy across Europe

    Challenges and opportunities.

    Brussels: European Programme for Integration and Migration (EPIM). October 2019. 54 p.


    Ballegooij, Wouter van  & Elodie Thirion, The cost of nonEurope in the area of legal migration

    Brussels: European Union. European Parliamentary Research Service. European Added Value Unit. PE 631.736. March 2019. 240 p.


    Bamberg, Katharina, Ilene van Brouwershaven, Marie De Somer, Policy Update February 2019

    Brussels: EPIM / European Policy Centre. February 2019. 15 p.  


    Bamberg, Katharina, Alberto Neidhardt, Ilene van Brouwershaven, Marie De Somer, Policy Update April 2019

    Brussels: EPIM / European Policy Centre. April 2019. 15 p.


    Barglowski, Karolina, Cultures of Transnationality in European Migration

    Subjectivity, Family and Inequality.

    Abingdon: Routledge. June 2019. 224 p.


    Barslund, Mikkel, Matthias Lücke, Martin Ruhs, Rethinking EU migration and  asylum policies

    Managing immigration jointly with countries of origin and transit.

    Kiel: Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW). Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM). 2019. 51 p.


    Bartels, Inken, Money against Migration

    The EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa.

    Berlin: Heinrich Böll-Stiftung. March 2019. 44 p.


    Bayındır Goularas, Gökçe, Işıl Zeynep Turkan İpek & Edanur Önel, Refugee Crises and Migration Policies

    From Local to Global.

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. October 2019. 198 p.


    Beirens, Hanne, Camille Le Coz, Kate Hooper, Karoline Popp, Jan Schneider, Jeanette Süss,

    Legal Migration for Work and Training

    Mobility Options to Europe for Those Not in Need of Protection.

    Berlin: Research Unit of the Expert Council of German Foundations on Integration and Migration (SVR) & Migration Policy Institute Europe (MPI Europe). October 2019. 76 p.


    Besier, Gerhard &  Katarzyna Stoklosa (Eds.), How to Deal with Refugees?

    Europe as a Continent of Dreams - Migration 5.  

    Berlin / Münster / Wien / Zürich / London: Lit Verlag. May 2019. 384 p.


    Bloch, Alice & Giorgia Donà, (Eds.), Forced migration

    Current issues and debates.

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XI, 178 p.


    Boros, Tomás, Marco Funk, Hedwig Giusto, a.o., European public opinion and migration

    Achieving common progressive narratives.

    Brussels: FEPS, Foundation for European Progressive Studies / Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest / Friedrich Ebert Stiftung EU Office Brussels / Fondazione Pietro Nenni / Fondation Jean Jaurès. 2019. 195 p.


    Bossong, Raphael, Der Ausbau von Frontex

    Symbolische Maßnahmen und langfristige Veränderungen im EU‑Grenzschutz.

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit. SWP-Aktuell 2019/A 66. November 2019. 8 p.


    Bulmer, Martin & John Solomos (Eds.), Migration and race in Europe

    London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2019.  X, 224 p.


    Byrne, Rosemary  & Han Entzinger (Eds.), Human Rights Law and Evidence-Based Policy

    The Role of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency.

    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Research in Human Rights Law. December 2019.  262 p.


    Carling J. & J. Hagen-Zanker, Can asylum processing outside the EU reduce migrant smuggling?

    MIGNEX Insights.

    Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. March 2019.


    Carrera, Sergio & Roberto Cortinovis, Responsibility sharing in EU asylum policy

    Policy Option Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSoma). January 2019. 32 p.


    Carrera, Sergio & Roberto Cortinovis, Search and rescue, disembarkation and  relocation arrangements in the Mediterranean

    Sailing away from responsibility?

    Policy Option Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). June 2019. 34 p.


    Carrera, Sergio, Valsamis  Mitsilegas, Jennifer Allsopp, Lina Vosyliute, Policing humanitarianism

    EU policies against human smuggling and their impact on civil society.

    Oxford / London: Hart Publishing. 2019. 240 p.


    Carrera, Sergio, Leonhard den Hertog, Marion Panizzon, Dora Kostakopoulou (Eds.), EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities

    Intersecting policy universes.

    Leiden / Boston: Brill Nijhoff. Immigration and asylum law and policy in Europe. Vol. 44. 2019. XVIII, 399 p. 


    Carrera, Sergio & Zvezda Vankova, Human rights aspects of immigrant and refugee integration policies

    A comparative assessment in selected Council of Europe member states.

    Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Issue Paper published by the  Special Representative of the

    Secretary General on migration and refugees. 2019. 64 p.


    Carrera, Sergio, Juan  Santos Vara, & Tineke Strik, Constitutionalising the External Dimensions of EU Migration Policies in Times of Crisis

    Legality, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Reconsidered.

    Cheltenham - Northampton: Edgar Elgar Publishing. 2019. 336 p.


    Consterdine, Erica, Mapping of CEAS Transposition in EU Member States using AIDA

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 37. September 2019. 44 p.


    Dennison, Dr. James, Impact of Public Attitudes to migration on the political environment in the Euro-Mediterranean Region 

    Developed for ICMPD under the EU funded programme EUROMED Migration IV by the Observatory of Public Attitudes to Migration. Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute, Florence. 2019. 36 p.


    Dhéret, Claire & Olivia Sundberg Diez, Integrating refugees into the labour market    

    How can  the EU better support employers? 

    Brussels: European Policy Centre. Discussion Paper Social Europe & Well-being European Migration and Diversity Programmes. 21 February 2019. 12 p.


    D’Odorico, Marina & Erika Colombo, Secondary movements of asylum seekers within the European Union

    Ask the Expert Policy Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). June 2019. 7 p.


    El-Gamal, Jasmine M., The displacement dilemma

    Should Europe help Syrian refugees return home?

    Policy Brief.

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations. (ECFR). March 2019. 26 p.


    Ellebrecht, Sabrina,  Mediated Bordering

    Eurosur, the Refugee Boat, and the Construction of an External EU Border.

    Bielefeld: transcript. December 2019. 300 p.


    Fekete, Liz, Frances Webber, Anya Edmond-Pettitt, When witnesses won’t be silenced Citizens’ solidarity  and criminalisation.

    London: Institute of Race Relations. Briefing Paper No. 13. 2019. 30 p.


    Fine, Shoshana, All at sea

    Europe’s crisis of solidarity on migration.

    Policy Brief.

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations. (ECFR). October 2019. 19 p.


    Fontanari, Elena, Lives in transit

    An ethnographic study of refugees' subjectivity across European borders.

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XIX, 269 p.


    Gatrell, Peter, The Unsettling of Europe

    How Migration Reshaped a Continent.

    New York: Basic Books. August 2019. 576 p.


    Gill, Nick & Anthony Good (Ed.), Asylum Determination in Europe

    Ethnographic Perspectives,

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies. 2019. XVII, 335 p. 


    Galera, Giulia, Ingrid Machold, Andrea Membretti, Alpine Refugees

    Immigration at the Core of Europe.

    Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. October 2019. 303 p.


    Giusto, Hedwig, Hervé Le Bras, Lisa Pelling, Luigi Troiani, Marco Funk, Oliver Gruber, Sarah Kyambi, Tamás Boros, Thilo Scholle,  European public opinions and migration

    Achieving common progressive narratives.

    Brussels / Budapest / Brussels / Rome / Paris: FEPS – Foundation for European Progressive Studies / Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Budapest Regional Project ‘Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe’/ Friedrich Ebert Stiftung EU Office Brussels / Fondazione Pietro Nenni / Fondation Jean Jaurès. 2019. 198 p.


    Haas, Hein de,  Simona Vezzoli, María Villares-Varela, Opening the floodgates?

    European migration under restrictive and liberal border regimes 1950-2010.

    Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Workingpaper 150. 20 February 2019. 44 p.


    Haas, Hein de, Stephen Castles, Mark J. Miller, The Age of Migration

    International Population Movements in the Modern World.

    London / New York: Macmillan International Higher Education. Red Globe Press. December 2019. 6th Edition. 443 p.


    Hammerl, Sarah, (In-)humanity

    Asylum Criminalisation in Europe and  Its Humanitarian Implications.

    Commissioned by United Against Inhumanity. 2019. 37 p.


    Heath, Anthony & Lindsay Richards, How do Europeans differ in their attitudes to immigration?

    Findings from the European Social Survey 2002/03 – 2016/17.

    Paris: OECD. Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers. No. 222. January 2019. 40 p.


    Henrekson, Magnus, Özge Öner, Tino Sanandaji, The Refugee Crisis and the Reinvigoration of the Nation State

    Does the European Union Have a Common Asylum Policy?

    Stockholm: Research Institute of Industrial Economics. August 2019. 29 p.


    Horsti, Karina, The Politics of Public Memories of Forced Migration and Bordering in Europe

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. November 2019. XIV, 144 p.


    Houte, M. van & A. Leerkes, Dealing with (non-)deportability

    A comparative policy analysis of the post-entry migration enforcement regimes of Western European countries.

    Maastricht / Rotterdam: Maastricht University & Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. 2019. 30 p.


    Huddleston, Thomas &  Hind Sharif, Who is reshaping public opinion on the  EU’s migration policies?

    Discussion Policy Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). July 2019. 30 p.


    Idrissa, Rahmane, Dialogue in Divergence     

    The Impact of EU Migration Policy on West African Integration: The Cases of Nigeria, Mali, and Niger.

    Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2019. 48 p. 


    İçduygu, A. & B. Demiryontar, Mediterranean’s Migration Dilemma and the EU’s Readmission Agreements

    Reinforcing a Centre-Periphery Relation.

    Barcelona: Department of Political and Social Sciences of Universitat Pompeu Fabra. EuroMedMig Working Paper Series, no. 1. December 2019. 33 p.


    Jones, Chris, Monitoring “secondary movements” and “hotspots”

    Frontex is now an internal surveillance agency.

    London: Statewatch. December 2019. 8 p.


    King, Russell & Nermin Oruc (Eds.), Migration in the Western Balkans

    What Do We Know?

    Abingdon: Routledge. November 2019. 122 p.


    Kuschminder, Katherine, Talitha Dubow, Ahmet Icduygu, Aysen Ustubici, Eda Kiriscioglu, Godfried Engbersen & Olga Mitrovic, Decision Making on the Balkan Route and the EU-Turkey Statement,

    Maastricht: Maastricht Graduate School of Governance (MGSoG) / United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) / WODC Report. September 2019. 64 p.


    Leonard, Sarah &  Christian Kaunert, Refugees, Security and the European Union

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. June 2019. 212 p.


    Mazurkiewicz, Anna, East Central European Migrations During the Cold War 

    A Handbook.

    Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. 2019. XII, 466 p.


    Messing - Bence Ságvári, Vera, Still divided but more open:  

    Mapping European attitudes towards migration before and after the migration crisis.

    Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional project ‘Flight, Migration, Integration in Europe’. 2019. 64 p.


    Mouzourakis, Minos, Kris Pollet, Jean-David Ott, Housing out of reach?

    The reception of refugees and asylum seekers in Europe.  

    Brussels: ECRE. 2019. 50 p.

    [The information contained in this report is up-to-date as at 30 April 2019]


    Mouzourakis, Minos, The Role of EASO Operations in National Asylum Systems

    An analysis of the current European Asylum Support Office (EASO) Operations involving deployment of experts in asylum procedures at Member State level.     Brussels: ECRE. November 2019. 43 p.


    Mullins, Sam, Jihadist Infiltration of Migrant Flows to Europe 

    Perpetrators, Modus Operandi and Policy Implications.    

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. May 2019. 175 p.


    Ott, Jean-David with contributions from Minos Mouzourakis, Asylum authorities

    An overview of internal structures and available resources.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. October 2019. 63 p.


    Paraschivescu, Claudia, Birte Nienaber, Lucas Oesch, Borders and the mobility of migrants in the EU and Turkey

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 33. August 2019. 41 p


    Perumadan, Jimy & Martin Wagner, The Common European Asylum System

    Promising practices of responsibility sharing.

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 36. August 2019. 61 p.


    Ruiz Benedicto, Ainhoa, The role of Frontex in the militarisation and securitisation of migration flows in the European Union

    Barcelona: Centre Delàs d’Estudis per la Pau. November 2019. 37 p.


    Safouane, Hamza, Stories of Border Crossers

    A Critical Inquiry Into Forced Migrants’ Journey Narratives to the European Union.

    Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. August 2019. XVII,239 p.


    Schloenhardt, Andreas, Irregular migration and smuggling of migrants along the Balkan route 2011-2017

    Budapest: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung June 2019. 24 p.


    Schmieg, Evita, Zusammenhänge zwischen Handelspolitik und Migration

    Ein Aktionsfeld für die EU.

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit. SWP-Studie 2019/S 22. September 2019. 35 p.


    Schöfberger, Irene, Migration: Solid nations and liquid transnationalism?

    The EU’s struggle to find a shared course on African migration 1999-2019.

    Bonn: Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik. 2019. 34 p.


    Stark, Oded & Wiktor Budzinski, Repercussions of Negatively Selective Migration for the Behavior of Nonmigrants When Preferences Are Social    

    Bonn: IZA DP. No. 12283. April 2019. 30 p.


    Stierl, Maurice, Migrant resistance in contemporary Europe

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XV, 234 p.


    Stoyanova, Vladislava & Eleni Karageorgiou (Eds.), The new asylum and transit countries in Europe during and in the aftermath of the 2015/2016 crisis 

    Boston / Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. 2019. XXVII, 307 p.


    Strik, Tineke, NGOs and the making of EU migration policy

    Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series. 2019/1. 30 p.


    Strik, Tineke, Migration deals and responsibility sharing:  can the two go together? 

    Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series. 2019/2. 26 p.


    Sundberg Diez, Olivia, Diminishing safeguards, increasing returns

    Non-refoulement gaps  in the EU return and readmission system.

    Brussels: European Policy Centre. 4 October 2019. 24 p.


    Tazzioli, Matina, The Making of Migration

    The Biopolitics of Mobility at Europe's Borders - Society and Space.

    London: SAGE Publications Ltd. November 2019. 184 p.


    Temprano Arroyo, Heliodoro, Using EU aid to address the root causes of migration and refugee flows

    Florence: European University Institute. Migration Policy Centre. 2019. 110 p.


    Ther, Philipp, The Outsiders

    Refugees in Europe since 1492.

    Oorspr. titel: Die Außenseiter. 2017.

    Princeton: Princeton University Press. November 2019. 304 p.


    Trasciani, Giorgia, Rebecca Mavin, Lisa Marie Borrelli, Antonia Alomar, ‘A Forest with many trees’

    Mapping the migration industry and accountabilit(ies) in Europe.

    Migration WorkingGroup.

    FEPS Young Academics Network / Renner Institut. June 2019. 35 p.


    Trimikliniotis, Nicos, Migration and the Refugee Dissensus in Europe

    Borders, Security and Austerity.

    Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 242 p.


    Uzelac, Ana, Incoherent Agendas

    Do European Union migration policies threaten regional integration in West Africa?

    Den Haag: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'. June 2019. 9 p.


    Uzelac, Ana, Returns at what cost

    The challenges of placing readmissions at the heart of EU migration policies.

    Den Haag: Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'. June 2019. 10 p.


    Vosyliūtė, Lina & Carmine Conte (Eds.), Crackdown on NGOs and volunteers helping refugees and other migrants

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). Final Synthetic Report. June 2019. 57 p.


    Vračić, Alida, Luck like the Irish

    How emigration can be good for the Western Balkans.

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations. (ECFR) January 2019. 26 p.


    Wagner, Martin, Paul Baumgartner, Minos Mouzourakis, Harmonising asylum systems in Europe

    A means or an end per se?

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 25. April 2019. 46 p.


    Wagner, Martin, Jimy Perumadan, Paul Baumgartner, Secondary Movements

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr 34. August 2019. 28 p.


    Weinar, Agnieszka, Saskia Bonjour, Lyubov Zhyznomiska (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of the politics of migration in Europe

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. 2019. XXIII, 466 p.


    Westerby, Rachel, “Follow th€ Money II”

    Assessing the use of EU Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) funding at the national level 2014-2018.

    Brussels: ECRE / UNHCR. 2019. 65 p.


    Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2018

    Brussels: European Migration Network. May 2019. 80 p.


    A Europe that protects our borders and  delivers on a comprehensive migration policy Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 4 p.


    Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2018

    Brussels: European Migration Network. 2019. 80 p.    


    A Reininforced European Border and Coast Guard

    Brussels: European Commission. April 2019. 2 p.


    Beneficiaries of international protection travelling to and contacting authorities of their country of origin

    Challenges, policies and practices in the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland.

    Synthesis Report.

    Brussels: European Migration Network. November 2019. 39 p.


    Beyond the peak 

    Challenges remain, but migration numbers drop.  

    Annual Review.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). March 2019. 26 p.


    Border Procedures: Not A Panacea

    ECRE’s Assessment of Proposals for Increasing or Mandatory Use of Border Procedures.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note # 21. 2019. 4 p.


    Delivering on Resettlement

    World Refugee Day – 20 June 2019.

    Brussels: European Commission. June 2019. 2 p.


    EASO  Guidance on asylum procedure

    Operational standards and indicators.

    Valletta: EASO. EASO Practical Guides Series. September 2019. 52 p.


    European cooperation on coast guard functions

    Warsau: Frontex/ EFSA/ EMSA. March 2019. 8 p.


    European Migrant Smuggling Centre

    EMSC 3rd Annual Activity Report – 2018.

    The Hague: European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation. 2019. 28 p.


    Evaluation of the application of the recast  Qualification Directive (2011/95/EU)

    Final report.

    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs (European Commission).  ICF Consulting Ltd. January 2019. 378 p.


    Facts Matter

    Debunking Myths about Migration.

    Brussels: European Commission. March 2019. 5 p.


    Fundamental Rights Report 2019

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). June 2019. 248 p.


    Impact of Visa Liberalisation on Countries of Destination

    Synthesis Report for the EMN Study.

    Brussels: European Migration Network. March 2019. 64 p.


    Legal proceedings in the EU against private entities involved in SAR operations in the Mediterranean Sea

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). June 2019. 6 p.


    Making the CEAS Work, Starting Today

    ECRE’s Identification of Key Implementation Gaps and Recommendations for EU Measures to Make the Common European Asylum System Function Effectively.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note #22. 2019. 4 p.


    Migration Mission Creep?

    ECRE’s Assessment of the Emerging Role of CSDP Missions in Forced Displacement and Migration.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note #20. 2019. 4 p.


    NGO ships involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean and criminal investigations 2019 update.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). June 2019.


    No Escape from Hell

    EU Policies Contribute to Abuse of Migrants in Lybia.

    New York: Human Rights Watch. January 2019. 70 p.


    Outspending on Migration?

    ECRE’s Analysis and Recommendations  for Migration Outside the EU to Inform the Negotiations of the Next EU Multi-Annual Financial Framework 2021-2027.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note # 18. 2019. 4 p.


    Progress report on the Implementation of the European Agenda on Migration

    Communication from the Commission tot he European Parliament, The European Council and the Council.

    Brussels, 6.3.2019 COM(2019) 126 final. 19 p.


    Relying on Relocation

    ECRE’s  proposal for a predictable and fair relocation  arrangement following  disembarkation.    

    Policy Paper 6.

    Brussels: ECRE. January 2019. 12 p.


    Report on the operational resources in 2018

    Annual information on the Commitments and Deployments of the  Member States to the European Border and  Coast Guard Teams and the Technical Equipment Pool.

    Warsaw: Frontex. 2019. 62 p.


    Return Policy

    Desparately Seeking Evidence and Balance. ECRE’s

    Assessment of Latest Developments in EU Policy and Law on Returns.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note # 19. 2019. 4 p.


    Risk Analysis for 2019

    Warsaw: Frontex. Reference number: 1218 / 2019. February 2019. 56 p.


    Schengen: A Club Where Fundamental Rights (Do Not) Matter?

    ECRE'S assessment of shortcomings in addressing fundamental rights violations within Schengen processes, with a focus on Croatia's accession to the Schengen area, and its recommendations to support fundamental rights compliance.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note #24. 2019. 4 p.


    The Atlas of Migration in Europe

    A Critical Geography of Migration Policies.

    London: Migreurop / Routledge. June 2019. 164 p.


    The “criminalisation” of solidarity towards migrants

    Position paper.

    Brussels: Caritas Europe. 20 June 2019. 10 p.


    The Dublin system in the first half of 2019

    Key figures from selected European countries.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. August 2019. 13 p.


    The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation in 2018

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. March 2019. 25 p.


    Time To Commit

    Using the Global Refugee Forum.

    Brussels: ECRE. Policy Note #23. 2019. 4 p.


    UNHCR Position on Safe and Legal Pathways

    Brussels: UNHCR Regional Representation for EU Affairs. 8 February 2019. 8 p.


    Western Balkans  Quarterly

    Quarter 4 • October–December 2018.

    Warsaw: Frontex. June 2019. 22p.


    2018 in brief

    Warsaw: Frontex. February 2019. 40 p.




    Lendaro, Annalisa, Claire Rodier, Youri Lou Vertongen, La crise de l'accueil

    Frontières, droits, résistances.

    Paris XIIIe: Éditions La Découverte. 2019. 314 p.



    (Zie: 2 Vreemdelingen- & migratierecht)


    Albania: People trafficking 

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 8.0.

    London: Home Office. March 2019. 44 p.


    Albania: Sexual orientation and gender identity

    Country Policy and Information Note. 

    Version 6.0.

    London: Home Office. December 2019. 44 p.


    Albania: Trafficked Boys and Young Men

    ARC Foundation & Asylos. May 2019. 318 p.


    Annual report on trafficking in persons

    (covering April 2018 to March 2019).

    Washington: US Department of State. June 2019.




    Hublet, Chloé (Red.), Migranten op doortocht in België    Aanbevelingen voor een meer menselijke aanpak.

    Brussel: Burgerplatform voor Steun aan de Vluchtelingen, Caritas International, CIRÉ, NANSEN vzw en Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. Januari 2019. 32 blz.


    Beleidsnota gezinshereniging en wonen

    Brussel: ORBIT vzw / Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. Augustus 2019. 14 blz.


    Country Report: Belgium

    2018 Update.   Brussels: ECRE / AIDA/ Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. March 2019. 126 p.


    Migratie  in cijfers en in rechten 2019  Brussel: Myria. Juli 2019. 116 blz.


    Politie en transmigranten       Waardigheid respecteren en ernstig onderzoek voeren naar geweldplegingen.

    Brussel: Myria. September 2019. 8 blz.


    Verhuisbewegingen erkend vluchtelingen en subsidiair beschermden    (periode 1/1/2014 – 27/1/2019).

    Brussel: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur. Juni 2019. 37 blz.


    Bosnië & Herzegovina


    Susko, Dzevada (Ed.), Both Muslim and European

    Diasporic and Migrant Identities of Bosniaks.  

    Leiden: Brill. April 2019. 270 p.


    Report of the fact-finding mission by Ambassador Tomáš Boček, Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees,  to Bosnia and Herzegovina and to Croatia  24-27 July and 26-30 November 2018

    Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Information Documents SG/Inf(2019)10. 23 April 2019. 43 p.




    Otova, Ildiko & Evelina Staykova, National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Bulgaria      Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr.17.    March 2019. 19 p.


    Savova, Iliana, Country Report: Bulgaria  2018 Update. 

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. 2019. 78 p.


    Immigration Detention in Bulgaria

    Fewer Migrants and Refugees, More Fences.

    Country Report.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. April 2019. 25 p. 


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Bulgaria.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 3 p.


    Report to the Bulgarian Government on the visit to Bulgaria carried out by the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT) from 10 to 17 December 2018

    Strasbourg: European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT). 11 July 2019. 27 p.





    Demetriou, Olga, Migration into the Cyprus Conflict and the Cypriot Citizenship Regime

    PRIO Cyprus Centre Report, 2.

    Nicosia: PRIO Cyprus Centre. 2019.


    Drousiotou, Corina, Country Report: Cyprus

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. March 2019. 112  p.


    Immigration Detention in Cyprus

    Reception Challenges in Europe’s New Gateway.

    Country Report.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. August 2019. 27 p. 




    Heinze, Anna-Sophie, Die Parlementswahlen in Dänemark 2019

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. Midem Policy Brief 2019/3. 2019. 9 p.


    DRC Return Policy

    Positions and guiding principles for DRC’s engagement in return of refugees, IDPs and rejected asylum seekers.  

    Copenhagen: Danish Refugee Council. October 2018 / Update January 2019. 7 p.




    Angenendt, Steffen & Anne Koch, Wie Deutschland den Globalen Pakt für Migration nutzen kann

    Chancen für nationale Reformen und internationale Zusammenarbeit.

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit.

    SWP-Aktuell 2019/A 44.August 2019. 4 p.


    Biehler, Nadine & Amrei Meier,  Rückkehr und Reintegration

    Rückkehrförderung zwischen innenpolitischen Ansprüchen und entwicklungspolitischen Grundsätzen

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit. SWP-Aktuell 50. September 2019. 4 p.


    Christ, Simone, Esther Meininghaus, Tim Röing, "All day waiting"

    Causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany.

    Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). 2019. 49 p.


    Damm, Ann-Christin, Teilhabe und Vielfalt vor Ort – Kommunale Integrationskonzepte in Deutschland

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Policy Paper 01/19. 22 p.


    Düvell, Franck, Are there really 3.6 million refugees in Turkey or could there be considerably fewer?

    Berlin: DEZIM. Briefing Notes Ausgabe #1. 18. September 2019. 7 p.


    Faus, Rainer & Simon Storks, Le pays d’immigration pragmatique

    Ce que les Allemands pensent de l’immigration.

    Version courte de l´étude.

    Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2019. 14 p.


    Foroutan, Naika, Frank Kalter,  Coşkun Canan, Mara Simon Unter Mitarbeit von Daniel Kubiak und Sabrina Zajak, Ost-Migrantische Analogien

    I. Konkurrenz um Anerkennung.

    Berlin: DeZIM-Institut. (Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung). 2019. 43 p.


    Graf, Johannes, Freizügigkeitsmonitoring

    Migration von EU-Staatsangehörigen  nach Deutschland.

    Berichtsreihen zu Migration und Integration – Reihe 2.

    Jahresbericht 2018.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl. 2019. 20 p.


    Grote, Janne, Reisen von Schutzberechtigten in ihr Herkunftsland - Berechtigungen, Meldewege und Widerrufsverfahren

    Studie der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle  für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN)

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge 2019. Working Paper 84. 2019. 54 p.


    Heß, Barbara, Potenziale von Asylantragstellenden:  Analyse der „SoKo“-Sozialstrukturdaten

    Berichtsreihen zu Migration und Integration. Reihe 3. Jahresbericht 2018.

    Nürnberg: Bundesministerium für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Juli 2019. 25 p.


    Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Paula & Janne Grote, Attracting and retaining international students in Germany

    Study by the German National Contact Point for the European Migration Network (EMN).

    Nürnberg: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. 2019. 85 p.


    Kalkmann, Michael, Country Report: Germany

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. April 2019. 124 p.


    Küppers, Carolin, Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld (Hg.), Refugees & Queers

    Forschung und Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, Fluchtmigration und Emanzipationspolitiken.

    Bielefeld: transcript. September 2019. 178 p.


    Lemmer, Laura Lotte  & Jochen Oltmer, Exil in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Bedingungen und Herausforderungen für Künstlerinnen und Künstler.

    Sachbericht  für die Staatsministerin für Kultur und Medien  der Bundesregierung.

    (Stand: 2. Oktober 2019)

    Osnabrück: Universität Osnabrück. Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS).

    2019. 130 p.


    Mayer, Matthias M., Fachkräftezuwanderung aus Drittstaaten nach Deutschland 2018

    Factsheet Migration.

    Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. Oktober 2019. 14 p.


    Molnar, Christopher, Memory, Politics, and Yugoslav Migrations to Postwar Germany

    Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press. 2019. 320 p.


    Mouzourakis, Minos, Kris Pollet and Jean-David Ott, Airport procedures in Germany

    Gaps in quality and compliance with guarantees.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. 2019. 20 p.


    Mouzourakis, Minos, Kris Pollet and Jean-David Ott, The AnkER centres

    Implications for asylum procedures, reception and return.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. 2019. 27 p.

    [The information contained in this report is valid as of 30 April 2019]


    Schenderlein, Anne C., Germany on their Minds

    German-Jewish Refugees in the United States and Relationships with Germany, 1938-1988.

    Oxford: Berghahn Books. October 2019. 334 p.


    Siewert, Norman, „RiseUp4Rojava“

    Der Konflikt in Nordsyrien und die Kurdensolidarität im Linksextremismus.

    Sankt Augustin / Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stifung. Analysen & Argumente. Terrorismusabwehr und Innere Sicherheit. Nr.377. Dezember 2019. 7 p.ät+im+Linksextremismus.pdf/c4df7af4-da08-6b5a-9c1b-08cb3b507fe8?version=1.0&t=1575991337869


    Stöhr, Tobias & Philipp Wichardt, Conflicting Identities: Cosmopolitan or Anxious?

    Appreciating Concerns of Host Country Population Improves Attitudes Towards Immigrants. Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12630. September 2019. 24 p.


    Zoungrana, Wilfried, No Country for Migrants?

    Critical Perspectives on Asylum, Immigration, and Integration in Germany.

    Leiden: Brill. October 2019. XII, 247 p.


    ’Als ich nach Deutschland kam’

    Gespräche über Vertragsarbeit, Gastarbeit, Flucht, Rassismus und feministische Kämpfe.   Eine Veröffentlichung der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung / International Women Space (Hg.)

    Münster: Unrast. März 2019. 196 p.


    Das Bundesamt in Zahlen 2018

    Asyl, Migration und  Integration.

    Nürnberg: Bundesministerium für Migration und Flüchtlinge. August 2019. 150 p.


    Fakten zur Asylpolitik 2018

    Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration.  

    08. April 2019, aktualisierte Fassung. 13 p.


    Migrationsbericht der Bundesregierung

    Migrationsbericht 2016/2017.

    Nürnberg / Berlin: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge / Bundesministerium des Innern (BAMF/BMI). Januar 2019. 374 p.


    Migration, Integration, Asyl

    Politische Entwicklungen in Deutschland 2018.

    Jährlicher Bericht der deutschen nationalen Kontaktstelle für das Europäische Migrationsnetzwerk (EMN)

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Oktober 2019. 132 p.


    Zuwanderung zum Zweck der Erwerbstätigkeit

    Wichtige Regelungen im Überblick.

    Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration.

    31. Juli 2019, aktualisierte Fassung. 8 p.ätigkeit.pdf




    Immigration Detention in Estonia

    Better Conditions, Stricter Regime.

    Country Report.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. May 2019. 26 p.




    Heinze, Anna-Sophie & Julia Rakers, Die Wahl zum Finnischen Parlament 2019

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Bericht 2019-1. 20 p.


    Wahlbeck, Östen, National Report on the Governance of the Asylum Reception System in Finland

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 19. March 2019. 53 p.




    Bochenek, Michael Garcia, Subject to Whim

    The Treatment of Unaccompanied Migrant Children in the French Hautes-Alpes.

    Washington DC: Human Rights Watch. September 2019. 80 p.


    Burgess, Greg, Refugees and the Promise of Asylum in Postwar France, 1945–1995

    London: Palgrave Macmillan UK. October 2019. XIII, 296 p.


    Delbos, Laurent &  Claire Tripier, Country Report: France

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA. March 2019. 129 p.


    Paraschivescu, Claudia, Birte Nienaber & Lucas Oesch, Borders and the mobility of migrants in France

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 26.

    August 2019. 44 p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to France.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.




    Dimitriadi, Angeliki  & Antonia-Maria Sarantaki, Borders and the mobility of migrants in Greece

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 28.

    August 2019. 54 p.


    Dixon, Tim, Stephen Hawkins, Míriam Juan-Torres, Arisa Kimaram,  Attitudes Towards  National Identity,  Immigration and  Refugees in Greece

    More in Common / Ipsos. April 2019. 104 p.


    Konstantinou, Alexandros & Athanasia Georgopoulou, Country Report Greece

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA/ Greek Council for Refugees. March 2019. 191 p.


    Kyriazi, Anna, The general elections in Greece 2019

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Report 2019-3. 2019. 18 p.


    Rontos, Kostas, Nikolaos Nagopoulos, Nikolaos Panagos (Eds.),The Refugee and Immigration Phenomenon in Lesvos (Greece) and the Attitudes of the Local Community

    Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. June 2019. 165 p.


    Siegel, Dina, Dynamics of Solidarity

    Consequences of the ‘refugee crisis’ on Lesbos.

    The Hague: Eleven international publishing. April 2019. 210 p.


    Theodoropoulou, Giotta, Karin Zwaan & Ashley Terlouw, Games of Responsibility

    The main challenges that asylum seekers face in Greece.

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland/ Radboud University Nijmegen, Centre for Migration Law. 2019. 33 p.


    Greece: Stranded in Aegean Limbo

    Country Report. 

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. October 2019. 38 p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Greece.

    Brussels: European Commission. January 2019. 7 p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Greece.

    Brussels: European Commission. February 2019. 7 p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Greece.

    Brussels: European Commission. April 2019. 6p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Greece.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 6 p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Greece.

    Brussels: European Commission. July 2019. 6 p.


    Structural Failure

    Why Greece’s reception system failed to provide durable solutions.

    Frankfurt/M.: RSA-Pro Asyl. June 2019. 15 p.’s-reception-system-failed-f.pdf




    Bernát, Anikó,  Zsófi Fekete, Endre Sik, Judit Tóth, Borders and the mobility of migrants in Hungary 

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 29.     August 2019. 55 p.


    Maytényi, Balázs & Gianfranco Tamburelli (Eds.), Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in Italy and Hungary

    Influence of International and EU Law on Domestic Actions.      The Hague: Eleven international publishing. 2019. 250 p.


    Pardavi, Márta, Gruša Matevžič, Júlia Iván, Anikó Bakonyi, Country Report: Hungary

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA / Hungarian Helsinki Committee (HHC). March 2019. 133 p.


    Sik, Endre & Bori Simonovits, The first results of the content analysis of the media in the course of migration crisis in Hungary

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 35. July 2019. 78 p.


    Managing Migration    EU Financial Support to Hungary.     Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.




    Arnold, Samantha, Beneficiaries of International Protection Travelling to their Country of Origin   Challenges, Policies and Practices in Ireland.   

    Dublin: EMN Ireland. ESRI Survey and Statistical Report Series Number 73. February 2019.  30 p.


    Fanning, Bryan & Lucy Michael (Eds.), Immigrants as Outsiders in the Two Irelands

    Manchester: Manchester University Press. October 2019. 272 p.


    Hamilton, Luke & Rosemary Hennigan, Country Report: Ireland   

    2018 Update.    

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Irish Refugee Council. February 2019. 92 p.


    O’Reilly, Zoë, The In-Between Spaces of Asylum and Migration

    A Participatory Visual Approach.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XII, 303 p.


    Waters, Sharon, Country Report: Ireland

    Update 2018.

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA / Irish Refugee Council. February 2019. 92 p.


    Italië    (Zie ook Hongarije)


    Bove, Caterina, Country Report: Italy    

    2018 Update.    

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA / Association for Legal Studies on Immigration (ASGI). April 2019. 151 p.


    Diazzi, Alessandra & Alvise Sforza Tarabochia, The Years of Alienation in Italy  Factory and Asylum Between the Economic Miracle and the Years of Lead.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. June 2019. 248 p.


    Giannetto, Leila, Irene Ponzo, Emanuela Roman, National report on the governance of the asylum reception system in Italy

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 21.      March  2019. 44 p.


    Hermanin, Costanza, Immigration in Italy between two elections Rome : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. July 2019.  8 p.


    Perna, Roberta, Legal migration for work and training    Mobility options to Europe for those not in need of protection.      Italy case study.

    Torino: FIERI. Forum Internazionale ed Europeo di Ricerche sull’Immigrazione / Forum of International and European Research on Immigration.  July 2018. 45 p.


    At a crossroads    Unaccompanied and Separated Children in their Transition to Adulthood in Italy.    Roma:  Unicef / UNHCR / IOM. November 2019. 88 p.


    Italy: Complicit in Grave Human Rights Abuse?   Country Report. 

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. October 2019. 34 p.


    Managing Migration   EU Financial Support to Italy.       Brussels: European Commission. April 2019. 4 p.


    Managing Migration  

    EU Financial Support to Italy.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 4 p.



    (Zie ook: Bosnië & Herzegovina)


    Tučkorić, Lana, Country Report: Croatia

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE/ AIDA / Croatian Law Centre. March 2019. 115 p.


    Immigration Detention in Croatia     Shrinking Space for Independent Monitoring.  Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. April 2019. 24 p. 


    Managing Migration  EU Financial Support to Croatia.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.




    Kaša, Rita & Inta Mieriņa (Eds.), The Emigrant Communities of Latvia    National Identity, Transnational Belonging, and Diaspora Politics.    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019. 300 p.


    Immigration Detention in Latvia   Giving ‘Accomodation’ a Whole New Meaning.

    Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. May 2019. 26 p.




    Immigration Detention in Lithuania         Detention and Denial Amidst Extreme Population Decline. Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. May 2019. 27 p.




    Paraschivescu, Claudia, Birte Nienaber, Lucas Oesch, Borders and the mobility of migrants in Luxembourg

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 30. August 2019. 58 p.




    Mainwaring, Ċetta, At Europe's Edge

    Migration and Crisis in the Mediterranean.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. September 2019. 240 p.


    Country Report: Malta

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Aditus foundation & Jesuit Refugee Service. March 2019. 80 p.


    Immigration Detention in Malta    “Betraying” European Values.  Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. June 2019. 32 p.


    Managing Migration  EU Financial Support to Malta.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.




    Grasl-Akkilic, Senol, Marcus Schober, Regina Wonisch (Hg.), Aspekte der österreichischen Migrationsgeschichte   Wien: Edition Atelier. März 2019. 493 p.


    Kohlbacher, Josef & Maria Six-Hohenbalken (Eds.), Die lange Dauer der Flucht Analysen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.     Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften. 2019. 347 p. 


    Knapp, Anny, Country Report: Austria

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Asylkoordination Österreich. March 2019. 123 p.


    Weisskircher, Manès, Die österreichische Nationalratswahl 2019   Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Bericht 2019-4. 14 p.


    Managing Migration   EU Financial Support to Austria. Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.


    Reforming Legal Assistance in Austria

    An End to Independent  Provision?

    Brussels: ECRE. Legal Note 05. 2019. 8 p.



          Jaskulowski, Krzysztof, The Everyday Politics of Migration Crisis in Poland   Between Nationalism, Fear and Empathy.   London: Palgrave Pivot / Springer-Verlag GmbH. 2019. XI, 139 p.


    Kozłowska, Marta, The General Elections in Poland 2019  Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Report 2019-6. 24 p.


    Rusiłowicz, Karolina in collaboration with Ewa Ostaszewska-Żuk, Country Report: Poland 

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. March 2019. 98 p.




    Mendes, Mariana, The General Elections in Portugal 2019    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Report 2019-5. 16 p.


    Pereira, Cláudia & Joana Azevedo, (Eds.), New and Old Routes of Portuguese Emigration   Uncertain Futures at the Periphery of Europe.   Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019. XXXI, 281 p.


    Vasconcelos, João & Inês Carreirinho, Country Report: Portugal

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Portugese Refugee Council. April 2019. 119 p.


    Immigration Detention in Portugal  Resettling Refugees, Detaining Asylum Seekers.     Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. June 2019. 22 p.




    Nica, Felicia, Country Report: Romania

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. March 2019. 140 p.


    Immigration Detention in Romania With a Little Help from the EU.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. November 2019. 28 p.




    Kovačević, Nikola, Country Report: Serbia

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / Belgrade Centre for Human Rights. March 2019. 82 p.




    Nabergoj, Miha, Country Report: Slovenia

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Legal-Informational Centre for NGOs (PIC). March 2019. 77 p.


    Immigration Detention in Slovenia

    Where They Call Detention a “Limitation of Movement”.

    Country Report.  Geneva: Global Detention Project. February 2019. 27 p.




    Chmelar, Kristina, Die Präsidentswahl in der Slowakei 2019

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Report 2019-2. 11 p.


    Immigration Detention in Slovakia

    Punitive Conditions Paid for by the Detainees.

    Country Report.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. January 2019. 24 p.



    (Zie ook: 2 Vreemdelingen- & migratierecht)


    Fine, Shoshana & José Ignacio Torreblanca, Border games

    Has Spain found an answer to the populist challenge on migration?

    Policy Brief.

    Berlin / London / Madrid: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). September 2019. 26 p.


    Garcés Mascareñas, Blanca & Gracia María Moreno Amador, The Multilevel Governance of Refugee Reception policies in Spain

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 18.

    March  2019. 30 p.


    Manzanedo, Cristina, Community-based refugee sponsorship in Spain

    What are the experiences?

    Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regional Project "Flight, MIgration, Integration in Europe".

    July 2019. 5 p.


    Mendes, Mariana, The General Elections in Spain 2019

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie. MIDEM-Report 2019-2. 18 p.


    Queipo de Llano, Magdalena &  Jennifer Zuppiroli, Country Report: Spain

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Accem. March 2019. 89 p.


    Sánchez-Montijano, Elena & Kristin Eitel, Borders and the mobility of migrants in Spain

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 31.

    August 2019. 46p.


    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to Spain.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 3 p.


    Verenigd Koninkrijk


    Canning, Victoria, Gendered Harm and Structural Violence in the British Asylum System

    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Criminal Justice, Borders and Citizenship.

    February 2019. 194 p.


    Clayton, Gina & Judith Dennis, Country Report: United Kingdom

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Refugee Council. March 2019. 104 p.


    Hussain, Asifa Maaria, British Immigration Policy Under the Conservative Government

    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Revivals.

    January 2019. 266 p. 


    McKenna, Ruth, From Pillar to Post

    Destitution among people refused asylum.

    Glasgow: Destitute Asylum Seeker Service. February 2019. 90 p.


    Partos, Rebecca, The Making of the Conservative Party’s Immigration Policy

    Abingdon: Routledge. May 2019. 187 p.


    Silverman, dr. Stephanie J. & dr. Melanie Griffiths, Immigration Detention in the UK

    Migration Observatory Briefing.

    Oxford: COMPAS, University of Oxford, UK. 24 May 2019. 6th Revision. 11p.


    Tsangarides, Natasha & Liz Williams, Lessons not Learned

    The failures of asylum decision-making in the UK.

    London: Freedom from Torture, Refugee Council, a.o. September 2019. 36 p.


    Wöhst, dr. Christian, Brexit-Szenarien und was sie für die Migrationspolitik bedeuten

    MIDEM - Policy Brief 2019-1.

    Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie (MIDEM). TU Dresden Institut für Politikwissenschaft/ Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Demokratieforschung.

    2019. 8 p.   


    Wood, David, Controlling Britain’s Borders   

    The challenge of enforcing the UK's immigration rules.   

    London: Civitas. Institute for the Study of Civil Society. January 2019. 74 p. 




    Joseph, George, Michael Williams, Lisa Hallstedt, Country Report: Sweden     2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA/ FARR. April 2019. 92 p.


    Bucken-Knapp, Gregg, Vedran Omanovic, Andrea Spehar, Institutions and Organizations of Refugee Integration    Bosnian-Herzegovinian and Syrian Refugees in Sweden.

    Cham: Palgrave/ Macmillan. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. 2019. 132 p.


    Managing Migration  

    EU Financial Support to Sweden.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.




    Bégert, Guillaume, Adriana Romer, Lucia Della Torre and Cinzia Chirayil, Country Report: Switzerland

    2018 Update.  Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / Swiss Refugee Council. February 2019. 112 p.


    Bitschnau, Marco, Die Wahlen zum Schweizerischen Parlament 2019 Dresden: Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie.  MIDEM-Bericht 2019-7. 18 p.


    Hruschka, Constantin, Das Schweizer Asylverfahren Ein Zukunftsmodell für Europa?   Budapest: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Regionalprojekt ‘Flucht, Migration, Integration in Europa’. Januar 2019. 6 p.


    Lüthi, Barbara &  Damir Skenderovic, Switzerland and Migration  

    Historical and current Perspectives on a Changing Landscape.  

    Basingstoke: Palgrave. Springer International Publishing AG. Palgrave Studies in Migration History. May 2019. 357 p.


    Steiner, Ilka & Philippe Wanner (Eds.), Migrants and Expats The Swiss Migration and Mobility Nexus.  Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. XVIII, 328 p.






       Marks, Jesse &  Hardin Lang, Civilians Imperiled    Humanitarian Implications of U.S. Policy Shifts In Syria.  Washington: Refugees International. February 2019. 13 p.


    Müller-Funk, Lea, Osama Alaa Aldien, Arij Basrak, Weam Ghabash, Mustafa Hatip, Rand Shamaa, Mouran Tourkmani, Researching urban forced migrants in Turkey and Lebanon Alternative ways to study a vulnerable population in fragile political contexts.   Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working paper 151. February 2019. 46 p.


    Sahin Mencütek, Zeynep, Refugee governance, state and politics in the Middle East Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XI, 284 p.


    Thiollet, Helene, Immigrants, Markets, Brokers, and States  The Politics of Illiberal Migration Governance in the Arab Gulf.

    Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working paper 155. November 2019. 35 p.

    Yanasmayan, Zeynep, The migration of highly educated Turkish citizens to Europe   From guestworkers to global talent.      London / New York: Routledge. 2019. 158 p.




    Saieh, Alexandra  with the assistance of Naomi Johnstone, Jesse Delbridge, Asmaa Noori, Helin Baker, Daniel Gorevan and colleagues across Iraq, Barriers from Birth    Undocumented children in Iraq sentenced to a life on the margins.  Oslo: The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). April 2019. 38 p.


    Algemeen Ambtsbericht Irak Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. December 2019. 80 blz.


    Country Guidance: Iraq

    Guidance note and common analysis.  Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). June 2019. 156 p.   



    Internal mobility.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). February 2019. 65 p.

    Iraq: Internal relocation, civil documentation and returns      Country Policy and Information Note.    Version 9.0.     London: Home Office. February 2019. 69 p.


    Iraq: Religious minorities   Country Policy and Information Note. Version 2.0.  London: Home Office. October 2019. 41 p.



    Security situation.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). March 2019. 230 p.



    Targeting of Individuals.

    Valetta: European Asylum Support Office (EASO). March 2019. 245 p.


    Understanding Ethnoreligious  Groups in Iraq

    Displacement and Return.

    Baghdad: IOM-Iraq. February 2019. 46 p.




    Moinipour, Shabnam, Human Rights, Iranian Migrants, and State Media  From Media Portrayal to Civil Reality.   Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Media, Communication, and Politics. July 2019. 148 p.


    Algemeen ambtsbericht Iran  Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Maart 2019. 72 blz.


    Iran      Country policy and information notes.   Guidance used by UK Visas and Immigration to make decisions in asylum and human rights applications.  London: Home Office. 15 November 2019. 35 p.


    Iran: Adulterers     Country Policy and Information Note.   Version 3.0.     London: Home Office. October 2019. 31 p.


    Iran: Ahwazis and Ahwazi political groups     Country Policy and Information Note.     Version 2.0.    London: Home Office. January 2019. 31 p.


    Iran: Christians and Christian converts   Country Policy and Information Note.       Version 5.0.  London: Home Office. May 2019. 36 p.  


    Iran: Illegal exit       Country Policy and Information Note. Version 5.0.       London: Home Office. February 2019. 23 p. Dr Stephanie J. Silverman Dr Melanie Griffiths loads/attachment_data/file/781470/CPIN_-_Iran_-_Illegal_Exit_-_v5.0.pdf      


    Iran: Kurds and Kurdish political groups Country Policy and Information Note.    Version 3.0. London: Home Office. January 2019. 45 p.


    Iran: Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression

    Country Policy and Information Note. 

    Version 3.0.     London: Home Office. June 2019. 40 p.

    Iran: Smugglers 

    Country Policy and Information Note.

    Version 3.0.        London: Home Office. August 2019. 41 p.


    Länderreport 10: Iran   Situation der Christen.    Stand: 3/2019.      Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. 2019. 17 p.




    Thematisch ambtsbericht veiligheidssituatie in Jemen

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Juli 2019. 60 blz.



    Grawert, Elke, Between aid dependence, neighbourhood solidarity and the EU-Jordan Compact Livelihood analysis of Syrian refugees in Greater Amman.     

    Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC). 2019. 63 p.


    Programme of Support to the Jordan Compact  Year in Review 2018.     ILO Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Jordan. Geneva: ILO. February 2019. 44 p.




    Hourani, Guita & Suzanne Menhem, Homecomings Re-integration of Return Migrants in Lebanon.     Riga: Scholars' Press. June 2019. 92 p.


    Palestina / Israel


    Alsouse, Ihab Imran, The International Relief Agency Services Towards the Palestinian Refugees    Especially in the Education Sector. 

    Riga: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. January 2019. 80 p.


    Benezer, Gadi, Migration Journeys to Israel     

    Narratives of the Way and Their Meaning. 

    Leiden: Brill. April 2019. X, 347 p.


    Hanafi, Sari, Leila Hilal, Lex Takkenberg (Eds.), UNRWA and Palestinian Refugees

    From Relief and Works to Human Development.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 302 p.


    Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East  1 January-31 December 2017.     New York: United Nations. December 2019. 32 p.




    Atrache, Sahar, Losing Their Last Refuge     Inside Idlib’s Humanitarian Nightmare.   Washington: Refugees International. September 2019. 28 p.


    Freedman, Jane,  Zeynep Kivilcim, Nurcan Oezgur Baklacioglur, A Gendered Approach to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

    Abingdon: Routledge. January 2019. 180 p.


    Syria Security situation     Country of Origin Information Report.    Valletta: EASO. November 2019. 56 p.


    Thematisch ambtsbericht Syrië

    De veiligheidssituatie.     Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Juli 2019. 103 blz.


    Thematisch ambtsbericht Syrië


    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. December 2019. 64 blz.


    The Mobility of Displaced Syrians     An Economic and Social Analysis.     Washington, DC: World Bank. February 2019. 324 p.


    Syrië / Irak


    Far From Home 

    Future Prospects for Syrian Refugees in Iraq.    

    Durable Solutions Platform. January 2019. 64 p. [The Durable Solutions Platform is a joint initiative of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). The platform aims to generate knowledge that informs and inspires forward-thinking policy and practice on the long-term future of displaced Syrians. Since its establishment in 2016, the DSP has developed research projects on key questions regarding durable solutions for Syrians.]




    Aksel, Damla B. & Ahmet İçduygu, Borders and the mobility of migrants in Turkey

    Chemnitz: CEASEVAL. Research on the Common European Asylum System. Nr. 32. August 2019. 60 p.


    Can, Şule, Refugee Encounters at the Turkish-Syrian Border  Antakya at the Crossroads.

    Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 160 p.


    Düvell, Frank, Are there really 3.6 million refugees in Turkey or could there be considerably fewer?

    Berlin: DeZIM. Briefing Notes Ausgabe #1. 18. September 2019. 7 p.


    Erdogan, Prof. dr. M. Murat, Syrian Refugees in Turkey

    Sankt Augustin / Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stifting. September 2019. 27 p.


    Müller-Funk, Lea,  Adapting to staying, or imagining futures elsewhere    Migration decision-making of Syrian refugees in Turkey.  Amsterdam: International Migration Institute. Working paper 154. October 2019. 41 p.

    Pinedo, Luis, Identifying Syrian Refugees in Turkish Microdata

    Geneva: ILO. Research Department. Working Paper No. 46. September 2019. 23 p.


    Yılmaz, Gaye, İsmail Doğa Karatepe, Tolga Tören, Integration through Exploitation   Syrians in Turkey.  Augsburg / München: Rainer Hampp Verlag. Oktober 2019. 196 p.


    Country Report: Turkey

    2018 Update.

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA. 2019. 153 p.


    Immigration Detention in Turkey         A Serial Human Rights Offender and Europe’s Refugee Gatekeeper.     Geneva: Global Detention Project. October 2019. 44 p.


    Lessons Learned of ILO’s Refugee Response Programme in Turkey  Supporting Livelihood Opportunities for Refugees and Host Communities.  Geneva: ILO. June 2019. 68 p.


    Sent to a  War Zone     Turkey’s Illegal Deportations of Syrian Refugees.   London: Amnesty International. October 2019. 19 p.


    Thematisch Ambtsbericht Turkije: Dienstplicht

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Juli 2019. 28 blz.



    Country Background Note.

    Version 3.0.

    London: Home Office. September 2019. 25 p.






    Cowin, Bob, Refugee Countdown
    A Canadian - American Partnership to Resettle a Syrian Family.

    Victoria, BC, Canada: FriesenPress. 2019. 222 p.




    Baillie Abidi, Catherine & Shiva Nourpanah, Refugees & Forced Migration    A Canadian Perspective.

    An A-Z Guide.

    Halifax, NS: Nimbus Publishing. July 2019. 144 p.


    Bauder, Harald, Mehrunnisa Ahmad Ali & John Shields, Introduction to Putting Family First     Migration and Integration in Canada.    

    Geneva: IOM. MRS No. 57. 2019. 18 p.


    Capurri, Valentina,  Not Good Enough for Canada   Canadian Public Discourse around Issues of Inadmissibility for Potential Immigrants with Diseases and/or Disabilities, 1902-2002.        Toronto: Toronto University Press. November 2019. 264 p.


    Hiebert, Daniel, The Canadian Express Entry System for Selecting Economic Immigrants       Progress and Persistent Challenges.  

    Washington DC.: Migration Policy Institute. April 2019. 23 p.


    Romero, Monica, Irregular Migration to Canada   Addressing Current Policy Responses that Impact Refugee Claimants’ Arrival and Settlement in the Country.       Waterloo, ON: International Migration Research Centre. Policy Points, Issue XVI. 2019. 8 p.


    Yildiz, Ugur, Tracing Asylum Journeys Transnational Mobility of Non-European Refugees to Canada via Turkey.  London: Routledge. Studies in Migration and Diaspora. September 2019. 142 p.


    Colombia / Venezuela


    Panayotatos, Daphne, Supporting Solidarity

    Why the World Must Bolster Colombia’s Response to the Venezuelan Displacement Crisis.

    Washington, DC: Refugees International. December 2019. 24 p.



    Leghtas, Izza & Jessica Thea, Hidden and Afraid   Venezuelans without Status or Protection on the Dutch Caribbean Island of Curacao.

    Washington: Refugees International. April 2019. 20 p.


    Verenigde Staten


    Bada, Xochitl & Shannon Gleeson (Eds.), Accountability Across Borders    Migrant Rights in North America.  Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. July 2019. 336 p.


    Bolter, Jessica & Doris Meissner, USCIS Fee Increase Proposed Rule Could Represent the Latest Step in Reshaping Immigration to United States

    Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute. December 2019.


    Boursier, Helen T., Desperately Seeking Asylum

    Testimonies of Trauma, Courage, and Love.

    Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. November 2019. 236 p.


    Capps, Randy, Doris Meissner, Ariel G. Ruiz Soto, Jessica Bolter & Sarah Pierce, From Control to Crisis    Changing Trends and Policies Reshaping U.S.-Mexico Border Enforcement.

    Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute. August 2019. 57 p.


    Connor Phillip & Neil G. Ruiz, Majority of U.S. Public Supports High-Skilled Immigration    Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. January 2019. 25 p.


    Fukushima, Annie Isabel, Migrant Crossings        Witnessing Human Trafficking in the U.S.      Palo Alto: Stanford University Press. 2019. VIII, 261 p.   


    García Hernández, César Cuauhtémoc, Migrating to Prison

    America’s Obsession with Locking Up Immigrants.

    New York: The New Press. December 2019. 208 p.


    Grandin, Greg, The End of the Myth  From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America. New York: Metropolitan Books. March 2019. 384 p.


    Jiménez, Arturo, DREAMers Nightmare        The U.S. War on Immigrant Latinx Children.

    Independently Published. September 2019. 270 p.


    Koehn, Peter, Refugees From Revolution

    U.s. Policy And Third World Migration.

    Abingdon: Routledge. May 2019. 463 p.


    Meissner, Doris & Julia Gelatt, Eight Key U.S. Immigration Policy Issues     State of Play and Unanswered Questions.   

    Washington DC.: Migration Policy Institute. May 2019. 39 p.


    Merkley, Jeff, America Is Better Than This Trump's War Against Migrant Families.

    New York: Little, Brown & Company. 2019. 240 p.


    Pierce, Sarah, Immigration-Related Policy Changes in the First Two Years of the Trump Administration

    Washington DC.: Migration Policy Institute. May 2019. 46 p.


    Schacher, dr. Yael, Voices of the Banned      The Trump Administration’s Exclusion of Muslims Seeking Refuge.

    Washington: Refugees International. October 2019. 7 p.


    Silver, Matthew, Navigating US Immigration in Modern Times  A Review and Analysis of Work Visas.

    Victoria, BC  (Canada): Tellwell Talent. November 2019. 204 p.


    Song, Sarah, Immigration and democracy

    New York:  Oxford University Press. 2019. XIII, 244 p.


    Wadhia, Shoba Sivaprasad, Banned

    Immigration Enforcement in the Time of Trump.

    New York: NYU Press. September 2019. 216 p.


    Denied a Day in Court     The Government’s Use of In Absentia Removal Orders Against Families Seeking Asylum.

    New York: The Asylum Seeker Advocacy Project & Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. 2019. 44 p.


    No Home For Children   The Homestead ‘Temporary Emergency’ Facility.

    London: Amnesty International. 2019. 41 p.


    ‘Saving Lives Is Not A Crime’

    Politically Motivated Legal Harassment against Migrant Human Rights Defenders by the USA.

    London: Amnesty International. 2019. 44 p.


    ‘We Can’t Help You Here’       US Returns of Asylum Seekers to Mexico.  New York: Human Rights Watch. July 2019. 50 p.





    Arts, Karin, Lianne Boer, Martijn Scheltema, Tineke Strik, Ashley Terlouw, Wouter Werner,

    De grenzen voorbij    De actualiteit van territorialiteit en jurisdictie.

    Handelingen Nederlandse Juristen-Vereniging ; 2019/149.    Deventer: Wolters Kluwer. Juni 2019. 220 blz.


    Bals, Tim, Het verblijfsrecht van de EU-onderdanen      Bevoegdheden, procedures en administratieve praktijk. Brugge: Van den Broele Uitgeverij. 2019. 183 blz.


    Bouckaert, Steven, Ellen Desmet, Jinske Verhellen, Rechten van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen in België Brugge: Die Keure. Januari 2019. 472 blz.


    Brouwer, mr. dr. E. R., mr. S.G. Kok, mr. dr. K.M. Zwaan (Red.), Rechtspraak Vreemdelingenrecht 1950-2019

    Landmark Cases on Asylum and Immigration Law.

    Nijmegen: Ars Aequi. Augustus 2019. 4e druk. XI, 730 blz.


    Denys, Luc, Overzicht van het vreemdelingenrecht Heule: INNI publishers. 2019. Vierde bijgewerkte editie. 1153 blz.     [Bijgehouden tot 10 december 2018]  


    Denys, Luc,  Overzicht van rechtspraak Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen gerechtelijke jaren 2009-2010 tot 2017-2018  (Eerste deel)     Antwerpen: Intersentia. 2019.     In: Rechtskundig weekblad. (82) 2019.29.  blz. 1123-1148.


    Denys, Luc, Overzicht van rechtspraak Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen gerechtelijke jaren 2009-2010 tot 2017-2018  (Tweede deel) Antwerpen: Intersentia. 2019.     In: Rechtskundig weekblad. (82)2019. 30.  blz. 1163-1180.


    Geertsema, K.E. & T.P. Spijkerboer, De empirische cyclus van Struiksma in het vreemdelingenrecht

    In: Huisman, P.J., A.R. Neerhof, F.J. van Ommeren (Red.), Verwant met verband.  Ruimte, Recht en Wetenschap.   Vriendenbundel voor prof. mr. J. Struiksma.   Den Haag: Instituut voor Bouwrecht. 2019. blz. 197-204.


    Naaijkens, V.E.A., Wat zeggen internationale verdragen over onafhankelijke verblijfsvergunningen voor vrouwen?

    Onderzoek over het belang van een onafhankelijke verblijfsvergunning voor vrouwen in internationale verdragen en wetgeving.

    Den Haag: Netwerk VN-Vrouwenverdrag i.s.m. Vereniging voor Vrouw en Recht Clara Wichmann (VVR). Oktober 2019. 21 blz.


    Stronks, M.C., De tijd van gewortelde vreemdelingen    Een filosofische analyse van tijd en worteling als grond voor verblijfsaanspraken van vreemdelingen. In: Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy. 2019-1. blz. 108-131.

     Verstrepen, Kati, Benoit Dhondt, Katrien Verhaegen, Wout van Doren, Jana Schellemans, Elsy Byuma, Juli Goedhuys, Het vreemdelingenrecht in 101 antwoorden

    Antwerpen: Intersentia. September 2019. 228 blz.

            Jaarverslag 2018

    Instituut voor Immigratierecht

    Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. 2019. 36 blz.


    Veranderend ouderschap en migratie    Vreemdelingrechtelijke aspecten van meerouderschap, meerpersoonsgezag en draagmoederschap: advies.   Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Advieskenmerk: 50.    Februari 2019. 120 blz.


    Wetsadvies ‘Afschaffing van de algemene discretionaire bevoegdheid’   Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Juli 2019. 8 blz.




    Ausländerrecht    AufenthaltsG, FreizügigkeitsG/EU, AsylG.

    München: dtv Verlagsgesellschaft. Dezember 2019. 1040 p.

    [Zur 34. Auflage (Rechtsstand: 16. September 2019)]




    Arnold, Samantha, Children's Rights and Refugee Law   Conceptualising Children within the Refugee Convention.

    London: Routledge. March 2019. 208 p.


    Baumgärtel, Moritz, Demanding Rights    Europe's Supranational Courts and the Dilemma of Migrant Vulnerability.    Cambridge Asylum and Migration Studies. 

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. May 2019. 232 p.


    Browne, Kevin, Immigration Law 2019

    Guildford: College of Law Publishing. January 2019. 637 p.


    Canaj, Erjona Bana, Migration law in Albania

    Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International. 2019. 194 p.


    Chetail, Vincent, International Migration Law

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. May 2019. 512 p.


    De Somer, Marie, Precedents and judicial politics in EU immigration law

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. IX, 361 p.


    Eule, Tobias G., Lisa Marie Borrelli, Annika Lindberg, Anna Wyss (Eds.), Migrants before the law    Contested migration control in Europe.    Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XIII, 264 p.


    Evans Cameron, Hilary, Refugee Law's Fact-Finding Crisis  Truth, Risk, and the Wrong Mistake. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. August 2019. 231 p.


    Fink, Melanie, Frontex and Human Rights

    Responsibility in 'Multi-Actor Situations' under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law.

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. Oxford Studies in European Law. February 2019. 416 p.


    Flegar, V. & E. Iedema, The Use of the ‘Vulnerability’ Label by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women Protecting or Stigmatizing Women and Girls in the Forced Migration Context?   In: Brill Open Law. 2019.  p. 1-41.

         Foster, Michelle &  Hélène Lambert, International Refugee Law and the Protection of Stateless Persons     Oxford: Oxford University Press. April 2019. 288 p.


    Guerrero, Fernando Elorza, Migration law in Spain  Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer / Kluwer Law International. 2019. 198 p. [Oorspronkelijk verschenen in: International encyclopaedia of laws. Migration law]


    Huddleston, Thomas & Swantje Falcke, Nationality Policies in the Books and in Practice Comparing Immigrant Naturalisation across Europe.

    In: International Migration. 14 October 2019.


    Idriz, Narin, Hierarchies of Privilege    Juxtaposing Family Reunification Rights, Integration Requirements, and Nationality in EU Law

    Forthcoming in: Moritz Jesse (ed.), European Societies, Migration and the Law: The "Others" amongst "Us", (Cambridge University Press), T.M.C. Asser Institute for International & European Law - Asser Research Paper Series 2019-05. 23 p. 

    Posted: 6 November 2019; Last Revised: 10 November 2019.


    Juss, Satvinder Singh (Ed.), Research Handbook on International Refugee Law

    Cheltenham – Northampton: Edgar. Research Handbooks in International Law series. 2019. 480 p.


    Kilpatrick, Jane, The revised Returns Directive        A dangerous attempt to step up deportations by restricting rights.


    London: Statewatch. September 2019. 23 p.


    Kosińska, Anna Magdalena, Cultural Rights of Third-Country Nationals in EU Law

    Oorspr. titel: Prawa kulturalne obywateli panstw trzecich w prawie Unii Europejskiej.

    Übersetzt von Adam Kunysz.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. December 2019. XIII, 291 p.


    Kubal, Agnieszka, Immigration and Refugee Law in Russia Socio-Legal Perspectives.    

    Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. March 2019. 226 p.    


    Liguori, Anna, Migration law and the externalization of border controls     European state responsibility.

    Abingdon: Routledge. March 2019. 120 p.


    Liu, Guofu, Chinese Refugee Law

    Leiden: Brill Nijhoff. International Refugee Law Series. Vol. 16. November 2019. X, 644 p.


    Lülf, Charlotte, Conflict Displacement and Legal Protection  Understanding Asylum, Human Rights and Refugee Law. Abingdon: Routledge. 2019. 254 p.


    Maiani, Francesco, The Protection of Family Unity in Dublin Procedures

    Towards a Protection-Oriented Implementation Practice. 

    Geneva: Centre Suisse pour la Défense des Droits des Migrants. (CSDM). October 2019. 64 p.


    Maillet, Pauline, Nowhere Countries    Exclusion of Non-Citizens from Rights through Extra-Territoriality at Home

    Leiden: Brill. December 2019. 265 p.


    Manoraj, Vani, The Refugee and Non-refoulement obligation    Redefining the refugee and analyzing the consequences of the non-refoulement obligation.

    Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. October 2019. 64 p.


    Minderhoud, Paul, Sandra Mantu, Karin Zwaan (Eds.), Caught in between borders    Citizens, migrants and humans.

    Liber Amicorum for Elspeth Guild.

    Tilburg: Wolf Legal Publishers. October 2019. 368 p.


    Pobjoy, Jason M., The Child in International Refugee Law   Cambridge Asylum and Migration Studies     Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. March 2019. 362 p.


    O’Connor, Tim, Refugee and Asylum Law in Ireland   London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.  August 2019. 400 p.


    O'Sullivan, Maria, Refugee Law and Durability of Protection   Temporary Residence and Cessation of Status.    Abingdon: Routledge. May 2019. 230 p.


    Schultz, Jessica, The internal protection alternative in refugee law

    Treaty basis and scope of application under the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 protocol.

    Leiden: Brill/Nijhof. 2019. VII, 431 p.


    Vermeulen, Gert &  Ellen Desmet (Eds.), Essential Texts on European and International Asylum and Migration Law and Policy   Oud-Turnhout: Gompel & Svacina. 2019. 1491 p.


    Glossary on Migration      Geneva: IOM. International Migration Law. N°34. 2019. 248 p.


    Guide on the case-law of the European Convention  on Human Rights


    Strasbourg: Council of Europe/European Court of Human Rights. 31 August 2019. 38 p.


    Immigration Law and Crimes     Summer 2019 ed.

    Eagan, MN: Thomson Reuters. 2019. 1744 p.


    Immigration Law and the Family      2019 ed.

    Eagan, MN: Thomson Reuters. 2019. 1458 p.


    Law of Asylum in the United States     2019 ed.

    Eagan, MN: Thomson Reuters. 2019. 1104 p.







    Van den Bogaert, Sina, Discriminatie op grond van ras en etnische afkomst     Het sanctieregime en de toepassing in de rechtspraak.  Antwerpen: Intersentia. Februari 2019. VI, 46 blz.


    Cox, Neville, Behind the Veil

    A Critical Analysis of European Veiling Laws.

    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Elgar Studies in Human Rights. May 2019. 288 p.


    Hernández, Tanya Katerí, Racial Discrimination   Leiden: Brill. Brill Research Perspectives. March 2019. VI, 70 p.


    European network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination


    Brussels: European Commission. Directorate-General for Justice and Consumers Directorate D — Equality and Union citizenship Unit D.1 Non-discrimination and Roma coordination Unit D.2 Gender Equality. January 2019. 174 p.







    Maisch, Andreas, Migranten in Roben

    Richterinnen und Richter mit Migrationshintergrund an deutschen Gerichten.

    Münster: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität. Oktober 2019. 250 p.




    Cuyckens, Hanne & Christophe Paulussen, The Prosecution of Foreign Fighters in Western Europe   The Difficult Relationship between Counter-Terrorism and International Humanitarian Law

    Forthcoming, Journal of Conflict & Security Law, T.M.C. Asser Institute for International & European Law, Asser Research Paper Series 2019-04. 26 p. 

    Posted: 21 October 2019; Last Revised: 27 October 2019.


    Nijman, Janne E. & Wouter G.  Werner, Netherlands Yearbook of International Law 2018

    Populism and International Law.

    The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press. October 2019. XIII, 305 p.




    (Zie ook: 1.Migranten & vluchtelingen internationaal; 9. Over kinderen & jongeren)



    Bemmel, S.R. van, N.N.D. Bos, S.E. Hageman, B.J.H. van Oerle, S.L.J. Kragten-Heerdink,

    Slachtoffermonitor mensenhandel 2014-2018

    Den Haag: Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen. 2019. 193 blz.


    Bolhaar, H.J., S.R. van Bemmel, N.N.D. Bos, S.E. Hageman, S.L.J. Kragten-Heerdink, Dadermonitor mensenhandel 2013-2017    Den Haag: Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen. 2019. 212 blz.


    Bouwman, J.F. M.J. &  B. van Dokkum, Vreemdelingenbewaring

    Nijmegen: Juridische uitgeverij Ars Aequi. April 2019. Derde druk. 520 blz.


    Busser, Annemarie, Revijara Oosterhuis, Tineke Strik, Detentie-omstandigheden onder huidig regime en onder wetsvoorstel getoetst aan internationale normen

    Vreemdelingendetentie (I).

    In: A &MR. 2019. blz. 316-323.


    Busser, Annemarie, Revijara Oosterhuis, Tineke Strik, Gronden getoetst aan wetsvoorstel en aan Europees en internationaal recht

    Vreemdelingendetentie (II).

    In: A & MR. 2019. blz. 371-381.


    Kloosterboer. Mr. Karin, Help!,  ook na mijn 18de

    Doorlopende gespecialiseerde hulp aan meisjes na seksuele uitbuiting noodzakelijk.

    Uitgebreide versie.

    Leiden: Defence for Children. 2019. 87 blz.


    Oomen, Barbara, Illegalen, ofwel rechtenmensen

    In: Carinne Elion-Valter, Bart van klink, Sanne Taekema (Red.), Wegen der vrijheid.    Liber amicorum voor Willem Witteveen.    Den Haag: Boom Juridisch. 2019. blz. 259-266.


    Smit, mr. drs. Willemijn & dr. Jeanine Klaver, Evaluatie pilot multidisciplinaire advisering slachtofferschap mensenhandel

    Amsterdam: Regioplan. Publicatienr. 17172. 10 september 2019. 58 blz.

    In opdracht van het WODC.


    Spek, W.J. van der & A.G.M. Böcker, Detentie van asielzoekers       Een kwestie van gevoel?     Nijmegen: Radboud University Nijmegen. Nijmegen Sociology of Law Working Papers Series 2019/01. 20 blz.


    Factsheet bij Dadermonitor mensenhandel 2013-2017   Den Haag: Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen. 2019. 1 blz.


    Factsheet bij Slachtoffermonitor mensenhandel 2014-2018

    Den Haag: Nationaal Rapporteur Mensenhandel en Seksueel Geweld tegen Kinderen. 2019. 1 blz.


    Humaniteit in het terugkeerproces

    Zicht op Uitzettingen.

    Rotterdam: Stichting LOS / Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie. Juni 2010. 50 blz.


    Rapport Onderzoekscommissie Langdurig verblijvende vreemdelingen zonder bestendig verblijfsrecht   Den Haag: Rijksoverheid. Juni 2019. 218 blz.




    Alberola, Claire & Chiara Janssen, Action Knowledge Transfer  on Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking by Air and Document Fraud

    Maastricht: Maastricht Graduate School of Governance / International Centre for Migration Policy Development. March 2019. 113 p.


    Ambrosini, Maurizio, Irregular Immigration in Southern Europe       

    Actors, Dynamics and Governance.    

    Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. February 2019. IX, 164 p.


    Bausum, Ann, Denied, detained, deported     Stories from the dark side of American immigration.

    With a poem foreword by Naomi Shihab Nye.

    Washington, D.C.: National Geographic. 2019. 111 p.


    Boehm, Deborah A. & Susan J. Terrio (Eds.), Illegal Encounters      The Effect of Detention and Deportation on Young People.    New York: NYU Press. February 2019. 256 p.


    Bolt, David, An inspection of the Home Office’s approach to Illegal Working      August – December 2018.  London: Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration. May 2019. 92 p.


    Boon-Kuo, Louise, Policing Undocumented Migrants  Law, Violence and Responsibility. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd. April 2019. 220 p.


    Chase, Robert T., (Ed.), Caging borders and carceral states Incarcerations, immigration detentions, and resistance.         Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. 2019.  XI, 427 p.


    Conlon, Deirdre & Nancy Hiemstra (Eds.), Intimate Economies of Immigration Detention Critical perspectives.   Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 244 p.


    Conte, Carmine &  Valentina Savazzi, The increasing use of detention of asylum seekers and irregular migrants in the EU     Discussion Policy Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum. (ReSOMA). June 2019. 17 p.


    Conte, Carmine &  Valentina Savazzi, Addressing the systematic use of immigration detention in the EU     Recommendations and policy options.

    Policy Option Brief.

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum. (ReSOMA). September 2019. 17 p.


    Delvino, Nicola, Safe Reporting of Crime for Victims and Witnesses with Irregular Migration Status in the United States

    Oxford: Compas. Oxford University. September 2019. 49 p.


    Diab, Jasmin Lilian,


    Gender, Movement and Safety  Intersectionality in the Sexual Assault of Irregular Migrant Women Entering the EU.     Hamburg: Anchor Academic Publishing. January 2019. 152 p.


    Duyne, Petrus C., Alexey Serdyuk, Georgios A. Antonopoulos, Jackie H. Harvey, Klaus von Lampe (Eds.), Constructing and organising crime in Europe

    The Hague: Eleven international publishing. 2019. 450 p.


    Feldman, Gregory, The Gray Zone

    Sovereignty, Human Smuggling, and Undercover Police Investigation in Europe.

    Redwood City CA: Stanford University Press. January 2019. 240 p.


    Franko, Katja, The Crimmigrant Other

    Migration and Penal Power.

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 238 p. 

          Giteva, Dilyana, Radostina Pavlova, Diana Radoslavova, Applying Engagement-Based Alternatives to Detention of Migrants in Bulgaria     Opportunities and Challenges.    Final Report.    Brussels: EPIM / Center for Legal Aid Voice in Bulgaria. May 2019. 33 p.


    González Beilfuss, Markus, Safe Reporting of Crime for Victims and Witnesses with Irregular Migration Status in Spain

    Oxford: Compas. Oxford University. September 2019. 33 p.


    Gordon, Jane Anna, Statelessness and Contemporary Enslavement

    Abingdon: Routlledge. December 2019. 156 p.


    Healy, Claire, The Strength to Carry On    Resilience and Vulnerability to Trafficking and Other Abuses among People Travelling along Migration Routes to Europe. Vienna: International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). 2019. 316 p.


    Hjarnø, Jan, Illegal immigrants and developments in employment in the labour markets of the EU Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. June 2019. 158 p.


    Jones, Chris, Data Protection, Immigration Enforcement and Fundamental Rights   What the EU’s Regulations on Interoperability Mean for People with Irregular Status.

    Brussels / London: PICUM / Statewatch. 2019.  6 p.


    Koka, Enkelejda & Denard Veshi, Irregular Migration by Sea        Interception and Rescue Interventions in Light of International Law and the EU Sea Borders Regulation.

    In: European Journal of Migration and Law. (21)1. 2019. p. 26-52.

           Kuschminder, Katie & Anna Triandafyllidou, Smuggling, Trafficking, and Extortion   New Conceptual and Policy Challenges on the Libyan Route to Europe.

    In: Antipode. October 2019. 21 p.

           Lesińska, Magdalena,  Towards alternatives to detention Ask the Expert Policy Brief.        Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum. (ReSOMA.) May 2019. 10 p.


    Nyers, Peter, Irregular citizenship, immigration, and deportation     Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. IX, 172 p.


    Saadi, Altaf  & Lello Tesema, Privatisation of immigration detention facilities

    In: The Lancet. Vol. 393(10188). 8-14 June 2019. p. 2299.


    Salvadego, Laura, The Respect for Fundamental Human Rights in the Fight against Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling across the Central Mediterranean Sea

    Leiden: Brill. September 2019. 135 p.


    Spencer, Sarah & Anna Triandafyllidou (Eds.), Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe  Evolving Conceptual and Policy Challenges.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. October 2019. 225 p.


    Taverriti, Sara Bianca, Safe Reporting of Crime for Victims and Witnesses with Irregular Migration Status in Italy

    Oxford: Compas. Oxford University. September 2019. 46 p.


    Timmerman, Ruben, Arjen Leerkes, Richard Staring, Safe reporting of crime for migrants with irregular status in the Netherlands     Oxford: Compas. Oxford University. September 2019. 46 p.


    Uhlman, Natasha Elena, Abolish Ice     A Passionate Plea for a More Humane Immigration System.

    Or Books. October 2019. 144 p.


    Van den Durpel, Anja, Safe Reporting of Crime for Victims and Witnesses with Irregular Migration Status in Belgium

    Oxford: Compas. Oxford University. September 2019. 31 p.


    Winterdyk, John A., & Jackie Jones (Eds.), The Palgrave international handbook of human trafficking 

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. November 2019. XXIX, 1863 p. 2 Volumes.        


    A Global Strategy to Support Governments to End the Detention of Asylum-Seekers & Refugees, 2014 – 2019

    Progress Report 2018.    Geneva: UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). February 2019. 82 p.


    Alternatives Learning What Works & Why Monitoring and evaluation of alternatives to immigration detention.

    Collingwood, Victoria: International Detention Coalition. September 2019, No. 4. 12 p.


    European Centre for Returns in brief 

    Warsaw: Frontex. 2019. 8 p.


    Forced return monitoring systems 2018

    Vienna: FRA. June 2019. 4 p.


    Global study on smuggling of migrants 2018   

    A checklist for internal inspection mechanisms.

    Vienna: United Nations: Office on Drugs and Labor. February 2019. 167 p. 


    Good Practices and Initiatives of Gender-Responsive Migration Legislation, Policies, and Practices.

    Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Migrants.

    Geneva: Global Detention Project. May 2019. 7 p.


    How illegal immigration impacts constituencies

    Perspectives from members of Congress. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, first session.

    Washington. 12 Nov 2019. 40 p.


    Scaling Fences

    Voices of Irregular African Migrants tot Europe.

    New York: UNDP. October 2019. 71 p.


    Victims of modern slavery

    Competent Authority guidance.  Version 8.0.

    London: Home Office. 2 September 2019. 93 p.


    2019 Trafficking in Persons Report: Netherlands

    Annual report on trafficking in persons (covering April 2018 to March 2019. Washington: US Department of State. 20 June 2019.








    ADVIESCOMMISSIE VOOR VREEMDELINGENZAKEN (ACVZ )      (Zie ook 2. Vreemdelingen- en migratierecht)


    Avontuur, Sonja, Het Koninkrijk en de internationale bescherming van (asiel)migranten Verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden en mogelijkheden tot samenwerking.

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Kenmerk: 52- 2019. 37 blz.


    Beuving, Minze, Evelien Brouwer, Joanne van der Leun, Laura Kok, David de Jong,  Advies ‘Marktwerking in het inburgeringsonderwijs en de verantwoordelijkheid van de overheid’ 

    Uitgebracht aan de minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid en de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid.  

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Advieskenmerk: 51 – 2019. Maart 2019. 23 blz.


    Lange, Tesseltje de, Saskia Bonjour, Joanne van der Leun, Ton van Loon, Koos Richelle, Sonja Avontuur, Lambert Obermann, Huub Verbaten, Legale kanalen voor arbeidsmigranten


    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Juni 2019. 71 blz.


    Obermann, L. & S. Vergeer, Secundaire migratie van asielzoekers in de EU

    Onderzoeksrapport, uitgebracht aan de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid.

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Kenmerk: 55 – 2019. November 2019. 201 blz.


    ACVZ in 2018   Jaarverslag.

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). 2019. 21 blz.


    Afschaffing van de  algemene discretionaire bevoegdheid  Wetsadvies.

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Juli 2019. 8 blz.


    Het Koninkrijk en de internationale bescherming van (asiel)migranten

    Verdeling van verantwoordelijkheden en mogelijkheden tot samenwerking.  Signalering.

    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). Maart 2019. 37 blz.


    Secundaire migratie van asielzoekers in de EU

    Advies uitgebracht aan de staatssecretaris van Justitie en Veiligheid.

    Den Haag: ACVZ. Kenmerk: 54 – 2019.  November 2019. 39 blz.


    Wet Inburgering 20..


    Den Haag: Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken (ACVZ). September 2019. 16 blz.




    (Zie ook 13. Identiteit & diversiteit)


    Asiel-, Migratie- en Integratiefonds (AMIF) en Fonds voor de Interne Veiligheid (ISF)

    Toelichting bij het Rapport bij de Nationale Verklaring 2019.

    Den Haag: Algemene Rekenkamer. 15 mei 2019. 5 blz.




    (Zie ook: WODC)


    Driessen, Zoë, Evelien Ebenau, Corina Huisman, Luc Verschuren (projectleider), Stephan Verschuren, Asiel en integratie 2019   

    Cohortonderzoek asielzoekers en statushouders.  

    Den Haag: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek. 2019. 62 blz.





    Aalbersberg, Marianne & André de Jong, Evaluatie COA 

    Oordeel en advies over doeltreffendheid, doelmatigheid, sturing en toezicht.

    Den Haag: ABDTOPConsult. Mei 2019. 52 blz.

    In opdracht van Algemene Bestuursdienst. Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties.


    Gruijter, Marjan de & Maaike van Rooijen, met medewerking van Loes Hooge Venterink, Marlinda van der Hoff, Inge Razenberg,  Evaluatie Logeerregeling COA

    Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut. Juni 2019. 76 blz.

    In opdracht van het WODC.



    Jaarverslag 2018.

    Den Haag: Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers. April 2019.





    Elk, Roel van, Egbert Jongen, Patrick Koot, Income differences across migrant groups in the Netherlands   

    An intergenerational perspective.   

    The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB).  

    CPB Background Document. June 2019. 18 p.


    Gerritsen, Sander, Mark Kattenberg, Sonny Kuijpers, The impact of age at arrival on education and mental health

    The Hague: Netherlands Institute for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB). CPB Discussion Paper January 2019. 38 p. 


    Jongen, Egbert, Jonneke Bolhaar, Roel van Elk, Patrick Koot, Daniël van Vuuren, Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond

    Den Haag: Centraal Planbureau (CPB). CPB Policy Brief. Juni 2019. 15 blz.


    Koolmees, W., Betreft Reactie op CPB onderzoek "Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond" 

    Brief van de minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid aan de Tweede Kamer.     9 oktober 2019. 4 blz.



    Maas, Jessica & Mariëlle Janssen, Project Screening en matching vergunninghouders

    Wat is er bereikt tot 2019?

    Utrecht: Divosa. April 2019. 15 blz.





    Managing Migration

    EU Financial Support to the Netherlands.

    Brussels: European Commission. May 2019. 2 p.



    EUROPEES MIGRATIE NETWERK (Nederlands nationaal contactpunt)


    Donders, Bas, Stefan Mancini, Anna Matus, Jaaroverzicht 2018 Migratie en asiel in Nederland.

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie /  Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst / Strategie- en Uitvoeringsadvies (SUA) / Onderzoek en Analyse (O&A) / Nederlands nationaal contactpunt voor het Europees Migratie netwerk. April 2019. 75 blz.


    Asielstatushouders die terug- reizen naar het land van herkomst

    Het Nederlandse beleid vergeleken met andere EU-lidstaten, Noorwegen en Zwitserland.

    Benchmark EMN-onderzoek Beneficiaries of international protection travelling back to their country of origin (syntheserapport).  Den Haag: EMN Nederland. 5 november 2019. 5 blz.





    Onderzoek vermoeden van misstand bij de IND

    Onderzoeksrapport Commissie De Leeuw.

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 20 Mei 2019. 65 blz.


    Rapportage Vreemdelingenketen    

    Periode januari-december 2018.

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. Mei 2019. 51 blz.


    Rapportage Vreemdelingenketen

    Periode januari - juni 2019.

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. November 2019. 40 blz.


    Asylum Trends    

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). January 2019. 12 p.


    Asylum Trends    

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands.       

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). February 2019. 12 p.


    Asylum Trends    

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). March 2019. 12 p.


    Asylum Trends     

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). April 2019. 12 p.


    Asylum Trends    

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). May 2019. 12 p.


    Asylum Trends     

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). June 2019. 11 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Appendix: Relocation and Resettlement.

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). June 2019. 4 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Appendix: Eurostat data.

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). June 2019. 8 p.


    Asylum Trends    

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands. 

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). July 2019. 11 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands,

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). August 2019, 11 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands.

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). September 2019. 11 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands.

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). October 2019. 10 p.


    Asylum Trends

    Monthly Report on Asylum Applications in The Netherlands.

    Den Haag: Ministry of Justice and Security. Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND).

    IND Business Information Centre (BIC). November 2019. 10 p.


    Deel A. Het beslisproces en legesinningsproces in kaart gebracht

    [PwC]. Januari 2019. 13 blz.


    Openbare samenvatting Migratieradar Tertaal 1 2019

    Den Haag: Koninklijke Marechaussee / IND. 2019. 5 blz.


    WI 2019/1 Het beoordelen van asielaanvragen van verwesterde vrouwen

    Werkinstructie SUA.

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 7 januari 2019. 6 blz.


    WI 2019/4 Herkomstonderzoek in asielzaken

    Werkinstructie SUA.  Den Haag: IND.

    Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 11 maart 2019. 12 blz.


    WI 2019/5 Richtlijnen voor afgifte van arbeidsmarktaantekening bij verblijf langer dan drie maanden

    Werkinstructie SUA. 

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 28 maart 2019. 20 blz.


    WI 2019/7 Aanvraag mbt het opvragen van gegevens in Eurodac

    Werkinstructie SUA. 

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 19 april 2019. 2 blz.


    WI 2019/8 Het belang van het kind in de Dublinprocedure

    Werkinstructie SUA. 

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 25 juni 2019. 11 blz.


    WI 2019/9 Procedure herhaalde aanvragen

    Werkinstructie SUA. 

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 27 juni 2019. 7 blz.


    WI 2019/10 Richtlijnen voor de toepassing van artikel 8 EVRM

    Werkinstructie SUA.

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 19 juli 2019. 41 blz.


    WI 2019/11 Horen en mandatering in bezwaar

    Werkinstructie SUA.

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 23 juli 2019. 8 blz.


    WI 2019/12 Palestijnen

    Werkinstructie SUA.

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 29 juli 2019. 28 blz.


    WI 2019/13 Palestijnen

    Werkinstructie SUA.

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 15 augustus 2019. 28 blz.


    WI 2019/15 Richtlijnen voor de toepassing van artikel 8 EVRM

    Werkinstructie (SUA)

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 30 september 2019. 39 blz.


    WI 2019/16 Horen en mandatering in bezwaar

    Werkinstructie (SUA)

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 18 december 2019. 8 blz.


    WI 2019/17 Horen en beslissen in zaken waarin lhbtigerichtheid als asielmotief is aangevoerd

    Werkinstructie (SUA)

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 30 december 2019. 7 blz.


    WI 2019/18 Bekeerlingen

    Werkinstructie (SUA)

    Den Haag: IND. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. 30 december 2019. 13  blz.





    Het vertrekproces van de Armeense kinderen

    Het handelen van de organisaties in het vertrekproces van 24 augustus 2018 tot en met 8 september 2018.

    Den Haag: Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.  November 2019. 78 blz.


    Informatieoverdracht in de asielketen

    Over de aanpak en uitwerking van verbetermaatregelen.

    Den Haag: Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.  November 2019. 51 blz.


    Periodiek beeld Terugkeer 2018

    Den Haag: Inspectie Justitie en Veiligheid. Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.

    November 2019. 46 blz.




    Financieel ontzorgen van statushouders op weg naar zelfredzaamheid

    Een precaire balans.

    Den Haag: Inspectie SZW. Juni 2019. 33 blz.


    Financiële zelfredzaamheid van statushouders

    Een proces van begeleid loslaten.

    Den Haag: Inspectie SZW. Juni 2019. 40 blz.


    De weg naar financiële zelfredzaamheid statushouders

    Rode draden notitie.

    Den Haag: Inspectie SZW. Juni 2019. 5 blz.





    Besluit op Wob-verzoek om diversiteit en inclusiviteit

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. December 2019. 9 blz.

    2019 Scorekaart International Organization for Migration (IOM)

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Directie Stabiliteit en Humanitaire Hulp. 6 december 2019. 26 blz.





    Jong, Petra de, Christof Van Mol, Helga de Valk, Welfare and migration in the context of the European Union

    Den Haag: NIDI. Working Paper no.: 2019/01. 23 p.





    Jaarverslag 2018

    Utrecht: Nederlands Migratie Instituut (NMI). Mei 2019. 28 blz.





    Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd, Joep de Hart, Pepijn van Houwelingen, Maroesjka Versantvoort, Denkend aan Nederland   

    Sociaal en Cultureel Rapport 2019.

    Een onderzoek naar wat Nederland voor de Nederlanders betekent.    

    Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau. Juni 2019.


    Dekker, Paul & Josje den Ridder, Burgerperspectieven 2019|1  

    Kwartaalbericht van het Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven.   

    Den Haag: SCP. Maart 2019. 50 blz.    

    Thema: Tegenstellingen en polarisatie.


    Ridder, Josje den,  Emily Miltenburg, Willem Huijnk, Sosha van Rijnberk, Verschil in opvatting over integratie in de samenleving  Burgerperspectieven 2019|4.

    Kwartaalbericht van het Continu Onderzoek Burgerperspectieven.   

    Den Haag: SCP. December 2019. 76 blz.




    (zie ook: 13. Identiteit & Diversiteit)


    Integratie door werk

    Meer kansen op werk voor nieuwkomers.

    Den Haag: SER. Verkenning 19/04.  Mei 2019. 39 blz.





    Gevangen in een vastgelopen asielsysteem

    Gevolgen en verhalen  uit de praktijk.

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. November 2019. 12 blz.


    Jaarrapport 2018

    Amsterdam: Vereniging VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. 2019. 87 blz.


    Jaarrapport 2018

    Ede: Stichting Bootvluchteling. 2019. 4 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Amsterdam: Nationale Stichting  ter Bevordering van Vrolijkheid. 2019. 61 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Den Haag: Stichting Vluchteling. 2019. 56 blz.


    Jaarverslag XS 2018

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. 2019. 31 blz.


    Recht hebben en recht krijgen

    Jaarverslag 2018.

    Leiden. Defence for Children. Juli 2019. 88 blz.


    Slimme routes naar werk

    Jaarverslag 2018.

    Utrecht: Stichting Vluchteling-studenten UAF. 2019. 100 blz.


    Thuis in Gods huis

    Jaarverslag 2018.

    Harderwijk: Stichting Gave. 2019. 47 blz.


    Vluchtelingen in getallen 2019

    Amsterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. Juli 2019. 53 blz.





    Oosten, Margriet van, Banenafspraak: gewoon DOEN!

    14 succesverhalen uit de sectoren Overheid en Onderwijs.

    Den Haag: VSO. 2019. 68 blz.




    (Zie ook: Overige publicaties)


    Leerkes, A. & M. de Hoon met medewerking van  R. Damen, Blijven vergunninghouders in Nederland? 

    Patronen en determinanten van vervolgmigratie en remigratie onder asielmigranten, cohort 1995-1999.

    Den Haag: WODC / CBS. Cahier 2019-13. Oktober 2019. 65 blz.


    Rutten, Susan, Eliane Smits van Waesberghe,  Richard Blauwhoff, Esther van Eijk, Pauline Kruiniger, Leyla Reches, Elles Ramakers, Inge Rook, Verboden huwelijken

    Onderzoek naar de werking van de Wet tegengaan huwelijksdwang in de praktijk.

    Maastricht University / Verwey-Jonker Instituut. November 2019. 243 blz.

    Onderzoek in opdracht van het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek- en Documentatiecentrum, WODC.


    Schans, J.M.D. &  L.E.H.P. van Lierop, De geloofwaardigheidsbeoordeling van asielaanvragen met een LHBTI- of bekeringsmotief  

    Een inventarisatie van (on)mogelijkheden tot verbetering. 

    Den Haag: Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid. WODC. Memorandum 2019-2. 31 blz. 





    Schmeets, Hans, Verblijfsduur immigranten

    Migratieredenen en  herkomstgebieden.

    Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. Working Paper nr. 33.  Juni 2019. 56 blz.


    Beleidsthema’s voor de lange termijn

    Memo aan de programmacommissies.

    Den Haag: Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid. December 2019. 40 blz.’s-voor-de-lange-termijn.-memo-aan-de-programmacommissies



    Aarts, Rembrant, Lennard van Wanrooij, Evert Bloemen, Geert E. Smid, Expert medico-legal reports

    The relationschp between levels of consistency and judicial outcomes in asylum seekers in the Netherlands.

    In: Torture, Journal Rehabilitation of Torture Victims and Prevention of Torture. 2019-1.    p. 36-45.


    Bakker, Linda, Jan Reitsma, Sam Huberts, Stefan van der Veen, Literatuurverkenning ‘uitwerking generiek re-integratiebeleid op doelgroepen’    

    ’s-Gravenhage: APE Public Economics. 12 maart 2019. 17 blz.    

    In opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, directie Samenleving en Integratie.‘uitwerking-generiek-re-integratiebeleid-op-doelgroepen


    Bakker, Linda, Esther van de Kuilen, Annemarijn Onstenk en Patrick Tazelaar, Monitor basisexamen inburgering buitenland


    Barneveld: Significant / Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. 21 maart 2019. 34 blz. or-basisexamen-inburgering-buitenland-2018-heel/monitor-basisexamen-inburgering-buitenland2018-heel.pdf


    Bosch, Anique van den, Aletta de Savornin Lohman, Lianneke den Toom, Krit Zeegers, Dutch NGOs contribution pertaining to Fifth Periodic Report by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the UN Human Rights Committee    

    This report is submitted on behalf of the following NGOs and platforms:  Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists (NJCM); ASKV/Steunpunt Vluchtelingen; Dokters van de Wereld; Emancipator; FairWork; Johannes Wier Stichting; Kinderrechtencollectief; Meldpunt Vreemdelingendetentie; Milieudefensie; Netwerk VN-Vrouwenverdrag / Dutch CEDAW Network; RADAR/Art. 1; Stichting Landelijk Ongedocumenteerden Steunpunt (Stichting LOS); TIYE International.

    Den Haag: Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists (NJCM).   

    June 2019. 30 p.


    Buers, C., J. Klaver, B. Witkamp, mmv S. Duysak, E. Verbeek, M. Bouterse, A. Mack, Aantrekkelijkheid van Nederland voor kennismigranten

    Een onderzoek naar hoe aantrekkelijk kennismigranten Nederland vinden als potentieel vestigings- en carrièreland.  

    Amsterdam: Regioplan / WODC. Januari 2019. 78 blz.


    Cleton, Laura, From the Filed: ‘We Have Got Nothing to Hide Here’

    Reflections on Researching the Deportation Apparatus in The Netherlands.



    Cleton, Laura & Sébastien Chauvin, Performing freedom in the Dutch deportation regime

    Bureaucratic persuasion and the enforcement of ‘voluntary return’.

    In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.  Published online: 25 March 2019.


    Ende, Romée van den Ende, Vluchtelingen en werk

    Een praktische gids voor werkgevers.

    Tent Partnership for Refugees & Refugee Talent Hub. 2019. 52 blz.


    Hirsch Ballin, Ernst, De staatstaak inzake migratie op weg naar 2030

    In: Journaal Vreemdelingenrecht. 2019. 18(1). blz. 24-31.


    Hoon, Marloes de, Maarten Vink & Hans Schmeets, A ticket to mobility?

    Naturalisation and subsequent migration of refugees after obtaining asylum in the Netherlands.

    In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Published online: 26 June 2019.

    DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1629894


    Kampen, Angelina van, Merlijn Bothof, Aya Younis, Lianne Hooijmans, Geert Lamers, Daan Bes, Stefanie Pijnenburg, Eglantine Weijmans & Wilma Klaassen, Country Report: Netherlands

    Update 2018.        

    Brussels: ECRE / AIDA / VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. March 2019. 101 p.


    Koot, Patrick, Roel van Elk, Egbert Jongen, Inkomensongelijkheid naar migratieachtergrond in kaart

    Den Haag: Centraal Planbureau (CPB). CPB Achtergronddocument. Juni 2019. 42 blz.


    Larruina, R., K. Boersma, E. Ponzoni,  Responding to the Dutch Asylum Crisis:

    Implications for Collaborative Work between Civil Society and Governmental Organizations.

    In: Social Inclusion. Vol. 7(2). 2019. p. 53- 64.


    Lodder, mr. drs. Gerrie, Selectief naast restrictief

    Evaluatie van de Wet modern migratiebeleid.

    Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. Instituut voor Immigratierecht. Juni 2019. 98 blz.

    Opdrachtgever: WODC, Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.  Aanvrager: Directie Migratiebeleid van het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid.


    Oomen, Barbara & Emma Leenders, Symbolic Laws, Street-Level Actors 

    Everyday Bordering in Dutch Participation Declaration Workshops

    In: M. Ambrosini et al. (Eds.), Migration, Borders and Citizenship, Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship. 2020. p. 265-294.


    Rakers, Julia, MIDEM Länderbericht Niederlande

    Dresden: MIDEM. Technischen Universität Dresden in Kooperation mit der Universität Duisburg-Essen, gefördert durch die Stiftung Mercator. August 2019. 37 p.


    Selm, Joanne van, Migration in the Netherlands

    Rhetoric and Perceived Reality Challenge Dutch Tolerance.

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute. May 1, 2019.


    Vink, Maarten, Hans Schmeets, Hester Mennes, Double standards?

    Attitudes towards immigrant and emigrant dual citizenship in the Netherlands.

    In: Journal of Ethnic and Racial Studies. (43)16. February 2019. p. 83-101.


    Winter, H., V. Bex-Reimert, B. Geertsema, S. Hollenberg, E. Krol, Vervolgevaluatie van de Wet  biometrie vreemdelingenketen


    Groningen:  Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Faculteit rechtsgeleerdheid. Vakgroep staatsrecht,  bestuursrecht en  bestuurskunde.  Juni 2019. 102 blz.  [In opdracht van WODC]


    Woutersen, Emiel, Uitgebuit

    Het verhaal van de Nederlandse werkvloer.

    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. 2019. 224 blz.


    Yabasun, Dersim, Natasja Reslow, R. Tans, Baseline report on the integration of beneficiaries of international protection in the Netherlands

    National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (NIEM) report 2018.

    Maastricht: National Integration Evaluation Mechanism. 2019. 61 p.


    ECRI-Rapport over Nederland 

    (vijfde monitoringcyclus) 

    Goedgekeurd op 2 april 2019.  

    Gepubliceerd op 4 juni 2019.  

    Strasbourg: ECRI Secretariat Directorate General II - Democracy Council of Europe. Juni 2019. 53 blz.







    Alisch, Monika, Zwischenräume

    Sozialraumentwicklung in der Migrationsgesellschaft.

    Opladen / Berlin: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2019. 204 p.


    Czaika, Matthias [und weitere] (Hg.), Migration & Integration 7

    Dialog zwischen Politik, Wissenschaft und Praxis.

    Krems: Edition Donau-Universität Krems. 2019. 278 p.


    Foroutan, Naika, Die postmigrantische Gesellschaft

    Ein Versprechen der pluralen Demokratie.

    Bielefeld: transcript. Juli 2019. 280 p.


    Junne, Florian, Jana Denkinger, Jan Ilhan Kizilhan, Stephan Zipfel (Hrsg.), Aus der Gewalt des "Islamischen Staates" nach Baden-Württemberg

    Evaluation des Sonderkontingents für besonders schutzbedürftige Frauen und Kinder aus dem Nordirak.

    Weinheim / Basel: Beltz Juventa. 2019. 434 p.


    Robertson-von Trotha, Caroline Y., Diaspora – Netzwerke globaler Gemeinschaften

    WIKA-Report ; 3.

    Karlsruhe, Baden: KIT Scientific Publishing. August 2019. 228 p.   


    Schilller, Martin, Akkulturation von Flüchtlingen

    Welchen Einfluss hat sie auf die identitäre Selbstwahrnehmung?

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 76 p.


    Walther, Claudia, Ankommen im neuen Zuhause

    Flüchtlingsintegration als Chance für weltoffene Kommunen.

    Gütersloh: Verlag Bertelsmann Stiftung. 2019. 144 p.


    Andere Länder, andere Sitten?

    Welche kulturellen Unterschiede Flüchtlinge wahrnehmen – und wie sie damit umgehen. Policy Brief des SVR-Forschungsbereichs und der Robert Bosch Stiftung.

    Berlin: Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration  (SVR- Forschungsbereich). September 2019. 32 p.


    Anerkannte Partner – unbekannte Größe? Migrantenorganisationen in der deutschen Einwanderungsgesellschaft.

    Berlin. Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration  (SVR-Forschungsbereich). 2019. 32 p.




    Baár, Monika & Paul van Trigt (Eds.), Marginalized Groups, Inequalities and the Post-War Welfare State

    Whose Welfare?

    Abingdon: Routledge. November 2019. 200 p.


    Benton, Meghan & Alexandra Embiricos, Doing more with less   

    At new toolkit for integration policy.    

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute Europe. January 2019. 37 p.


    Benton, Meghan &  Aliyyah Ahad, Breaking New Ground     

    Ten Ideas to Revamp Integration Policy in Europe.       

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute Europe. January 2019. 29 p.


    Eugster, Beatrice, Immigrants and Poverty

    The Role of Labour Market and Welfare State Access.

    London: ECPR Press. Rowman & Littlefield International. September 2019. 274 p.


    Gamlen, Alan, Human geopolitics

    States, emigrants, and the rise of diaspora institutions.

    Oxford / New York, NY: Oxford University Press. 2019. 337 p.


    Hoxhaj, R, M. Vink &  T. Prokic-Breuer, Immigrant naturalisation, employment and occupational status in western Europe

    Florence: Migration Policy Centre. European University Institute. 2019. 19 p.


    Kehoe, S. Karly, Eva Alisic, Jan-Christoph Heilinger (Eds.), Responsibility for refugee and migrant integration

    Berlin: De Gruyter. 2019. VIII, 237 p.


    Maestri, Gaja, Temporary Camps, Enduring Segregation

    The Contentious Politics of Roma and Migrant Housing.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. 2019. 266 p.


    Majhail, Harjinder Singh & Sinan Dogan (Eds.), World of Diasporas

    Different Perceptions on the Concept of Diaspora.

    Leiden / Boston: Brill-Rodopi. 2019. XIII, 118 p.


    Medda-Windischer, Roberta, Caitlin Boulter, Tove H. Malloy, Extending Protection to Migrant Populations in Europe

    Old and New Minorities.

    Abingdon: Routledge. July 2019. 182 p.


    Nelson, Andrew,  Alexander Rödlach, Roos Willems (Eds.), The crux of refugee resettlement Rebuilding social networks.

    Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. 2019. XXXIV, 299 p.


    Patuzzi, Liam, Meghan Benton, Alexandra Embiricos, Social Innovation for Refugee Inclusion

    From Bright Spots to System Change.        

    Brussels: Migration Policy Institute Europe. June 2019. 36 p.


    Pedroza, Luicy, Citizenship Beyond Nationality

    Immigrants' Right to Vote Across the World.

    Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press. August 2019. 384 p.


    Pereda, Carlos, Lessons in exile

    Translated from the Spanish by Sean Manning.

    Leiden / Boston: Brill – Rodopi. 2019. VIII, 116 p.


    Peters, Floris, Naturalization and the transition to homeownership

    An analysis of signalling in the Dutch housing market.

    In: Housing Studies. Received: 06 Nov. 2017, Accepted: 07 Aug. 2019, Published online: 26 Aug. 2019.


    Torfa, Masooma, Refugee-led Organisations (RLOS) in Europe

    Policy Contributions. Opportunities and Challenges.

    Brussels: ECRE. Working Paper 01. 2019. 14 p.


    Wolffhardt, Alexander, Future EU funding to support the  integration of refugees and migrants

    Research Social Platform on Migration and Asylum (ReSOMA). ReSOMA Final Synthetic Report. May 2019. 39 p.

    Wolffhardt, Alexander, Carmine Conte, Thomas Huddleston, The European Benchmark for Refugee Integration

    A Comparative Analysis of the National Integration Evaluation Mechanism in 14 EU Countries.

    Brussels / Warsaw: Migration Policy Group / Institute of Public Affairs. June 2019. 167 p.


    Promoting socio-economic inclusion of migrants and refugees in the next EU budget  (2021 – 2027)  Policy Paper. 

    Brussels: Picum / ECRE. February 2019. 14 p.


    Ready to help?   

    Improving resilience of integration systems for refugees and other vulnerable migrants.

    Paris: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). January 2019. 94 p.


    Settling In 2018  Indicators of Immigrant Integration.

    Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD. 2019. 308 p. 





    Bunse, Anna-Lena, Migrant entrepreneurship network structures

    Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler. 2019. XIII, 193 p.


    Dhéret, Claire &  Olivia Sundberg Diez, Integrating refugees into the labour market

    How can  the EU better support employers?

    Brussels: European Policy Centre. Social Europe & Well-being / European Migration and Diversity Programmes.

    Discussion Paper. 21 February 2019. 12 p.


    Savazzi V., G. Solano, A. Xhani, Financial Inclusion of Migrant Entrepreneurs

    Barriers, Challenges and Support Measures.


    Brussels: Migrant Entrepeneurship Growth Agenda. MEGA. 2019. 15 p.


    Solano, Giacomo, Alexander Wolffhardt, Aldo Xhani, Measures to support  early-stage migrant entrepreneurs


    Migrant Entrepreneurship Growth Agenda (MEGA). 2019. 27 p.


    Zwysen, Wouter, Different Patterns of Labor Market Integration by Migration Motivation in Europe

    The Role of Host Country Human Capital.

    In: International Migration Review. (53)1. 2019. p. 59-89.


    Labour market integration of third-country nationals in EU Member States

    Synthesis Report.       

    Brussels: European Migration Network. February 2019. 64 p.


    Policy brief on refugee entrepreneurship

    Paris: OECD. OECD SME and Entrepreneurship Papers No. 14. 2019. 38 p.


    Protecting migrant workers from exploitation in the EU

    Workers’ perspectives.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). June 2019. 108 p.






    Janssens, Kim,  Een leven lang opgejaagd

    De plek van woonwagenbewoners in Vlaanderen.

    Leuven: Lannoo Campus. 2019. 128 blz.


    Kobo, Youssef, Sire, er zijn geen allochtonen meer

    Antwerpen: Vrijdag. 2019. 164 blz.


    Kramme, Claire, De uitvoering van het actieplan voor de opvang en de integratie van asielzoekers en vluchtelingen

    Een overzicht 2015-2018.

    Brussel: Koning Boudewijnstichting. November 2019. 11 blz.


    Terlien, Merel &  Nele Spaas, Tijd voor positieve actie

    Inspiratie voor werkgevers met zin voor innovatie.

    Brussel: Minderhedenforum. 2019. 64 blz.


    Vandevoordt, Robin & Gert Verschraegen, Citizenship as a gift

    How Syrian refugees in Belgium make sense of their social rights.

    In: Citizenship studies. Cambridge. (23)1. 2019. p. 43-60.


    Kortgeschoolde vrouwen  met een migratieachtergrond

    Brussel: Minderhedenforum vzw. Maart 2019. 44 blz.

    Nota "Kortgeschoolde vrouwen met een migratieachtergrond" 2019





    Øland, Trine, Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State

    Abingdon: Routledge. April 2019. 200 p.


    Thomassen, Henrik, The integration of refugees in Denmark.

    Brussels: European Parliament. August 2019. 23 p.





    Adar, Sinem, Rethinking Political Attitudes of Migrants from Turkey and Their Germany-Born Children

    Beyond Loyalty and Democratic Culture.

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik / German Institute for International and Security Affairs. SWP Research Paper 2019/RP 07. June 2019. 34 p.


    Ataman, Ferda, Ich bin von hier. Hört auf zu fragen!

    Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer Verlag. März 2019. 128 p.


    Baumann, Anne-Luise, Valentin Feneberg, Lara Kronenbitter, Saboura Naqshband, Magdalena Nowicka, Anne-Kathrin Will, unterstützt von Dorothea Rausch, Ein Zeitfenster für Vielfalt

    Chancen für die interkulturelle Öffnung der Verwaltung.

    Bonn: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2019. 60 p.


    Bock, Jan-Jonatha & Sharon Macdonald, Refugees Welcome?

    Difference and Diversity in a Changing Germany.     

    New York / Oxford: Berghahn Books. January 2019. 348 p.


    Bogumil, Jörg, Martin Burgi, Sabine Kuhlmann, Administering Migration and Integration

    A joint task of the German Federal Government, the Länder and local authorities.

    Key Findings and Recommendations.

    Essen: Stiftung Mercator GmbH. 2019. 20 p.


    Brücker, Herbert, Philipp Jaschke, Yuliya Kosyakova, Integrating Refugees and Asylum Seekers into the German Economy and Society

    Empirical Evidence and Policy Objectives.

    Washington DC: Migration Policy Institute. December 2019. 36 p.


    Christ, Simone, Esther Meininghaus, Tim Röing, "All day waiting"

    Causes of conflict in refugee shelters in Germany.

    Bonn: Bonn International Center for Conversion. 2019. 49 p.


    David, Alexandra (Hrsg.), Migration und Arbeit

    Herausforderungen, Problemlagen und Gestaltungsinstrumente.

    Opladen / Berlin / Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2019. 415 p.


    Detjen, Stephan & Maximilian Steinbeis, Die Zauberlehrlinge

    Der Streit um die Flüchtlingspolitik und der Mythos vom Rechtsbruch.

    Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. 2019. 262 p.


    Faus, Rainer & Simon Storks, Das pragmatische Einwanderungsland  

    Was die Deutschen über Migration denken.   

    Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. 2019. 35 p.


    Fuchs, Johann, Alexander Kubis, Lutz Schneider, Zuwanderung und Digitalisierung

    Wie viel Migration aus Drittstaaten benötigt der deutsche Arbeitsmarkt künftig?

    Göttersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung. 2019. 116 p.   


    Foroutan, Naika , Mara Simon, Coskun Canan in Zusammenarbeit mit Frank Kalter und Sabrina Zajak, Wer befürwortet ein  Kopftuchverbot in Deutschland?

    Berlin: DeZIM Research Notes Berlin. DRN 19/1. den 30. August 2019. 23 p.


    Goeßmann, David, Die Erfindung der bedrohten Republik

    Wie Flüchtlinge und Demokratie entsorgt werden.

    Berlin: Das Neue Berlin. 2019. 462 p.


    Hallenberger, F., A. Adam, A. Bauer & L. Kemmler, Das Bild der Rheinland-Pfälzischen Polizei aus Sicht Asylbegehrender       

    Frankfurt: Verlag für Polizeiwissenschaft Prof. Dr. Clemens Lorei. 2019. 105 p.


    Heilbrunn, Sibylle, Jörg Freiling, Aki Harima (Eds.), Refugee entrepreneurship    A case-based topography.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XXVII, 282 p.


    Hoerder, Dirk (Hg.), Humane Einwanderungspolitik - ist sie zu schaffen?

    Von der Ankunft über die Teilhabe zur Integration.

    Frankfurt: Wochenschau Verlag. 2019. 181 p.


    Jaciuk, Marina, "Es war ein langsamer Prozess des Bewusstseins"

    Erfahrungshorizonte, Identität und Religion lateinamerikanischer MigrantInnen in Deutschland.

    Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann. 2019. 390 p.


    Meier, Harald & Frank Maikranz, Unternehmensgründung durch Migranten

    Migranten-Entrepreneure verstehen und unterstützen.

    Herne: NWB Verlag, September 2019. 300 p.


    Meining, Stefan, Geheimakte Asyl

    Wie die Politik in der Flüchtlingsfrage Deutschlands Sicherheit gefährdet.

    Ein Insiderbericht.

    München: dtv. 2019. 319 p.


    Mekonnen, Mulugeta Bezabih, Transnational Migration-Development Nexus

    The Engagement of Ethiopian Diaspora Associations Based in Germany.

    Beitrage Zur Afrikaforschung 90.    

    Berlin / Münster / Wien / Zürich / London: Lit Verlag. May 2019. 375 p.


    Michalowski, Ines &  Max Behrendt, Organisationaler Wandel für muslimische Badegäste in deutschen Schwimmbädern

    Berlin: WZB Berlin Social Science Center. April 2019. 62 p.


    Moschella, Lucía Sol Arévalo, Life in a Refugee Center

    A Case Study of the Social and Housing Project "Längenloh" in Freiburg, Germany.

    Saarbrücken: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. August 2019. 96 p.


    Mulert, Caroline, Eine neue ‚Reservearmee‘?

    Ausbildungschancen von Geflüchteten in der Hotel- und Gastronomiebranche.

    Osnabrück: IMIS. Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück. IMIS Working Paper 04. 2019. 58 p.   


    Popescu-Willigmann, Silvester, Stefanie Ebbeler, Bernd Remmele, [Hrsg.], Erstorientierung für Geflüchtete

    Eine Handreichung aus der Praxis Sozialer Arbeit.

    Opladen / Berlin / Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich. 2019. 352 p.


    Schmerer-Verazzo, Domenica, Aspekte der Identitätsstiftung bei italienischen Gastarbeitern in Deutschland  

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 64 p.


    Schmidt, Timo, Aspirations, capabilities and (im)mobility

    Integration policy and migration experiences in Germany.

    Oxford: University of Oxford. Centre on Migration, Policy and Society. Working Paper No. 144. 2019. 38 p.


    Schwiertz, Helge, Migration und radikale Demokratie

    Politische Selbstorganisierung von migrantischen Jugendlichen in Deutschland und den USA. Bielefeld: transcipt. 2019. 398 p.


    Siegert, Manuel, Die sozialen Kontakte Geflüchteter

    Ausgabe 04|2019 der Kurzanalysen des Forschungszentrums Migration, Integration und Asyl des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. 2019. 12 p.


    Stock, Inka, Buddy schemes between refugees and volunteers in Germany

    Transformative potential in an unequal relationship?

    In: Social Inclusion ; 7 (2019) 2. p. 128-138.


    Tinnemans, Drs. C.G.M.(Kirsten), A.M.L.(Marlinda) van der Hoff, mmv dr. H.B. Jonkman, dr. L.B.E. van Hal, E.M.B. Horrevorts, Duldung 

    Nadere verkenning van maatschappelijke participatie van uitgeprocedeerde asielzoekers in Duitsland.  

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. April 2019. 14 blz.


    Tseligka, Eleni, From «Gastarbeiter» to European Expatriates

    Greek Migrant Communities in Germany and their Socio-political Integration.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang Ltd. International Academic Publishers. December 2019. 236 p.


    Bewegte Zeiten    Rückblick auf die Integrations- und  Migrationspolitik der letzten Jahre.

    Jahresgutachten 2019.

    Berlin:  Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration  (SVR- Forschungsbereich). 2019. 228 p.


    Engagiert für Integration

    Demokratische Teilhabe in der Einwanderungsgesellschaft.   

    Bonn: Stiftung Mitarbeit. Beiträge zur Demokratieentwicklung von unten; Nr. 28. 2019.   176 p.


    Mit der Politik auf Du und Du?

    Wie Menschen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund ihre politische Selbstwirksamkeit wahrnehmen.

    Policy Brief des SVR-Forschungsbereichs 2019-1. 

    Berlin:  Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration  (SVR- Forschungsbereich) und des DeZIM- Instituts. 2019. 32 p.   Der Policy Brief wurde gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend.


    Unlocking the Potential of Migrants in Germany

    Paris: Turpin Distribution Services / Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development (OECD). October 2019. 114 p.





    Mehtonen, Susanna, The integration of refugees in Finland

    Brussels: European Parliament.

    August 2019. 35 p.





    Fine, Shoshana, The integration of refugees in France.

    Brussels: European Parliament. August 2019. 23 p.


    Hein, Jeremy, States and International Migrants

    The Incorporation of Indochinese Refugees In the United States and France.

    Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 214 p.





    Aschauer, Wolfgang, Martina Beham-Rabanser, Otto Bodi-Fernandez, Max Haller, Johanna Muckenhuber, (Hrsg.), Die Lebenssituation von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Österreich

    Ergebnisse einer Umfrage unter Zugewanderten.

    Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. September 2019. 327 p.


    Rosenberger, Sieglinde & Oliver Gruber, Integration erwünscht?

    Österreichs Integrationspolitik zwischen fördern, fordern und verhindern.

    Wien: Czernin Verlag. November 2019. 192 p.



    Verenigd Koninkrijk


    Goodfellow, Maya, Hostile Environment

    How Immigrants Became Scapegoats.

    Brooklyn, NY: Verso Books. November 2019. 272 p.


    Kone, Zovanga , Isabel Ruiz, Carlos Vargas-Silva, Refugees and the UK Labour Market

    Oxford: University of Oxford. Centre on Migration, Policy and Society.

    25 April 2019. 51 p.


    O’Leary, Simon, Migrant entrepreneurs’ views on the potential impacts of Brexit on their UK businesses

    London:  Regent’s University London. Regent’s Working Papers 2019.

    Working Paper 1903: RWP1903. 2019. 5 p.





    Akari, Hala, Asylum Seekers in the EU Labour Market

    The Exemple of Sweden.

    Brussels: ECRE Working Paper 02. 2019. 8 p.





    Gerber, Roxane & Philippe Wanner, De-Qualification and De-Emancipation among Recently Arrived Highly Skilled Immigrant Women in Switzerland

    Neuchâtel: National Center of Competence in Research – The Migration-Mobility Nexus. Working Paper 23. June 2019. 27 p.







    Willen, Sarah S., Fighting for Dignity

    Migrant Lives at Israel’s Margins.

    Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.

    2019. 344 p.







    Dostie, Benoit &  Mohsen Javdani, Immigrants and Workplace Training

    Evidence from Canadian Linked Employer Employee Data.

    Bonn: IZA. IZA DP No. 12511.

    July 2019. 59 p.


    Edgar, Alistair, Rupinder Mangat, Bessma Momani (Eds.), Strengthening the Canadian Armed Forces through Diversity and Inclusion

    Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

    November 2019. 224 p.


    Rose, Damaris, Creating a Home in Canada

    Refugee Housing Challenges and Potential Policy Solutions.

    Washington, DC:  Migration Policy Institute.

    November 2019. 38 p.



    Verenigde Staten

    (Zie ook: 4. Duitsland & 4. Frankrijk.)


    Averett, Susan L., Julie K. Smith, Yang Wang, Minimum Wages and the Health and Access to Care of Immigrants' Children

    Bonn: IZA. DP No. 12606. September 2019. 38 p.


    Basu, Lopamudra, Ayad Akhtar, the American nation, and its others after 9/11

    Homeland insecurity.

    Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.

    2019. XIV, 193 p.


    Bertoli, Simone & Steven Stillman, All That Glitters Is Not Gold   

    Wages and Education for US Immigrants. 

    Bonn: IZA DP No. 12168. February 2019. 25 p.


    Brown, J. David, John S. Earle, Mee Jung Kim, Kyung Min Lee, Immigrant Entrepreneurs and Innovation in the U.S. High-Tech Sector    

    Bonn: IZA DP No. 12190.

    February 2019. 36 p.


    Curtin, Sally & Elizabeth Arias, Mortality trends by race and ethnicity among adults aged 25 and over: United States, 2000-2017

    Hyattsville, MD: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics.

    2019. 8 p.


    Hamilton, Tod G., Immigration and the remaking of Black America

    New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

    2019. XXVI, 287 p.


    Holzer, Harry J., Immigration and the U.S. Labor Market

    A Look Ahead.

    Washington DC.: Migration Policy Institute.

    August 2019. 22 p.


    Ibrahim, Awad, Black Immigrants in North America

    Essays on Race, Immigration, Identity, Language, Hip-Hop, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Becoming Black.

    Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

    October 2019. 276 p.


    McKoy Lowery, Ruth, Rose Pringle & Mary Ellen Oslick, Land of Opportunity

    Immigrant Experiences in the North American Landscape.

    Lanham, MD,(USA): Rowman & Littlefield.

    May 2019. 156 p.


    Mortland, Carol A., Grace After Genocide

    Cambodians in the United States.

    New York / Oxford: Berghahn Books.

    August 2019. 300 p.


    Nazar, Kevin, Michele Waslin, James C. Witte, The 2019 Foreign-Born  U.S. Nobel Laureates 

    Fairfax, VA: Institute for Immigration Research.

    George Mason University.

    December 2019. 20 p. 


    Novic, Sara, America Is Immigrants

    Ill. Alison Kolesar.

    New York: Berkley Publishing Corporation, U.S.

    October 2019. 304 p.


    Nicholls, Walter J.,  The Immigrant Rights Movement

    The Battle over National Citizenship.

    Redwood City: Stanford University Press.

    August 2019. 296 p.


    Shelton, Tamara Venit, Herbs and Roots

    A History of Chinese Doctors in the American Medical Marketplace.

    New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

    November 2019. 368 p.


    Sullivan, Michael J., Earned Citizenship

    Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    May 2019. 288 p.










    Daussà, E. & Y. Qian, Language Transmission among Chinese immigrant Families in the Netherlands

    In: Journal of Asian Pacific Communication.

    2019. Accepted/In press.


    Hart, Betty de, Regulating Dutch–Chinese marriages and relationships in the Netherlands (1920–1945)

    In: The History of the Family. Vol.  24. Issue 3. 2019. p. 539-559

    Published online: 10 July 2019.


    Huang, Shu-Yi, Being a Mother in a Strange Land

    Motherhood Experiences of Chinese Migrant Women in the Netherlands.    

    Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

    June 2019. 232 p.


    Wu, Pete, De bananengeneratie

    Over het dubbelleven van Chinese Nederlanders van nu.

    Amsterdam: Das Mag Uitgeverij.

    Oktober 2019. 286 blz.




    Asolo, Funmilayo, Post migration stressors in Eritrean refugees in the Netherlands

    Saarbrücken: LAP

    Lambert Academic Publishing. June 2019. 100 p.




    Waterman, Asjer &  Anna E. de Wilde, Reviving the soul of the community

    Developments in the post-war history of Ets Haim – Livraria Montezinos. 

    Amsterdam: Menasseh ben Israel Instituut Studies. XIV, 64 p.


    Weyel, Ivo, Chaja Polak, Guus Luijters, e.v.a., Joodse Huizen 5 

    Verhalen over vooroorlogse bewoners.

    Amsterdam: Gibbon.

    2019. 240 blz.





    Huysman, Bart &  Anika van der Wijk (Red.), Apocalyptische ensceneringen & Molukse KNIL-veteranen

    Tentoonstelling  7 april-5 mei 2019.

    Thesinge: Stichting Bart Art Box Foundation. Bart Art Box. 4.

    2019. 44 blz.


    Spinhof, Herman, Vertrapte illusies

    Verborgen oorlogsherinneringen van Molukkers.

    Zutphen: Walburg Pers.

    2019. 150 blz.




    Bissessur, Sekhar, Gewenste en ongewenste verbondenheid

    Transnationale politieke participatie van VHP-Nederland.

    Den Haag: Uitgeverij Surinen.

    2019. 223 blz.




    Miltenburg, Emily, Jaco Dagevos, Willem Huijnk, Opnieuw beginnen    

    Achtergronden van positieverschillen tussen Syrische statushouders.   

    Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau.

    Mei 2019. 185 blz.


    Jong, dr. Machteld de, dr. Karijn Nijhoff, drs. Dia Wilbrink, dr. Ellen Sjoer, dr. Sjiera de Vries, dr. Petra Biemans, Syrische vluchtelingen aan het werk

    Eindrapportage en onderzoeksverantwoording.

    Amsterdam / Den Haag / Zwolle: De Haagse Hogeschool, Hogeschool InHolland, Windesheim.

    Januari 2019. 56 blz.




    Giglou, Roya Imani, Leen d'Haenens, Baldwin Van Gorp, Determinants of degree of integration of Turkish diaspora in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany

    In: International Communication Gazette. (81)3.

    2019. p. 259-282.      


    Keskiner, Elif, Youth Transitions among Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Amsterdam and Strasbourg

    A Generation in Transition.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. IMISCOE Research Series.

    March 2019. XI, 148 p.

    Mügge, L., M. Kranendonk, F. Vermeulen, N. Aydemir, Migrant votes ‘here’and ‘there’:

    Transnational electoral behavior of Turks in the Netherlands.

    In: Migration Studies. 3 August 2019. 23 p.


    Verhoudingen tussen Turks-Nederlandse groeperingen

    Een informatieblad van Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving en Expertise-unit Sociale Stabiliteit.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie en Samenleving (KIS).

    Februari 2019. 25 blz.








    Cheung, Sin Yi, Chinese Immigrant Adaptation in Western Societies

    A Cross-National Comparison.

    Abingdon: Routledge.

    December 2019. 240 p.





    Leghese Desta, Mezgheb, Impacts of Diversity Among Eritrean Female Youth Refugees

    Saarbrücken: LAP. Lambert Academic Publishing.

    March 2019. 60 p.



    Joden     (Zie ook : 11. Over discriminatie, racisme, antisemitisme, etniciteit, xenofobie & slavernij)


    Abosch-Jacobson, Sara, “We are not only English Jews—we are Jewish Englishmen”

    The Making of an Anglo-Jewish Identity, 1840–1880.

    Brookline, MA:  Academic Studies Press.

    The Lands and Ages of the Jewish People.

    October 2019.  224 p.

    Adler, Jeremy, The Great Transformation

    The Contribution of German-Jewish Exiles to British Culture.

    The Fifth Martin Miller and Hannah Norbert-Miller Memorial Lecture.

    London: Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies. 2019. VII. 32 p.


    Cronin, Joseph, Russian-Speaking Jews in Germany's Jewish Communities, 1990-2005

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Palgrave Studies in Migration History.

    November 2019. 102 p.


    Greenspoon, Leonard J., Next Year in Jerusalem

    Exile and Return in Jewish History.

    West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University Press. Studies in Jewish Civilization.

    October 2019.   324 p.


    Hahn, Hannah, They Left It All Behind

    Trauma, Loss, and Memory Among Eastern European Jewish Immigrants and their Children.

    London: Rowman & Littlefield.

    October 2019. 302 p.

    Taylor, Derek, Jewish Nobel Prize Winners

    With a Foreword by Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

    Elstree, Herts: Vallentine Mitchell & Co.

    January 2019. 400 p.





    Duda-Mikulin, Eva A., EU Migrant Workers, Brexit and Precarity

    Polish Women's Perspectives from Inside the UK.

    Bristol: Policy Press.

    March 2019. 176 p.





    Talent Abroad

    A Review of Romanian Emigrants.

    Paris: OECD Publishing. July 2019. 169 p.





    Yildiz, Can & Nicholas De Genova (Eds.), Roma Migrants in the European Union

    Un/Free Mobility.

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd.

    June 2019. 112 p.


    Roma women in nine EU Member States

    Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA).

    April 2019. 52 p.





    From Syria to Europe

    Experiences of Stateless Kurds and Palestinian Refugees from Syria Seeking Protection in Europe

    Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion (ISI), ASKV and the European Network on Statelessness (ENS).

    January 2019. 31 p.





    Jones, Demelza, Superdiverse Diaspora

    Everyday Identifications of Tamil Migrants in Britain.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing.

    November 2019. 255 p.








    Akachar, Dr. Soumia, Diversiteit in de raad   

    Bekend maar soms onbemind.   Perspectieven en visies van gemeenteraadsleden op het belang van diversiteit in de raad.    

    Amsterdam: Vrije Universiteit. Afdeling Sociologie.    

    Januari 2019. 63 blz.  

    [In opdracht van: De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Raadsleden]


    Asmoredjo, Jolanda, Lineke van Hal, Hèlen Heskes, Mariam Badou, Communicatie tussen gemeente en laagtaalvaardige burgers met een migratieachtergrond

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie en Samenleving. April 2019. 36 blz.


    Bakker, H. & H. Felten, Handreiking Verandering van binnenuit    Zelfbeschikking bevorderen binnen migranten- en vluchtelingengemeenschappen. Handreiking voor gemeenten.      

    Utrecht: Alliantie Verandering van Binnenuit / Movisie. 2019. 35 blz.


    Bellaart, Hans, Jamila Achahchah, Mariam Badou, Duurzaam bruggen bouwen. 

    Onderzoek naar de samenwerking tussen lokale migrantenorganisaties en formele instellingen.   Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie en Samenleving. Maart 2019. 27 blz.


    Cremers, Jan & E.J.A. de Volder, Arbeidsmigratie in Noord-Brabant De markt en de mensen(handel): Een inventarisatie.

    Tilburg: Tilburg University. Department of Labour Law and Social Policy. December 2019.   128 p.


    Felten, Hanneke, Mellouki Cadat, Inge Razenberg, Anouk Visser, Arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie aanpakken     ‘Naming & faming’ en andere maatregelen voor gemeenten.  Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. December 2019. 15 blz.


    Gruijter, Marjan de, Inge Razenberg, Kirsten Tinnemans, Monitor gemeentelijk beleid arbeidstoeleiding vluchtelingen 2019    Succes en stagnatie bij arbeidstoeleiding van statushouders.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. September 2019. 44 blz.


    Janssens, Rienk, Professioneel handelen    Naar een bestuurlijk perspectief op diversiteit.

    Den Haag: Vereniging van Nederlandse Gemeenten. Augustus 2019. 18 blz.


    Middeldorp, Marten & Roderik Ponds, Verschillen in de kans op instroom uit de WW naar een baan tussen mensen met en zonder migratieachtergrond  

    Utrecht: Atlas voor gemeenten. April 2019. 43 blz.


    Oomen, Barbara M., Naar een lokaal vreemdelingenrecht en -beleid

    In: Journaal vreemdelingenrecht. Maart 2019, nr. 1. blz. 17-24.


    Sax, Marjolein,  Gregor Walz, Mirjam Engelen, De mens centraal?   Onderzoek naar de kansrijke koppeling.    

    Leiden: De Beleidsonderzoekers. Projectnummer P0103. April 2019. 100 blz.    

    Onderzoek in opdracht van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid.


    Tinnemans, Kirsten, Alfons Fermin, Maarten Davelaar, Gemengd wonen met statushouders Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. April 2019. 33 blz.


    Tinnemans, Kirsten, Rozetta Meijer, Noël Koster, Nanou van Iersel, Sociale verbinding tussen nieuwkomers en andere wijkbewoners

    Een verkenning van wijkinitiatieven gericht op sociale verbinding.   Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie &  Samenleving. Juli 2019. 37 blz.


    Vries, A.M de, S.M. Noyon, M. van der Meer, I. Kulu-Glasgow, De invulling van het participatieverklaringstraject in Nederlandse gemeenten    

    Den Haag: WODC. Factsheet 2019-2. Juni 2019. 9 blz.


    Wonderen, Ron van, Van polarisatie naar verbinding in buurten 


    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie en Samenleving. Februari 2019. 45 blz.





    Oostveen, Adriaan, dr. Jeanine Klaver, Myrthe Born mmv Naomy Gutierrez, Versnelde participatie en integratie van vluchtelingen   

    De Amsterdamse Aanpak. 

    Overkoepelende rapportage.         

    Amsterdam: Regioplan. Publicatie nr.16110. 30 januari 2019. 77 blz.


    Kromhout, Mayke & Suzanne Wolf, Biculturele transpersonen in Amsterdam    Aandacht en aanbevelingen voor de specifieke problematiek van transpersonen van kleur in Amsterdam.

    Amsterdam: Adviesraad Diversiteit en Integratie Amsterdam. 2019. 72 blz.


    Stigter, Bianca, Atlas van een bezette stad   Amsterdam 1940-1945.       Voorwoord Job Cohen.  Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Oktober 2019. 560 blz.


    Vermeulen, Floris, Maria Kranendonk, Laure Michon, Immigrant concentration at the neighbourhood level and bloc voting     The case of Amsterdam.

    In: Urban Studies. August 21, 2019.


    Werfhorst, Herman van de &  Erna Van Hest (Eds.), Gelijke kansen in de stad

    Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. Mei 2019. 240 blz.


    Samen naar duurzame integratie

    Beleidskader Vluchtelingen in Amsterdam 2019 – 2022.

    Amsterdam: Gemeente Amsterdam. Juni 2019. 39 blz.



    Capelle aan den IJssel


    Wigard, Drs. N., Panggajo    Van woonoord naar woonwijk.        Geschiedenis van Molukkers in Capelle aan den IJssel, 1958-2018.     Werkgroep Gedenkboek 'Panggajo van woonoord naar woonwijk.   Capelle aan den IJssel: Dewan Maluku Capelle (DMC). 2019. 391 blz.



    Den Haag


    Kroneman, Marieke & Karijn Nijhoff, Aanpassen in Nederland Ambivalenties en ambities Midden- en Oost Europese kinderen en ouders  in Den Haag, stadsdeel Segbroek.     Den Haag: De Haagse Hogeschool. Lectoraat Grootstedelijke Ontwikkeling. Maart 2019.    44 blz.


    Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Ingrid, Haagse Talen

    Den Haag: Uitgeverij De Nieuwe Haagsche. 2019. 124 blz.





    Schok, Michaela, Nieuw talent in Houten!

    Houtense nieuwkomers op weg naar werk en opleiding: roadmap en tools.     Utrecht: Eburon. 2019. 68 blz.





    Rahman-Shanto, Sabrina, Post-migration effect of Syrian Refugees in Nijmegen, Netherlands     The effect of post-migration stressors on mental health and the influence of mental health on socio-economic integration.   

    Riga: Scholars Press. (SPS). May 2019. 56 p.    

    [Bachelorscriptie Radboud Universiteit 2018]





    Douma, Doede  & Reinder Tolsma, Vluchtelingen in Oostdongeradeel 1940-1945

    Oosternijkerk: Douma-Tolsma. 2019. 487 blz.




            Calvert, Robert, Pilgrims in the Port   The Identity of Migrant Christian Communities in Rotterdam.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang AG.  December 2019. 328 p.


    Crul, M.R.J., Peter Scholten, Paul van Laar, Coming to Terms with Superdiversity The case of Rotterdam.    Springer Open. IMISCOE Research Series.  2019. 241 p


    Eldik, A.K. van, J. Kneer, J. Jansz, Urban & Online     Social Media Use among Adolescents and Sense of Belonging to a Super-Diverse City. In: Media and Communication. Vol. 7, Issue 2. 2019. p. 242–253.


    Engbersen, Godfried,  Gijs Custers, Iris Glas, Erik Snel, Maasstad  aan  de monitor

    De andere lijstjes van Rotterdam.

    Rotterdam: Kenniswerkplaats Leefbare Wijken. Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. 2019. 41 blz.


    De taalspiraal   

    Beleidskader Taal in Rotterdam  2019 – 2022. 

    Rotterdam: Gemeente Rotterdam. Maart 2019. 30 blz.


    Monitor Discriminatie 2018    Politie-eenheid Rotterdam.    Rotterdam: Radar. April 2019. 53 blz.





    Gielkens, Desi & Franka Wegkamp, Onderzoeksrapport     Discriminatie op de Utrechtse woningmarkt.   Utrecht: Academie van de Stad / Gemeente Utrecht. Juli 2019. 31 blz.


    Oliver, Caroline, Rianne Dekker & Karin Geuijen, Plan Einstein  The Utrecht Refugee Launchpad.  Final Evaluation Report.     Oxford: University of Oxford. COMPAS. November 2019. 174 p.


    Utrecht bedankt

    Utrechtse vrijwilligers vertellen.

    Utrecht: Vrijwilligerscentrale Utrecht. 2019. 28 blz.




      Dickie, S., J. Kuppens, H. Ferwerda, Driemeting veiligheid en leefbaarheid rondom azc Zutphen Rapportage Februari 2019.   

    Arnhem: Bureau Beke. 2019. 31 blz.

    In opdracht van Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers & Gemeente Zutphen.



    Lokale & regionale vluchtelingenorganisaties


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Eindhoven: Vluchtelingen in de knel. 2019. 27 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Groningen: VluchtelingenWerk Noord-Nederland. 2019. 21 blz.


    De vluchteling centraal

    Jaarverslag 2018.     Zaandam: VluchtelingenWerk West en Midden-Nederland. 2019. 15 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Eindhoven: VluchtelingenWerk Zuid-Nederland. 2019. 28 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Rotterdam: VluchtelingenWerk Zuidwest-Nederland. 2019. 7 blz.


    Veranderen door doen    Jaarverslag 2018. Amsterdam: ASKV / Steunpunt vluchtelingen. Juli 2019. 17 blz.


    Verhalen uit oost Arnhem: VluchtelingenWerk Oost-Nederland. 2019. 8 blz.







    Arouna, Mariam, Ingrid Breckner, Umut Ibis, Joachim Schroeder, Conelia Sylla, Fluchtort Stadt

    Explorationen in städtische Lebenslagen und Praktiken der Ortsaneignung von Geflüchteten.

    Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH. 2019. 288 p.


    Bendel, Petra, Hannes Schammann, Christiane Heimann, Janina Stürner, Der Weg über die Kommunen     Empfehlungen für eine neue Schlüsselrolle der Kommunen in der Flüchtlings- und Asylpolitik der EU.     Policy Paper.    Berlin: Heinrich Böll-Stiftung. Februar 2019. 2. überarbeitete Auflage. 52 p.


    Biehler, Nadine & David Kip, Alternativen zu Flüchtlingslagern    Städte sollten bei der Aufnahme von Menschen auf der Flucht international unterstützt werden.

    Berlin: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit. SWP-Aktuell 67. November 2019. 4 p.


    Dieterich, Antje, Solidarity Cities

    Lokale Strategien gegen Rassismus und Neoliberalismus       Münster: Unrast Verlag. März 2019. 80 p.


    Hamann, Ulrike, Stadtpolitiken des Willkommens     Konflikte um neuen Wohnraum für Geflüchtete.    LuXemburg 2/2019. Juli 2019.


    Lang, C., Die Produktion von Diversität in städtischen Verwaltungen     Wandel und Beharrung von Organisationen in der Migrationsgesellschaft.     Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. 368 p.


    Maier, Sandra, Kommunale Strategien zur Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen als Beitrag zur Wiedernutzung von Leerstand

    Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac. Studien zur Stadt- und Verkehrsplanung, Band 17. 2019. 482 p.




    Bodeux, Leïla, Maya Perlmann & Eleonora Frasca , with the support of Petra Hueck & Shannon Pfohman,Fostering community sponsorships across Europe

    ICMC Europe and Caritas Europa, 2019 Published within the framework of the SHARE Network. 2019. 52 p.


    Caponio, Tiziana, City networks and the multilevel governance of migration  Policy discourses and actions.

    Florence: European University Institute. Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Migration Policy Centre. EUI RSCAS, 2019/08. 27 p.


    Collingwood, Loren & Benjamin Gonzalez O'Brien, Sanctuary Cities

    The Politics of Refuge. Oxford: Oxford University Press. October 2019. 224 p.


    Delgado-Moreira, Juan M., Multicultural Citizenship of the European Union

    Abingdon: Routledge. January 2019. 218 p. 


    De-Shalit, Avner, Cities and Immigration  

    Political and Moral Dilemmas in the New Era of Migration.   

     Oxford: Oxford University Press. February 2019. 192 p.


    Delvino, Nicola & Sarah Spencer, Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe

    Guidance for Municipalities.   

    City Initiative on Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe (C-MISE).      

    Oxford: Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS) at the University of Oxford. March 2019. 79 p.


    Fratzke, Susan & Emma Dorst, Volunteers and Sponsors    A Catalyst for Refugee Integration?

    Washington,DC: Migration Policy Institute. November 20-19. 23 p.


    Glorius, Birgit, Lucas Oesch, Birte Nienaber & Jeroen Doomernik, Refugee Reception within a common European asylum system  

    Looking at convergences and divergences through a local-to-local comparison.

    In: Erdkunde. (73)1. April 2019. p. 19-29.


    Glorius, Birgit  & Jeroen Doomernik, Geographies of Asylum in Europe and the Role of European Localities        Cham: Springer / IMISCOE. 2019. 268 p.


    Ketels, Anja, Migrant Integration as a Challenge for Local Governments and Social Organizations in China and Germany

    Policy Traditions and Integration Measures in Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Berlin and Cologne.

    Berlin: T19 Comparative City Report (LoGoSO Research Papers Nr. 8). March 2019. 22 p.


    Kierans, Denis, Learning from the Inclusive Cities programme     Phase 1. March 2017 – June 2019.

    Oxford: University of Oxford. Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS). Global Exchange on Migration and Diversity. October 2019. 13 p.      [The five participating cities were Bristol, Cardiff, Glasgow, Liverpool and Peterborough. London participated in some aspects of the project as an associate member]


    Koellner, Francy, Refugee Integration in Solidarity Cities in Latin America & the EU A regional comparative analysis.

    Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag. June 2019. 80 p.


    Magazzini, Tina & Stefano Piemontese (Eds.), Constructing Roma Migrants European Narratives and Local Governance.   

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. IMISCOE Research Series. 

    March 2019. 242 p.


    Prabhat, Devyani (Ed.), Citizenship in Times of Turmoil?

    Theory, Practice and Policy.

    Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2019. 256 p.


    Rzepnikowska, Alina, Convivial Cultures in Multicultural Cities Polish Migrant Women in Manchester and Barcelona.

    Bosa Roca (US): CRC Press Inc. September 2019. 154 p.


    Stürner, J. & P. Bendel, ʻThe Two-way ‘Glocalisation’ of Human Rights or:    How Cities Become International Agents in Migration Governance. In: Peace Human Rights Governance. 3(2). July 2019. p. 215-240.


    Trix, Frances, Europe and the Refugee Crisis  

    Local Responses to Migrants   

    London: I.B. Tauris. International Library of Migration Studies. February 2019. 288 p.


    Oracle of Amsterdam Conference

    28 June 2019, Amsterdam.


    Amsterdam: Stichting Bevordering Maatschappelijke Participatie / Specially Unknown EU. September 2019. 22 p.   





    How Secondary Cities Can Manage Migration to Promote Growth     A Discussion.

    Lessons from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tunisia and Uganda.

    This report provides an overview of the discussions and key messages that emerged from the learning event held by the Cities Alliance Joint Work Programme (JWP) on Cities and Migration from 9 to 10 September 2019 in Bern, Switzerland. 56 p.








    Van Cauwenberge, Sabine & Sara Leunis, Bouwen aan diversiteit Inspiratie voor een lokaal integratiebeleid.     

    Brussel: Politeia / Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering / VVSG. Januari 2019.


    BinnenBand  Lokaal transversaal beleid Uitdagingen en kansen voor armoedebestrijding, integratie en gelijke kansen.

    Brussel: Agentschap Binnenlands Bestuur. Februari 2019. 74 blz.


    Financiering van een inclusief lokaal integratiebeleid

    Brussel: Agentschap Integratie & Inburgering. Maart 2019. 43 blz.


    Jaarverslag 2018

    Gent: Adviesraad etnisch-culturele diversiteit AD REM. 2019. 17 blz.





    Jinah, Hussein mit Sebastian Christ, Als Weltbürger zu Hause in Sachsen

    Berlin: mikrotext. 2019. 82 p.


    Reinsberg, C. Julius, Das Neue Frankfurt  Exil und Remigration.        Eine Großstadtutopie als kulturelles Transfergut.    Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Societäts-Medien. 2019. 527 p.





    Bonnefon, Gérard, Banlieue, immigration     Des paradoxes de la solidarité à l'idéologie victimaire : Ivry-sur-Seine, 1968-2018.

    Paris: L'Harmattan. 2019. 300 p.


    Orlando, Valérie K.  & Pamela A. Pears (Eds.), Paris and the marginalized author     Treachery, alienation, queerness, and exile.

    Lanham: Lexington Books. 2019. XIX, 214 p.


    Tardis, Matthieu, Another Story from the Refugee Crisis

    Resettlement in Small Towns and Rural Areas in France. 

    Paris: Ifri. Étude de l‘ Ifri. July 2019. 80 p.





    Working Together for Local Integration of Migrants and Refugees in Rome  Paris: OECD Publishing. April 2019. 76 p.



    Verenigd Koninkrijk





    Bloomfield, Jon, Our City

    Migrants and the Making of Modern Birmingham.

    London: Unbound. March 2019. 288 p.





    Back, Les & Shamser Sinha, Migrant City    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Advances in Ethnography. July 2019. 194 p.


    Griffiths, David J., Somali and Kurdish Refugees in London  

    New Identities in the Diaspora: New Identities in the Diaspora.     

    Taylor & Francis Ltd. March 2019. 230 p. 

    [This title was first published in 2002; gebaseerd op: Griffiths, David J., Somali and Kurdish refugees in London: diaspora, identity and power. PhD thesis, University of Warwick, 1999.]


    Luu, Lien Bich, Immigrants and the Industries of London, 1500-1700

    Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd. March 2019. 384 p.





    Suffolk County Council:  Migrant Population Research

    Report.   Suffolk: Suffolk County Council. February 2019. 97 p.








    El-Assal, Kareem, Immigration Beyond the GTA   Toward an Ontario Immigration Strategy.

    Ottawa: The Conference Board of Canada. August 29, 2019. 52 p.


    Esses, Victoria & Charlie Carter, Beyond The Big City

    How Small Communities Across Canada Can Attract And Retain Newcomers.

    London, On.: Pathways to Prosperity Partnership. Western University / Public Policy Forum. July 2019. 38 p.

    Beyond the Big City: How Small Communities Across Canada Can Attract and Retain Newcomers


    Holley, Paul &  Jack Jedwab, Welcoming Immigrants and Refugees to Canada     The Role of Municipalities.

    Toolkit for Inclusive Municipalities in Canada and Beyond.

    Ottawa: Canadian Commission for UNESCO. July 2019. 52 p.



    Verenigde Staten


    Anderson, Cynthia, Home Now    How 6000 Refugees Transformed an American Town.       New York: PublicAffairs. October 2019. 336 p.





    Mattos, Trevor, André Lima, Peter Ciurczak, The Growing Wave of Federal Immigration Restrictions  What’s at Stake for Massachusetts?    A report from Boston Indicators and the Boston Foundation,  in partnership with the Greater Boston Immigrant Defense Fund. June 2019. 32 p.



    New York


    Kinsley, Elisabeth H., Here in This Island We Arrived    

    Shakespeare and Belonging in Immigrant New York.   

    University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press. March 2019. 216 p.


    Snyder, Robert, All the Nations Under Heaven  Immigrants, Migrants, and the Making of New York.    Revised Edition.       New York: Columbia University Press. 2019. 328 p.










    Meijer, Fik, Vreemd volk   

    Integratie en discriminatie in de Griekse en Romeinse wereld.  

    Amsterdam: Athenaeum. Juni 2019. 336 blz.


    Lateur, Patrick, Europa    Mythologisch continent in eeuwige beweging.     Amsterdam: Athenaeum-Polak & Van Gennep. 2019. 36 blz.     [Homeruslezing, uitgesproken op 13 april 2019 in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden in het kader van de Week van de Klassieken]


    Lendering, Jona, Wahibra - Emakhet en andere Grieken    

    Landverhuizers in de Oudheid.       

    Utrecht: Omniboek. 2019. 64 blz.


    Rollinger, Robert &  Harald Stadler (Hg.), 7 Millionen Jahre Migrationsgeschichte  Annäherungen zwischen Archäologie, Geschichte und Philologie: Akten der internationalen Tagung "Ötzi und die Migration: ein zentrales Phänomen der Menschheitsgeschichte", 8. Oktober 2016.    

    Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press. 2019. 322 p.





    Balai, Leo, Marian Duff, Karwan Fatah-Black, Willem te Slaa, Aan de Surinaamse grachten

    Zwolle: WBOOKS i.s.m. Museum Van Loon, Amsterdam. 2019. 109 blz.     Uitgave ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling Aan de Surinaamse grachten - Van Loon & Suriname (1728-1863) in Museum Van Loon.

    Catherine, Lucas, Het dekoloniseringsparcours
    Wandelen langs Kongolees erfgoed in België.
    Berchem: Uitgeverij Epo. 2019. 252 blz.




    Stanard, Matthew, The Leopard, the Lion, and the Cock   

    Colonial Memories and Monuments in Belgium.   

    Leuven: Leuven University Press. April 2019. 338 p.



    Twintigste eeuw


    Barnouw, David, Dirk Mulder, Guus Veenendaal, De Nederlandse Spoorwegen in oorlogstijd, 1939-1945    

    Rijden voor vaderland en vijand. Spoorwegstaking - Jodentransporten - Herinnering. Zwolle: WBOOKS. 2019. 160 blz.


    Hofmeester, Karin, Een schitterende erfenis 125 jaar nalatenschap van de Algemene Nederlandse Diamantbewerkersbond.     Zutphen: Walburg Pers. 2019. 160 blz.


    Reyniers, Jan, Kleine mensen, grote oorlogen

    Voorwoord Hugo Franssen.

    Berchem: Uitgeverij EPO. September 2019. 169 blz.




    Flügge, Manfred, Das flüchtige Paradies       Deutsche Schriftsteller im Exil an der Côte d‘Azur.  [Erweiterte Ausgabe des 2008 im Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag erschienenen Bandes]  Berlin: Aufbau.  2019. 311 p.


    Maier-Wolthausen, Clemens, Zuflucht im Norden  Die schwedischen Juden und die Flüchtlinge 1933-1941.

    Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag. 2019. 321 p.


    Waldhör, Jana, Zeitspiegel    Eine Stimme des österreichischen Exils in Großbritannien 1939– 1946.

    Wien: New Academic Press. 2019. 300 p.




    Collmann, Hartmut, Daniel Dubinski, Ulrike Eisenberg, Execrated – Expatriated – Eradicated

    The lives and works of German neurosurgeons persecuted after 1933.

    Translation: Leslie Woodhall.
    Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag. 2019. 420 p.

    Eppelsheimer, Natalie, Roads Less Traveled       German-Jewish Exile Experiences in Kenya, 1933–1947. Oxford: Peter Lang. 2019. 212 p.


    Frank, Matthew & Jessica Reinisch, Refugees in Europe, 1919-1959    

    A Forty Years' Crisis?  

    London: Bloomsbury Academic. March 2019. 272 p.


    Kasper-Holtkotte, Cilli, "They called us Bloody Foreigners"  Jewish Refugees in Kenya, 1933 until the 1950s.

    Translated by  Alexandra Berlina.

    Berlin: Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag. December 2019. 286 p.


    Pries, Ludger & Pablo Yankelevich (Eds.), European and Latin American Social Scientists as Refugees, Émigrés and Return‐Migrants

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XI, 301p.


    Sharfman, Daphna, Refugees, Human Rights and Realpolitik 

    The Clandestine Immigration of Jewish Refugees from Italy to Palestine, 1945-1948.      Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd. Routledge Studies in Modern European History.   

    January  2019. VI, 235 p.




    Chartier-Bunzel, Andrea, Mechthild Coustillac, Yves Bizeul, Yves (Eds.), Émigration et mythe

    L'héritage culturel de l'espace germanique dans l'exil à l'époque du national-socialisme.     Aix-en-Provence: Presses de L'Université de Provence. 2019. 292 p.



    Verenigd Koninkrijk


    Bohm-Duchen, Monica, Insiders/Outsiders    

    Refugees from Nazi Europe and their Contribution to British Visual Culture.    London: Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd. March 2019. 256 p.


    Buresova, Jana Barbora, The Dynamics of Forced Female Migration from Czechoslovakia to Britain, 1938–1950  Oxford: Peter Lang. 2019. 326 p.


    Jenkinson, Jacqueline (Ed.), Belgian Refugees in First World War Britain

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 124 p.


    Malet, Marian, Rachel Dickson, Sarah MacDougall, Anna Nyburg (Eds.), Applied arts in British exile from 1933 Changing visual and material culture.      Leiden / Boston: Brill Rodopi. The Yearbook of the Research Centre for German and Austrian Exile Studies, London. Vol. 19. 2019. XV, 253 p.


    Verenigde Staten


    Leff, Laurel, Well Worth Saving

    American Universities’ Life-and-Death Decisions on Refugees from Nazi Europe.

    New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. December 2019. 368 p.


    Okrent, Daniel, The Guarded Gate

    Bigotry, Eugenics and the Law That Kept Two Generations of Jews, Italians, and Other European Immigrants Out of America.

    New York: Scribner. May 2019. 496 p.


    Schrag, Peter, The World of Aufbau

    Hitler’s Refugees in America.    

    Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. March 2019. 272 p.




    Maugendre. Maëlle, Femmes en exil Les réfugiées espagnoles en France, 1939-1942.     Tours: Presses universitaires François Rabelais. 2019. 360 p.



    Overige geschiedenis


    Fagel, Raymond & Joke Spaans met medewerking van João Miguel Simões, Nonnen verdreven door geuzen   Cathalina del Spiritu Sancto’s verhaal over de vlucht van Nederlandse clarissen naar Lissabon.        Hilversum: Verloren. 2019. 181 blz.




    Schunka, Alexander, Die Hugenotten      Geschichte, Religion, Kultur.

    München: C.H. Beck. März 2019. 128 p.




    Franco, Suzanne, Exile Child  

    Based on the Life of Sarah Bartmann.        

    Cambridge: Vanguard Press. January 2019. 184 p.


    Henrich, Eureka & Julian M. Simpson (Eds.), History, Historians and the Immigration Debate   Going back to where we came from.       Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. January 2019. 242 p.


    Nadell, Pamela, America's Jewish Women A History from Colonial Times to Today.    New York: W. W. Norton & Company. March 2019. 336 p.


    Tarantino, Giovanni &  Charles Zika (Eds.), Feeling Exclusion

    Religious Conflict, Exile and Emotions in Early Modern Europe.

    Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 296 pages


    Wilde, M. de, Seeking Refuge

    Grotius on Exile, Expulsion and Asylum.     In: Journal of the History of International Law. (20)4. 2019-2. p. 471-500.



    Rosen-Prest, Viviane, La colonie huguenote de Prusse de 1786 à 1815 La fin d'une diaspora? Préface de Michelle Magdelaine.      Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur. 2019. 519 p.






    Chagall, Picasso, Mondriaan en anderen Migranten in Parijs.   Ontwerp Hilde en Janna Meeus.   Amsterdam: Stedelijk Museum. September 2019. 72 blz.

    [Ook in Engelstalige editie]


    Dumas, Marlene, Het Onverantwoordelijke Gebaar

    Huizingalezing 2019.

    Amsterdam: Elseviers Weekblad. 2019. 102 blz.




    Bellenberg, Karl, Else Lasker-Schüler, ihre Lyrik und ihre Komponisten

    Berlin: wvb Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin. Mai 2019. XXIX, 556 p.


    Greve, Anna,  Koloniales Erbe in Museen

    Kritische Weißseinsforschung in der praktischen Museumsarbeit.  Bielefeld: transcript. Oktober 2019. 266 p.


    Schulz, Kristina,  Wiebke von Bernstorff, Heike Klapdor, Grenzüberschreitungen Migrantinnen und Migranten als Akteure im 20. Jahrhundert.  

    München: edition text + kritik. Frauen und Exil. 11. 2019. 218 p.


    Mehrsprachigkeit im Film 

    Der Migrant im italienischen Film des 21. Jahrhunderts.     

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 80 p. Magisterarbeit 2018.       




    Brandstetter, Gabriele, Gerko Egert, Holger Hartung (Eds.), Movements of interweaving Dance and corporeality in times of travel and migration.

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge, 2019. VII, 361 p.


    Burcu Dogramaci / Kerstin Pinther (Eds.), Design Dispersed

    Forms of Migration and Flight.  Bielefeld: transcript. Juli 2019. 274 p.


    Demos, T.J., Return to the Postcolony      Specters of Colonialism in Contemporary Art. New York: Sternberg Press. July 2019. 176 p.


    Dogramaci, Burcu & Birgit  Mersmann (Eds.), Handbook of Art and Global Migration Theories, Practices, and Challenges.    Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. July 2019. 428p.


    Erickson, Ruth &  Eva Respini (Eds.), When Home Won’t Let You Stay

    Migration through Contemporary Art.

    New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. November 2019. 240 p.


    Fojas, Camilla, Migrant Labor and Border Securities in Pop Culture

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 62 p.


    Heuckelom, Kris van, Polish Migrants in European Film 1918–2017  

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave European Film and Media Studies.   

    May 2019. 283 p.   


    Holtorf, Cornelius, Andreas Pantazatos,  Geoffrey Scarre (Eds.), Cultural heritage, ethics and contemporary migrations        Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XII, 256 p.


    Kasinitz, Philip & Marco Martiniello, Music, Immigration and the City A Transatlantic Dialogue - Ethnic & Racial Studies.

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. November 2019. 170 p.


    Labadi, Sophia, Museums, Immigrants, and Social Justice

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. December 2019. 150 p.


    Langfeld, Gregor & Tessel. M. Bauduin (Eds.), Modernism in Migration  Relocating Artists, Objects, and Ideas, 1910– 1970.

    Amsterdam: Stedelijk Studies. Issue #9. Fall 2019.


    Lovesey, Oliver, Popular music and the postcolonial Abingdon, Oxon /New York: Routledge. 2019. IX, 115 p.


    Meerzon, Yana & Katharina Pewny (Eds.), Dramaturgy of Migration      Staging Multilingual Encounters in Contemporary Theatre.

    Abingdon: Routlegde. October 2019. 146 p.


    Menia, Amina, Maureen Shanahan, Beth Hinderliter, Colonial Wounds / Postcolonial Repair

    Chapel Hill, NC: Longleaf on behalf of University of Virginia. July 2019. 51 p. 


    Porsche, Yannik, Public Representations of Immigrants in Museums

    Exhibition and Exposure in France and Germany.      

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer International Publishing AG. June 2019.

    XI, 401 p.


    Rau, Milo, Orestes in Mosul         Golden Book III.    Gent: NTGent. 2019. 111 p.


    Schramm, Moritz, Sten Pultz Moslund, Anne Ring Petersen, Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts   

    The Postmigrant Condition.     

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis LTD. June 2019. 262 p.


    Shulman, Max & J. Chris Westgate (Eds.), Performing the Progressive Era  Immigration, Urban Life, and Nationalism on Stage.  

    Studies in Theatre History & Culture.     Iowa City: University of Iowa Press. May 2019. 298 p.


    Sundholm, John, Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking  

    The Conditions and Practices of Migrant Minor Cinemas in Sweden 1950-1990. Bristol: Intellect (UK). June 2019. 210 p. 


    Wakelin, Peter, Refuge and Renewal

    Migration and British Art.

    Bristol: Sansom & Co. November 2019. 128 p.






    Acheampong, Ernest Yeboah,  Malek Bouhaouala, Michel Raspaud, African Footballers in Europe

    Migration, Community, and Give Back Behaviours.

    Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 170 p


    Slobbe, Michel van, Onder Ons

    De overheid en het onvermogen om integratie af te dwingen bij voetbalclubs.  Almere: Parthenon. 2019. 240 blz.





    Hal, dr. Lineke van, dr. Joke Hermes, dr. Karel Koch, Cemil Yilmaz, Kompas voor inclusieve communicatie Een procesbeschrijving voor professionals en organisaties in het publieke domein.    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving (KIS). Mei 2019. 17 blz.




    Schönert, Ulf,  Exiljournalismus in Deutschland  Ein Lagebild zu aktuellen Herausforderungen und Initiativen.     Hamburg: Körber-Stiftung. 2019. 20 p.




    Andersen, Robin & Adrian Bergmann, Media, Central American Refugees, and the U.S. Border Crisis

    Security Discourses, Immigrant Demonization, and the Perpetuation of Violence.

    Abingdon: Routledge. July 2019. 142 p.


    Dell'Orto, Giovanna & Irmgard Wetzstein (Eds.), Refugee news, refugee politics    Journalism, public opinion and policymaking in Europe.  New York: Routledge. 2019. XXIV, 228 p.


    D'Haenens, Leen, Willem Joris. Francois Heinderyckx (Eds.), Images of Immigrants and Refugees  in Western Europe   Media Representations, Public Opinion and Refugees' Experiences.  

    Leuven: Leuven University Press. May 2019. 208 p.


    Einashe, Ismail & Thomas Roueché (Eds.), Lost in Media   

    Migrant Perspectives and the Public Sphere.

    Amsterdam: Valiz / European Cultural Foundation. 2019. 165 p.

    Text essays: Tania Bruguera, Moha Gerehou, Aleksandar Hemon, Lubaina Himid, Dawid Krawczyk, Antonija Letinić, Nesrine Malik, Nadifa Mohamed, Ece Temelkuran, Daniel Trilling, Menno Weijs, André Wilkens.


    Ponzanesi, Sandra (Guest Editor), Migration and Mobility in a Digital Age (Re)Mapping Connectivity and Belonging.

    In: Television & New Media.

    Vol. 20. Nr.6  September  2019.


    Robson, Peter & Jennifer L. Schulz.(Eds.), Ethnicity, gender, and diversity     Law and justice on TV.

    Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019. 204 p.


    Smets, Kevin, Koen Leurs, Myria Georgiou, Saskia Witteborn, Radhika Gajjala, The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration      London: SAGE Publications Ltd. October 2019. 700 p.


    Streissguth, Thomas, Reporting: Immigrants 

    Reporting 2.  Louisville, CO: Archive LLC. October 2019. 210 p.


    Thomas, Tanja, Merle-Marie Kruse &  Miriam Stehling (Eds.), Media and Participation in Post-Migrant Societies

    London: Rowman & Littlefield International. April 2019. 274 p.


    Viola, Dr. Lorella & Andreas Musolf (Eds.), Migration and Media  Discourses about identities in crisis.  Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 2019. XI, 360 p.




    (Zie ook: 6. Over migranten & vluchtelingen in lokale & regionale context ; 9. Kinderen, opvoeding & onderwijs; 11. Discriminatie, racisme, antisemitisme, etniciteit, xenofobie & slavernij)



    Allan, Machteld, Bid, vecht en heers    Regeren in overeenstemming met Allahs wet.  

    Voorwoord: Ayaan Hirsi Ali.        Amsterdam: Prometheus. Februari 2019. 280 blz. 


    Bos, Kees van den, Waarom mensen radicaliseren     Amsterdam: Prometheus. Maart 2019. 400 blz.      


    De Certeau, Michel, De vreemdeling  Eenheid in verschil.         Oorspr. titel, L'Étranger ou l'union dans la difference. Redactie en inleiding Willy Hemelrijk.    Vert. Willy Hemelrijk.    Inleidend essay Inigo Bocken.        Amsterdam: Sjibbolet. 2019. 245 blz.   


    De Gendt, Tina, m.m.v. Piet  Creve, Vanop de eerste rij Van multicultuur naar superdiversiteit: dertig jaar samenleven door de ogen van VOEM. Gent: Amsab-ISG. 2019. 169 blz. 


    Eenennaam, Esther van, Abdoellah Moulay, Leo Mock, Marcel Poorthuis, Mosjé, Mozes, Moesa     De man Gods interreligieus perspectief.
    Amsterdam: Amphora Books. 2019. 141 blz. 


    Geling, Gert Jan & Jan Jaap de Ruiter (Red.), Wordt het nog wat met het Islamdebat?

    Almere: Parthenon. Islam in verandering. September 2019. 346 blz.

    [Bijdragen en interviews van en met: Frits Bolkestein, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Youssef Azghari, Oussama Cherribi, Gert Jan Geling, Halim el Madkouri, Walter Palm, Afshin Ellian, Boris van der Ham, Carel Brendel, Han Entzinger, Ewoud Butter, Ewout Klei, Jan Jaap de Ruiter en Joram van Klaveren.]


    Hamdi, Ahmed, Trees Pels, Mehmet Day, Jamila Achahchah, De invloed van alFitrah op deelnemers en de omgeving   Het buitenperspectief.

    Utrecht: Verwey-Jonker Instituut. Juli 2019. 64 blz.


    Horvilleur, Delphine &  Rachid Benzine, Duizend-en-een manieren om jood of moslim te zijn   Een dialoog.    Oorspr. titel: Des mille et une façons d'être juif ou musulman. Éditions du Seuil. 2017. Vert. uit het Frans: Lieven Vanderbrugghen.    Antwerpen / Baarn: Halewijn / Adveniat. 2019. 179 blz.


    Klaveren, Joram van, Afvallige    Van christendom naar islam in tijden van secularisatie en terreur.     Den Haag: ’t Kennishuys. Februari 2019. 200 blz.


    Koning, Martijn de, Vijf mythen over islamofobie  Versie 1.0

    Antwerpen: Yunus Publishing / Kif Kif. 2019. 86 blz.


    Koopmans, Ruud, Het vervallen huis van de islam   Over de crisis van de islamitische wereld.   Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus. Februari 2019. 288 blz.


    Kruiniger-Van Maanen, Pauline, Recht van de Islam        Teksten van het op 27 oktober 2017 te Leiden gehouden 35ste RIMO-symposium: Islam and Law: Human Rights, Environment and Halal Issues.   Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers. RIMO-reeks 32. Juli 2019. 72 blz.


    Lu, Cuong, De boeddha in de bajes Bijzondere gesprekken in de Nederlandse gevangenis:    een boek vol hoop en levenslessen.   Voorwoord: Joan Halifax.   Amsterdam: Spectrum. Mei 2019. 144 blz.


    Napel, Henk ten & Huub Lems (Red.), Molukse kerk in de polder   Zuidland: Stichting Zendingserfgoed.     Uitgave ter gelegenheid van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling op diverse locaties in Nederland, augustus-december 2019. 144 blz.


    Odaci, Enis  & Herman Koetsveld, Spiegelreis Een moslim en een christen op reis door elkaars geloof.    Utrecht: KokBoekencentrum Uitgevers. 2019. 192 blz.


    Tibi, Bassam, Islamisme en Islam  Groningen: De Blauwe Tijger. Februari 2019. 330 blz.


    Valk, Ineke van der (Red.), Mikpunt moskee    Amsterdam: Brave New Books. Mei 2019. 191 blz.

        Palm, Walter, Het sluipend gif van islamofobie –1989-2019    Essay.
    Haarlem: In de Knipscheer. 2019. 230 blz.

          Doelwitten in beeld   

    Vijftien jaar jihadistische aanslagen in het Westen.

    Den Haag: Algemene Inlichtingen- en Veiligheidsdienst. Mei 2019. 24 blz.


    Geloven voorbij grenzen

    Over de kerkelijke betrokkenheid bij vluchtelingen en asielzoekers.

    Amersfoort: Raad van Kerken. 2019. 32 blz.


    Abaâziz, Ibtissam, Alledaagse Islamofobie in Nederland

    Een verkennend onderzoek. Meld Islamofobie. 2019. 47 blz.




    Abdel-Samad, Hamed, Ist der Islam noch zu retten?    Eine Streitschrift in 95 Thesen.

    München: Droemer Taschenbuch. April 2019. 304 p.


    Acar, Mustafa, Marginalisierung und Radikalislam  Eine empirische Untersuchung über türkische Jugendliche vor dem Hintergrund des islamistischen Radikalismus in marginalisierten Stadtteilen am Beispiel Wilhelmsburg in Hamburg.     Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac. 2019. 154 p.


    Al-Shakarchi, Dia, Der Anti-Frauen-Gott im Qur an

    Berlin: Paramon. 2019. 118 p.


    Bade, Jörg, Die Flüchtlinge und das "Dreckspack"   

    Eine christliche Stimme gegen rechte Hetze.  

    Bielefeld: Luther-Verlag. 2019. 264 p.


    Baumann-Neuhaus, Eva, Glaube in Migration   Religion als Ressource in Biographien christlicher Migrantinnen und Migranten.

    St. Gallen: EDITIONspi. (Schweizerische Pastoralsoziologische Institut (SPI)). Oktober 2019. 348 p.


    Čekolj, Željko, Migration und Auswanderung als Herausforderung für die pastorale Theologie am Beispiel Kroatiens       Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac. Schriften zur Praktischen Theologie. 2019. 178 p.


    Finis, Werner, Gemeinsam vor Gott  Interkulturelles Liederbuch Farsi-Deutsch.    Holzgerlingen: SCM Hänssler. Mai 2019. 132 p. 


    Idriz, Benjamin, Der Koran und die Frauen    

    Ein Imam erklärt vergessene Seiten des Islam.        

    München: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. April 2019. 192 p.


    Jacobs, Andreas & Janosch Lipowsky,  Imame –  made in Europe?    

    Ausbildung und Beschäftigung von islamischen Geistlichen in Deutschland und Frankreich.     Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Analysen & Argumente. Nr. 346. März 2019. 17 p.äftigung+von+islamischen+Geistlichen+in+Deutschland+und+Frankreich.pdf/c52f425e-22f4-e9bd-d1ba-4747b4e9cc1a?version=1.1&t=1553679831106


    Josua, Hanna, Die Muslime und der Islam   

    Wer oder was gehört zu Deutschland?

    Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. 2019. 159 p.


    Karras, Benjamin, Religiöse Konversionen im Asylprozess

    Eine juristische Einordnung und Positionsbestimmung.

    Sankt Augustin / Berlin: Konrad Adenauer Stifting. Analysen & Argumente. Nr. 374. November 2019. 13 p.


    Schröter. Susanne, Politischer Islam     Stresstest für Deutschland.

    München: Gütersloher Verlagshaus. August 2019. 384 p.




    Abbas, Tahir &  Sadek Hamid (Eds.), Political Muslims   Understanding youth resistance in a global context.     Syracuse, New York: Syracuse University Press. 2019. VII, 320 p.


    Ahn, Ilsup, Theology and Migration

    Leiden: Brill. Brill research perspectives. Theology. 2019. VI,108 p.


    Akil, Hatem N., The Visual Divide between Islam and the West

    Image Perception within Cross-Cultural Contexts.

    New York: Palgrave Macmillan US. October 2019. 232 p.


    Allchorn, William, Anti-Islamic protest in the UK      Policy responses to the far right. London / New York: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group. 2019. 189 p.


    Almila, Anna-Mari, Veiling in fashion     Space and the hijab in minority communities.   London / New York: I.B. Tauris & Co. Ltd. 2019. 243 p.


    Bagasra, Anisah & Mitchell Mackinem (Eds.), Working With Muslim Clients in the Helping Professions

    Hershey (US): Business Science Reference. IGI Global. October 2019. 310 p.


    Balzani, Marzia, Ahmadiyya Islam and the Muslim Diaspora     Living at the End of Days London: Routledge/Asian Studies Association of Australia (Asaa) South. December 2019. 216 p.

          Bamyeh, Mohammed A., Lifeworlds of Islam

    The Pragmatics of a Religion.    Oxford: Oxford University Press. June 2019. 256 p.


    Barylo, William, Young Muslim Change-Makers     Grassroots Charities Rethinking Modern Societies.

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. December 2019. 162 p.


    Beek, Mirre  & Fenella Fleischmann, Religion and integration     Does immigrant generation matter?   The case of Moroccan and Turkish immigrants in the Netherlands.    In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 2019.  23 p.  DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2019.1620417


    Bieler, Andrea, Isolde Karle, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Ilona Nord (Eds.), Religion and Migration

    Negotiating Hospitality, Agency and Vulnerability.

    Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. Oktober 2019. 264 p.


    Boscow, Jameson, Refugees and Terrorism in the West     Conditions that Exacerbate or Mitigate Attack Likelihood from Asylum Seekers, Analysis of Sweden and United Kingdom, Syrian Refugee Concerns, Political Impacts.

    Independently Published. June 2019. 134 p.


    Calfano, Brian R. & Nazita Lajevardi, Understanding Muslim political life in America Contested citizenship in the twenty-first century.       Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 2019. VIII, 235 p.


    Carbajal, Alberto Fernandez, Queer Muslim Diasporas in Contemporary Literature and Film

    Manchester: Manchester University Press. August 2019. 296 p.


    Clycq, Noel, Christiane Timmerman, Dirk Vanheule, Rut Van Caudenberg, Stiene Ravn (Eds.), Radicalisation     A Marginal Phenomenon or a Mirror to Society?   Leuven: Leuven University Press. CeMIS migration and intercultural studies ; 4.     February 2019. 250 p.  


    Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, George D. Chryssides, Usama Hasan, People of the book An interfaith dialogue about how Jews, Christians and Muslims understand their sacred scriptures.    Foreword by Marcus Braybrooke.     London / Philadelphia, PA: Jessica Kingsley Publishers. 2019. 288 p.


    Dupont-Hamy, Adrienne & Linda G Jones, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Preaching in the Mediterranean and Europe     Identities and Interfaith Encounters.

    Turnhout: Multilingual edition. November 2019. 325 p.


    Dworkin Anthony, Beyond good and evil   Why Europe should bring ISIS foreign fighters home. Policy Brief.

    Berlin / London: European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR). October 2019. 20 p.


    Dzananovic, D., Church Assistance to Unauthorized Stayers     The U.S. and Netherlands Compared.   Nijmegen: Radboud University. Nijmegen Migration Law Working Papers Series, no 2019/3. 19 p.


    Elshayyal, Khadijah, Muslim Identity Politics  Islam, Activism and Equality in Britain. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Library of European Studies. November 2019. 336 p.


    Esposito, John L. & Derya Iner, Islamophobia and radicalization      Breeding intolerance and violence. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XVII, 288 p.    


    Evolvi, Giulia, Blogging my religion     Secular, Muslim, and Catholic media spaces in Europe.  Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XI, 173 p.


    Fadil, Nadia, Francesco Ragazzi, Martijn de Koning, Radicalization in Belgium and the Netherlands        Critical Perspectives on Violence and Security. 

    London: I.B.Tauris. May 2019. 344 p.


    Halvorson-Taylor, Martien & Katherine Southwood (Eds.), Women and Exilic Identity in the Hebrew Bible

    Edinburgh: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies.   June 2019. 192 p.


    Harasta, Eva & Simone Sinn, (Hrsg.), Resisting Exclusion    Global Theological Responses to Populism.

    Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt. November 2019. 296 p.


    Hashas, Mohammed, The idea of European Islam   Religion, ethics, politics and perpetual modernity.   Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XVII, 312 p.


    Hwang, Alexander Y.&  Laura E. Alexander (Eds.), The meaning of my neighbor's faith interreligious reflections on immigration

    Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. 2019. XVII, 375 p.


    Jhutti-Johal, Jagbir & Hardeep Singh (Eds.), Racialization, Islamophobia and Mistaken Identity         The Sikh Experience.  Bosa Roca (US): CRC Press Inc. July 2019. 192 p.


    Jureidini, Ray &  Said Fares Hassan(Eds.), Migration and Islamic Ethics   Issues of Residence, Naturalization and Citizenship.       Leiden: Brill. Studies in Islamic Ethics. Vol. 2. November 2019. XIV, 226 p.


    Kesvani, Hussein, Follow Me, Akhi

    The Online World of British Muslims.   

    London: C. Hurst & Co. Publishers. May 2019. 272 p.


    Kurzman, Charles, The missing martyrs   Why are there so few Muslim terrorists?     New York: Oxford University Press. 2019. 2nd edition, updated for the age of ISIS. V, 252 p.


    Law, Ian, Amina Easat-Daas, Arzu Merali, S. Sayyid (Eds.), Countering Islamophobia in Europe

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer. 2019. XIII, 368 p.


    Leustean, Lucian N. (Ed.), Forced Migration and Human Security in the Eastern Orthodox World

    Abingdon: Routledge. November 2019. 312 p.


    Mahadevan, Jasmin &  Claude-Helene Mayer (Eds.), Muslim Minorities, Workplace Diversity and Reflexive HRM

    London: Routledge. December 2019. 190 p.


    Meeteren, M. J. van & L.N. van Oostendorp, Are Muslims in the Netherlands constructed as a ‘suspect community’?             An analysis of Dutch political discourse on terrorism in 2004-2015.

    In: Crime, law and social change. 2019. (71)5. p. 525-540.


    Melkonian-Hoover, Ruth & Lyman A. Kellstedt, Evangelicals and Immigration    Fault Lines Among the Faithful.    Cham: Springer International Publishing - Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XVIII, 189 p.


    Modood, Tariq, Essays on Secularism and Multiculturalism 

    London: Rowman & Littlefield International. April 2019. 262 p.


    Nilan, Pam, Muslim Youth in the Diaspora   Challenging Extremism through Popular Culture.     Abingdon: Routledge. August 2019. 216 p.


    Nyangweso, Mary &  Jacob K. Olupona, Religion in Gender-Based Violence, Immigration, and Human Rights

    London: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Ltd. July 2019. 292 p.

    [Chapter 4: Justice Richard Kwabena & Owusu Kyei, Gendered Oppression and Sanctions within African Initiated Churches in Europe: The Case of Amsterdam]


    Park, Wongi, The politics of race and ethnicity in Matthew's passion narrative    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XI, 160 p.


    Perry, Damon L., The global Muslim Brotherhood in Britain    Non-violent Islamist extremism and the battle of ideas.

    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XII, 257 p.


    Peucker, Mario & Merve Reyhan Kayikci (Eds.), Muslim Volunteering in the West Between Islamic Ethos and Citizenship.    

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. New Directions in Islam. November 2019. 216 p.


    Petersen, Marie Juul & Steffen Bo Jensen (Eds.), Faith in the system?  Religion in the (Danish) asylum system.

    Aalborg: Aalborg Universitetsforlag. 2019. 127 p.


    Petkovsek, Robert & Bojan Zalec (Eds.), Religion as a Factor of Intercultural Dialogue Hamburg: LIT Verlag. July 2019. 168 p.


    Pokalova, Elena, Returning Islamist Foreign Fighters

    Threats and Challenges to the West.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. November 2019. X, 242 p.


    Rainey, Brian, Religion, ethnicity and xenophobia in the Bible     A theoretical, exegetical and theological survey.  Abingdon, Oxon / New York, NY : Routledge. 2019. XII, 309 p.


    Schmiedel, Ulrich & Graeme Smith (Eds.), Religion in the European Refugee Crisis     London: Palgrave Macmillan. Springer International Publishing AG. March 2019. XVII, 314 p. 


    Schlipphak, Bernd &  Mujtaba Ali Isani, Muslim attitudes towards the European Union    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. VIII, 73 p.


    Soliman, Asmaa, European Muslims Transforming the Public Sphere    Religious Participation in the Arts, Media and Civil Society

    Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. December 2019. 170 p.


    Tiilikainen Marja, Mulki al-Sharmani, Sanna Mustasaari,(Eds.), Wellbeing of Transnational Muslim Families    Marriage, Law and Gender.      Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. June 2019. 188 p.


    Thomas, David &  John A. Chesworth (Eds.), Christian-Muslim Relations      A Bibliographical History. Volume 13.  Western Europe (1700-1800).    Leiden: Brill. August 2019.


    Wilkinson, Matthew L.N., The genealogy of terror       How to distinguish between Islam, Islamism, and Islamist extremism. Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2019. XVII, 235 p.


    2018 Report on International Religious Freedom: The Netherlands Washington: US Department of State. June 2019.



        Jova, Pierre, Les chrétiens face aux migrants   Enquête.

    Paris: Tallandier. 2019. 317 p.








    (Zie ook: 2 Vreemdelingen- en migratierecht & 10 (On-)gezondheid & zorg)  



    Ameys, Katrijn & Jolien Potemans, Toolkit voor vrijwillige voogden van niet-begeleide minderjarige vreemdelingen

    Brussel: Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen. Augustus 2019. 15 blz.


    Day, Mehmet, & Mariam Badou, Geboren en getogen    Onderzoek naar de identiteitsbeleving en gevoelens van binding van jongeren met een migratieachtergrond.     Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. Juni 2019. 49 blz.


    Pissens, Lucas, Jessy Siongers, John Lievens, Lieve Bradt & Ilse Derluyn, Vrije tijd van jongeren in migratie   Gent: Universiteit Gent. Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media. 2019. 80 blz.


    Veen, Annemiek & Desirée Weijers, Gemengde groepen in integrale kindcentra

    Amsterdam: Kohnstamm Instituut. Rapport 1022, projectnummer 20737. 2019. 79 blz.


    Alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen  

    Het Nederlandse beleid vergeleken met andere EU-lidstaten / Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway    Den Haag: Europees Migratienetwerk Nederland (EMN). 2019. 59 blz. [Bevat de samenvatting: Alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen + en syntheserapport: Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in the EU plus Norway. Brussel. 2018]


    Factsheet jeugdhulp, algemene informatie over de (toegang tot) jeugdhulp voor asielzoekerskinderen en amv

    Versie 2019.

    COA/ GZA/ GGD-GHOR/ Nidos. 2019. 6 blz.


    Immigratiedetentie van kinderen in de EU

    Brussel: Picum. Maart 2019. 8 blz.


    In de eerste plaats een kind

    Bevindingen, aanbevelingen en oplossingen in het belang van alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen in Nederland.

    Den Haag: UNHCR. Juni 2019. 64 blz.


    Naar een sterkere bescherming van niet-begeleide en van hun ouders gescheiden kinderen in België

    Stand van zaken en aanbevelingen. VN-Hoog Commissariaat voor de Vluchtelingen. April 2019. 88 blz.

    [Ook beschikbaar in Franstalige editie]



    Rapportbrief KOM.    

    Den Haag: De Kinderombudsman. KOMOO2/2019. April 2019. 6 blz.




    Metschies, dr. Hedwig  & Alfred Gerhards, KompaktWissen       Arbeit mit minderjährigen Flüchtlingen: Handlungsvorschläge für die Praxis. Hamburg: Handwerk und Technik. 2019. 120 p.


    Nowacki, Katja & Silke Remiorz (Hrsg.), Junge Geflüchtete in der Jugendhilfe

    Chancen und Herausforderungen der Integration.

    Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2019. XIII, 167 p.


    Wihstutz, Anne (Hrsg.), Zwischen Sandkasten und Abschiebung

    Zum Alltag junger Kinder in Unterkünften für Geflüchtete.     Opladen: Verlag Barbara Budrich. Juni  2019. 240 p.

    [Open access]


    Ungleiche Bildungschancen Fakten zur Benachteiligung von jungen Menschen mit  Migrationshintergrund im deutschen Bildungssystem

    28. März 2019, aktualisierte Fassung.

    Berlin: Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (SVR).   März 2019. 10 p.



        Alayarian, Aida, Children of Refugees      Torture, Human Rights, and Psychological Consequences. London: Routledge. June 2019. 176 p.


    Çelikaksoy, A. & E. Wadensjö, Refugee youth who arrived in Sweden as unaccompanied minors and separated children      Education and labour market well-being.

    In: Nordic Journal of Migration Research. Vol. 9(2). 2019. p. 179–200.


    Chiedi, Joanne, M., Care Provider Facilities Described Challenges Addressing Mental Health Needs of Children in HHS Custody

    Washington: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Office of Inspector General.  September 2019. OEI-09-18-00431. 48 p.


    Clayton, Sue, Anna Gupta, Kate Willis (Eds.), Unaccompanied Young Migrants  Identity, Care and Justice.    Bristol: Policy Press. April 2019. 312 p.


    Edwards, Dr. James, Dr. Silke Borgstedt, Inga Borchard, Jochen Resch, Dr. Alexander Bagattini, Child-sensitive return

    Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return and reintegration decisions and processes in Germany.

    Berlin: UNICEF Germany. November 2019. 84 p.


    Grabska, Katarzyna, Marina de Regt, Nicoletta Del Franco, Adolescent Girls' Migration in The Global South

    Transitions into Adulthood.

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. 272 p.


    Haker, Hille &  Molly Greening (Eds.), Unaccompanied migrant children  Social, legal, and ethical perspectives.

    Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books. 2019. XVI, 245 p.


    Hökeberg, Johanna, Child-sensitive return

    Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return and reintegration decisions and processes in Sweden. UNICEF Sweden: November 2019. 68 p.


    Kavey, Kitania & Claire Nagel, Unaccompanied Minor

    St. Petersburg, FL: August 2019. 270 p.


    Kulu-Glasgow, I., M. Smit & I. Sirkeci (Eds.), Unaccompanied children From migration to integration.    London: Transnational Press. April 2019. 169 p.


    Maadad, Nina, Syrian Refugee Children in Australia and Sweden

    Education and Survival Among the Displaced, Dispossessed and Disrupted.

    Abingdon: Routledge. August 2019. 122 p. 


    Mansur, Ebtehal, Education as an instument of integration for refugee millennials in the European Union    Brussels: ECRE. ECRE Working Paper 2019/03. 7 p.


    Mayers, Steven & Jonathan Freedman, Solito, solita    Crossing borders with youth refugees from Central America.  Chicago, Illinois: Haymarket Books. 2019. 336 p.


    Nowak, Manfred, UN Global Study on Children Deprived of Liberty

    30 Years Convention on the Rights of the Child.

    November 2019. 789 p.


    Plann, Susan, Coming of age in Madrid   An oral history of unaccompanied Moroccan migrant minors.      Brighton: Sussex Academic Press. 2019. XI, 344 p.


    Schumacher, Günter, Jan Löschner, Francesco Sermi, Data on Children in Migration

    Part 1: The Basics.

    JRC Technical Reports.

    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. 2019. 106 p.


    Teff, Melanie & Lisa Payne, Child-sensitive return

    Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return and reintegration decisions and processes in the UK.

    UNICEF UK. November 2019. 92 p.


    Vegter, Martin, Roos de Wildt, Majorie Kaandorp, Eva van Aalst, Child-sensitive return

    Upholding the best interests of refugee and migrant children in return decisions and  processes in the Netherlands.

    [Den Haag:] Unicef. November 2019. 104 p.


    Child Immigration Detention in the EU

    Brussels: Picum. March 2019. 8 p.


    Children deprived of parental care found in an EU Member State other than their own     A guide to enhance child protection focusing on victims of trafficking.        Vienna: FRA. June 2019. 132 p.


    Child-Sensitive Return    Upholding the best interests of migrant and refugee children in return and reintegration decisions and processes  in selected European countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.)

    [The Hague:]Unicef. November 2019. 134 p.


    A Comparative Analysis

    Fatal Journeys      Volume 4.

    Missing Migrant Children.     Geneva: IOM. 2019. 140 p.


    Forced to Flee  Refugee Children Drawing on their Experiences.

    London: Hachette Children’s Group. June 2019. 80 p. 


    Guidance to respect children’s rights in return policies and practices      Focus on the EU legal framework.

    UNICEF, the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Save the Children, the Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants (PICUM), the European Council for Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and Child Circle. September 2019. 32 p.


    Integration of young refugees in the EU   Good practices and challenges.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). November 2019. 136 p.


    Returning unaccompanied children    Fundamental rights considerations.

    Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). September 2019. 36 p.


    UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Handbook on Procedures and Criteria for Determining Refugee Status and Guidelines on International Protection Under the 1951 Convention and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees, No. 8 on Child Asylum Claims    Geneva: UNHCR. April 2019. HCR/1P/4/ENG/REV.


    We are children, hear us out!

    Children speak out  about age assessment.

    Report on consultations with  unaccompanied children on the topic of age assessment.

    Strasbourg: Council of Europe. May 2019. 24 p.




    Corbaz, Matthieu, Les mineurs non accompagnés en droit d'asile   Étude du droit suisse à la lumière du droit international des droits de l'enfant.

    Berne: Stämpfli. 2019. 427 p.


    Vers une Protection Renforcée des Enfants non Accompagnés et Séparés en Belgique État des lieux et recommandations.   Bruxelles: UNHCR-Belgique et Luxembourg. Avril 2019. 88 p.






    El Hadioui, Iliass, Switchen en klimmen        Over het switchgedrag van leerlingen en de klim op de schoolladder in een grootstedelijke omgeving.       Amsterdam: Van Gennep. September 2019. 136 blz.


    El Hamidi, Lotfi, Ruis in het debat over artikel 23 

    Den Haag: Onderwijsraad. December 2019. 5 blz.


    Glenn, Charles L., Does the Dutch Education Model Still Make Sense?     Den Haag: Onderwijsraad. December 2019. 6 blz.


    Groeninck, Mieke, Patrick Meurs, Dirk Geldof, Claire Wiewauters, Kaat Van Acker, Ward De Boe & Kathleen Emmery, Veerkracht in beweging  

    Dynamieken van vluchtelingengezinnen versterken. 

    Antwerpen / Apeldoorn: Garant Uitgevers. Juni 2019. 252 blz.


    Hertzberger, Rosanne, Vrijheid van onderwijs   Het recht op je eigen bubbel.       Den Haag: Onderwijsraad. December 2019. 5 blz.


    Jensen, Stine, Essay

    Den Haag: Onderwijsraad. December 2019. 6 blz.


    Juffer, Femmie, Lindy Popma, Monique Steenstra,  Dit huis is een thuis Opgroeien in een multicultureel adoptie- of pleeggezin.   Eindhoven: Dato. 2019. 223 blz.


    Loman, Jozefien & Anne Verhoeven, ZILL met AN voor leraren met nieuwkomers in de reguliere groep Brussel: Katholiek Onderwijs Vlaanderen. 2019. 139 blz.


    Mesman, Judi, Daudi van Veen, Tessa van de Rozenberg, Lucie Zicha, Marleen Groeneveld,   Etniciteit in schoolboeken voor de brugklas   Representatie en stereotypering.

    Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. November 2019. 39 blz.


    Nhass, Hanan, Niet jouw schuld!      Een verkenning naar hoe hulpverleners moeders met een Marokkaans-islamitische achtergrond kunnen ondersteunen in de opvoeding, zodat negatieve gevolgen van shame sexting onder tienermeiden kunnen worden voorkomen en aangepakt.   Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. 2019. 44 blz.


    Rahimy, Tina, Verborgen verhalen   

    Er is leven buiten je bubbel.    

    Utrecht: Ten Have. Januari 2019. 128 blz.


    Rooijen, Maaike van, Suzan de Winter-Koçak, Mehmet Day, Harrie Jonkman met medewerking van Ahmed Hamdi, Nathalie Hoekstra, Milou van Kats, Is het schooladvies gekleurd?  Verkenning naar de totstandkoming en perspectieven over schooladviezen voor leerlingen met een migratieachtergrond.   

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. Mei 2019. 40 blz.


    Smits, Tom, Paul Janssenswillen, Wouter Schelfhout, Leraren opleiden in een superdiverse samenleving   Leuven: Acco. 2019.


    Valcke, Martin, Krachtige leeromgevingen  Omgaan met diversiteit in de klas.

    Gent: Academia Press. September 2019. (Geactualiseerde herdruk). 355 blz.


    Wel, Jacob van der, Annemieke Mack, Kees van Bergen, Lessen over slavernijverleden in het Amsterdamse onderwijs


    Amsterdam: Regioplan. Publicatienummer 18083. 4 juni 2019. 68 blz.   In opdracht van de gemeente Amsterdam.


    Informele opvoedsteun aan vluchtelinggezinnen   

    Handreiking voor ondersteuning van ervaren vrijwilligers.   

    Utrecht: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut / JSO. Maart 2019. 32 blz.


    Schilderswijk & Escamp University    De weekendschool als motor voor sociale mobiliteit?

    Den Haag: De Haagse Hogeschool. Onderzoeksplatform Goed Bestuur voor een Veilige Wereld, lectoraten Public Governance en Grootstedelijke Ontwikkeling. April 2019. 32 blz.


    Stichting  Islamitisch Onderwijs  Onderzoek bestuur en scholen.

    Vierjaarlijks onderzoek.

    Datum vaststelling: 29 mei 2019. Utrecht: Inspectie van het Onderwijs. Ministerie van Onderwijs, Cultuur en Wetenschap. 2019. 63 blz.



          Alihodzic-Zuberi, Admire, Die Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenzen in der Schule Die Bedeutung der Multiperspektivität : Ein Unterrichtsentwurf anhand des Kinderbuchs "Das Mädchen Wadjda".     

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 72 p.


    Hamzaoui, Yousra, Alltäglicher Rassismus am Beispiel der Institution Schule Ein Blick auf die Migrationsgesellschaft : Inwiefern kann bei der Benachteiligung von Schüler_innen mit Migrationshintergrund von institutionellem Rassismus gesprochen werden?

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 17 p.


    Hess, Anna-Lena, Flüchtlingskinder und Sprachförderung    Praxis Pädagogik.

    Fachübergreifend / Traumasensibel den Spracherwerb begleiten.

    Braunschweig: Westermann Schulbuchverlag. Februar 2019. 144 p.


    Oberländer, Frauke, Bildungspartizipation von Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund  

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 20 p.


    Otholt, Merle, Integration und Bildungserfolg Einflussfaktoren für die schulische Integration von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund am Beispiel der Herkunftsländer Iran und Türkei.     Marburg: Büchner-Verlag. Oktober 2019. 137 p.


    Paiva Lareiro, Cristina de, Ankommen im deutschen Bildungssystem

    Bildungsbeteiligung von geflüchteten Kindern und Jugendlichen.  

    Ausgabe 02|2019 der Kurzanalysen des Forschungszentrums Migration, Integration und Asyl des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge.        

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. Februar 2019. 15 p.


    Popescu-Willigmann, Silvester & Bernd Remmele (Eds.), 'Refugees Welcome' in der Erwachsenenbildung    Adressatengerechte Programmgestaltung in der Grundbildung.

    Bielefeld: wbv Media GmbH. Oktober 2019. 196 p.


    Resch, Gabriele, Interkulturelle Pädagogik in der Bildungseinrichtung Hort

    München: GRIN Verlag. 2019. 61 p.


    Spanring, Michael, Flucht aus der Heimat Arbeit mit traumatisierten minderjährigen Flüchtlingen im sozialpädagogischen Kontext.

    Saarbrücken: AV Akademikerverlag. Januar 2019. 60 p.


    Wang, Hsiao-Ling, Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund als Gegenstand der Interkulturellen Pädagogik Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Taiwan.        Hamburg: Verlag Dr. Kovac. EUB. Erziehung – Unterricht – Bildung, Band 189. 2019. 276 p.


    Wöllenstein, Julia, Von Kartoffeln und Kanaken     Warum Integration im Klassenzimmer scheitert.

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    Bilgili, Özge, Louis Volante, Don A. Klinger and Melissa Siegel, Confronting the challenge of  immigrant and refugee student underachievement       Policies and practices from Canada, New Zealand and the European Union.

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    Sellars, Maura & Rachel Burke, Educating Students with Refugee Backgrounds   A Commitment to Humanity.

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    Suárez-Orozco, Carola & Olivia Osei-Twumasi (Ed.), Immigrant-Origin Students in Community College    Navigating Risk and Reward in Higher Education.

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    Tinnemans, Kirsten, Betere Gezondheid van Somalische en Afghaanse Nederlanders door empowerment

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    Waar geen wil is, is geen weg

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    Onderzoek naar klachten over het niet plaatsen van gehoorimplantaten bij een doof meisje en de rol daarbij van het Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen, het Ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid, de IND, de DT&V en het BMA.




    Fischell, J. Michael. Thomas Hax-Schoppenhorst, Hıdır Çelik, Sami Çelik, Marion Frohn, Barbara Schlüter, Behinderung und Krankheit im Kontext von Migration und Flucht Dimensionen und neue Wege der Selbsthilfe und Beratung : Tagungsreferate und weitere Fachbeiträge / Evangelische Migrations- und Flüchtlingsarbeit Bonn (EMFA/Integrationsagentur (Hg.).    Bonn: Free Pen Verlag. 2019. 94 p.


    Maier, Thomas, Naser Morina, Matthis Schick, Ulrich Schnyder (Hrsg.); unter Mitarbeit von Therese Bachmann, Trauma - Flucht - Asyl    Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch für Beratung, Betreuung und Behandlung.     Bern: Hogrefe. 2019. 532 p.


    Reddemann, Luise, Ljiljana Joksimovic, Simone D. Kaster, Christian Gerlach, Trauma ist nicht alles       Ein Mutmach-Buch für die Arbeit mit Geflüchteten.     Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. 2019. 204 p.


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    Papadopoulos, Renos K. (Ed.), Therapeutic Care for Refugees       No Place Like Home.

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    Schouler-Ocak, Meryam & Marianne C. Kastrup (Eds.), Intercultural Psychotherapy  For Immigrants, Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Ethnic Minority Patients.     Cham: Springer International Publishing. October 2019. X, 392 p.


    Smith, Robert, Don Waisanen, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa (Eds.), Immigration and Strategic Public Health Communication       Lessons from the Transnational Seguro Popular Project.

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    A population-based retrospective study

    comparing cancer mortality between

    Moluccan migrants and the general

    Dutch population: equal risk 65 years

    after immigration?

    Junus M. van der Wal, Adee Bodewes, Charles Agyemang, Ant

    A population-based retrospective study

    comparing cancer mortality between

    Moluccan migrants and the general

    Dutch population: equal risk 65 years

    after immigration?

    Junus M. van der Wal, Adee Bodewes, Charles Agyemang, Ant


    Wal, Junus M van der, Adee Bodewes, Charles Agyemang, Anton Kunst, A population-based retrospective study comparing cancer mortality between Moluccan migrants and the general Dutch population Equal risk 65 years after immigration?

    In: BMJ Open. August 2019. 8 p.


    Wenzel, Thomas & Boris Drožđek (Eds.), An uncertain safety 

    Integrative health care for the 21st century refugees.   

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    Delivery of immunization services for refugees and migrants

    Copenhagen: World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe. 2019. VII, 33 p.

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    Spotlight on refugees and migrants.

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    Noncommunicable diseases and migrant health Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. 2019. 16 p.


    Prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases in refugees and migrants   Technical guidance. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe. 2019. 44 p.




    Tregouët, Brigitte, Qui sont ces migrants qui débarquent dans notre petite ville?    Un médecin raconte.     Préface de Baptiste Beaulieu.  Paris: Médiaspaul. 2019.  191 p.




    (Zie ook: 6.. Over migranen & vluchtelingen in lokale & regionale context;

    8. Over religie, integratie & radicalisering & 9.B. Opvoeding & onderwijs)



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    Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Vrijdag. Augustus 2019. 264 blz.


    Böcker, Anita, Ashley Terlouw, Ezgi Özdemir, Discriminatie bij de verhuur  van woningen?

    Een verkennend onderzoek naar  verklaringen en de mogelijke aanpak.

    Nijmegen: Radboud Universiteit. Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid. Centrum voor Staat en Recht. 21 oktober 2019. 109 blz.


    Broekroelofs, René & Anouk Visser, Ervaren discriminatie onder zelfstandigen

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    Drayer, Elma, Witte schuld     Over identiteitspolitiek.    Amsterdam: Atlas Contact. Augustus 2019. 240 blz.


    Eddo-Lodge, Reni, Waarom ik niet meer met witte mensen over racisme praat     Vert. Hans E. van Riemsdijk.

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    Felten, Hanneke, Hatespeech aanpakken door emoties te delen

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    Primen in de praktijk?

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    Harrison, Dick, De geschiedenis van de slavernij    Van Mesopotamië tot moderne mensenhandel.

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    Hinsberg, Annemarie van, Joline Verloove, Siham El Moussaoui, Gijs van Beek, Evaluatie discriminatiemeldwijzer voor jongeren

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    Tanja, Jaap, Discriminatie    Elementaire Deeltjes 66.      Anne Frank Stichting.     Amsterdam: Athenaeum- Polak & Van Gennep. September 2019. 144 blz.


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    Vanobbergen, Bruno & Naima Charkaoui, Racisme    Over wonden en veerkracht.    Berchem: EPO. 2019. 207 blz.


    Wagenaar, Willem, Extreem rechts in Nederlandse Gemeentes      Factsheet 10.

    Amsterdam: Anne Frank Stichting. Update Juli 2019. 37 blz.  In opdracht van de Expertise-unit Sociale Stabiliteit (ESS), onderdeel van het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, directie Samenleving en Integratie.


    Walz, Gregor, Saskia van Bon, Bauke Fiere, Discriminatiecijfers in 2018

    Een rapport over registraties van discriminatie-incidenten door de politie, en meldingen bij antidiscriminatievoorzieningen en andere organisaties in Nederland.

    Rotterdam /Den Haag. Art. 1.  April 2019 . 81 blz.

    [In opdracht van de politie en het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. in samenwerking met, de Landelijke vereniging van antidiscriminatievoorzieningen (voorheen lvtd).]


    Westerbaan, Yvette, Rowan Bos, Willem Kleefstra, Rapport Inspectie SZW mystery calling-onderzoek arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie   Groningen: Store Support. Mei 2019. 18 blz.


    Zeijden, Albert van der, Zwarte Piet in meerduidig perspectief       Naar aanleiding van enkele recente publicaties.

    In: Volkskunde. 2019. 1  blz. 57-67.


    Checklist Arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie   Den Haag: Inspectie SZW – Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid. September 2019. 9 blz.


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    Overzicht discriminatiecijfers Openbaar Ministerie.    

    Amsterdam: Openbaar Ministerie. 2019. 43 blz. 


    Ervaringen en percepties van antisemitisme  

    Tweede enquête over discriminatie en haatmisdrijven tegen Joden in de EU.  

    Wenen: FRA — Bureau van de Europese Unie voor de grondrechten. Maart 2019. 16 blz.


    Herhaling virtuele praktijktests arbeidsmarktdiscriminatie

    Eindrapportage.   Zoetermeer: Panteia. Juni 2019. 57 blz.


    Monitor antisemitische incidenten 2018   

    Amsterdam: CIDI. 2019. 72 blz.

    Monitor Discriminatiezaken 2018   

    Utrecht: College voor de Rechten van de Mens. 2019. 36 blz.


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    Discriminatie in de eerste helft van 2019,  een overzicht in vogelvlucht.

    Rotterdam: Radar. 2019. 11 blz.




    Arendt, Hannah, Vor Antisemitismus ist man nur noch auf dem Monde sicher   Beiträge für die deutsch-jüdische Emigrantenzeitung „Aufbau“ 1941-1945.     Hrsg. v. M. L. Knott.

    München: Piper Verlag, München 2019. 256 p.


    Bühl, Achim, Antisemitismus

    Geschichte und Strukturen von der Antike bis 1848.

    Wiesbaden: Marix Verlag. Imprint von Verlagshaus Römerweg. November 2019. 224 p.


    Uçar, Bülent Wassilis Kassis,  Farid Hafez, Naime Çakır, Hendrik Cremer, Antimuslimischer Rassismus und Islamfeindlichkeit     Göttingen: Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. 339 p.


    Eriksen, Trond Berg, Hakon Haret, Einhart Lorenz, Judenhass   Die Geschichte des Antisemitismus von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart.  Aus dem Norwegischen von Daniela Stilzebach.     Göttingen: Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. 684 p.

       Heilbronn, Christian, Doron Rabinovici, Natan Sznaider (Hrsg.), Neuer Antisemitismus Fortsetzung einer globalen Debatte.

    Frankfurt am Main / Berlin: Suhrkamp. 2019. Zweite, erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage. 494 p.


    König, Mareike & Oliver Schulz (Hrsg.), Antisemitismus im 19. Jahrhundert aus internationaler Perspektive.     Göttingen: Verlag Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2019. 359 p.


    Lavorano, Stephanie, Rassismus  

    100 Seiten.

    Ditzingen: Reclam Philipp Jun. Februar 2019. 100 p.


    Scherr, Albert & Helen Breit, Diskriminierung, Anerkennung und der Sinn für die eigene soziale Position

    Wie Diskriminierungserfahrungen Bildungsprozesse und Lebenschancen beeinflussen. Weinheim / Basel: Breltz. Oktober 2019. 260 p.




    Blackham, Alysia, Empirical research and workplace discrimination law

    Leiden: Brill. Brill's rechearch perspectives. Comparative discrimination law. 2019. 60 p.


    Bjørgo, Tore & Miroslav Mareš (Ed.), Vigilantism against Migrants and Minorities  Abingdon: Routledge. October 2019. 348 p. (Open access)


    Bucerius, Sandra M. &  Michael Tonry, The Oxford Handbook of Ethnicity, Crime, and Immigration Oxford Handbooks.      

    Oxford: Oxford University Press Inc. March 2019. 962 p.


    Campbell, Jonathan G. & Lesley D. Klaff (Eds.), Unity and Diversity in Contemporary Antisemitism    The Bristol–Sheffield Hallam Colloquium on Contemporary Antisemitism.

    Brookline, MA: Academic Studies Press. Antisemitism Studies. November 2019. 256 p.


    Chander, Sarah & Georgina Siklossy, Toolkit on race and mental health at work  Brussels: European Network Against Racism (ENAR). October 2019. 24 p.


    Cortés Gómez, Ismael & Markus End, Dimensions of Antigypsyism  in Europe

    Brussels: European Network Against Racism aisbl (ENAR) &  Central Council of German Sinti and Roma. 2019. 400 p.


    Dancygier, Rafaela M., Naoki Egami, Amaney Jamal, Ramona  Rischke, Hating and Mating Fears over Mate Competition and Violent Hate Crime against Refugees.

    March 23, 2019. 58 p. or


    Emejulu, Akwugo & Francesca Sobande (Eds.), To exist is to resist Black feminism in Europe.

    London: Pluto Press. May 2019. IX, 310 p.


    Entorf, Horst & Martin Lange, Refugees Welcome?

    Understanding the Regional Heterogeneity of Anti-Foreigner Hate Crimes in Germany.    Bonn: IZA DP No. 12229. March 2019. 54 p.


    Farmbry, Kyle, Migration and Xenophobia  

    A Three Country Exploration.  

    Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. April 2019. 236 p.    

    [United States, South Africa, and Malta]


    Field, Paul, Robin Bunce, Leila Hassan, Margaret Peacock, Here to Stay, Here to Fight

    A Race Today Anthology.  London: Pluto Press. September 2019. 304 p.


    Healey, Joseph F. & Andi Stepnick, Diversity and Society

    Race, Ethnicity, and Gender.       

    Thousand Oaks (USA): Sage Publications Inc. April 2019. 448 p.

        Hernández, Tanya Katerí, Racial discrimination    Leiden: Brill. Brill's rechearch perspectives. Comparative discrimination law. 2019. 69 p.


    Hervik, Peter, Racialization, racism, and anti-racism in the Nordic countries

    Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 2019. XI, 302 p.


    Isal, Sarah, National Action Plans Against Racism     Lessons for effective national anti-racism policies.

    Brussels: European Network Against Racism (ENAR). 2019. 36 p.


    Kendi, Ibram X., How To Be An Antiracist

    London: One World/ Vintage Books. August 2019. 305 p.


    Laverick, Wendy & Peter Joyce, Racial and Religious Hate Crime

    The UK From 1945 to Brexit.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. June 2019. 377 p.


    Musolf, Andres (Ed.), Language aggression in public debates on immigration 

    Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing. 2019. 179 p.


    Neiman, Susan, Learning From the Germans   Confronting Race and the Memory of Evil.

    London: Penguin Books. August 2019. 432 p.


    Oppenheimer, David, The Ubiquity of Positive Measures for Addressing Systemic Discrimination and Inequality

    A Comparative Global Perspective.      Leiden: Brill. August 2019. VI, 114 p.


    Philo, Greg, Mike Berry, Justin Schlosberg, Antony Lerman, David Miller, Bad News for Labour

    Antisemitism, the Party and Public Belief.    London: Pluto Press. September 2019. 288 p.


    Ramos, M., L. Thijssen, M. Coenders, Labour Market Discrimination against Moroccan Minorities in the Netherlands and Spain       A cross-national and cross-regional comparison.    In: Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. June 2019. p. 1-24.


    Rivas-Drake, Deborah & Adriana J. Umana-Taylor, Below the Surface  

    Talking with Teens about Race, Ethnicity, and Identity. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2019. 223 p.


    Wahl, Klaus, The Radical Right

    Biopsychosocial Roots and International Variations.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. November 2019. XV, 379 p.


    Weiss, Bari, How to Fight Anti-Semitism

    New York: Crown. September 2019. 224 p.


    Antisemitism        Overview of data available in the European Union 2008–2018.

    Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. November 2019. 100 p.


    Antisemitism  Barometer 2019

    London: Campaign Against Antisemitsm. 2019. 48 p.


    Being Black in the EU     Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey. Summary. Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). 2019. 16p.


    Report on the status of the implementation of the International Convenant on Civil and Political Rights in the Netherlands   

    Utrecht: College voor de Rechten van de Mens. June 2019. 27 p.


    Second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey    Migrant women.

    Selected findings.  Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). September 2019. 64 p.


    Second survey on discrimination and hate crime against Jews in EU Member States     Technical report.   Vienna: European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. (FRA). June 2019. 88 p.


    Young Jewish Europeans      Perceptions and experiences of antisemitism.     Vienna: FRA / Institue for Jewish Policy Research. July 2019. 42 p.




    Le modèle noir de Géricault à Matisse  

    Catalogue d'exposition.    

    Paris: Musée d’Orsay. 2019.






    Adorno, Theodor W., Aspecten van het nieuwe rechts-radicalisme     Een voordracht.  Vert. Mark Wildschut.

    Amersfoort: De Vrije Uitgevers. November 2019. 80 blz.


    Ekern, Simen, Het volk, dat ben ik   

    De opkomst en toekomst van het Europese rechts-populisme.    

    Oorspr. titel: Folket det er meg: den Europeiske høyrepopulismens vekst og framtid. Spartakus. 2017.    Vert. uit Noors: Angélique de Kroon.

    Amsterdam: De Geus. 2019. 350 blz.


    Fukuyama, Francis, Identiteit  

    Waardigheid, ressentiment en identiteitspolitiek. 

    Oorspr. titel: Identity: the demand for dignity and the politics of resentment. 

    New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. 2018.

    Vert. Robert Vernooy.       

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact. 2019. 267 blz.


    Rijken, Kemal, Eigen volk   

    Hoe het rechts-nationalisme Europa veroverde. 

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos. Mei 2019. 368 blz.


    Schaap, Sybe, Het wendbare verleden

    Nietzsche in postmoderne tijden.

    Eindhoven: Uitgeverij Damon. 2019. 266 blz.


    Temelkuran, Ece, Verloren land  

    De zeven stappen van democratie naar dictatuur.  

    Oorspr. titel: How to lose a country. London: 4th Estate. 2019.    Vert. uit het Engels: Ireen Niessen.  

    Amsterdam: Ambo / Anthos. 2019. 222 blz.


    Van Kemseke, Peter & Ingmar Samyn, Waarom muren niet werken    

    Samenwerken in tijden van populisme.  

    Leuven: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij. Maart 2019. 175 blz.


    Voerman, Gerrit & Koen Vossen (Red.), Wilders gewogen

    15 jaar reuring in de Nederlandse politiek.

    Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers. September 2019. 390 blz.




    Brinkman, Heinz Ulrich & Isabelle-Christine Panreck (Hrsg.), Rechtspopulismus in Einwanderungsgesellschaften    

    Die politische Auseinandersetzung um Migration und Integration.  

    Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. VI, 437 p.

          Koppetsch, Cornelia, Die Gesellschaft des Zorns   Rechtspopulismus im globalen Zeitalter.   Bielefeld: transcript. 2019. 283 p.




    Bannon, Stephen K.David Frum, The Rise of Populism

    Munk Debates. Toronto: House of Anansi Press. November 2019. 144 p.


    Bevelander, Pieter & Ruth Wodak (Eds), Europe at the Crossroads    Confronting populist, nationalist and global challenges.     Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 2019. 284 p.


    Katsambekis, Giorgos & Alexandros Kioupkiolis (Eds.), The Populist Radical Left in Europe     Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Advances in European Politics. March 2019. 216 p.


    Kaufmann, Eric, Whiteshift

    Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities.

    New York: Harry N. Abrams. February 2019. 624 p.


    Kaushal, Neeraj, Blaming Immigrants     Nationalism and the Economics of Global Movement.   

    New York: Columbia University Press. January 2019. VI, 220 p.


    Lutz, P., Variation in policy success   Radical right populism and migration policy.   In: West European Politics. (42)3. 2019. p. 517-544.


    Nilsson DeHanas, Daniel &  Marat Shterin, Religion and the Rise of Populism    London: Routledge. July 2019. 134 p.


    Thorleifsson, Cathrine, Nationalist responses to the crises in Europe     Old and new hatreds.    Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. XI, 121 p.


    Tremblay,Arjun, Diversity in Decline? 

    The Rise of the Political Right and the Fate of Multiculturalism.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. January 2019. XVIII, 271 p.  




    (Zie ook: 8. Over religie, integratie & radicalisering)



    Appiah, Kwame Anthony, De leugens die ons binden   Een nieuwe kijk op identiteit.   Vert. Maarten Polman.

    Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Pluim. 2019. 335 blz.


    Cliteur, Paul & Perry Pierik, Diversiteit, identiteit en de ‘culture wars’

    Soesterberg: Uitgeverij Aspekt. April 2019. 268 blz.


    Coello Eertink, Laura &  Solveig Kreinsen, Inclusief beleid op de werkplek

    Factoren die bijdragen aan (het creëren van) een inclusieve werkvloer.

    Utrecht: Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving. April 2019. 22 blz.


    Geldof, Dirk, Superdiversiteit      

    Leuven: Acco. 2019. Herziene druk. 232 blz.


    Hofhuis, dr. Joep & dr. Anouk van Drunen, De ontwikkeling van de beeldvorming rondom culturele diversiteit bij de Rijksoverheid in de periode 2008-2018  Rotterdam: Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture - Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam. Juli 2019. 30 blz.

    [In opdracht van Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Directoraat-Generaal OverheidsOrganisaties. Directie Ambtenaar en Organisatie]


    Meyer, Erin, The culture map  Begrijp hoe mensen denken, leidinggeven en dingen bereiken binnen verschillende culturen.  Oorspr. titel: The cultural map. New York: PublicAffairs. 2014.  Vert. uit Engels: Vanja Walsmit.       Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Business Contact. 2019. 312 p.       


    Tiggelovend, Ingrid, Diversiteits-communicatie    

    Verbindende communicatie & marketing.    

    Ekeren: Studio Sesam vzw. Maart 2019. 132 blz.


    Diversiteit in de top  Tijd voor versnelling. Deel I. Samenvatting & Visie raad op gender en culturele diversiteit.

    Den Haag: SER. Advies 19/12. September 2019. 72 blz.


    Diversiteit in de top    Tijd voor versnelling.    Deel II. Analyse.

    Den Haag: SER. Advies 19/12. September 2019. 159 blz.


    Diversiteit in de top     Tijd voor versnelling.

    Publieksversie SER-advies.        Den Haag: SER. September 2019. 12 blz.


    Diversiteit in vaste adviescolleges van de regering

    Den Haag: Algemene Rekenkamer. September 2019. 56 blz.


    Meer diversiteit op de werkvloer en in de top    Gewoon een kwestie van doen.

    Den Haag: SER. September 2019. 8 blz.




    Boldt, Thea D., Multikulturalismus im Diskurs       Deutsche und europäische Identitätskonstruktionen im Hinblick auf die Zugehörigkeit muslimischer Migranten.         Bielefeld: transcript Verlag. 2019. 154 p.




    Duyvendak, Jan Willem, Nancy Foner, Philip Kasinitz (Eds.), Super-Diversity in Everyday Life Ethnic & Racial Studies.

    Abingdon: Routledge.Taylor & Francis Ltd. October 2019. 146 p.

    Special issue Ethnic and Racial Studies 42(1)


    Gleason, Philip, Speaking of Diversity    Language and Ethnicity in Twentieth-Century America.

    Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press. December 2019. 330 p.


    Goebel, Zane, Transnationalism, Globalisation, and Superdiversity  

    Tilburg: Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies. Paper 205. 2019. 40 p.


    Hoffman, Louis,  Heatherlyn Cleare-Hoffman, Nathaniel Granger, Jr., David St. John (Eds.), Humanistic Approaches to Multiculturalism and Diversity

    Perspectives on Existence and Difference.

    Abingdon: Routledge. September 2019. 234 p.


    Horowitz, Juliana Menasce, Americans See Advantages and Challenges in Country’s Growing Racial and Ethnic Diversity   

    Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. May 2019. 20 p.


    Lutge, Christoph, Christiane Lutge, Markus Faltermeier, The Praxis of Diversity

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. October 2019. 216 p.


    Meeuwisse, M., L de Meijer, A. Dias-Broens & R. Wolff, Trainer Manual Intercultural Sensitivity & Competence

    Practical Module Master Programme Educational Sciences.         Rotterdam: ESSB/EUR. October 2019. 50 p.


    Ramadan, Tariq,  On Super-diversity Reflections 02.        New York: Sternberg Press. December 2019. 170 p.


    Wilson-Cone, Rev.Dr. Patricia Anne, Multicultural Diversity  

    Opening Our Hearts.   Bloomington: Xlibris US. January 2019. 368 p. 


    Sakura Yamamura, Sakura &  Paul Lassalle, Approximating Entrepreneurial Superdiversity   Reconceptualizing the superdiversity debate in ethnic minority entrepreneurship.  Göttingen: Max-Planck-Institut zur Erforschung multireligiöser und multiethnischer Gesellschaften / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity

    MMG Working Paper 19-02. 2019. 30 p.


    Diversity and Inclusion in the Legal Profession

    The Centre for Legal Leadership a Globe. London: Globe Law and Business. July 2019. 119 p.    



    (Zie ook: 2. Vreemdelingen- en migratierecht)    


    Beer, Joop de & Helga A.G. de Valk, Feit of fictie    Kan de wetenschap bijdragen aan een toekomstbestendig migratiebeleid?    In: Journaal Vreemdelingenrecht. (16)1. Maart 2019. blz. 39-44.


    Beer, Joop de & Helga de Valk, De ontnuchterende rol van de wetenschap in het migratiedebat      In: Demos: bulletin over bevolking en samenleving. (35) 6. 2019. blz. 1-4.




    Asmus, Sylvia, Doerte Bischoff, Burcu Dogramaci (Eds.), Archive und Museen des Exils

    Berlin / Boston: De Gruyter. Oktober 2019. 351 p.


    Behrensen, Birgit & Manuela Westphal (Hrsg), Fluchtmigrationsforschung im Aufbruch

    Methodologische und methodische Reflexionen.

    Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2019. VIII, 425 p.


    Klomann, Verena, Norbert Frieters-Reermann, Marianne Genenger-Stricker, Nadine Sylla, Forschung im Kontext von Bildung und Migration    

    Kritische Reflexionen zu Methodik, Denklogiken und Machtverhältnissen in Forschungsprozessen.     Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 2019. VIII, 208 p.


    Kaufmann, Dr. Margrit E., Prof. Laura Otto, Prof. Sarah Nimführ, Dominik Schütte,

    Forschen und Arbeiten im Kontext von Flucht

    Reflexionslücken, Repräsentations- und Ethikfragen.

    Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. 2019. VII, 358 p.


    Räuchle, Charlotte & Antonie Schmiz, Reallabore in Ankunftsquartieren   Osnabrück: IMIS. Institut für Migrationsforschung und Interkulturelle Studien (IMIS) der Universität Osnabrück. IMIS Working Paper 03. Mai 2019. 23 p.


    Liste der Publikationen

    des Forschungszentrums Migration, Integration und Asyl  im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Forschungszentrum Migration, Integration und Asyl. September 2019. 24 p.


    Migrations- und Integrationsforschung

    Jahresbericht 2018 des Forschungszentrums Migration, Integration und Asyl im Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge.

    Nürnberg: Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. 2019. 64 p.




    Berg, Mette Louise & Magdalena Nowicka (Eds.), Studying Diversity, Migration and Urban Multiculture     Convivial Tools for Research and Practice.

    London: UCL Prees. July 2019. 214 p.


    Bingoel, Ufuk, Immigration Policy Studies    Theoretical and Empirical Migration Researches.

    Berlin / Bern / Bruxelles / New York / Oxford / Warszawa / Wien: Peter Lang AG.    October 2019. 338 p.


    Lenette, Caroline, Arts-Based Methods in Refugee Research     Creating Sanctuary.

    Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd, 2019. XXV, 240 p.


    Carling, Jørgen,  Measuring migration aspirations and related concepts  Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. MIGNEX Background Paper. August 2019. 45 p.


    Carling, Jørgen, Research ethics and research integrity MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 4 (v1).      Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. February 2019. 16 p.


    Carling, Jørgen, Key concepts in the migration–development nexus   MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 2 (v2).  Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. March 2019. 14 p.


    Carling J., M. Czaika, A. Duquenne, M.B. Erdal, J. Hagen-Zanker, C. Vargas-Silva, Data management plan      MIGNEX Handbook Chapter 3 (v2).     Oslo: Peace Research Institute Oslo. March 2019. 27 p.


    Hoffman, Marella, Practicing Oral History Among Refugees and Host Communities   Abingdon: Routlegde. December 2019. 214 p.


    Salah, Albert Ali, Alex Pentland, Bruno Lepri, Emmanuel Letouzé, Guide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios     The 'Data for Refugees Challenge' Study.

    Cham: Springer. 2019. XVI, 500 p.


    EASO: Country of Origin Information (COI) Report Methodology

    Vienna: EASO. June 2019. 37 p.






    Laumans, Wouter &  Marijn Schrijver,


    Amsterdam: Lebowski Publishers. 2019. 224 blz.

    [Vervolg op 'Mocro maffia' (2014)]


    Mehta, Suketu, Manifest van een immigrant  Oorspr. titel:  This Land Is Our Land.

    An Immigrant’s Manifesto. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux. June 2019.  Amsterdam: Atlas-Contact. September 2019. 240 blz.


    Oudenhoven, Jan Pieter van & Karen van der Zee, Interculturele psychologie 

    Werken aan effectieve ontmoetingen tussen culturen.

    Bussum: Uitgeverij Coutinho. 2019. Vierde, herziene druk. 248 blz.

    [Oorspronkelijke titel: Cross-culturele psychologie: de zoektocht naar verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen culturen. 2002]


    Portocarero, Herman, De diamantdiaspora 

    Een verborgen geschiedenis tussen Antwerpen en Havana. 

    Antwerpen: Polis. Mei 2019. 240 blz.


    Schulte, Addie, De strijd om de toekomst     Over doemscenario's en vooruitgang.     Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Cossee. Februari 2019. 271 blz.


    Swaan, Abram de, Tegen de vrouwen     De wereldwijde strijd van rechtsisten en jihadisten tegen de emancipatie.
    Amsterdam: Prometheus. 2019. 280 blz.


    Wals, Angela, De jongen die wilde mislukken
    Amsterdam: Em. Querido's Uitgeverij BV. 2019. 254 blz.

    Denkend aan Nederland    

    Sociaal en Cultureel Rapport 2019.       Publieksmagazine.    Den Haag. SCP. Juni 2019. 36 blz.




    Kulacatan, Meltem & Harry Harun Behr (Hg.), Migration, Religion, Gender und Bildung    Beiträge zu einem erweiterten Verständnis von Intersektionalität. Bielefeld: transcript. Februar 2019. 220 p.




    Buckley-Zistel, Susanne & Ulrike Krause (Eds.), Gender, Violence, Refugees    

    New York / Oxford: Berghahn Books. Studies in Forced Migration, 37. 2019. 292 p.   


    Buikema, Rosemarie, Antoine Buyse, Antonius Robben, Cultures, Citizenship and Human Rights

    Abingdon: Routledge. December 2019. 258 p.


    Butcher, Charity, The Handbook of Cross-Border Ethnic and Religious Affinities  

    London: Rowman & Littlefield International. April 2019. 404 p.


    Fasani, Francesco,  Giovanni Mastrobuoni,  Emily G. Owens, Paolo Pinotti, Does Immigration Increase Crime?     Migration Policy and the Creation of the Criminal Immigrant.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. July 2019. 212 p.


    Fine, Sarah & Lea Ypi (Eds.), Migration in Political Theory   The Ethics of Movement and Membership.    Oxford: Oxford University Press. May 2019. 320 p.  


    Haas, Bridget M. & Amy Shuman (Eds.), Technologies of Suspicion and the Ethics of Obligation in Political Asylum

    Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. Series in Human Security. March 2019. 294 p.


    Hagedoorn, Berber & Sabrina, Sauer, The Researcher as Storyteller   

    Using Digital Tools for Search and Storytelling with Audio-Visual (AV) Materials. Understanding representations of the social acceptance of migrants in the Netherlands as both a disruptive and lucid narrative.   

    In: VIEW, Journal of European Television History and Culture. 2019. Special issue.


    Kennedy, Roger, Tolerating strangers in intolerant times Psychoanalytic, political and philosophical perspectives.      Abingdon, Oxon / New York: Routledge. 2019. 156 p.


    Koning, Edward A., Immigration and the Politics of Welfare Exclusion 

    Selective Solidarity in Western Democracies.       

    Studies in Comparative Political Economy and Public Policy. 

    Toronto: University of Toronto Press. March 2019. 307 p.


    Leerkes, Arjen, Ramiro Martinez, Pim Groeneveld, Minority Paradoxes     Ethnic Differences in Selfreported Offending and Official Crime Statistics.    In: Journal of British Criminology. (59)1. 2019. p. 166-187.


    Mutsaers, Paul, Police Unlimited  

    Policing, Migrants, and the Values of Bureaucracy,        

    Oxford: Oxford University Press. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. April 2019. 224 p.


    Oliver, Kelly, Lisa M. Madura, Sabeen Ahmed (Eds.), Refugees Now    

    Rethinking Borders, Hospitality, and Citizenship. London: Rowman & Littlefield International. April 2019. 330 p.       


    Patron, Marie-Claire &  Julia Kraven, Intercultural Mirrors    

    Dynamic Reconstruction of Identity.         

    Leiden: Brill. May 2019.  XIV, 322 p.        


    Oland, T., Welfare Work with Immigrants and Refugees in a Social Democratic Welfare State Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Ltd. February 2019. 200 p. 


    Purcell Jr., James N., We're in Danger! Who Will Help Us Refugees and Migrants: A Test of Civilization.    

    Bloomington, IN: Archway Publishing. March 2019. 558 p.


    Schwartz, Daniel B., Ghetto    The History of a Word/

    Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 2019. 240 p.


    Sonnis-Bell, Marissa, David Elijah Bell, Michelle Ryan (Eds), Strangers, aliens, foreigners The politics of othering from migrants to corporations.  

    Leiden: Brill Rodopi. At the interface/Probing the boundaries. Vol.106. 2019. XI, 98 p.


    Vickers, Tom, Borders, Migration and Class in an Age of Crisis

    Producing Immigrants and Workers.   Bristol: Bristol Universty Press. July 2019. 208 p.    




    Badiou, Alain, Méfiez-vous des Blancs, habitants du rivage!    Paris: Fayard. Mars 2019. 64 p.





    Aangekondigd voor 2020/2021  


    Hilou, Hassan Al, Stop met huilen   De kracht van diversiteit.

    Kalmthout: Pelckmans Pro. April 2020. 200 blz.


    Rovere, Maxime de, Spinozaland      De ontdekking van de vrijheid – Amsterdam, 1677.
    Amsterdam: Balans. April 2020. 560 blz.



    Eberding, Angela, Neue Autorität in multikulturellen Erziehungskontexten

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2020. Ca. 80 p.


    Fischer, Oskar Ilja, Geflüchtetenprotest und Gewerkschaften

    Verhandlungen von Repräsentation im deutschen Arbeits- und Migrationsregime.

    Bielefeld: transcript. Januar 2020. 240 p.


    Kloubert, Tetyana (Hrsg.), Erwachsenenbildung und Migration   Internationale Kontexte und historische Bezüge.

    Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH (Verlag). 2020. XI, 215 p.


    Wojciechowicz, Anna Aleksandra, Daniela Niesta Kayser, Miriam Vock (Hrsg), Lehrer/innen-Bildung im Kontext von Fluchtmigration

    Perspektiven, Erkundungen und Impulse.

    Weinheim: Beltz Juventa. März 2020. 250 p.




    Allen, John, Detaining and Deporting Undocumented Immigrants

    San Diego, CA: Referencepoint Press. January 2020. 80 p.


    Alexander-Nathani, Isabella, Burning at Europe’s Borders    An Ethnography on the African Migrant Experience in Morocco. ssues of Globalization:Case Studies in Contemporary Anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press Inc. March 2020. 288 p.


    Baas, Michiel (Ed.), The Asian Migrant’s Body Emotion, Gender and Sexuality.   Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. January 2020. 210 p.


    Ballinger, Pamela, The World Refugees Made   Decolonization and the Foundation of Postwar Italy.

    Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. March 2020. 336 p.


    Beaujouan, Juline & Amjed  Rasheed (Eds.), Syrian Crisis, Syrian Refugees

    Voices from Jordan and Lebanon.

    Cham: Springer International Publishing. February 2020. 163 p.


    Bailkin, Jordanna, Unsettled   Refugee Camps and the Making of Multicultural Britain.  Oxford: Oxford University Press. January 2020.


    Borodziej, Wlodzimierz & Joachim von Puttkamer, Immigrants and Foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe during the Twentieth Century

    Abingdon: Routledge. Routledge Studies in Modern European History. March 2020. 208 p.


    Brownlie, Siobhan, Discourses of Memory and Refugees Exploring Facets.

    London: Palgrave Macmillan. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies. April 2020. VI, 227 p.


    Darke, Diana, Stealing from the Saracens

    How Islamic Architecture Shaped Europe.

    London: Hurst Publishers. June 2020. 328 p.


    Forkert, Kirsten, Federico Oliveri, Gargi Bhattacharyya, Janna Graham, How Media and Conflicts Make Migrants

    Manchester: Manchester University Press. April 2020. 224 p.


    Gallas, Elisabeth, Anna Holzer-Kawalko, Caroline Jessen, Yfaat Weiss (Hg.), Contested Heritage

    Jewish Cultural Property after 1945.

    Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlage. 2020.


    Gildersleeve, Ryan & Susana Hernandez, Undocumented Students in Higher Education Supporting Pathways for Success. Key Issues on Diverse College Students.

    London: Routledge. January 2021. 192 p.


    Givens, Terri, Rachel Navarre, Pete Mohanty, Immigration in the 21st Century

    The Comparative Politics of Immigration Policy.

    Abingdon: Routledge. May 2020. 208 p. 


    Goździak, Elżbieta M., Izabella Main, Brigitte Suter, Europe and the Refugee Response   A Crisis of Values?         Abingdon: Routledge. March 2020. 312 p.      (Open Access)


    Goslin, Anneliese, Darlene A. Kluka, Rosa Lopéz de D'Amico, Karen Danylchuk (Eds.), Managing Sport Across Borders

    Abingdon: Routledge. March 2020. 264 p.


    Gross, Zehavit (Ed.), Migrants and Comparative Education    Call to Re/Engagement.   

    Leiden: Brill Sense. Comparative and International Education: Diversity of Voices.     January 2020.


    Heian-Engdal, Marte, Palestinian Refugees after 1948     The Failure of International Diplomacy.  London: I.B. Tauris. February 2020. 224 p.


    Hernroth-Rothstein, Annika & Tiffany Gabbay, Exile Portraits of the Jewish Diaspora.

    Brentwood, TN: Permuted Press. February 2020.


    Kaplan, Marion, Hitler's Jewish Refugees    Hope and Anxiety in Portugal.     New Haven, Connecticut: Yale Universty Press. February 2020. 376 p. 


    Klaassen, Mark, Peter Rodrigues, Ton Liefaard, Stephanie Rap, Safeguarding Children's Rights in Immigration Law

    Cambridge: Intersentia Ltd. January 2020. 300 p.


    Kreeft Peyton, Joy & Martha Young-Scholten, Teaching Adult Immigrants with Limited Formal Education    Theory, Research and Practice.  Bristol: Multilingual Matters. March 2020.


    Kwiyani, Harvey,  Multicultural Kingdom  Ethnic Diversity, Mission and the Church.

    London: SCM Press. April 2020. 256 p.


    Liu, Yue  & Simeng Wang (Eds.), Chinese Immigrants in Europe

    Image, Identity and Social Participation.

    Berlin: De Gruyter. March 2020. 300 p.

        Machelidon, Veronique  & Patrick Saveau (Eds.), Reimagining North African Immigration Identities in Flux in French Literature, Television, and Film.     Manchester: Manchester University Press. February 2020. 272 p.

         McFadyen, Gillian, Refugees in Britain    Practices of Hospitality and Labelling.  Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. June 2020.


    Merkur, Liasnne, Pillars of Salt    Israelis in Berlin and Toronto.      Leiden: Brill. Jewish Identities in a Changing World. Vol. 32. February 2020.


    Michalikova, Nina, Everyday Fears of Legal Immigrants with Undocumented Spouses

    Under U.S. Immigration Policy.

    Abingdon: Routledge. March 2020. 200 p.


    Miles, Steven B., Chinese Diasporas A Social History of Global Migration. New Approaches to Asian History.   Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. March 2020. 286 p.


    Nyburg, Anna, The Clothes on our Backs    How Refugees from Nazism Revitalised the British Fashion Trade.      Elstree, Herts: Vallentine Mitchell & Co Ltd. February 2020.  280 p.


    Oosterlynck, Stijn, Gert Verschraegen, Ronald Van Kempen (Eds.), Divercities       Understanding Super Diversity in Deprived and Mixed Neighbourhoods.     Bristol: Policy Press. January 2020. 256 p.




    Owen, David, What Do We Owe to Refugees?     Political Theory Today.

    Cambridge: Polity Press. February 2020. 140 p.




    Panayi, Panikos, Migrant City    A New History of London. 

    New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press. February 2020. 384 p.


    Potts, Lydia & Ulrike Lingen-Ali (Eds.), Migrant Families and Transcultural Dynamics

    Resources, Gender Relations and Family Structures.      Bielefeld: transcript. February 2020. 260 p.


    zoRooij, Laurens de, Islam in British Media Discourses    Understanding Perceptions of Muslims in the News.     Manchester: Manchester University Press. May 2020. 240 p.


    Shachar, Ayelet, The Shifting Border  Legal Cartographies of Migration and Mobility: Ayelet Shachar in Dialogue - Critical Powers.

    Manchester: Manchester University Press. February 2020. 224 p.


    Simpson, Julian, Migrant Architects of the NHS   South Asian Doctors and the Reinvention of British General Practice (1940s-1980s).    Social Histories of Medicine.


    Manchester: Manchester University Press. February 2020. 336 p.


    Vernon, Patrick & Angelina Osborne, 100 Great Black Britons

    London: Little, Brown Book Group. September 2020. 288 p.


    Vidmar, Jure (Ed.), European Populism and Human Rights  Leiden: Brill. International Studies in Human Rights, Vol. 130. January 2020.


    Williams, Lucy, Emel Coskun, Selmin Kaska (Eds.), Women, Migration and Asylum in Turkey Developing Gender-Sensitivity in Migration Research, Policy and Practice - Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship.

    Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG. February 2020. 251 p.



    Publicaties onder embargo of nog niet verschenen publicaties zijn cursief weergegeven.

    Herdrukken worden alleen opgenomen wanneer het gewijzigde en/of geactualiseerde versies betreft.     

    Publicaties in tijdschriften worden slechts bij uitzondering vermeld.

    Proefschriften & masterscripties zijn in een apart bestand ondergebracht, evenals publicaties over taal & literatuur.




    Bij het samenstellen van bovenstaand overzicht werd informatie ontleend aan o.a. onderstaande websites over asielzoekers, vluchtelingen en migranten:



    Nederland & België









    •, the country of origin information system of the Austrian Red Cross’ department ACCORD, aims at contributing to fair and efficient refugee status determination procedures by securing easy and fast access to high-quality and up-to-date country of origin information (COI) for all actors involved in asylum cases:







    • Informatie uit uiteenlopende bronnen over vluchtelingen in landen van herkomst:
      Commissariaat-generaal voor de Vluchtelingen en de Staatlozen (CGVS):



    Informatie over luisterboeken, gesproken boeken, brailleboeken, grote letter-edities is verzameld op  en


    Overzichten van in 2014 - 2017 gepubliceerd onderzoek & literatuur zijn te vinden op de website van het Kennisplatform Integratie & Samenleving (KIS):




    Reacties, aanvullingen & correcties m.b.t. dit overzicht zijn zeer welkom.


    © Erik van den Bergh – 31-12-2019


  • 152 levensverhalen - Specially Unknown

    152 levensverhalen van mensen die als vluchteling naar Belgie, Frankrijk, Duitsland en Italie zijn gekomen in de afgelopen 40 jaar. Ontmoet Muna uit Syrie, Paul uit Venezuela en Nasim uit Iran en vele anderen die hun verhaal hebben opgetekend voor Specially Unknown.

  • The daughter of Dilbi - Bent el Dilbi - november in Red Star Line museum Antwerpen

    “The daughter of Dilbi - Bent el Dilbi”

    Verhalen en liederen door Sally Ghannoum (EN & NL) (+15)

    25/11/2019 om 10 en 14 uur & wo 27/11/2019 om 20 uur


    Zangeres en regisseuse Sally Ghannoum verliet Syrië in 2015. Ze vraagt zich nog steeds af wat het land voor haar betekent. Is het slechts een stuk grond of staat het voor meer? Via het symbolische verhaal van de Dilbi-boom vertelt Sally ons hoe ze zich thuis kan voelen. Wanneer ze woorden tekort komt, neemt de Syrische muziek het over van de afwezigheid.  


    Fleeing from your homeland 4 artistic impressions   Are you looking for a starting point to work with your pupils or students on the theme of fleeing? Or do you need a cultural interpretation to get the conversation going? Then come to the Red Star Line Museum next school year. Four artists, who have fled their own country, bring their captivating and personal story in the historical shed of the museum. Afterwards, there is room for an open and in-depth discussion with the artists. All practical information and tickets can be found at here.

  • Oracle of Amsterdam conference

    Oracle of Amsterdam Conference - 28 May 2019 - Tolhuistuin

    Oracle of Amsterdam conference was the grand finale of Specially Unknown.

    This festive and inspiring closure was held 28 June 2019 in Amsterdam.

    It got its name and is inspired by the two “Delphi-es”: the ancient Greek oracle of Delphi and the 20th century Delphi research method. The Greek oracle Pythia based her prophecies and advises about the best courses of action on the whispers from the Gods and from the priests with the “local” knowledge. Delphi Research method is a modern version of this, based on the arguments and recommendations of a “collective intelligence” of the experts from different fields of work.

    Oracle of Amsterdam conference shared the outcomes of the project Specially Unknown - about collecting and sharing life-stories from refugees - and actively engage the participants with the following questions: • How can the stories of the refugees be a part of the cultural heritage of the European cities? • In which ways these stories can be presented to the broader public / audiences? • What is the meaning of cultural participation of refugees? • What are the various roles we - each and all of us – could take in these matters?

    To enable the creative involvement of the participants, Oracle of Amsterdam conference took a form of a temporary oracle space, where the participants became the whisperers, who think, dream and create the whispers for the Oracle of Amsterdam: a desirable, possible, and probable scenarios as the answers to these questions. Conference’s sessions, based on the fragments of the Specially Unknown interviews, artistic works inspired by them and the issues brought up to light by the Delphi research, were meant to motivate participants to create their own ideas, thoughts, visions and plans, to share their ideas as their whispers and in that way become the whisperers themselves.

    More about the conference – its program, first impressions, videos etc, – you can find here..    

  • Esperèr – an isle of hope, a land of stories

    A NEW ISLAND IS BORN IN EUROPE: ITS NAME IS ESPÉRER! THE ONLY WAY TO REACH IT IS THE "CERTIFICATE OF EXISTENCE".   Espérer is an island originated from the rocks of Ventimiglia and the crossroads of many stories. From the ideas of a mustache Norwegian explorer, from the need of an Italian playwright to explain to two girls what borders are, from the stories and interviews made to migrants who live in Italy today, from a book full of drawings ... from all this and much more comes L'Isola di Espèrer. We can all reach it, there is no need for passports, we only ask you to provide the "certificate of existence" and not to "remain inactive in front of the story". Espérer is the story that becomes utopia and will tell us about the future and how small our borders will seem in a few years time. It will be the Teatro delle Forme with the production of The Goodness Factory to bring it on stage in the first stage of a tour that wants to cross Italy from Sicily to the Port of Genoa, in the magnificent setting of the Suq Festival.   You can also be part of this story, subscribe to the registry of Espérer and support the project on:

    Rete Italiana di Cultura Popolare – the Italian Network of Folk Culture, Specially Unknown partner from Turin, is developing a theatrical performance Esperèr – Isle of hope. With Esperèr they want to address the political and social climate in Italy in general, and especially towards immigrants, which worsened significally in the last few months. “People are scared everywhere”, says Ilda Curti, project officer of Specially Unknown “RICP wants to “sensitize” people towards hope with this performance”.   Esperèr is a follow-up of a fantasy story Antonio Damasco, a theatre director and performer, and also director of the RICP, has written inspired by the refugee crisis in 2015. It is about the “rejected”, stuck on a rock between two countries that don’t want them and don’t let them in. At the end, the rock literally separates from the mainland, becomes an island and sales away.   The topic of the new Esperèr is: What’s happened to the isle of Esperèr 35 years later, in 2050? It will be constructed as a feasible utopia: Esperèr has become a land of stories, where people don’t need to have a passport, their story is enough to become a citizen.   This narrative theatre will be based on the fragments from the stories collected during the Specially Unknown project. It will be staged end of May in Torino, in a cultural hub for young people, and also in small towns of Avigliana and Oulx, both at the border with France, both confronted with refugees trying to get into the heart of Europe. It will also play at the Suq festival in Genoa in June 2019.   RICP is starting a crowdfunding campaign for the citizens of 10 Italian cities, to contribute to having this performance in their city. All contributors will be issued a certificate of existence. Not only the contributors, but all who come to a play will get the citizenship of Esperèr, and the certificate of existence.   RICP is working to get a broad support of the idea of Esperèr citizenship - certificate of  existence “I’m a citizen of Esperèr”. If you are interested in becoming a citizen of Esperèr, if you want to get a certificate of existence, and want to know more about this performance, follow the website RICP and this website.  



